I don't know what I was watching at Powhatan. I must have zoned out, because I remembered a lot of other things from their show...so I was quite astonished I missed that!
Let's see, I haven't seen Kecoughtan, Mills Godwin, Colonial Forge, Varina or Amherst's show yet. Even though Varina and Amherst were at the last comp., the time didn't work out for me to see them...so I'll look forward to seeing their shows.
I also haven't seen Winston Churchill's or Patrick Henry's show yet.
I will look forward to watching Monacan, Cosby, Thomas Dale, Bird, Clover Hill, James River, Manchester, Atlee, Hanover, and Lee-Davis again!
"coming out front to distract you folks,
now we'll be on with the show...."
martinsburg did it my junior year and we did
it for spring concert the same year. kind of funny
though, i know you probably weren't watching the
showmanship table at powhatan, but the other judge
and i knew every single bit of the choreo for that song.
quite weird. lol.
I'm not sure if we're going to have individual rooms for choirs this year. It always seems like a good idea. I think they do it at Manchester b/c they charge admission to sit in the auditorium. I guess it might get kind of old watching the same groups over and over.
I don't know which group did the transitions thing. I feel so out of the loop. I've only seen Sound FX's show.
This year, I have started bringing two buses. The people who don't want to stay leave on the early bus...after we compete and have lunch. The people who are in it for the long hall stay and ride the bus with me when it's all said and done. At Manchester, we stayed in our room and played monster Mario Kart Races. I have like 15 kids (including me) who have a DS. It's a great way to take out your frustrations...I can throw objects at them and run them off the road, and it's cool. lol
I like this much better. My kids get cranky after like...5:00pm. I love them, though!
So I will be there the WHOLE day. yay me.
I have to say, I love whoever does that transition about doing transitions. I think it's Midlothian? I missed it at Powhatan and my kids talked about it the whole week. It was super cute.
Well I'm coming home from college to design the lights for the festival, so I'll be there at 10:00 cheering you guys on! The judges will be nice and rested and fed.Are you guys gonna stay there all day or come back?
I also designed the tee shirt for last year and this year. I hope they sell, it's always a gamble buying all those shirts...
Alright...we're getting ready for it! I know I'm excited...how about a shout out from all the choirs going to Hanover?
I have the list...but this is more fun!
Menchville's going! First show choir of the day! Thank you Odyssey of the Mind! lol We had to take the first time of the day because of an OM conflict. UGHHH...it's not like Newport News is around the freaking corner from Hanover, either.