I'm am really excited for this!! I can't wait to finally preform our show for a competition! I'd also do predictions, but the only ideas I have on these groups are from last year, and I know our group has taken a big leap from last year, so I can't even guess at how everyone's group has improved.
GC: Center Grove
2RU: Hamilton or Bluffton
3RU: " "
i have never competed agaist hamilton, so i have no idea about them, they could be very good, i just have never seen them. and Bluffton beat Garrett at Southern Wells. but i would like to add it is still early in the season and i think anyone can suprise you.
GC: Center Grove
1RU: Northrup
2RU: Marion
Marion "Sweet Inspirations" 10:30
Northrop "Allure" 11:00
Center Grove "The Debtones" 11:30
Marion "26th Street Innovations" 12:00
Central Noble "CN Censation" 12:30
Lunch 1:00-2:00
Bluffton "Musical Entourage" 2:00
Hamilton "Rhapsody in Blue" 2:30
Lakeland "Vocal Motion" 3:00
Garrett "Encore" 3:30
Northrop "Charisma" 4:00
Center Grove "Sound System" 4:30
GC: Northrop BV BC
1RU: Hamilton
2RU: Garrett
3RU: Bluffton
4RU: Lakeland
5RU: Center Grove.
Can anyone else confirm?