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Event Info

January 12th, 2008
Venue Info
Marysville High School
800 Amrine Mill Road
Marysville, OH 43040
Phone: (937) 642-0010
Event Details
Number of Attending Choirs:
14 Mixed Groups
1 Treble Group
Event Hosts:
Marysville "Swingers Unlimited"
Bunsold "Mini Swingers"
Event Judges:
Ticket prices unknown.
Marysville Showcase 2008

Event Site
Live Stream

Fairfield Senior High School
Grand Champion
Best Vocals
Best Band
People's Choice

Great Expectations
Twinsburg High School
First Runner Up
Best Choreography
Best Show Concept
Best Dressed Director
Best Citizenship

The Company
Piqua High School
Second Runner Up
Best Male Soloist (Ryan Mouser)

Olentangy High School
3rd Runner Up

Prominent Rendition
Teays Valley High School
4th Runner Up
Best Costumes

Music Express
Garfield Heights High School
5th Runner Up

Mixed Division - Tier I (Prelims) Show
Mixed Division - Tier II (Prelims) Show
Mixed Division - Tier III

Visual Volume
Poca High School
First Place
Best Female Soloist (Heather Gatens)

Music Company
River Valley High School
Second Place

New Addition
River Valley High School
No Placement

Lehman Catholic High School
No Placement

All Star Show Choir
ARTS Resources Group
No Placement

Attending Members
No members signed up for this event.
211 comments • Sort by

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Rian on Jan 12, 2008, 7:00 PM
Post #91
I know Mville's running behind so I wouldn't expect much for anouther 30 mins or so....

pumpitup07 on Jan 12, 2008, 6:46 PM
Post #90
we should know in the next 30 min or so

SteffahnMaclin on Jan 12, 2008, 6:16 PM
Post #89
does anyone know hows it going

Rian on Jan 12, 2008, 1:36 AM
Post #88
Brett Olentangy is choreographed by Andy as well... just saying


pocavvbass10 on Jan 12, 2008, 12:03 AM
Post #87
wow, olentangy taking a higher position than piqua (who beat findlay earlier this season) and teays valley (who also grabbed a GC already)? i guess it could happen, but personally, i don't see it, though i havn't seen any shows other than some of teays' and my old school's (poca)

Shoegazer29 on Jan 11, 2008, 12:38 AM
Post #86
my my, someone is a confident carl.

i never posted formal predictions, i only posted my agreement with someone else's, but now i think i'll add my guesses to the mix.

GC- Fairfield
1RU- Twinsburg
2RU- Olentangy
3RU- Piqua
4RU- Teays Valley
5RU- Garfield Heights

Vocals- Fairfield/Twinsburg
Choreo- Fairfield
Band- Fairfield

i am very excited to be attending this competition on Saturday, and i look forward to possibly meeting some new faces. oh, and please excuse the dust at the high school. additions are currently under construction so issues like parking might be a little more confusing than in year's past.

KEVDOUG on Jan 11, 2008, 12:38 AM
Post #85
QUOTE(adaweasel @ Jan 10 2008, 11:26 PM) 411122
Sorry but LC is not making finals, as good as you may see them, I think Twinsburg, Piqua, Teays, Olentangy, Fairfield and garfield are all locks.. No, I will go out and say they ARE LOCKS!!!

The only groups that might make a case is Poca or Solon...

But this is not the year for smaller groups unfortunately...

Don't count your chickens. You never know. Olentangy made a big stride last year as well as Garfield Heights. I have no clue how LC is this year but I look for them to do well. How do you know this isn't the year for smaller groups? The season hasn't really started. But I think the fight for that 6th spot in finals will be almost as close as the one for GC.


osuchoreo on Jan 11, 2008, 12:26 AM
Post #84
Sorry but LC is not making finals, as good as you may see them, I think Twinsburg, Piqua, Teays, Olentangy, Fairfield and garfield are all locks.. No, I will go out and say they ARE LOCKS!!!

The only groups that might make a case is Poca or Solon...

But this is not the year for smaller groups unfortunately...

KEVDOUG on Jan 10, 2008, 7:43 PM
Post #83
QUOTE(limelighter @ Jan 10 2008, 06:36 PM) 411085
hey thanks! that's the first time i've seen Lehman's name mentioned!

I have to say that I saw LC 2 years ago at Marysville and I loved the show. I think for a smaller group you guys have great talent. This is a tough comp. but LC I think has the potential to sneak into finals. Good Luck Limelighters!


limelighter'08 on Jan 10, 2008, 7:36 PM
Post #82
QUOTE(KEVDOUG @ Jan 9 2008, 04:45 PM) 410966
I LOVE how you broke this down. Way to support your placings!

I do disagree with some of the placings though. Findlay has been choreographed by Andy Haines for some time now I'm thinking 10 plus years so I wouldn't say it's a new flagship group. Also I believe comparing Teays and Findlay is a little unrealistic. Teays Valley is a little different than most "Andy Groups" Findlay does many old broadway tunes with very few modern hits. Last year for example their closer was "42 Street" and Teays Valley's was "Who Loves You?" Teays Valley and Findlay though may have a few similar aspects because of having the same choreographer is a different group. Findlay is like an "old school" show choir and Teays is more modern, another example Teays does tunes like Renagade and Space Cowboy. That's not Findlay at all. Another point to make is Olentangy is also being choreographed by Andy. Who knows what that will bring? Possibly a GC contender?!?

Also, having a new director does affect a group the first year and even the second year but I do believe that this group is unaffected by that this year. Last year we had a hard time with that. The kids show nothing but respect for Mr. Farrell and the staff this year. With so much influence by Mr. Crandall, last years group had a hard time with that. This years group has had very little influence by Mr. Crandall. Only 2 members had been in the group with Mr. C. for more than a year. So this is a group to watch out for.

Personally I feel Fairfield has a great shot at GC. But with Piqua, Twinsburg, Teays, Olentangy, and Garfield Heights. Fairfield can't back down. All 6 groups won at least 1 GC last year. ( I think) And Teays, Piqua, and Fairfield have all been GC this year. This is about as close as you can get to a State Competition for Ohio.

I think most likely the finalists will include- Piqua, Fairfield, Twinsburg, Teays Valley, Olentangy, Garfield Heights

Others that could eaisly make it-Solon, ETC and Lehman Catholic

I will be there I am very excited to see this Comp. and to see Marysville! (Go Swingers Go!) Good Luck to everyone!

hey thanks! that's the first time i've seen Lehman's name mentioned!


limelighter'08 on Jan 10, 2008, 7:32 PM
Post #81
QUOTE(evanzimm @ Dec 4 2007, 07:54 AM) 408806
any Lehman Catholic kids on here? I'm your host!

heyyy Evan!! I'm from Lehman....I'm psyched that you're our host!!! Guess I'll be seeing ya in a couple days


katestir12 on Jan 10, 2008, 5:46 PM
Post #80
This will be the ARTS All-Star Show Choir's first EVER competition! What a big one to start our career at, huh? The kids are so excited and so are my fellow directors and I! I can't wait to see all the amazing groups this weekend and good luck to everyone!


ShwChoir8907 on Jan 10, 2008, 2:56 AM
Post #79
Wow. this was amazing. I loved how he broke it down and explained what he thought would happen. Way to go Adaweasel. This is just going to be a great competition with a lot of surprises I feel. Im so excited for it. Only Two more days!

pumpitup07 on Jan 10, 2008, 12:21 AM
Post #78
QUOTE(Bwayman417 @ Jan 9 2008, 06:42 PM) 410959
9:25-9:50 River Valley "New Addition"
9:50-10:15 Ross "Rhythm and Motion"
10:15-10:40 Lehman Catholic "Limelighters"
10:40-10:50 Break
10:50-11:15 River Valley "Music Company"
11:15-11:40 Central Crossing "Excelsior"
11:40-12:05 ARTS "All Star Show Choir"
12:05-1:05 Lunch
1:05-1:30 Teays Valley "Prominent Rendition"
1:30-1:55 Olentangy "Keynotes"
1:55-2:20 Garfield Heights "Music Express"
2:20-2:45 Piqua "The Company"
2:45-3:10 Solon "Music in Motion"
3:10-3:20 Break
3:20-3:45 Walsh Jesuit "Harmony Gold"
3:45-4:10 Twinsburg "Great Expectations"
4:10-4:35 Poca "Visual Volume"
4:35-5:00 Fairfield "Choraliers"
5:00-5:25 Marysville "Mini Swingers"
5:25-5:45 Marysville "Swingers Unlimited"
5:45-6:15 Awards
6:15-7:30 Dinner
7:30-10:30 Finals (with solo finalists in between)
10:30 Awards

hope that helps!

WOW! That 1:55 set is friggin LOADED!!! I wish i was coming down to see this competition now, just for that part of the competition. unfortunately, i have to move my stuff to my new dorm =<

KEVDOUG on Jan 9, 2008, 8:45 PM
Post #77
QUOTE(adaweasel @ Jan 8 2008, 05:44 PM) 410818
Here are my predictions for the competition.... A lot different from everyone else, but I am usually right... lol... no but seriously... I'm going to predict day and finals seperately

Day Results:
5th runner up: Garfield Heights- They are improved from what I hear, they dance harder and vocals are better than last years... A very good start to the year, in a very hostile environment... Will contend in finals for 4th and 5th place..

4th runner up: Teays Valley- Now most people had Teays in their top 3 or top 4... But after seeing some of Andy's choreography with his new ohio flagship group (Findlay), and still under a new director, I think they are good enough to make finals, but not compete for the big hardware.. This group could finish

3rd runner up: Olentangy- This is a group that is 2-3 years away from being a big powerhouse in Ohio... They keep on getting better and better and will be a group to reckon with this year..

2nd runner up: Fairfield- Now many people have Fairfield winning this competition, but I don't think its going to happen.. Reputation can only take you so far, and with 2 great groups in front of them, I'm not sure they can do it... But this is a competition where the Top 3 could completely shift and i see that happening, but in day I think they will finish 3rd....

1st runner up: Piqua- This is a really solid group this year... After winning Music Feast this is a group that is going to be even better.. They were solid on choreography, nothing spectacular but super clean.... Their vocals are suprisingly the best that they have ever been... Their is no real big weakness to this group other than the fact that they really have no wow factor.. But if everyone that saw them at Music Feast knows, they didn't win the competition with their whole show.. They might have something up their sleeves...

GC: Twinsburg- I think that Nancy will have this group mentally prepared for the daytime, with clean choreography and solid vocals... They will not be the typical early January Twinsburg that struggles, she wants to end her career with stellar effort... But unfortunately I think that it will get to their heads going into finals and they will lose a lot of steam vocally, and may not be able to hold onto their grand championship in finals....

Best Vocals: Piqua
Best Choreography: Twinsburg
Best Band: Fairfield

Evening Finals

5th runner up: Teays Valley- I don't know if this group would be able to recover from a disappointing day performance, I think ultimately their vocals will be their worst enemy in finals..

4th runner up: Garfield Heights- They will perform very well in finals and even get close to taking 4th place, but will come up just short...

3rd runner up: Olentangy- The group will be consistent once again in finals but the difference between 4th and 5th will be a lot slimmer..

2nd runner up: Twinsburg- I feel like they will collapse under the pressure and have trouble with their vocals in finals, their choreography will be solid, but with vocals takin almost half the scoresheet this year, it won't be enough...

1st runner up: Piqua- I think that they are so solid that their is no way that they drop, but having no WOW factor hurts them in the long run... I don't think they will dance as hard as Fairfield but they will out sing them barely... I think that their vocals will be really strong, but the choreography will be 3rd or 4th....

GC: Fairfield- I think they are too good in finals to let themselves lose in finals... I don't think that they will best vocals or best choreography... But they will get 2nd place in both categories and dominate band scores that it will be just consistent enough to take home the hardware in a very slim fashion... I say they win by 5-7 points tops.. It may even come down to 2-3 points...

Best Vocals: Piqua
Best Choreography: Twinsburg
Best Band: Fairfield

This is going to be a very exciting competition with ups and downs.. And one of the biggest sways in scoring from day to finals in the history of ohio show choir competitions will occur.. Brace yourselves because anyone of these 3 groups could win this thing.....

I LOVE how you broke this down. Way to support your placings!

I do disagree with some of the placings though. Findlay has been choreographed by Andy Haines for some time now I'm thinking 10 plus years so I wouldn't say it's a new flagship group. Also I believe comparing Teays and Findlay is a little unrealistic. Teays Valley is a little different than most "Andy Groups" Findlay does many old broadway tunes with very few modern hits. Last year for example their closer was "42 Street" and Teays Valley's was "Who Loves You?" Teays Valley and Findlay though may have a few similar aspects because of having the same choreographer is a different group. Findlay is like an "old school" show choir and Teays is more modern, another example Teays does tunes like Renagade and Space Cowboy. That's not Findlay at all. Another point to make is Olentangy is also being choreographed by Andy. Who knows what that will bring? Possibly a GC contender?!?

Also, having a new director does affect a group the first year and even the second year but I do believe that this group is unaffected by that this year. Last year we had a hard time with that. The kids show nothing but respect for Mr. Farrell and the staff this year. With so much influence by Mr. Crandall, last years group had a hard time with that. This years group has had very little influence by Mr. Crandall. Only 2 members had been in the group with Mr. C. for more than a year. So this is a group to watch out for.

Personally I feel Fairfield has a great shot at GC. But with Piqua, Twinsburg, Teays, Olentangy, and Garfield Heights. Fairfield can't back down. All 6 groups won at least 1 GC last year. ( I think) And Teays, Piqua, and Fairfield have all been GC this year. This is about as close as you can get to a State Competition for Ohio.

I think most likely the finalists will include- Piqua, Fairfield, Twinsburg, Teays Valley, Olentangy, Garfield Heights

Others that could eaisly make it-Solon, ETC and Lehman Catholic

I will be there I am very excited to see this Comp. and to see Marysville! (Go Swingers Go!) Good Luck to everyone!


TomboCombo on Jan 9, 2008, 7:42 PM
Post #76
9:25-9:50 River Valley "New Addition"
9:50-10:15 Ross "Rhythm and Motion"
10:15-10:40 Lehman Catholic "Limelighters"
10:40-10:50 Break
10:50-11:15 River Valley "Music Company"
11:15-11:40 Central Crossing "Excelsior"
11:40-12:05 ARTS "All Star Show Choir"
12:05-1:05 Lunch
1:05-1:30 Teays Valley "Prominent Rendition"
1:30-1:55 Olentangy "Keynotes"
1:55-2:20 Garfield Heights "Music Express"
2:20-2:45 Piqua "The Company"
2:45-3:10 Solon "Music in Motion"
3:10-3:20 Break
3:20-3:45 Walsh Jesuit "Harmony Gold"
3:45-4:10 Twinsburg "Great Expectations"
4:10-4:35 Poca "Visual Volume"
4:35-5:00 Fairfield "Choraliers"
5:00-5:25 Marysville "Mini Swingers"
5:25-5:45 Marysville "Swingers Unlimited"
5:45-6:15 Awards
6:15-7:30 Dinner
7:30-10:30 Finals (with solo finalists in between)
10:30 Awards

hope that helps!

Walsh on Jan 9, 2008, 5:05 PM
Post #75
I really wish I could go....stupid job...

Get_Ready0203 on Jan 9, 2008, 3:02 PM
Post #74
anyone know the schedule yet?

pumpitup07 on Jan 9, 2008, 2:31 AM
Post #73
I'd like to change my predictions after hearing about all the groups and getting some feedback from some people about changes and whatever else the groups have been up to.

GC- Twinsburg
1RU- Fairfield
2RU- Piqua
3RU- Teays Valley
4RU- Olentangy
5RU- Solon

Vocals- Twinsburg
Choreo- Twinsburg
Combo- Fairfield

Yuri on Jan 9, 2008, 1:22 AM
Post #72
Just so you know. This is Twinsburgs BEST vocal year, by far. I wouldn't be surprised if they won Best Vocals.

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