Middle School Results:
Enterprise Expressions 1st runner up
Auburn Adrenaline 2nd Runner Up
Best Choreo TIE: Clinton and Northwest Rankin
Best Vocals: Clinton
Finals is crazy!!! Guys there are no backdrops, no lights, no props. It's costumes, band - 2002 show choir showdown for finals here at Homewood. Join the live to see this! Proceeds go to Homewood High School Show Choirs!!!
These kids practice these shows hours on end to perfect their shows. Backdrops can be left out, but some props are part of the show. It's simply not possible to just change some things on the fly. The end result will be groups who are not even at this competition will think twice before they attend in the future. JMHO.
I fully understand where your sentiment is coming from, but if an impending tornado is the reason for the decision, then I don't think anyone can fault them for that. We all love show choir - many of us tremendously so - but nothing is more important than the safety of everyone involved. I can't imagine people won't return to this competition because they made that choice.
No worries, I know sometimes the information flow is a little bit all over the place! Someone had previously mentioned it in another reply down below, which is why I commented that "I stand corrected" in this thread - as I, too, thought it would be surprising to hear of such a choice before the tornado was mentioned. All is good. We are a big, national community and there is a lot going on all over the country on show choir weekends! I hope everything turns out well for this event and everyone involved.
I missed the post below, but if the impending weather was that bad ,the other option was to forego finals, and let local people get home, and those from out of town and staying over get to their hotel. It seems that is the direction that many competitions are going anyway, as many have eliminated finals.
While this could also have been the case, I think it's also refreshing to see groups go back to the basics while still allowing them to perform in finals. Many groups practice during class times, or don't want to have a full blown dress rehearsal so they rehearse doing the basics, so it really should not be a big issue. I don't know if there's critiques, but this could be very beneficial to groups who may have made significant changes. This will allow those changes to be showcased. I do understand your sentiment as well. I think they are trying to accommodate as much as possible for all groups and audience members.
Before this gets any more out of hand, let me clarify this all for everyone. Tornado watch is in effect for Homewood. We have only had two touch down in the last 100 years, mostly because Homewood is largely in a valley that tornadoes typically jump. As far as I am aware, Wheaton South and NWR already had hotels and were going to stay here anyways. Petal didn’t, and I believe they have accommodations now.
The decision for finals without backdrops, riser elevations, lights, and screens was from the directors, not Homewood. This was done so that trucks could get mostly loaded before the rain hits and any potentially dangerous weather. Important props like Auburn’s volcano and the pictures that the Petal boys dance with were allowed. The shows themselves did not get any interference from the change, and I would even argue that Oak Mountain and Auburn were better without the risers, panels, and lights.
Last note, everyone cares about safety, and a competition is not worth risking the students’ health and wellbeing. That’s why the call was made. Safety first.
It never was out of hand. Post were simply made based on the information that was known.
I amended mine when I saw the full reason for the changes. That said, I stand by my last post, if the weather was that bad there was another option. I need to leave it at that.
There are definitely penalties for doing so, usually in the form of losing points. I do think that they are fairly lenient with it - so long as the delays are not too substantial.
No stage set up between groups is what a family member who is there has reported.. might be an advantage for groups who don’t have an elaborate set up.
Enterprise Expressions 1st runner up
Auburn Adrenaline 2nd Runner Up
Best Choreo TIE: Clinton and Northwest Rankin
Best Vocals: Clinton