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 Show Choir Community    Events    2007 Season    Quincy Showcase of Excellence 2007
Event Info

March 10th, 2007
Venue Info
Quincy Senior High School
3322 Maine Street
Quincy, IL 62301
Phone: (217) 224-3770
Event Details
Number of Attending Choirs:
21 Mixed Groups
3 Treble Groups
1 Middle School Group
Event Hosts:
Quincy "Electric Blue"
Event Judges:
Matt Bean
Kitty Karn
Heather Klaus
Robert Lawrence
Terre McPheeters
Mike Weaver
Ticket prices unknown.
Quincy Showcase of Excellence 2007

Event Site
Live Stream

City Lights
Rock Bridge High School
Grand Champion
Best Choreography

Satin 'n Lace
Rock Bridge High School
First Runner Up

New Score Singers
Smith-Cotton High School
Second Runner Up

Vocal Chords
Danville High School
3rd Runner Up
Best Female Soloist (Chantel Pulse)

River City Revue
Hannibal High School
4th Runner Up
Best Vocals

Mixed Division - Tier I (Prelims) Show
Mixed Division - Tier II (Prelims) Show
Mixed Division - Tier III (Prelims) Show
Attending Members
No members signed up for this event.
39 comments • Sort by

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~*Rawr*~ on Mar 28, 2007, 1:13 PM
Post #40
QUOTE(Sparky1 @ Mar 26 2007, 11:56 AM) 397115
actually that is not true. Rock bridge "city lights" was grand champion and won best choreography. and the rock bridge girls "satin and lace" were first runner up and best vocals. The smith cotton group was 2nd runner up.

haha yeah thanks for fixing that " border="0" alt="unsure.gif" /> , cause we worked hard for first runner up

EsAreUnimportant on Mar 27, 2007, 1:07 PM
Post #39
Sounds like a poorly run competition. Congrats to Rock Bridge for 1st and 2nd place!

stevesing85 on Mar 27, 2007, 12:21 PM
Post #38
"maybe Quincy should invest in a computer and type up a list of rules"

I agree!

GLITTER! on Mar 27, 2007, 9:31 AM (Edited)
Post #37
So we have dot dot dot:

Grand Champion:Rock Bridge (city lights) (best choreo)
1st Runner up: Rock Bridge (satin and lace)
2nd Runner up: Smith Cotton (new score)
3rd Runner up: Danville (vocal chords)
4th Runner up: Hannibal (river city Revue) (best Vocals)
5th runner up: ???

there were only supposed to be 5 places, but there was a tie going into the finals, after checking the scores it was really stupid, Satin&Lace had a 90.1 River City Revue had a 90.0 (a tie for 2nd going into finals) Danville had the lowet score and should have just been dropped., but they went on to get 3rd runner up.

also something that really pissed me off: we lost two points because the judges could see our directors red shirt sticking out from under her black shirt. Okay, i saw a director wereing a jacket 100% covered in sequince, i'd hate to see how many points they lost.

maybe Quincy should invest in a computer and type up a list of rules


Sparky1 on Mar 26, 2007, 3:56 PM
Post #36
actually that is not true. Rock bridge "city lights" was grand champion and won best choreography. and the rock bridge girls "satin and lace" were first runner up and best vocals. The smith cotton group was 2nd runner up.

stevesing85 on Mar 26, 2007, 9:16 AM
Post #35
QUOTE(adancinmomma @ Mar 22 2007, 11:32 AM) 396278
All that I know is that Rock Bridge Mixed group took Grand Champions and Smith-Cotton New Score took 1st runner -up. ***Smith-Cotton would have won Grand Champions but 20 points were taken off of their score for having adults in their combo (*WHich they were not informed off ahead of time and was nit in the rules for this competition at all!)

Yeah, that happens alot at Quincy, they forget to tell people rules, or they rush groups on stage make them perform when they are not ready


adancinmomma on Mar 22, 2007, 3:32 PM
Post #34
All that I know is that Rock Bridge Mixed group took Grand Champions and Smith-Cotton New Score took 1st runner -up. ***Smith-Cotton would have won Grand Champions but 20 points were taken off of their score for having adults in their combo (*WHich they were not informed off ahead of time and was nit in the rules for this competition at all!)


dandaman4music on Mar 21, 2007, 12:05 PM
Post #33
yes please results pleasse!!!!!!! i was there but i didnt stay for finals i went to the dance which was awesome!!!

MKRChoreo on Mar 15, 2007, 8:29 PM
Post #32
ARE THERE NO RESULTS OR WHAT!??????????????????????????????????

MKRChoreo on Mar 12, 2007, 2:50 PM
Post #31
what are the results for this competition??

GLITTER! on Mar 12, 2007, 9:09 AM
Post #30
i wasnt able to watch the awards... i do know that we (hannibal) got 4th runner up, and "Best Vocals" as well as 3rd in Artistry

mstalam on Mar 11, 2007, 3:03 PM
Post #29
Does anyone have results from this competition?

showchoirash on Mar 8, 2007, 10:34 PM (Edited)
Post #28

GLITTER! on Mar 7, 2007, 12:59 PM
Post #27
QUOTE(dancertaymichelle @ Mar 6 2007, 06:35 PM) 392325
they got a new director this year i heard and are really taking show choir serious. or so i have heard. i havent seen them

could just be rumor

Same Director, New Choreographer...

P.s. the times i listed are the times the choirs will be talking with their clinician...the actual preforming time is 20-25 minutes before the posted time

stevesing85 on Mar 7, 2007, 12:59 PM
Post #26
QUOTE(12jbowler @ Mar 6 2007, 11:00 AM) 392158
Highland High 8:20
Chatham Gienwood HS 8.45
Keokuk “Vibrations” 9.10
Holy Trinity “Commotions” 9.25
Springfield “sensations” 9.50
Ursuline “supersonics” 10.15
Monmouth/Rosevill “velocity” 10.40
Carrolton “9th st. Singers” 11.05
Columbia Rock Bridge “satin & Lace” 11.30
Grain Vally “exclamation” 11.55
Smith-Cotton “Caberet” 1.10
Springfield “lions pride” 1.35
New London “G&B Company” 2.00
Franklin “Fantastic Falcons” 2.25
Central Lee “Centrifugal Force’ 2.50
Keokuk HS “purple Harmony” 3.15
Danville “vocal chords” 3.40
Columbia Rock Bridge “City Lights’ 4.05
Fort Madison “swing span” 4.40
Althoff Catholic HS 5.05
Hannibal HS “River City Revue” 5.30
Mt. Pleasant “InMotion” 5.55
Smith-Cotton “New Score” 6.20
O’Fallen “Great expectations’ 645
Herscher HS “Class Act” 7.10

Finals 1 7.45
Finalist2 810 (yes there are just 5!)
Finalist3 8.35
Finalist4 9.00
Finalist5 9.24

Quincy jazz band 9.45
Quincy show choir 10.15

AWARDS 10.30

sorry about the wait...and that the list looks like crap

Which groups are JR. HIGH; WHICH GROUPS ARE Single-Gender


dancertaymichelle on Mar 6, 2007, 10:35 PM
Post #25
QUOTE(12jbowler @ Feb 26 2007, 08:50 AM) 388492
< i will try to post a list by tomorrow, i wonder if Jefferson City is going, hmmm

they would be the ones who had the Freddy Crueger theme 2 years ago... and the Prison theme last year.


they got a new director this year i heard and are really taking show choir serious. or so i have heard. i havent seen them

could just be rumor

GLITTER! on Mar 6, 2007, 3:00 PM
Post #24
Highland High 8:20
Chatham Gienwood HS 8.45
Keokuk “Vibrations” 9.10
Holy Trinity “Commotions” 9.25
Springfield “sensations” 9.50
Ursuline “supersonics” 10.15
Monmouth/Rosevill “velocity” 10.40
Carrolton “9th st. Singers” 11.05
Columbia Rock Bridge “satin & Lace” 11.30
Grain Vally “exclamation” 11.55
Smith-Cotton “Caberet” 1.10
Springfield “lions pride” 1.35
New London “G&B Company” 2.00
Franklin “Fantastic Falcons” 2.25
Central Lee “Centrifugal Force’ 2.50
Keokuk HS “purple Harmony” 3.15
Danville “vocal chords” 3.40
Columbia Rock Bridge “City Lights’ 4.05
Fort Madison “swing span” 4.40
Althoff Catholic HS 5.05
Hannibal HS “River City Revue” 5.30
Mt. Pleasant “InMotion” 5.55
Smith-Cotton “New Score” 6.20
O’Fallen “Great expectations’ 645
Herscher HS “Class Act” 7.10

Finals 1 7.45
Finalist2 810 (yes there are just 5!)
Finalist3 8.35
Finalist4 9.00
Finalist5 9.24

Quincy jazz band 9.45
Quincy show choir 10.15

AWARDS 10.30

sorry about the wait...and that the list looks like crap


dandaman4music on Mar 6, 2007, 9:07 AM
Post #23
QUOTE(stevesing85 @ Mar 5 2007, 02:47 PM) 391769
WE NEED A LIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

yes we do,

stevesing85 on Mar 5, 2007, 6:46 PM
Post #21
QUOTE(12jbowler @ Feb 28 2007, 06:28 AM) 389483
well named

sorry no list ( but we Still have a week...and 1/2

WE NEED A LIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

GLITTER! on Feb 28, 2007, 10:28 AM
Post #20
well named

sorry no list ( but we Still have a week...and 1/2

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