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  Show Choir Community    Events    2005 Season    North Central Metropolitan Interscholastic Conference Choral Competition 2005

Event Info

March 19th, 2005

Venue Info

North Central High School
1801 E. 86th Street
Indianapolis, IN 46240

Phone: (317)259-5301

Event Details

No. of Attending Choirs:

  8 Mixed Groups
  5 Treble Groups


  North Central "Counterpoints"
  North Central "Descants"

Judges: Unknown


Ticket prices unknown.


North Central Metropolitan Interscholastic Conference Choral Competition 2005

Event Site
Live Stream


Groups in order of placement

 Fairfield Senior High School
Grand Champion 
Best Vocals 

 Ben Davis High School
First Runner Up 
Best Costumes 

 Spotlight Singers & Company
 Brownsburg High School
Second Runner Up 

 Central Sound
 Lawrence Central High School
3rd Runner Up 

 New Dimension
 Lawrence North High School
4th Runner Up 
Best Band 

Treble Finals

Groups in order of placement

 Hip Street
 Lawrence North High School
First Place 

 Sweet Sensation
 Lawrence Central High School
Second Place 

 Ben Davis High School
Third Place 

Mixed Division (Prelims)
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Treble Division (Prelims)
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Attending Members

No members signed up for this event.

188 comments • Sort by

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user deleted  on Mar 20, 2005, 6:27 PM
Post #88
QUOTE(show choirwhatwhat @ Mar 20 2005, 11:21 AM)
i agree with this 100 percent. i am disgusted.


I agree i think that the results were right on because that is what the judges thought and i appologize on behalf of my school and my choir, don't allow a few rude people affect your opinion of the choir. No matter what Fairfield Choralaires are the Grand Champions of MIC Show Choir Competition 2005! Congrats!


witemike1015 on Mar 20, 2005, 6:25 PM
Post #87
I must say that I am so proud of Fairfield, its great that a local choir can pull off such an upset!(especially in Indiana) Great Job and Congratulations! You guys deserved it, weather most of the haters on here think so or not. Good luck at Edgewood!!!!


MidWestBro on Mar 20, 2005, 5:59 PM
Post #86
Well This your turned out to be just as big as last years competition but not with the groups who went but with the results.
Congradualtions to all the of choirs. For many of you this was was your last competition. Hopefully everyone enjoyed it!

A special Congrats goes out to Lawrence Central, You guys have had a great season weither you believe it or not. It started off last year at this time, everyone was worried about the comming season, not sure what was going to happen and how the chips were going to fall in place, but things turned out for the best. You guys have lived up to the great, long, and rich tradition that makes Lawrence Central High School´s ´The Central Sound´ one of the greatest Show Choirs in the Nation. Everyone is proud of you guys!


-From my Island in the Carribean-

Central sound what time is it, it´s time to get loud it´s time to represent!

Good Jobs guys!!!!!!!!!!


hatsheput2 on Mar 20, 2005, 5:37 PM
Post #85
Wow. How poorly this reflects on several of the schools competing last night. I wasn't there, and I'm thankful, because living this spectacle online eighteen hours later is bad enough.

Congrats to Fairfield. You guys have gone through a lot of changes this year, and you obviously did a great show yesterday. Regardless of what a bunch of snotty teenagers think, you were first or second under every judge, and their opinions are the ones that count. By the way, the was not Fairfield's first Grand Championship this year, but their second, in addition to several other finals placings.

There have been individuals from both NC and LC who have said very rude things about the performances and the results. Would your directors appreciate such animosity, particularly if you're from the host school? Bad behavior run amok.
To the kids from NC and LC who have commented in a respectful and positive way, congrats on achieving a level of maturity higher than that of some of your peers.

And the the incredibly obnoxious alumns from Ben Davis, I'm going to post what was sent to me in a PM from a current member of your choir...

"the people who do complain or predict us to do well are dumb alumni who no one in our choir really even knows. It's quite embarrassing when they constantly post, I must say. blahhhh. Just letting you know. ...haha..."

It is indeed surprising that things turned out differently than you incredibly knowledgable high schoolers thought, but leave the results to people with advanced musical training and college degrees!

And oh yeah, isn't there any inherent joy to just sharing the art of performing with others, or have we really regressed to the point where the biggest trophy is the only thing???

There have only been 3 other people from NC besides myself commenting on this topic. When i read that, i went back and read the posts from them. Not in any of them did any NC kids say ANYTHING bad about Fairfield. In fact, if you go back and read them, the 2 people who did see Fairfield's show said they were really good. I didn't see them so i didn't comment on them at all. However when i went backstage with my choir (yeah LN!) the CP boys on crew told us how awesome Fairfield was. Nothing bad about Fairfield has been said from any of us. I'm sure if i had seen their show i would have enjoyed it too. From what i hear, the DJ Medley was pretty cool.

When i said i was shocked about LC, it was true. They were the only show i saw in finals, but they rocked. It was awesome. I have seen their show many times and i believe that they are truely one of the best in Indy. Kristin apologized to them for their placement, and even though it was fair and square, i feel the same way. For me the apologizing has nothing to do with the other choirs involved, its just that since our schools are so close we felt bad for them.

To LC- you know we love you all. Please come back next year!

And to whoever asked, the soloist in the 2nd CP song is Tim Williams.

user deleted  on Mar 20, 2005, 5:22 PM
Post #84
A points spread would not ease any fears or problems, because at our competition the points don't matter. Even though LC might have been secong according to points going into finals by points they were not second. Our competition follows the same scoring system that national show choir competitions follow. This system is by ranking. The judges rank all the choirs in prelims, and finals from 1-5 etc. This is a better system, so that a judge cannot just blast a choir by giving them unfairly low points, this way the judges honestly express which groups they liked and didn't like, honestly the results were right because the judges are different every year. Congrats to Fairfield they won fair and square, according to the judges. We are one of the few competitions that do ranking, so I guess choirs should know that before they come to our competition. It is a good competition we love hosting one, I just don't want people to be like we are never coming back to North Central again, it is a good competition, however many times there is a surprise because our scoring system is different than most. I know how LC feels, Counterpoints have gotten screwed many times because of ranking as opposed to points. Also a reason why ranking is better because when there is a tie there are the points there to break the tie. Love everyone and good luck next year!


itsme016 on Mar 20, 2005, 5:20 PM
Post #83
was this fairfield OH? whats there show this year???


LittleJackson on Mar 20, 2005, 5:18 PM (Edited)
Post #82
QUOTE(showquaah2005 @ Mar 20 2005, 02:54 PM)
Wow.  How poorly this reflects on several of the schools competing last night.  I wasn't there, and I'm thankful, because living this spectacle online eighteen hours later is bad enough.

Congrats to Fairfield.  You guys have gone through a lot of changes this year, and you obviously did a great show yesterday.  Regardless of what a bunch of snotty teenagers think, you were first or second under every judge, and their opinions are the ones that count.  By the way, the was not Fairfield's first Grand Championship this year, but their second, in addition to several other finals placings.

There have been individuals from both NC and LC who have said very rude things about the performances and the results.  Would your directors appreciate such animosity, particularly if you're from the host school?  Bad behavior run amok.
To the kids from NC and LC who have commented in a respectful and positive way, congrats on achieving a level of maturity higher than that of some of your peers.

And the the incredibly obnoxious alumns from Ben Davis, I'm going to post what was sent to me in a PM from a current member of your choir...

"the people who do complain or predict us to do well are dumb alumni who no one in our choir really even knows. It's quite embarrassing when they constantly post, I must say. blahhhh. Just letting you know. ...haha..."

It is indeed surprising that things turned out differently than you incredibly knowledgable high schoolers thought, but leave the results to people with advanced musical training and college degrees! 

And oh yeah, isn't there any inherent joy to just sharing the art of performing with others, or have we really regressed to the point where the biggest trophy is the only thing???

I would just like to say that we at LC do not feel that we have been screwed by fairfield or any other choir because they just did what they are supposed to. But we do feel like we have been screwed over by the judges and the ranking system. We felt like we had our best performance all year last night and when they announced us 3ru we were crushed. But at LC we purpose to be very respectful to everone which is why even though we didnt agree with our placing we stood and congradulated everone that placed above us. Its not the way we would have liked our seniors to go out, but hey thats life. Special thanks to eveyone at NC you guys are CRAZY AMAZING. And congradulations to fairfield on your GC you have a very fun show.

and LN rocks.....LTTTTTT

user deleted  on Mar 20, 2005, 5:14 PM
Post #81
i can honestly say that i have not seen many of these groups before... and if i did it was my freshman year 2003( with the exception of fairfield ive seen them this year and watch their show all the time)... and the ones i saw were absolutely amazing... i have looked up to all these groups always seeing how the place and how well they sing with the hard "indiana" choreography/ big show stuff... but after reading all these pages and certain groups complaining so much has made me look down on them... its quite sad... but congratulations fairfield we love u guys... way to bring it home

madrigalstar22 on Mar 20, 2005, 5:06 PM
Post #80
can anyone tell me the name of Brownsburg's hosts??

clbrush on Mar 20, 2005, 4:54 PM
Post #79
Wow. How poorly this reflects on several of the schools competing last night. I wasn't there, and I'm thankful, because living this spectacle online eighteen hours later is bad enough.

Congrats to Fairfield. You guys have gone through a lot of changes this year, and you obviously did a great show yesterday. Regardless of what a bunch of snotty teenagers think, you were first or second under every judge, and their opinions are the ones that count. By the way, the was not Fairfield's first Grand Championship this year, but their second, in addition to several other finals placings.

There have been individuals from both NC and LC who have said very rude things about the performances and the results. Would your directors appreciate such animosity, particularly if you're from the host school? Bad behavior run amok.
To the kids from NC and LC who have commented in a respectful and positive way, congrats on achieving a level of maturity higher than that of some of your peers.

And the the incredibly obnoxious alumns from Ben Davis, I'm going to post what was sent to me in a PM from a current member of your choir...

"the people who do complain or predict us to do well are dumb alumni who no one in our choir really even knows. It's quite embarrassing when they constantly post, I must say. blahhhh. Just letting you know. ...haha..."

It is indeed surprising that things turned out differently than you incredibly knowledgable high schoolers thought, but leave the results to people with advanced musical training and college degrees!

And oh yeah, isn't there any inherent joy to just sharing the art of performing with others, or have we really regressed to the point where the biggest trophy is the only thing???

user deleted  on Mar 20, 2005, 4:50 PM
Post #78
honestly I think that the enormous gasp and prolonged jaw dropping speaks for itself on what some people feel about the issue, i dont want to go into detail about any of this for one because i didnt get to see fairfield but i did see LC and just judging from what everyone has said and is saying and from what i've seen from LC lastnight, that was the best they've been able to "pull out the stops all year" and I personally thought it was between BD and LC, but really none of that is relevant, whats done is done and should be just that. If there is anything that I would like to say is that I would just like for everyone to remember that this is only show choir, and that life outside of it does exist, and that this is not the end of the world and that you graduate from high school even though some people dont act like it and you go to college and live a real life. I'd love the day when we'd all just step outside of this "show choir is my life" mentallity and realize that its fun performing doing what you love to do, because its kindof scary, LC I love you guys, you know I do, and as I said, I think you all did an incredibly, outstanding job lastnight, and to fairfield I didnt see your show but hopefully I will maybe see you all next year, and for everyone who has taken the time to acknowledge Lawrence North mixed choir, thanks for all of you support and friendly comments because we likewise have worked very hard this year and are proud of what we have accomplished, so thanks to all, and our hosts for being so much fun, and for everything i might be forgetting to mention, lol
(and if your wondering why my associated choir is LC its because I was with them lastyear and I havnt figured out how to change it to LN yet, but I'm definately with the Lawrence North New Dimension mixed show choir)

Jorge on Mar 20, 2005, 4:50 PM (Edited)
Post #77
QUOTE(show choirstud2004 @ Mar 20 2005, 03:42 PM)
So much Drama. Come on people. Lets grow up.
I support everyone and i bet you all did wonderful. But do not bash another group because yours didnt place what you thought.


Everyone should just be glad you got to compete... some competitions were cancelled for people in Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin, and South Dakota due to the freak snow storm that dumped two feet of snow. At least you all got to perform!
Think about all the seniors that missed out on their last performances.

Congrats to all! Especially Fairfield!

MusicWarehouse2006 on Mar 20, 2005, 4:43 PM
Post #76
QUOTE(hutch5788 @ Mar 20 2005, 03:39 PM)

completely uncalled for

MusicWarehouse2006 on Mar 20, 2005, 4:42 PM
Post #75
So much Drama. Come on people. Lets grow up.
I support everyone and i bet you all did wonderful. But do not bash another group because yours didnt place what you thought.

user deleted  on Mar 20, 2005, 4:40 PM
Post #74
I meant the people that lost being sour, not you babe. You have every reason to be proud of your win and no one can take that away from you. Anyone who says you don't deserve it is only bitter, and they need to get over it.


hutch5788 on Mar 20, 2005, 4:39 PM (Edited)
Post #73
I cancelled what I said here cause it was rude to show choirwhatwhat

Sorry for being such a b***h, just upset, and need anger management


lolo6933 on Mar 20, 2005, 4:37 PM
Post #72
ok im sorry my post was uncalled for but it kinda sucks and it hurts to see what horrible things people are saying. i am so thankful that we won but i would have been so happy with any placement because i felt like i did my best. and i know that if we didnt win, we wouldnt be coming on this and bashing whoever won. as jessica said, thats disrespect. and thats not what show choir is about, it is?

user deleted  on Mar 20, 2005, 4:27 PM
Post #71
Sour grapes in the house, big time.


lolo6933 on Mar 20, 2005, 4:18 PM
Post #70
it sure feels greatt to see people think we should be stripped of our GC. im not sorry for winning. i felt great after our performance. all of the other groups were wonderful of course and im sure you deserved it just as much.. what person in their right mind would say, oh im sorry for winning GC. it felt GREAT winning GC and i am not going to feel bad for it. so quit ripping on FAIRFIELD!

user deleted  on Mar 20, 2005, 3:58 PM
Post #69
Since when has it become appropriate to name other show choirs and bash them? Although I agree members of ensembles can be rude, but does that make the ensemble as a whole not behaved properly? I know for a fact that every choir has a few rowdy people. You can't blame an entire program for a few people's misjudgments. On a happier note- I was pleasantly surprised with all of the talen there last night. My choir didn't compete, but several members attended. There was some great show choirage. I love LC. you guys are my official favs. You guys performed with such enthusiasm and strength. Fairfield- thats the first time i'd seen yall, so hats of to you for winning. The DJ closer was great! BD- you guys are always good and consistent congrats on your performance. NC- you guys were great! I love the second number.. who has that solo?? he is pretty darn good, in fact i wouldn't be surprised if he was one of those people who sweeps best performer awards every time. you guys were brilliant and were much deserving of the state title.

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