Also, We made Bird History,
Not only was it the first time Sudden Image has gotten a superior at Manchester, but hence it means that it is also the first time both Reflections and Sudden Image earned a Superior at Manchester, so Go Bird! And Clover Hill was fantastic too!
Have fun yall, I'll be at Mid-Atlantic supporting our girls and hopefully my future girls the Highlights! Hopefully they'll take 1st and 2nd. but yea... Good luck to erryone!
Me and like 8 other guys i think.....maybe more are gettin out at like 12:00 tomorrow b/c i'm not gettin all hot and sweaty in Gym!.....even though we're playin badmitton which is one of my faves......especially w/ the black knight rackets we have at school.......they're awesome......but and tyrell, owens, anthony, joel, marc, josue.....and some others.......we'll be there all day long.......i have to rep for KS and especially my Knightingales and MY Brinn! ;) ........LOL/!
hahaha Blake ... okay what was with the King and I ... wow ... not in a good way either ...
bowers was ok.......until he started singing......he's to breathy.....Owens sang well but they killed! was ok.....i almost fell asleep a couple of times but me and kim were sittin there starein at ppl and jokin on!....but it was ok......but i'd take the movie over that!
anyone have a list of all the groups competing and who the judges are
there is a full list of all the groups performing on Firday and Saturday......i do believe that they also have the judges names on there as well.....but i can't remember for sure.......