Grand Champion: Rave Revue
Best Vocals: Rave Revue
Best Choreography: Rave Revue
Best Band: Rave Revue
Best Show Design: Rave Revue
Best Female Soloist: Rave Revue (Sasha Tackett)
This competition was rescheduled to this upcoming weekend. The schedule has been posted above. It primarily features the eastern WV groups and a show choir from Maryland. So that's cool!
Last Year (2013) it was held on the same weekend as Powhatan's competition so the New Director at Martinsburg did not cancel it. I should know something soon, but the directors I talked to didn't receive any info on this years competition... any West VAers know?
I use to hear about it, but not sure if they still have it after their director retired? Thomas Dale, Midlothian and Manchester were some of the VA groups I know that attended in the past as well as Winston Churchill from Maryland... I'll try and find out for ya.
Does anyone have any information about Martinsburg's competition? It doesn't seem like we've ever had it listed on the site, but I know they host one and I'm surprised no one has ever brought it up.
This is a rallying cry to the East Coasters out there - help us represent you better!