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 Show Choir Community    Events    2004 Season    Milton Choralation Invitational 2004
Event Info

January 17th, 2004
Venue Info
Milton High School
114 W. High Street
Milton, WI 53563
Phone: (608) 868-9300
Event Details
Number of Attending Choirs:
17 Mixed Groups
Event Hosts:
Milton "Choralation"
Milton "Rising Stars"
Event Judges:
Ticket prices unknown.
Milton Choralation Invitational 2004

Event Site
Live Stream

Grand Central Station
La Crosse Central High School
Grand Champion
Best Vocals (TIE)
Best Choreography

Northside Establishment
Davenport North High School
First Runner Up
Best Vocals (TIE)

West Side Delegation
Cedar Rapids Jefferson High School
Second Runner Up
Best Band
Spirit Award

4th Avenue Jazz Company
Iowa City High School
3rd Runner Up

Executive Session
Sauk Prairie High School
4th Runner Up

Old Abe Show Choir
Memorial High School
5th Runner Up

Open Division (Prelims) Show
Attending Members
No members signed up for this event.
140 comments • Sort by

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ajm41827 on Jan 19, 2004, 3:37 PM
Post #60
Well, the thing that I was happy with in our performance was we didn't rush with the band. Right now, I'm sick as heck from that performance, i sang and danced my heart out. I was happy with it, I think the "loss" which wasn't a loss really in our minds at ona, really got us ready for this weekend. We thought that Jefferson would be our biggest competition. I think reality set in when we found out that our band had placed seventh, and we were in second. We were ready to perform like crazy and I thought we did well!

user deleted  on Jan 19, 2004, 3:33 PM
Post #59
Josh's Two Cents

Sauk - I really hope you don't take this forum as a bash-sauk-party. First, you have to realize that you're reading just those few opinions in the show choir world that are willing to post on this site - not the collective opinions of every member of every group... so take them for what they are - opinions!... also, be glad there is even a site like this where we can share our opinions! I didn't see your show, so I cannot make a fair judgement on it... I heard about your fantastic vocals and your lacking-choreography... (hopefully someone else can elaborate on this)... perhaps your performance time helped you stand out, or maybe you really did do an outstanding job... either way, congratulations - on behalf of hastings - for making finals... i look forward to competing against you guys in 5 DAYS!

MG - really wanted to see your show! grrr... Al, congrats on the best stage crew award! I will be seeing you guys in 5 DAYS also! Make way for us!

Northside - wow! great job you guys... I will admit I was quite suprised to see you ahead of GCS going into finals... but hats off to your performance and vocals award! We have the same closer, which makes it all the more interesting!

West - I love you guys! Didn't see your show, but was hoping you'd make finals too! It was fun hanging out at your room for a while... I think there is a brewing love-story between hastings and davy west!

Old Abe - I'm sorry, but your announcement into finals was the low point of my weekend! lol. (that sounds bad lol)... I did not see your show, but it did take me by suprise, especially since Fort was knocked out of finals! nonetheless, I really do give you all my Congrats on a great show and hope it was a fun evening!

GCS - I heard absolutely nothing about your show, do tell! do tell! It was interesting to follow you guys, in the least! What do you guys think about your performance? way to win!

US - It feels like a team - Fort, Davy West, Us - all hurt not to make finals. lol. oh well, somebody has to win, somebody has to lose. overall, it was a fantastic experience. like jen said, most of our group is new this year, so that was a first-ever performance for most of them! i wanted to show them what its like to be in finals, but we have monona grove in 5 DAYS.

Bottom Line... Hastings focuses on performing, not on placing. That said, we hope you all enjoyed our show as much as we enjoy performing it.


big al on Jan 19, 2004, 3:16 PM (Edited)
Post #58
That rumor is true and it says so right in the program. What happened with the band judge? He's suppose to do our competition too, I think.

user deleted  on Jan 19, 2004, 3:12 PM
Post #57
The competition was a lot of fun and EVERYONE there had great shows. We all have definate ups and downs in our shows and everyone works very hard to do what we do out there. Some of our directors just push us a little harder than others... But congrats to all who were there, it was a fun comp. with a great ex. show! Also, just trying to get some clerification on rumors. Does anyone know what REALLY happend with the band judge? And also the rumor about D-norths former director judging... true or false?


big al on Jan 19, 2004, 2:47 PM
Post #56
QUOTE(theWSDdiva @ Jan 19 2004, 12:07 AM)
I'm just going to say it again:


Okay I'm going to say something bold but I have no prior experience with Hastings or Monona Grove but the few of you posting on here are just sounding like sour grapes to me.  I'm sure you're shows were very fine as well, I didn't see them.  But while I value your opinions, simply ripping apart another group that was also very fine probably won't rectify your personal bitterness about one group placing ahead of you at one competition in one particular year.  Time to brush it off and move on.  Sorry, it's really nothing personal, just an honest observation.

None of the people from Monona Grove thought that we were even close to being the best group that didn't make finals. We thought Hastings, Fort, and even Davenport West were better. The more I think about Sauk's show, I like it a little better, but it's missing something. There doesn't seem to be any song that really elevates the energy level of the show.

I would not keep bringing this up but it seems like everyone is misunderstanding what we are saying, or at least what I am saying.


Andyshow on Jan 19, 2004, 2:08 PM
Post #55
they had a little booth set up in the cafeteria
and all i really remember is they had packages of groups for tapes/dvds not individual groups, very cool, and really affordable

MJayH1201 on Jan 19, 2004, 3:39 AM
Post #54
Where did u see the finals DVD order forms at?


Andyshow on Jan 19, 2004, 2:28 AM
Post #53
I believe a properly placed blade hand would work better

But congrats to all at the comp.

I cant wait to get my finals dvds

Oh and I'm exstatic about how WSD did.

" border="0" alt="sweating.gif" /> < me durring ballad
" border="0" alt="online2long.gif" /> < me durring next song

user deleted  on Jan 19, 2004, 2:23 AM
Post #52
Show me a quote if I'm wrong... but Hastings hasn't bashed anybody, we respect all show choirs regardless of how much we like their show. I don't think anyone from our group would be negative about another choir, but if someone has please quote it for me so I can take them aside and beat them with a jazz hand


theWSDdiva on Jan 19, 2004, 2:07 AM (Edited)
Post #51
I'm just going to say it again:


Okay I'm going to say something bold but I have no prior experience with Monona Grove but the few of you posting on here are just sounding like sour grapes to me. I'm sure your show was very fine as well, I didn't see you. But while I value your opinions, simply ripping apart another group that was also very fine probably won't rectify your personal bitterness about one group placing ahead of you at one competition in one particular year. Time to brush it off and move on. Sorry, it's really nothing personal, just an honest observation.

user deleted  on Jan 19, 2004, 1:32 AM
Post #50
I'm in a gnome pic. I'm smiling very largely. But. What is a gnome? Is it mystical like a dwarf from LOTR? Is gnome another name for a little person? I'd like to know where the term gnome came from, because whoever thought to put a G infront of an N needs to like, make more words.

gotpizazz on Jan 19, 2004, 1:25 AM
Post #49
Amanda from MG (show choir pimpette) let me hold the gnome, and holy crap, that thing was heavy for such a little dude... you should definately consider putting him on the atkin's

Jorge on Jan 19, 2004, 1:14 AM
Post #48
Davenport North people... holy cow... you guys rock!

I wanted you guys to take it so bad! I was in the front row cheering!


Diva4life17 on Jan 19, 2004, 12:28 AM
Post #47
QUOTE(john dollar @ Jan 18 2004, 07:53 PM)
it really hurts all of us here in sauk that you dont think we deserved finals, no really, im beside myself with anguish over your unfounded dismissal of our program, i guess we are wrong to think that entertaining people is more important than winning, ive said it before and ill say it again, dont fault us for being one of the few show choirs willing to take the risk of being creative in such a stifling genre, you should all think about the kind of boring crap you put up on stage before you put us down

relax buddy. i'm proud to say hastings is also an original choir. we don't perform for judges only, but for the audience as well (case in point, we do a unique thing that the critiqe-er said 'that doesn't read back here. remember your judges are sometimes 60-70 feet away,' and my gut reaction was: "oh, good thing we're not just performing for judges then, huh?") but i agree nobody should slam you or be rude. but like i've said earlier, you have to recognize that not everyone's going to agree with finals placement. allow people to state their opinions w/o getting heated. it's tough, but try it.


big al on Jan 18, 2004, 11:58 PM
Post #46
Most of the people simply thought you weren't entertaining, though. If you want to say MG was boring I'd be very surprised.

user deleted  on Jan 18, 2004, 11:53 PM
Post #45
it really hurts all of us here in sauk that you dont think we deserved finals, no really, im beside myself with anguish over your unfounded dismissal of our program, i guess we are wrong to think that entertaining people is more important than winning, ive said it before and ill say it again, dont fault us for being one of the few show choirs willing to take the risk of being creative in such a stifling genre, you should all think about the kind of boring crap you put up on stage before you put us down

user deleted  on Jan 18, 2004, 11:30 PM
Post #44
ahh the nome, i'll be in one of those pictures.


asron on Jan 18, 2004, 11:27 PM
Post #43
alright, the comp is over, the results are in, trophy's handed out, so that's the end of it. i personally had a great time at milton getting a chance to meet everyone from SCC that got together yesterday. I think the competition at milton was just extra tough. I still found it odd that Dav-North's former director ended up judging, but that's just what happened. D-West-you guys really looked solid throughout your whole show. The closed was a little odd, mainly because it took the drive of your show away, but it was still very solid, hastings-man you guys just cracked me up, can't wait to here what other successes the year has in store for you. I could go on and on, but that takes too long, by the way, did you dig fort's new mascot, the garden nome?

MJayH1201 on Jan 18, 2004, 11:25 PM (Edited)
Post #42
you love me?? that's so nice of u!

user deleted  on Jan 18, 2004, 11:20 PM
Post #41
Sauk Prairie relizes that it's show choir, we put on a show. we give tons of credit to all of you groups, we just don't want to do that style of a show. Plus it's a big score sheet to cover. If we act, we get points for it. So thats what we try to do. And by the way, I read on here somewhere about Judges favoring us in another topic. WAY OFF. Judges HATE us. they really try to crucify us..... hmmmm...... wrong choice of words? But we really do enjoy watching your show choirs, we just wish you would give us as much credit as we Give you. and I love you to matt.

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