i emailed diamond bars director about a month ago and told her me and other machine kids were driving up but we didnt want to drive up if it was going to be sold out, so she reserved 4 tickets for us! :D i cant waaait! even though music machine isnt competing this year at diamond bar, im still excited!
does anyone know if there is a way to reserve tickets ahead of time. I know some choirs used to do order forms but it's too late for that. Like is there a number that can take orders on a credit card or something? Thanks
i heard that they are all sold out i tried to get some today and there was none so idk.
does anyone know if there is a way to reserve tickets ahead of time. I know some choirs used to do order forms but it's too late for that. Like is there a number that can take orders on a credit card or something? Thanks
Serrano's going too.
OMG i cant wait to go i want to see all the other choirs that didnt go to Aztec. and i cant wait for los al and burroughs and burbank i love all of them and i have my peeps that i cant wait to see either.
machine isnt going to diamond bar this year, im so upset.
me and some friends might drive up to watch thoughh!
the groups who come to legacy might get the chance to see our set,
if our director decides to have us perform it or part of it at the end of the night, but if not then no one will see our set until los alamitos!
No u guys arent going that sucks. the one thing i hate about comp is that you get to go to some and you miss some its very sad :-(. hahahahaha
machine isnt going to diamond bar this year, im so upset.
me and some friends might drive up to watch thoughh!
the groups who come to legacy might get the chance to see our set,
if our director decides to have us perform it or part of it at the end of the night, but if not then no one will see our set until los alamitos!
i like when intermediate and advanced festivals are on two different days.
i hated when hart was in the morning last year! -__-
i like staying till midnight at festivals, and getting home around 3am.
diamond bar is usually always on a friday night! sooo excited!