Did anyone seem Helix? Eboni rocked the house!!! After that song....she got a 30 sec. standing ovasion, even Taphi was on her feet screaming at the top of her lungs, one problem....we still had one song left to do!!!!
HAHA!!! Okay I know that my school (Hart) went to Fullerton yesterday basically saying that it was going to be the best competition because of the atmosphere and setting. We knew that we would not place very well there, because we never have. And what the judges wanted in a good show choir was not what Hart gives. Congrats to Diamond geese louise!! You guys just rock the boat this year!! I was soooo happy when I heard Solitare got 1st and Marquis got 2nd.....good job. Personally, all the HartBreakers thought that was our best performance EVER!!! Who cares if the judges think we were wacked, we loved it. It was soooo much fun. Shout outs to all those crazy DB girls I met yesterday! Mwa! See everyone at Burroughs yeah yeah!
I saw you Haakon in the afternoon! I was with a girl who was talking to Ben! I am soo sorry I didn't say hi! I had long brown hair and brown eyes I was wearing a brown blillong shirt and red pants!
Fidi you did awesome job on your solo! You have awesome job!
Panda Substitute,Apr 5 2003, 12:25 AM> ...that manly lady host.....said Chula Vista "MAIN"........I suppose she can't read...
...However, I saw haylee and haakon. Made it worth my day.
She said "Serrano VOCAL!" too... obviously an embarassing error. The program only allowed for a certain amount of characters for each group, and thus truncated some of the names... and I'm assuming that's where she was getting her info. Even still, you'd think she would have gone over the information with the director before announcing a group in front of everyone... especially after having already made the mistake once.
It was great seeing you, too, Tony! Wasn't Mt. Eden out of this world? I think a lot of people missed out by not watching them...
Omigohs, soooo tired. yeah, i'm new, I'm Bri, I'm from Vista. We were so suprised to get first, this was our worst show like ever. Anyway, everyone else in Vista choirs are at Disneyland now. I wanted to thank you all for a fun time. Chula Vista, we had so much playing Chicken and Hart, You were super nice to us at TOC, sorry brandi kept yelling crud and walking over theater seating, she's not a regualr theater go-er >.< a lot of showcats aren't. You Hartbreakers have the prettiest dresses *_* Sorry if it seems like Vista is anti-social, it's actually jsut that we're more then likely very late for something and have left 10 minutes for one of our choirs to change after getting off the busses, yeah, welcome to vista. So yeah, congrats you guys, see you at So Cal.
eeh... sl and cs didn't place, but three out of 4 of our soloists placed 1st, 3rd, and 5th in the solo competitions! hey... that WAS a great comp! we had sooo much fun, and the highlight of my day was when a regular choir class asked us, "what's a show choir?" and we explained it.. and they took our pics!!! awww
btw~ we thought they were serious about NOT knowing what a show choir is... guess they don't get out much " border="0" alt="blink.gif" />
I am so happy MA placed tonight. I didnt see any of the advanced groups besides Dreamgirls and Hartbreakers. I honestly thought Dreamgirls did realy good today I thought you guys should have placed the facials,vocals and everything was on tonight good job Dreamgirls I still love you. You guys still have Hawaii, Ramona, and Tops & Pops.
OMG!! I had soooooo much fun! I got to hang out with my chula peeps, and Anne and Tati and Mike (Burbank) and Pablo, Richard, Brett.....Kristey, Brittni.....and a bunch of people I didnt know....hahaha, congrats to my fellow MA'rs..... i love all the DreamGirls, you guys shouldve placed I love y'all! Okie dokie, I love everyone
Congratulations to everybody...especially... DB...6 for 6...that must be a record!
Notorious...WOW...what a riot!
"And the first place award goes to...drum roll please...anybody but Marquis!"...don't worry... we're all getting used to it now...you're still the best thing out there!
Hart...don't worry...it's only Fullerton!
Everybody...it's Fullerton!
I think the Advanced Girls might have had just as much fun performing in the restrooms...some of them are quite large!
Fullerton was awsome... congrats to all CV MAer's we put in one hell of a show, no regrets.... i had so much fun today, haging with all the chula
people and Scott from Hart and the three girls that aproached me from diamond bar... oh and i helped a diamond bar girl carry her box
ok was it just me or was it really weird that the Advance Women division was at the Wilshire Theater's ? I mean Im pretty used to the one across at the high school...its actually big..
props to those girls who performed on that stage!!!!!!!!!!
I didnt get to watch any show choirs today, but I hope everyone did well congrats!!! and I know it will be awesome at So. Cal
Congrats to all DB choirs!! Also, great job to all the other skools! Congrats to Diamondtones for placing---1ST!!! " border="0" alt="laugh.gif" /> " border="0" alt="laugh.gif" /> and for solitaire getting 1st, diamondaires getting 2nd, marquis getting 2nd, diamondettes getting 3rd, and, of course notorious for getting 4th