Best Crew: Vermillion
Judge's Choice: Garfield Heights
Show Concept: Solon
Best Costumes: Marysville
Class A GC: Alliance
RU: Tallmadge
Class AA GC: Marysville
RU: Solon
If we take this into consideration:
I received a text from Wapak's director saying that someone had forgotten to add Wapak. And evidently they actually won their class. That's all the info I have though. Hope that clears things up!
Mini Swingers won the middle school division of the Spaghetti and Syrup eating contest (against Coy and RBC)
RBC Singers is actually comprised of 38 Singer/Dancer/Ninjas and they also participate in academic activities, sports and nuclear physics.
They are directed and choreographed by Nintendo 64 Mario Kart Champion Randall S. Lanoue.
This. This is why Northcoast was in my top 3 favorite competitions of my show choir career
I think Solon will take this one honestly. I love Marysville and all, but I think Solon has the superior show. They have been cheated this year.
I'm curious, have you seen either of them live? You really have to see them live to compare anything. Plus, the one video of Solon up is awful (talking about video quality) and Marysville doesn't have any video up. Yes I agree that last competition Solon got cheated out of. I've seen all of those groups live a few times now. But honestly, Marysville's show this year is one of my favorite shows ever. My jaw is dropped and I'm in complete awe almost the whole time. I'm not just saying this because I'm an alum. Now, Solon's show is great as well. They're both amazing. I do think Marysville will take GC here though with Solon and second though.
Looking forward to it tomorrow! I will be there... and hopefully my phone doesn't die like normal. Darn schools suck the life out of phones.
I'm with Kyle on this....trying not to be sad...
The feels are strong in this one. I had my last Finals experience last weekend and I'm still recovering... My next comp is my last Mississippi one.... So... many... feels.
Just noticed.... The above listed times are the warm-up times. In trying to give you the most accurate schedule in a post, the formatting did not show that the first time listed was their warm-up, and the second is their performance time.
Thanks for fixing it. Very excited...I can smell the Christmas cookies being baked as I am typing this and the reindeer just got here!!!
Whoops, that was my bad. Thanks for pointing that out - it's been fixed above.