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 Show Choir Community    Events    2022 Season    De Pere Destination De Pere: Let's Jam! 2022
Event Info

February 5th, 2022
Venue Info
De Pere High School
1700 Chicago St.
De Pere, WI 54115
Phone: (920) 337-1020
Event Details
Number of Attending Choirs:
12 Mixed Groups
3 Treble Groups
3 Middle School Groups
Event Hosts:
De Pere "Jam Session"
De Pere "Chicago Street Singers"
Event Judges:
Andrew Cao (critique)
Anita Cracauer (band critique)
Matthew Endres (band)
Jennifer Gulsvig Dunn (critique)
Raquel Lopez (MS critique)
Evan Marlowe (band critique)
Sarah Parks (vocal)
Greg Pragel (choreo)
Kathryn Skemp Moran (vocal)
Jonathan Ulrich (choreo)
Adult Daytime/Finals $15
Adult All-Day $20
Student/Senior All-Day $10
Children 5 and under free
De Pere Destination De Pere: Let's Jam! 2022

Event Site
Live Stream

Executive Session
Sauk Prairie High School
Grand Champion
Best Vocals
Best Choreography
Best Female Soloist (Malea Niesen)

Neenah High School
First Runner Up
Best Band

Center Stage
Preble High School
Second Runner Up
Best Costumes

Hamilton High School
3rd Runner Up
Best Male Soloist (Nick Mitchell)

New London High School
4th Runner Up
Spirit Award
People's Choice

Rhapsody in Red
Green Bay East High School
5th Runner Up

Mixed Division (Prelims) Show
Prep Division

Sauk Prairie High School
First Place
Best Vocals
Best Choreography
Best Band

Act II
Neenah High School
Second Place

Preble High School
Third Place

Midwest Magic
Holmen High School
4th Place

Ashwaubenon High School
5th Place

Middle School Division
Groups in order of performance
Leonardo Da Vinci School For Gifted Learners
Exhibition Only
Rockin' Redbirds
De Pere Middle School
Exhibition Only
Sussex Street Swing
Red Smith Middle School
Exhibition Only
Attending Members displaying 6 of 14 members (view all)
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goinggray on Feb 6, 2022, 10:39 AM
Post #18
Way to go, Green Bay East! I know it's been a minute since you've broken down the finals wall, and I'm so proud of you!!!! Well done guys. Much love, Damon

odie on Feb 6, 2022, 9:46 PM
Post #22
Thank you so much!!

vintageschr8r on Feb 6, 2022, 10:49 AM (Edited)
Post #19
There is such a rich history of show choir competitions in DePere dating back to the 70s. It is beyond cool that DePere continues to be a “destination” the first weekend in February with DePere High School carrying the mantle. It is especially heartening to see the schools that attended DePere competitions in the past return: Sauk, Neenah, Preble, Holmen, GB East, New London, and others to reappear on the performance rosters giving opportunity to NE Wisconsin schools to share their music and shine on a cold winter day in Wisconsin (complete with Jonathan Ulrich on the judge’s panel)! This amateur Wisconsin show choir historian is delighted to see this thread continue. Long live.

Will. on Feb 6, 2022, 2:27 PM
Post #20
I think you'll be happy to hear that Mr. Vine did make it out to watch some shows yesterday. It truly was a full-circle moment for a lot of people yesterday

vintageschr8r on Feb 6, 2022, 2:36 PM
Post #21
Oh wow! That is the best! His wife is a St. Norbert alum, and I suspect that she had much to do with Neenah’s attendance at DePere events.

Will. on Feb 6, 2022, 3:59 AM
Post #17
Adjudicators for yesterday were:
Sarah Parks (vocal)
Kathryn Skemp Moran (vocal)
Jonathan Ulrich (visual)
Greg Pragel (visual)
Matt Endres (band)
Jennifer Gulsvig (critique)
Andrew Cao (critique)
Anita Cracauer (band critique)
Evan Marlowe (band critique)
Raquel Lopez (middle school critique)

Will. on Feb 6, 2022, 12:35 AM
Post #16
GC: Sauk (Vocals, Visuals)
1RU: Neenah (Band)
2RU: Preble
3RU: Hamilton
4RU: New London
5RU: Green Bay East

Will. on Feb 5, 2022, 8:43 PM (Edited)
Post #15
Finalists (perf order):
New London
GB East
Best Crew: Southwest
Spirit Award: New London
Best Male Soloist: Nick Mitchell, Synergy
Best Female Soloist: Malia Niessen, Exec
Best Costumes: Preble Center Stage
People’s Choice: New London
Best Band: ??? (Missed it)

Prep 1RU: Act II
Prep 2RU: Rendezvous
Prep Vocals: YTBN
Prep Choreo: YTBN
Prep Band: YTBN


Wildcat88 on Feb 5, 2022, 5:02 PM
Post #13
Sorry for the confusion. The womens division times switched up. With the craziness of competition day, we weren’t able to update the website or Other than the womens division times this morning, all the times are still accurate.


Stoap on Feb 5, 2022, 6:53 PM
Post #14
Thank you.


Stoap on Feb 5, 2022, 2:48 PM
Post #8
The schedule on this page is NOT the schedule that the event is following. We found out the hard way. We relied on this schedule, but at the event they have a completely different schedule that they are working from. We missed our daughter’s performance because the schedule at the event had her school an hour earlier than this schedule.

Jeff. on Feb 5, 2022, 2:57 PM (Edited)
Post #9
The schedule we have posted above is the same schedule posted on De Pere's website. Ultimately, things change on the day of the event and you have to be flexible and grant grace. That's showbiz. Putting on an event of this scale amidst a pandemic, winter storms, and various other factors is no small feat. If it is any consolation, it appears that De Pere's live stream is a YouTube stream that allows you to rewind.


Stoap on Feb 5, 2022, 4:20 PM
Post #10
Jeff, the vibe of your comment makes me think that you missed the point.

The ONLY thing that matters at this point is that other parents don't rely on this schedule, and don't miss their child's performance. That's it.

Posting a schedule sets expectations - at least roughly.
Moving a team up by an hour means that parents like me miss performances.

I'll briefly comment on a few other things you said. I am not doing this to be argumentative, but I want to let you know why some of the deflections and excuses are not relevant.
First, if this schedule is copied and pasted from De Pere's website doesn't make it better, it just means it's wrong in two places.
I have no idea why you brought up winter storms , there is no storm here.
Last, we are 2 years into the pandemic, and we are all used to dealing with it now. It had no discernable effect at the event, other than about half the people wore masks.

Best wishes

Jeff. on Feb 5, 2022, 4:51 PM
Post #11
The vibe of your comments make me think you may be new to show choir. It appears there was a late change to the De Pere schedule. This change was that Sauk Prairie YTBN and Holmen Midwest Magic were each pushed back a half hour and Preble Rendezvous was moved up an hour. The performance times for the other 15 participating choirs remained the same. This actually happens relatively often in the show choir world, so welcome to the fun we have in tracking it all down! Contrary to popular belief, we do not have Staff on the ground at every show choir event happening nationwide (there are 21! this weekend alone). Perhaps your director/student could've relayed this information to you? Surely they were aware of the time change, although I'm sure completely busy in prepping for their new performance time. This kind of stuff happens. Wish you well in catching your choir's future performances.


TaylahM on Feb 5, 2022, 10:36 AM
Post #6
Anyone know how to get to there live stream cuz it takes me to there's Facebook page and there website has the link but that takes me right back to there Facebook page.???????????

Will. on Feb 5, 2022, 10:57 AM
Post #7
Late change to YouTube:


Wildcat88 on Jan 17, 2022, 9:21 PM
Post #5
Edit: Student/Senior all day $10

Will. on Jan 4, 2022, 10:42 PM (Edited)
Post #2
Tickets: Adult Daytime/Finals $15, Adult All-Day $20, Student/Senior All-Day $5, children 5 and under free

Livestream link: choircomp/

Prep Division
8:30 Ashwaubenon "Encore"
9:00 Neenah "Act II"

Womens Division
10:15 Sauk Prairie "YTBN"
10:45 Holmen "Midwest Magic"
11:15 Preble "Rendezvous"

Middle School Division (might be exhibition, might not, schedule doesn't say)
9:30 Leonardo Da Vinci School for Gifted Learners "Dynamix"
11:45 De Pere MS "Rockin' Redbirds"
12:15 Red Smith "Sussex Street Swing"

Mixed Division
12:45 New London "Vision"
1:15 Plymouth "Momentum"
1:45 Parkview "Pizzaz"
2:30 Green Bay Southwest "Spotlight Singers"
3:00 Neenah "Vintage"
3:30 Green Bay East "Rhapsody in Red"
4:00 Hamilton "Synergy"
4:30 Preble "Center Stage"
5:00 Sauk Prairie "Executive Session"
5:30 Holmen "Midwest Express"

6:00 De Pere "Chicago Street Singers" exhibition/awards to follow
7:30-10:00 Finals (I believe six finalists but the schedule doesn't say)
10:00 De Pere "Jam Session" exhibition/awards to follow


kjflogel on Jan 5, 2022, 3:03 PM
Post #3
middle schools are exhibition


sonyabean23 on Jan 10, 2022, 9:15 AM
Post #4
The middle schools are exhibition. Prep/Single-Gender divisions are combined due to the number of schools.

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