I cannot express enough gratitude for all the kind words about ARTS. It has been a difficult venture, but the hard work and amazing support have pulled us through.
I would like to take this opportunity to personally invite every one of you (whether you're an ARTS supporter or not.. lol) to attend our First Annual All-Star Showcase on March 22 in Huntington. It is not a competition, but a Ratings Festival. Your choir can receive Superior, Excellent, Good, Fair, or Poor ratings but there is no 1st, 2nd, etc. We figured the competition season will be drawing to an end for the most part, and you should end on a high note. Best part of all - It's FREE for your choir. There will be a small admission fee for non-participants, but this is more of an outlet to showcase your talents for free. Information will be available on our website next week (wvshowchoir.com) or you can email me at [email protected] to get the Director's Packet with info about the event.
Best of luck to everyone!
Thanks for your kind words and support of the ARTS and we hope to see you all at our Showcase on March 22.
I recall reading Poca was going, don't hold me to that though.
I think Midland could easily move this to their gym and hold a night round...it could become a pretty big competition I think. They for sure have enough room