Judges: Mike Esser, Adam Peters, Reid Larsen, Jake Jackson, Debora Utley and Daniel Greco
Schedule: Exhibition Performances
8:25 Waconia MS "The Pulse"
8:50 Waconia MS "Shockwave"
9:15 Bloomington Kennedy "Blue and Gold Velvet" (listed as mixed on the schedule, I could not find any info about this choir on the Kennedy website.)
Prep Division
9:50 Millard North "Intensity"
10:15 Aberdeen Central "Special Request"
10:40 St. Francis "Prima Voce"
11:05 Millard North "Illumination"
11:30 Bemidji "La Voce Ballo"
Small Mixed Division
11:55 Waseca "State Street Singers"
12:20 Benton Community "Celebration Co."
Open Division
1:45 Aberdeen Central "Eagle Express"
2:15 Neenah "Vintage"
2:45 Millard North "Infinity"
3:25 St. Francis "Bridge Street Singers"
3:55 Bloomington Kennedy "Rhythm in Gold"
4:25 Bemidji "Vocalmotive"
4:55 Waconia "The Current" exhibition/awards to follow
7:00-10:30 finalists perform (6 finalists)
10:30 Waconia "Power Company" exhibition/awards to follow