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 Show Choir Community    Events    2010 Season    Purvis Show Choir Invitational 2010
Event Info

February 26th-27th, 2010
Venue Info
Purvis High School
220 School St.
Purvis, MS 39475
Phone: (601) 794-6221
Event Details
Number of Attending Choirs:
11 Mixed Groups
1 Treble Group
6 Middle School Groups
Event Hosts:
Purvis "Velocity"
Event Judges:
Angie Fletcher
Jonathan Kilgore
Mark Malone
Danielle Robinson
Linda Smith
LaDona Tyson
Prelims: $5
Finals: $8
Purvis Show Choir Invitational 2010

Event Site
Live Stream

Middle School Division - Tier I
Center Stage
West Jones Middle School
Middle School Division - Tier II

Oak Grove Middle School
First Place

New Edition
Pearl River Central Middle School
Second Place

Tiger Encores
N.R. Burger Middle School
Third Place

Middle School Division - Tier III

One Life
Clinton Christian Academy
First Place

Dixie On Stage
Dixie Attendance Center
Second Place

Baxterville School
Third Place


Jackson Preparatory School
Grand Champion
Best Vocals
Best Choreography
Best Spirit
Best Overall Show

Sumrall High School
First Runner Up
Best Combo

Columbia Academy
Second Runner Up

Grenada High School
3rd Runner Up

Central Attraction
Pearl River Central High School
4th Runner Up

Mixed Division - Tier I (Prelims) Show
Mixed Division - Tier II (Prelims) Show
Mixed Division - Tier III (Prelims) Show
Treble Division
Girls! Girls! Girls!
Picayune Memorial High School
Attending Members displaying 6 of 9 members (view all)
42 comments • Sort by

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love 2 sing on Mar 1, 2010, 11:51 PM
Post #43
Big thanks to Purvis for hosting a great competition!!!! We had soooo much fun and were so excited about making finals. We definately enjoyed it. Congrats to All the groups. I'm sooo excited for West Jones next weekend hope to see yall there!


Legacymom1 on Feb 28, 2010, 11:31 PM
Post #42
Thanks to Purvis for hosting a great competition!!! Sumrall Legacy was so proud to be there and make finals for the first time!! Thanks Mike for all the wonderful comments. They are much appreciated. We enjoyed watching WC show again!

Scotty on Feb 28, 2010, 5:17 PM
Post #41
Congratulations everyone!!!

mike_xtreme91 on Feb 28, 2010, 4:09 PM
Post #40
Congrats to all!!!!


Sadly, no. All of the finalist certainly deserved to be there! While this is the best year and group that Wayne County has ever had, we are not the only ones who stepped it up a notch. I am extremely proud for the groups who made finals and offer a huge congratulations for their hard work!


sorcerer465 on Feb 28, 2010, 2:41 PM
Post #39
No, Clint decided not to at this competition.

ok thanks


kdubby2 on Feb 28, 2010, 2:23 PM
Post #38
No, Clint decided not to at this competition.


sorcerer465 on Feb 28, 2010, 2:06 PM
Post #37
did Clint from Jackson Prep not do solo competition??


derekhotboi on Feb 28, 2010, 2:03 PM
Post #36
Congrats to all!!!!



arbelindabay on Feb 28, 2010, 12:36 PM
Post #35
Congrats to jackson prep on the win and taking a majorty of the captions! Summral wow didn't know yall had a show choir but yall made a statement by placing so high in finals good luck to all competing groups next week at west and where ever else yall go!

wj_imagination on Feb 28, 2010, 11:46 AM
Post #34
Glad things went smoothly at Purvis! I am also very proud of Sumrall!

mike_xtreme91 on Feb 28, 2010, 11:13 AM (Edited)
Post #33
Congrats to all groups!
All groups did extremely well!

Sumrall- I am extremely proud of you. You have shown the entire show choir world that being a first year small group is not a disadvantage. You guys have hit the competition ground running. I was talking with some Sumrall parents yesterday, and like I told them, I cannot wait to see Sumrall in 5 years after the program has grown even more. We will be seeing them in finals giving Petal and the Joneses some heavy competition.

Jackson Prep- I'm so glad that you guys had a great day. It was the highlight of my day getting to watch you guys.

Columbia Academy- Congratulations on improving soooo much since South Jones this year. It was like watching a totally different show. I thoroughly enjoyed it. You guys have come so far since the first time I saw you in 2007. I enjoy watching a choir program that continues to improve and work hard. And thank you sooo much for being so supportive of Wayne County while we were performing.

Ms. Knight, Velocity, and the Purvis parents: Thank you so much for yesterday. This is absolutely my favorite competition of all time. If everyone competition could be run as efficiently and smoothly as this one, the show choir world would be a better place. Everyone on staff was the nicest and most helpful of any contest staff I have worked with. Also, major props to the sound crew! This has been the FIRST competition this year that our choir has had zero difficulty hearing our piano and combo. My mom is in our band, and she could not stop talking about how great it was being able to hear the choir clearly.
Purvis, thank you so much for the best competition of my senior year.


Directoroflegacy on Feb 28, 2010, 9:47 AM
Post #32

Grand Champion - Jackson Prep
1st RU - Sumrall
2nd RU - Columbia Academy
3rd RU - Grenada
4th RU - Pearl River Central

Spirit Award - Jackson Prep
Best Choreography - Jackson Prep
Best Vocals - Jackson Prep
Best Overall Show - Jackson Prep
Best Student Combo Band - Sumrall

Grand Champion Soloist - Justin Duckworth - Sumrall


kdubby2 on Feb 28, 2010, 4:49 AM
Post #31
Grand Champion: Jackson Prep

love 2 sing on Feb 28, 2010, 3:13 AM
Post #30
Anyone know final awards for this yet?

GC: Jackson Prep
1st RU:Sumrall
2nd RU:Columbia Academy
3rd RU:Grenada
4th Ru: Pearl River Central

andybearden on Feb 28, 2010, 2:02 AM
Post #29
Anyone know final awards for this yet?

singitout on Feb 27, 2010, 7:39 PM
Post #28
Prelim Awards

1st-Picayune Tidal Rave

Class A
1st-Sumrall Legacy
2nd-Wayne County Orange Sensations
3rd-Lumberton A Touch of Class

Class AA
1st-Columbia Academy
3rd-Pearl River Central

Class AAA
1st-Jackson Prep

Columbia Academy
Pearl River Central
Jackson Prep

singitout on Feb 27, 2010, 10:15 AM
Post #27
Middle School Results

Class A Middle School

1st-Clinton Christian
2nd-Dixie Attendence
3rd Baxterville

Class AA

1st-Oak Grove
2nd-Pearl River Central
3rd-N.R. Burger

Class AAA

1st-West Jones

Congrats to All Who Participated!!!!

singitout on Feb 25, 2010, 11:45 PM
Post #26
I cannot wait! This was one of the most fun competitions I've ever been to. It is so well organized and the Purvis people are sooo great to work with. The emcee last year was hilarious, the backstage folks were extremely helpful, and Ms. Knight is such a great hostess.

The judges are great! Dr. Kilgore was so nice and helpful at PRCC.

2 days!!!

Thanks for the nice words! We are so excited about this year. I set-up the trophy table tonight and was trying to decide who would take home what.

mike_xtreme91 on Feb 25, 2010, 6:25 PM
Post #24
I cannot wait! This was one of the most fun competitions I've ever been to. It is so well organized and the Purvis people are sooo great to work with. The emcee last year was hilarious, the backstage folks were extremely helpful, and Ms. Knight is such a great hostess.

The judges are great! Dr. Kilgore was so nice and helpful at PRCC.

2 days!!!

singitout on Feb 24, 2010, 10:28 PM
Post #23
Judges are going to be Danielle Robinson, Linda Smith, Angie Fletcher, LaDonna Tyson, Jonathon Kilgore, and Mark Malone.

Tickets Friday $5
Saturday Prelims $5
Saturday Finals $8

ProCat will be there making videos of the performances.

We are so excited about this years competition and can't wait to see all the groups and have a good time!!!

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