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 Show Choir Community    Events    2008 Season    Lincoln Southwest Showdown 2008
Event Info

February 2nd, 2008
Venue Info
Southwest High School
7001 South 14th Street
Lincoln, NE 68512
Phone: (402) 436-1306
Event Details
Number of Attending Choirs:
20 Mixed Groups
4 Treble Groups
Event Hosts:
Lincoln Southwest "Resonance"
Lincoln Southwest "Ambience"
Event Judges:
Ticket prices unknown.
Lincoln Southwest Showdown 2008

Event Site
Live Stream

Visual Adrenaline
Ankeny High School
Grand Champion
Best Vocals
Best Choreography
Best Male Performer (Jon Brugioni)

Amazing Technicolor Show Choir
Westside High School
First Runner Up
Best Band
Best Male Soloist (Jeremy Reloj)
Best Female Soloist (Hali Jorgensen)
Best Female Performer (Kelsey McDermott)

Hillside Singers
Pleasant Hill High School
Second Runner Up

Lewis Central High School
3rd Runner Up

14 Karat Gold
Grand Island Northwest High School
4th Runner Up

Norris High School
5th Runner Up

Mixed Division (Prelims) Show
Treble Division
Groups in order of performance

Heart and Soul
Papillion-La Vista High School
Placement Unknown

Ankeny High School
Placement Unknown

Bishop Heelan Catholic School
Placement Unknown

Simply Irresistible
Westside High School
Placement Unknown

Prep Division
Groups in order of performance

Islander Entourage
Grand Island Senior High School
Placement Unknown

In Motion
Papillion-La Vista High School
Placement Unknown

Bishop Heelan Catholic School
Placement Unknown

Islander Protégé
Grand Island Senior High School
Placement Unknown

Warrior Express
Westside High School
Placement Unknown

Attending Members
No members signed up for this event.
42 comments • Sort by

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stephhyatt on Feb 2, 2008, 7:07 PM
Post #22
Anyone know anything yet?


Tenorboi18 on Feb 2, 2008, 5:29 PM
Post #21
Good luck Pleasant Hill!


Shkel49 on Feb 2, 2008, 3:30 PM
Post #20
QUOTE(juliofrommississippi @ Feb 2 2008, 11:07 AM) 415692
I would agree with this except Lewis Central did beat both Grand Island NW and Papillion LaVista in day round at Omaha Westside. I would put them in finals for sure!

GC: Ankeny
1RU: Omaha Westside
2RU: Grand Island Northwest
3RU: Lewis Central
4RU: Papillion LaVista
5RU: Pleasant Hill

Best Vocals: Omaha Westside
Best Choreography: Ankeny
Best Band: Omaha Westside

I haven't seen either of Ankeny's groups, Pleasant Hill, Grand Island Senior, or Bishop Heelan. I also heard either Ralston or Gretna were really close to finals at Westside and I haven't seen either of them either. I think this is actually gonna be a really good competition!!!! Very excited!

really, i heard differently but yeah Papillion is missing a lot of kids due to sickness today

juliofrommississippi on Feb 2, 2008, 1:07 PM
Post #19
QUOTE(TaylorB @ Feb 1 2008, 09:11 PM) 415642
My predictions
GC: Ankeny
1RU: Omaha Westside
2RU: Grand Island Northwest
3RU: Pleasent Hill
4RU: Papillion
5RU: Ankeny "Perpetual Motion"

I would agree with this except Lewis Central did beat both Grand Island NW and Papillion LaVista in day round at Omaha Westside. I would put them in finals for sure!

GC: Ankeny
1RU: Omaha Westside
2RU: Grand Island Northwest
3RU: Lewis Central
4RU: Papillion LaVista
5RU: Pleasant Hill

Best Vocals: Omaha Westside
Best Choreography: Ankeny
Best Band: Omaha Westside

I haven't seen either of Ankeny's groups, Pleasant Hill, Grand Island Senior, or Bishop Heelan. I also heard either Ralston or Gretna were really close to finals at Westside and I haven't seen either of them either. I think this is actually gonna be a really good competition!!!! Very excited!

Bae on Feb 1, 2008, 11:11 PM
Post #18
My predictions
GC: Ankeny
1RU: Omaha Westside
2RU: Grand Island Northwest
3RU: Pleasent Hill
4RU: Papillion
5RU: Ankeny "Perpetual Motion"


TheTypist on Feb 1, 2008, 10:47 PM
Post #17
Wooohooo! We leave tomorrow.

thewaterotter9 on Jan 31, 2008, 1:54 PM (Edited)
Post #16
Here is the schedule:
Ambience (Exhibition)-7:30
Heart & Soul-Papio-8:10
Starlights-Bishop Heelan-8:50
Simply Irresistible-Westside-9:10
Islander Entourage-GISH-9:40
In Motion-Papio-10:00
Pinnacle-Bishop Heelan-10:20
Islander Protégé-GISH-10:40
Warrior Express-Westside-11:00
West Connection-Bellevue West-12:35
Perpetual Motion-Ankeny-1:00
Express Show Choir-Lincoln East-1:25
Central Show Choir-Keller, TX-1:50
Gold Show Choir-Norris-2:15
14 Karat Gold-GINW-2:40
Lewis Corporation-Lewis Central-3:25
Free Spirit-Papio-3:50
Islander Prestige-GISH-4:15
Hillside Singers-Pleasant Hill-4:40
Harmonia Mundi-Bishop Heelan-5:05
Visual Adrenaline-Ankeny-5:30
The Amazing Technicolor Show Choir-Westside-5:55
Finalist 1-8:00
Finalist 2-8:25
Finalist 3-8:50
Finalist 4-9:15
Finalist 5-9:40
Finalist 6-10:05

thanks to ATSChicks for his assistance.


musiclver08 on Jan 28, 2008, 4:22 PM
Post #15
I know that Lewis Corp will be there and Bishop Heelan will be there also. I don't know if all 3 of Bishop Heelan's groups will be there of if it's just Harmonia Mundi, I'm trying to get ahold of my friend and find out.

RezShowChoir on Jan 28, 2008, 12:40 AM
Post #14
I keep asking for a schedule from someone but no one can give me one, glad to see Ankeny is attending. Competed against you guys at Midwest Cup last year (we weren't super good then) and loved your show. Hillside was great last year, and as always, Westside was amazing. As for other groups, I'm not sure, GISH has a great show but still needs a little cleaning. GINW has an awesome show and could easily be in the top in finals. The auditorium is pretty small but provides a great overall effect. Going to other schools (even letting it be known that I am very bias) the stage is probably one of the best performing stages and places you could sing and dance on out of many competitions. Good luck to all of you. I am going to be ushering for this so hopefully I don't have to bust anyone for illegally recording the groups in the audience! " border="0" alt="laugh.gif" />

thewaterotter9 on Jan 27, 2008, 10:27 PM
Post #13
QUOTE(lghtmycandle16 @ Jan 27 2008, 06:00 PM) 414422
texas!? wow i havent ever seen a show choir from texas before are they good?

This is their 2nd year of competing i believe and their first year of being choreographed by Stephen Todd. Their director is a UNL graduate, Jen Randall, who has done show choir camp at UNL for the past two summers. They are improving and definitely have some potential.

Andy08 on Jan 27, 2008, 10:00 PM
Post #12
QUOTE(thewaterotter9 @ Jan 27 2008, 07:43 PM) 414404
3 ankeny groups and 3 westside groups will be there. As well as Papio, Grand Island NW, Grand Island Sr. High. Those are groups that ususally come to competitions like this. I also know a group from Keller, TExas is coming.

texas!? wow i havent ever seen a show choir from texas before are they good?

thewaterotter9 on Jan 27, 2008, 9:43 PM
Post #11
QUOTE(lghtmycandle16 @ Jan 27 2008, 03:41 PM) 414363
who all besides Ankeny Plesant Hill and ATSC is going?

3 ankeny groups and 3 westside groups will be there. As well as Papio, Grand Island NW, Grand Island Sr. High. Those are groups that ususally come to competitions like this. I also know a group from Keller, TExas is coming.


VaStallion on Jan 27, 2008, 9:09 PM
Post #10
I'd really like to see a line up and maybe a schedule for this competition : ) that would be Grand. I might be attending this competition : ) I'm excited.

Andy08 on Jan 27, 2008, 7:41 PM
Post #9
who all besides Ankeny Plesant Hill and ATSC is going?

ATSChicks on Jan 27, 2008, 6:27 PM
Post #8
QUOTE(realmc @ Jan 27 2008, 11:17 AM) 414228
And since we are first time visitors, take it easy on us will you????

Haha, this is only the 2nd year of this competition anyway

stephhyatt on Jan 27, 2008, 4:45 PM
Post #7
QUOTE(DanceCaptainChica @ Jan 26 2008, 02:22 PM) 413976
I am replying to myself...doh!!!!! That's a Homer if I ever heard one!!!
Just moving the thread up to try to get some info if anyone has it on this competition.
Also..what is the auditorium like at LSW?
And thanks for your support!!!

haha.. apparently i need to start logging out so other people don't post on my name.. oops.

juliofrommississippi on Jan 27, 2008, 4:11 PM
Post #6
I'll be there with the uber-sexy Dani Cisna!!!!!!!!!!


realmc on Jan 27, 2008, 3:17 PM
Post #5
QUOTE(Tenorboi18 @ Jan 27 2008, 07:33 AM) 414133
Pleasant Hill will be there. We went last year....pretty fun competition.
But if the auditorium is full....they WILL NOT let anybody in.
you CANNOT sit on the got quite annoying, especially when you wanted to watch certain groups.

but overall fun competition....good luck Ankeny. you guys are always amazing!

Thanks for the info and also to the Westside poster above.
Folks at Ankeny rarely complain about the size of auditoriums..haha..if you had seen ours you would know why!!! But I know it's disappointing not to get to watch in person.
Hopefully in a few years that will be improved somewhat. But it's always fun to go to a new place
and meet new people.
VA got a good lesson at Johnston in the afternoon round last week...look for them to come out strong this
week whenever they are scheduled. We wlll have to see what the judges think this time. Good luck to all who are coming to
the Showdown. And since we are first time visitors, take it easy on us will you????


Tenorboi18 on Jan 27, 2008, 11:33 AM
Post #4
Pleasant Hill will be there. We went last year....pretty fun competition.
But if the auditorium is full....they WILL NOT let anybody in.
you CANNOT sit on the got quite annoying, especially when you wanted to watch certain groups.

but overall fun competition....good luck Ankeny. you guys are always amazing!

thewaterotter9 on Jan 26, 2008, 10:42 PM
Post #3
QUOTE(DanceCaptainChica @ Jan 26 2008, 02:22 PM) 413976
I am replying to myself...doh!!!!! That's a Homer if I ever heard one!!!
Just moving the thread up to try to get some info if anyone has it on this competition.
Also..what is the auditorium like at LSW?
And thanks for your support!!!

I know our director has seen the almost final schedule so I'm sure that it will be going out on monday or tuesday. I know ATSC is last to perform and its around 6pm. The auditorium is definitely unique. It's relatively small and in the afternoon most students will not be allowed in the auditorium to watch.

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