Rhody Rumble absolutely rocked last year- I’m excited to attend again with From Start To Finish this year, and with Back To Bass-ics since last year we had to withdraw
I can’t wait for this competition! Seeing how strong the New England circuit is as a whole this year is amazing. I can’t wait to see how Pendleton fits into it. I’m especially excited to see VIBE. I have loved watching their growth throughout the season, but I am most excited to see all the groups supporting each other and everyone just enjoying great show choir.
WEBSITE (includes schedule, ticket link and eventual livestream links): https://hendricken.com/news/lil-rhody-rumble-becomes-largest-show-choir-competition-in-new-england/
FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 2025 Middle School Division
5:30pm - Standing Ovation, Old Sturbridge Academy (MA)
5:55pm - Image, Easton Middle School (MA)
6:20pm - Prestige, Dudley Middle School (MA)
6:45pm - Debut, Tantasqua Regional Junior High School (MA)
7:10pm - Mirage, Charlton Middle School (MA)
7:35pm - South Spirit, Martinsburg South Middle School (WV)
8:00pm - Paramount, Bishop Hendricken High School (RI - HOST)
8:30pm - Middle School Division Awards
SATURDAY, MARCH 15, 2025 Treble/Bass Division
8:00am - Amplify, Somerset Berkley Regional High School (MA)
8:30am - New Edition, Pendleton Heights High School (IN)
9:00am - Soundsations, Lowell High School (MA)
9:30am - Back to BASS-ics, Andover High School (MA)
--10am-10:15am - BREAK--
10:15am - Nothin' But Treble, Andover High School (MA)
10:45am - Emerald Suites, Pendleton Heights High School (IN)
11:15am - Glitter & Gold, Scranton High School (PA)
11:45am - Illusion, Shepherd Hill Regional High School (MA)
12:30pm - Treble/Bass Division Awards
--12:45pm-1:15pm - LUNCH BREAK--
Small Mixed Division
1:15pm - Panache, Oliver Ames High School (MA)
1:45pm - Dynamix, Dartmouth High School (MA)
2:15pm - Ignition, Leominster High School (MA)
2:45pm - First Edition, Scranton High School (PA)
--3:15pm-3:30pm - BREAK--
3:30pm - Legacy, Hillsborough High School (NJ)
4:00pm - Music Express, Waltham High School (MA)
4:30pm - Added Attraction, Pendleton Heights High School (IN)
Large Mixed Division
5:00pm - Sound Impressions, Lowell High School (MA)
5:40pm - Encore!, Tantasqua Regional High School (MA)
--6:20pm-7:00pm - DINNER BREAK--
7:00pm - VIBE, Daniel Hand High School (CT)
7:40pm - From Start to Finish, Andover High School (MA)
8:20pm - Pendletones, Pendleton Heights High School (IN)
9:00pm - Music Unlimited, Waltham High School (MA)
9:40pm - Choral Spectrum, South Windsor High School (CT)
10:20pm - Paramount, Bishop Hendricken High School (RI - HOST)
11:00pm - Small Mixed & Large Mixed Division Awards
Great job to all the groups that performed today!