Sorry, but you're wrong. I have lived in the South my entire life. You're not fooling anyone. Especially not me! Take a look around. Most of what you see in the South is ignorance and backwardness! And that's the EXCAT reason I can't wait to leave! You don't think that children see worse things on TV every single day of their life? If you don't, then you're demonstrating the EXACT type of ignorance that I'm talking about! Small children shouldn't be at live events in the first place! They're loud and obnoxious and ALWAYS cause problems. It never fails! Plus, I can guarantee that over half of the songs that show choirs do these days aren't appropriate for small children. But they aren't supposed to be! It's high school and it should be appropriate for high school kids. Get over yourself! If you don't like it, that's fine because there are plenty out there who do! BTW... I have not seen the show this year, but I do know Scott Rains and the administration of Albertville High School and they would NEVER allow something onstage that wasn't appropriate!
I'm going to go ahead and apologize for this. I've tried to preach to the community as a whole that bashing is not the way to handle situations, but it looks as if my message has not reached our former students.
Small children shouldn't be at live events in the first place! They're loud and obnoxious and ALWAYS cause problems. It never fails!
Wrong you are! My two, almost three year old did/has done perfectly fine at competitions. She lasted all through Marysville finals (from 7-midnight), yes I'm admitting I had my two year old up at midnight. She's lasted throughout all day competitions, and isn't loud. Of course, I know of a couple kids who get ADD during competitions, but alot of kids I've seen in competitions aren't loud, obnoxious, or cause any sort of problems.
I loved last year's show but portions were not appropriate for a younger crowd, just an opinion. Saying children shouldn't come and see performances is completely wrong and good parents will limit what their children see on TV. I'm ashamed at that statement.
I am in no way opposed to groups exploring new concept and widening boundaries (which is exactly what Mr. Rains has done with Albertville and I applaud him for that.) However, in high school level performances there are a few things that are inappropriate. And having a show that leaves children in the audience screaming and crying and begging their parents to "please don't let it get me" is what many people, myself included, consider inappropriate. I don't have anything against the non-traditional show choirs but I do have a problem with a show that is inappropriate and over the top. People are not hating Albertville for being different, theyre hating them for going over the top and crossing a line. I am not sheltered. I have been to competitions all across the country as have many other southern choirs. Claiming that the south is sheltered and ignorant is an over generalization. It is also a stereotype and is actually offensive.
Sorry, but you're wrong. I have lived in the South my entire life. You're not fooling anyone. Especially not me! Take a look around. Most of what you see in the South is ignorance and backwardness! And that's the EXCAT reason I can't wait to leave! You don't think that children see worse things on TV every single day of their life? If you don't, then you're demonstrating the EXACT type of ignorance that I'm talking about! Small children shouldn't be at live events in the first place! They're loud and obnoxious and ALWAYS cause problems. It never fails! Plus, I can guarantee that over half of the songs that show choirs do these days aren't appropriate for small children. But they aren't supposed to be! It's high school and it should be appropriate for high school kids. Get over yourself! If you don't like it, that's fine because there are plenty out there who do! BTW... I have not seen the show this year, but I do know Scott Rains and the administration of Albertville High School and they would NEVER allow something onstage that wasn't appropriate!
I am in no way opposed to groups exploring new concept and widening boundaries (which is exactly what Mr. Rains has done with Albertville and I applaud him for that.) However, in high school level performances there are a few things that are inappropriate. And having a show that leaves children in the audience screaming and crying and begging their parents to "please don't let it get me" is what many people, myself included, consider inappropriate. I don't have anything against the non-traditional show choirs but I do have a problem with a show that is inappropriate and over the top. People are not hating Albertville for being different, theyre hating them for going over the top and crossing a line. I am not sheltered. I have been to competitions all across the country as have many other southern choirs. Claiming that the south is sheltered and ignorant is an over generalization. It is also a stereotype and is actually offensive.
I bolded the two specific parts of your post that I wanted to respond to. You claiming that "People are not hating Albertville for being different, they're hating them for going over the top and crossing a line" is a generalization in and of itself. So while you're wrongfully criticizing me for generalizations, I would just like to point out that you made one as well. There is no way possible that you can speak for everyone when you say people don't hate them for being different. That's what generalizing is. And I would say you're wholeheartedly wrong when you say that "People are not hating them for being different" ... that is the exact reason that some Southern folks dislike Albertville. Did you see the previous posts about "#GoHome" tweets? None of those three tweets mentioned anything about "going over the top" or "crossing the line". Those tweets (from the second page of this topic) specifically dislike Albertville's style which is another way of saying this student disliked Albertville for being different. So that's why you're wrong when you say that first bold part.
Secondly, I didn't claim that the South was ignorant so I never made that "over generalization" which is in your opinion "a stereotype and is actually offensive". A fellow Southerner made the comment about the South being ignorant and that's his right to have that opinion. And I think it's more telling that a person from the South is saying that about the South as opposed to someone from a different region, like me. What I actually did say was this: "It just, in a way and I don't mean it to sound offensive, shows how sheltered the Southern region is in regard to show choir". So as you can see from my post, I wasn't making "over generalizations" about the entire South as you claimed. I was saying that in a way the Southern region (including students, schools, towns, etc.) is sheltered in regard to show choir. Not in regard to life or knowledge or sheltered about anything other than what I already said: show choir. And I specifically and intentionally said "in a way" which in my opinion means some but not all. For example, you said you have seen other types of show choirs, however, clearly the girl who was maliciously tweeting about Albertville had never seen anything other than classic show choir. A further reason why I said the Southern region is in some ways sheltered in regard to show choir is because it is such an isolated region. Very rarely do non-Southern groups attend Southern competitions. You will see it once in a while with Wheaton-Warrenville South and Twinsburg, for example, but California choirs and the majority of Midwest choirs do not compete in the South. And the heavy majority of Southern choirs solely compete in the South, which financially makes sense. It's pretty rare that a Southern group competes in the West or Midwest, but again, rare not impossible. I believe Homewood is competing at Los Al this year and sometimes a group or two will compete in the Midwest. With that said, it's clear that my point that Southern choirs are in a way sheltered to just their region is not actually an over generalization at all.
I have not seen Albertville's show this year and won't until it's put online, so I cannot speak to the appropriateness of their show; however, I have seen videos of their shows from the past several years and I don't think that any of those shows have been inappropriate to the point that children, parents, etc. would be upset. After all, children cry a lot, especially when there are loud noises (i.e. car horns, sirens, and, you know, a choir singing loud with passion). I don't know Mr. Rains, but I imagine he has a great deal of integrity. I don't think any director would knowingly put on any performance that is inappropriate.
Those are my thoughts and it's not at all personal. I just wanted to respond to your post, because I personally think your first bold statement is misguided (as evidence by the tweets among countless other examples) and clarify the second bold statement where you incorrectly said I called the South "ignorant".
That's really ridiculous, though. It just, in a way and I don't mean it sound offensive, shows how sheltered the Southern region is in regard to show choir. It's not just Albertville and Burroughs that do these types of shows. There's a lot on the West coast and even a growing number in the Midwest that are performing complex, story, theatrical, non-jazz hands types of shows. Even Clinton has developed stories, complexities, etc. Maybe more of them should join this site to see all the diversity and see that Albertville really isn't choir going the non-traditional route.
I am in no way opposed to groups exploring new concept and widening boundaries (which is exactly what Mr. Rains has done with Albertville and I applaud him for that.) However, in high school level performances there are a few things that are inappropriate. And having a show that leaves children in the audience screaming and crying and begging their parents to "please don't let it get me" is what many people, myself included, consider inappropriate. I don't have anything against the non-traditional show choirs but I do have a problem with a show that is inappropriate and over the top. People are not hating Albertville for being different, theyre hating them for going over the top and crossing a line. I am not sheltered. I have been to competitions all across the country as have many other southern choirs. Claiming that the south is sheltered and ignorant is an over generalization. It is also a stereotype and is actually offensive.
I can't remember which competition used to actually do that. I believe it was Opelika that would take 5 groups from any category and the winner of small mixed would be guaranteed a spot in finals
It was Homewood's competition that used to do that
I think it would be kind of neat for a competition to take the top 4 large mixed choirs and the winner of the small mixed or womens divisions. Because sadly it is true that sometimes those choirs DO deserve a spot in finals.
I can't remember which competition used to actually do that. I believe it was Opelika that would take 5 groups from any category and the winner of small mixed would be guaranteed a spot in finals
I think it would be kind of neat for a competition to take the top 4 large mixed choirs and the winner of the small mixed or womens divisions. Because sadly it is true that sometimes those choirs DO deserve a spot in finals.
That's really ridiculous, though. It just, in a way and I don't mean it sound offensive, shows how sheltered the Southern region is in regard to show choir. It's not just Albertville and Burroughs that do these types of shows. There's a lot on the West coast and even a growing number in the Midwest that are performing complex, story, theatrical, non-jazz hands types of shows. Even Clinton has developed stories, complexities, etc. Maybe more of them should join this site to see all the diversity and see that Albertville really isn't choir going the non-traditional route.
I understand what you are saying they should not hound people and say rude things about other choirs. They should keep that part out of the comments. But they should be able to speak out about the way things are done. I know I keep on about the girls choir but I enjoy watching them. I had a daughter in an all girls choir several years ago and I had a niece in a coed choir and every time they did anything all you would see in the local paper was about the coed choir and most of my family and our community only talked about the coed choir. and the girls choir won several contest that year but nothing was ever said about them in the paper. And that would upset my daughter. So everyone please give all the choirs RESPECT they do work hard.
Thanks for trying to get the girl results. I am not upset about that it just gets to me cause the girls never get the respect that the coed groups get. I watch everyone talk about the coed groups and I never say anything but like I have said take away the boys and you only have girls. I enjoy the coed groups especially the ones that just sing and dance not to much on watching drama type choirs. I like the shining outfits and watching them move on stage to me that is a fun show choir. The drama type is not for me I do not like the old fashion clothes they wear and the sad themes they do. But that is just me some other people like that and that is fine. I hear alot of people talk about Albertiville and it is sad to see that. But maybe they are just giving there opinion. I my self do not like the type shows they put on but that is what they like so everyone needs to respect that maybe one day they will add a different part to the contest and have a drama type contest too. I really like watching the all girls groups and the all boys groups. Every choir gives it everything they have and deserve all the best of luck So good luck to all of them.
I think that part of the reason that single gender, intermediate, and middle school groups do not get the attention that the large mixed groups do is because everyone is asking "who made finals? Who made finals?" And most of the time that is the large mixed groups. There have been many MANY competitions that should have included Single gender groups instead of some of the other groups that made finals. I think we as a community forget to look back and say " choir x did such a fantastic job!! I want to see them again!!" Because we get lost in the "who made finals" crowd.
On the point you made about "maybe they are just giving there opinion", there us a better way to express opinions than bashing choirs. Like I said earlier, we as a community are supposed to be supportive and caring to everyone, whether we like their show or not. Sadly, this has been lost, especially in the south. When we travelled to Twinsburg last year to compete, I got to see a caliber or sportsmanship that I haven't seen in a long, long time. When finals had to be cancelled because of a fire extinguisher malfunction backstage, the choir members of Solon tried to get everyone to travel the 10 miles down the road to finish the competition so that everyone could perform for each other again. That was one of the most sportsmanlike actions that I have ever seen from ANY choir.
I think that it would do us all good, myself included, to take a step back and remember what the spirit of show choir truly is.
Thanks for trying to get the girl results. I am not upset about that it just gets to me cause the girls never get the respect that the coed groups get. I watch everyone talk about the coed groups and I never say anything but like I have said take away the boys and you only have girls. I enjoy the coed groups especially the ones that just sing and dance not to much on watching drama type choirs. I like the shining outfits and watching them move on stage to me that is a fun show choir. The drama type is not for me I do not like the old fashion clothes they wear and the sad themes they do. But that is just me some other people like that and that is fine. I hear alot of people talk about Albertiville and it is sad to see that. But maybe they are just giving there opinion. I my self do not like the type shows they put on but that is what they like so everyone needs to respect that maybe one day they will add a different part to the contest and have a drama type contest too. I really like watching the all girls groups and the all boys groups. Every choir gives it everything they have and deserve all the best of luck So good luck to all of them.
ATTENTION ALL SHOW CHOIR MEMBERS: the rules have changed. The group that spends the most money wins. And in 1st place...Albertville. #GoHome
I really don't like twitter, although it comes in handy for results sometimes. I just don't get why it seems every year there are people specifically in the Southern region that ridicule and ostracize Albertville. I mean, who do they think they are to define what is and what is not show choir? Based off of her tweets, I'm actually excited to see Albertville's show, because I appreciate creativity.
Okay, I'm going to address this twitter fiasco. So, in order to do that kindly, I'm going to take a step back from my associated choir for a moment and address this.
As a crew member and long time user of SCC, it really makes me sad and disappointed to see something like this. show choir should be (and is supposed to be) a place where people no matter what choir, what state, what walk of life that you come from, you are accepted and loved. show choir is a place that people can meet friends from all over the country and cheer them on in their performances. What happened to that? This is not the only instance of bashing that I've seen on social media in the past few years.
Now, as a former CenterStage! member and current crew member for Albertville, let me address it this way. When Mr. Rains came to us at the end of the 2008 season and proposed that we head in the theatrical direction with the choir, he gave us a choice. He told us that we could stay with the traditional route and win competitions or do something completely different and be ridiculed for it. We chose to be theatrical and accept the consequences. We knew to expect stuff like this. It doesn't bother us.
Thank you, Jeff, for supporting CenterStage! And we hope to see you at a future competition!
Congratulations to all who competed!
personally all the mocking and ridicule fueled my fire to perform harder and to the best of my ability im glad we decided to go theatrical i wouldnt want it any other way but congrats to all the groups!!
After hearing all this talk about Albertville's show, I'm upset I didn't make the trip to Tallassee to see evrryone. I feel like I'v missed something. Lol
Still no girl results. but everyone go ahead and keep talking about the coed groups. One day maybe at a contest they could do something fun take a all girls group and have them go against a coed group minus the boys and lets see what happens it might turn out a little different or just the same but it would be fun to watch.
I'm trying feverishly to get girls groups results. I was not in the auditorium for that awards ceremony. As soon as any of us get correct results, we will post them
I'm watching a musical at a show choir competition...this is a major problem. #GoHomeAlbertville ATTENTION ALL SHOW CHOIR MEMBERS: the rules have changed. The group that spends the most money wins. And in 1st place...Albertville. #GoHome
I really don't like twitter, although it comes in handy for results sometimes. I just don't get why it seems every year there are people specifically in the Southern region that ridicule and ostracize Albertville. I mean, who do they think they are to define what is and what is not show choir? Based off of her tweets, I'm actually excited to see Albertville's show, because I appreciate creativity.
Okay, I'm going to address this twitter fiasco. So, in order to do that kindly, I'm going to take a step back from my associated choir for a moment and address this.
As a crew member and long time user of SCC, it really makes me sad and disappointed to see something like this. show choir should be (and is supposed to be) a place where people no matter what choir, what state, what walk of life that you come from, you are accepted and loved. show choir is a place that people can meet friends from all over the country and cheer them on in their performances. What happened to that? This is not the only instance of bashing that I've seen on social media in the past few years.
Now, as a former CenterStage! member and current crew member for Albertville, let me address it this way. When Mr. Rains came to us at the end of the 2008 season and proposed that we head in the theatrical direction with the choir, he gave us a choice. He told us that we could stay with the traditional route and win competitions or do something completely different and be ridiculed for it. We chose to be theatrical and accept the consequences. We knew to expect stuff like this. It doesn't bother us.
Thank you, Jeff, for supporting CenterStage! And we hope to see you at a future competition!
Still no girl results. but everyone go ahead and keep talking about the coed groups. One day maybe at a contest they could do something fun take a all girls group and have them go against a coed group minus the boys and lets see what happens it might turn out a little different or just the same but it would be fun to watch.
I'm going to go ahead and apologize for this. I've tried to preach to the community as a whole that bashing is not the way to handle situations, but it looks as if my message has not reached our former students.