Thanks to everybody for another great year and another great competition. Kinda sad that many of the groups could not show up to compete because of the weather but overall it was fun and entertaining with many good groups competing. Thanks again and I hope to come back and watch the competition next year... from the audience...
Omaha Westside ATSC took Grand champions!! & Papillion came in 1st runner-up. Omaha Westside's prep and girl's both made finals and girls took 5th runner-up, prep 4th runner-up. That's all I know.
I will be heading to LC around noon if anyone wants to hang out and meet up there get ahold of me either in a personal message or email me or something.
Also at least 2 of the judges won't be able to make it since they live in Cedar Rapids. The directors at Lewis Central have found replacement judges from here in the metro and they are credible judges who both judge frequently.
They are going to try and reschedule tonight if possible. I don't know til when but they are going to try. I will keep you up to date with what I know. Everyone be safe tomorrow while traveling and good luck to everyone.
Lewis Central Invite for Friday March 2, 2007 has been cancelled due to to many groups dropping from the JV Division. It is still scheduled to go on tomorrow. Please feel free to contact me with any questions.
Yea, no one in the area has school. I really hope everyone can make it because we spent a lot of time in choir working on stuff. And 2 weekends in a row of being cancelled would suck really bad.