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 Show Choir Community    Events    2007 Season    Northrop Charisma Invitational 2007
Event Info

February 3rd, 2007
Venue Info
Northrop High School
7001 Coldwater Road
Fort Wayne, IN 46825
Phone: (260) 467-2300
Event Details
Number of Attending Choirs:
13 Mixed Groups
6 Treble Groups
Event Hosts:
Northrop "Charisma"
Northrop "Villes De Filles"
Event Judges:
Ticket prices unknown.
Northrop Charisma Invitational 2007

Event Site
Live Stream

Minstrel Magic
Carroll High School
Grand Champion
Best Vocals
Best Choreography

Ben Davis High School
First Runner Up

Knight Moves
Norwell High School
Second Runner Up

Bishop Luers High School
3rd Runner Up

Sound Edition
New Haven High School
4th Runner Up

Brave Generation
Bellmont High School
5th Runner Up

Mixed Division - Tier I (Prelims) Show
Mixed Division - Tier II
Groups in order of performance

Summit Sound
Bishop Dwenger High School
Placement Unknown

New Wave
Lakeland High School
Placement Unknown

TC Singers
Triton Central High School
Placement Unknown

Lebanon High School
Placement Unknown

Brave Generation
Bellmont High School
Placement Unknown

Knight Moves
Norwell High School
Placement Unknown

Central Crossing High School
Placement Unknown

City Heat
Columbia City High School
Placement Unknown

Treble Division

Knight Stars
Norwell High School
First Place

Ben Davis High School
Second Place

City Lights
Columbia City High School
Third Place

Bellmont High School
No Placement

Rhythm Connection
Garrett High School
No Placement

Select Sound
Carroll High School
No Placement

Attending Members
No members signed up for this event.
75 comments • Sort by

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Rian on Feb 8, 2007, 2:37 AM
Post #75
So what was everyone's shows?


midevoice4 on Feb 8, 2007, 12:02 AM
Post #74
QUOTE(show choirfan333 @ Feb 6 2007, 12:40 PM) 381022
New Haven: Just wanted to mention that I thought you did well and loved your ballad. To the soloist in the ballad - has anyone ever told you that you sound like Ben Folds (a similar sound to the sound he has when singing his song "Brick")? Nice job!

He is a freshman named Preston Barr and is doing very well for us this year. Thanks a lot for your positive feedback. I'm a proud Dad for the kids and they have worked very hard. Good luck Saturday at Dekalb.


midevoice4 on Feb 7, 2007, 11:56 PM
Post #73
QUOTE(hessma @ Feb 6 2007, 12:34 PM) 381020
I was thinking it was last year, but I could be mistaken it might have been the year before. I go to more than my share of this stuff Last year we were at Lebanon (we were only exhibition there becasue of our size), Busco, Dekalb, Franklin Cental, Huntington North, Homestead and our own invitational. Anything sound familiar? My memory of you guys is of having theme type shows with lots of comedy. Am I mistaken? I didn't realize your group was that new. My recolection was that you were a good small group. This year I thought ... wow! Northrop was right to give you a nudge. Hope to see more of you!

Maybe Dekalb because we finished 1RU to Lebanon there. Thanks and I'm glad you liked our show. Good luck to you the rest of this season.

showchoirfan333 on Feb 6, 2007, 1:40 PM
Post #72
QUOTE(midevoice4 @ Feb 5 2007, 11:06 PM) 380912
Thank you for the complement. This was our first contest ever in the Large Group catagory. It wasn't by our choice, but the Northrup group saw us win at Marion in the Small Group cat. and finished right behind them in the night show. They thought that our show was strong enough to be in the Large so, there we were Saturday. It wasn't easy leaving a place we knew we could compete in to go against you, Ben Davis, and Luers. We are a lot smaller, very low budget, young(4 years competitive), and extra corricular(practice twice a week after school). We're still not ready to compete for GC at this level yet, but we're dreaming of that day. Thanks, Northrup, for the nudge out of our comfort zone and believing we could succeed when we didn't think we were ready. By the way, hessma, when did you see us last?

New Haven: Just wanted to mention that I thought you did well and loved your ballad. To the soloist in the ballad - has anyone ever told you that you sound like Ben Folds (a similar sound to the sound he has when singing his song "Brick")? Nice job!


hessma on Feb 6, 2007, 1:34 PM
Post #71
QUOTE(midevoice4 @ Feb 5 2007, 08:06 PM) 380912
Thank you for the complement. This was our first contest ever in the Large Group catagory. It wasn't by our choice, but the Northrup group saw us win at Marion in the Small Group cat. and finished right behind them in the night show. They thought that our show was strong enough to be in the Large so, there we were Saturday. It wasn't easy leaving a place we knew we could compete in to go against you, Ben Davis, and Luers. We are a lot smaller, very low budget, young(4 years competitive), and extra corricular(practice twice a week after school). We're still not ready to compete for GC at this level yet, but we're dreaming of that day. Thanks, Northrup, for the nudge out of our comfort zone and believing we could succeed when we didn't think we were ready. By the way, hessma, when did you see us last?

I was thinking it was last year, but I could be mistaken it might have been the year before. I go to more than my share of this stuff Last year we were at Lebanon (we were only exhibition there becasue of our size), Busco, Dekalb, Franklin Cental, Huntington North, Homestead and our own invitational. Anything sound familiar? My memory of you guys is of having theme type shows with lots of comedy. Am I mistaken? I didn't realize your group was that new. My recolection was that you were a good small group. This year I thought ... wow! Northrop was right to give you a nudge. Hope to see more of you!


HeirDirector on Feb 6, 2007, 11:18 AM
Post #70

I know it is unusual for directors to get on here and post, especially since I do not permit my students to post, but I just wanted to say a few things publicly.

First: Congrats to Carroll the improvement from the day show to the night show was very noticable and I was very impressed. Very solid performance - great job!

Second: Columbia City - I hope you all know how much love I still and always will have for you. I hope you all heard me screaming for you. Keep working hard and you will be right back in it!

Lastly: BD - I love you guys and I can't wait to see where you go throughout the rest of the year - "Chins UP!"

Great job to all of the groups!



midevoice4 on Feb 6, 2007, 12:06 AM
Post #69
QUOTE(hessma @ Feb 4 2007, 03:41 PM) 380138
New Haven- Wow! I really liked your show. I don't want to sound like I am disrespecting any past New Haven choirs, but I think your look has changed quite a bit from years past. You did a great job!

Thank you for the complement. This was our first contest ever in the Large Group catagory. It wasn't by our choice, but the Northrup group saw us win at Marion in the Small Group cat. and finished right behind them in the night show. They thought that our show was strong enough to be in the Large so, there we were Saturday. It wasn't easy leaving a place we knew we could compete in to go against you, Ben Davis, and Luers. We are a lot smaller, very low budget, young(4 years competitive), and extra corricular(practice twice a week after school). We're still not ready to compete for GC at this level yet, but we're dreaming of that day. Thanks, Northrup, for the nudge out of our comfort zone and believing we could succeed when we didn't think we were ready. By the way, hessma, when did you see us last?


mm78 on Feb 5, 2007, 7:59 AM
Post #68
What an awesome competition! I actually was able to sit and watch several groups during the entire day. I was very impressed with Northrop and their hard work and dedication to running their competition so smoothly. The evening went off without a hitch and most everyone (schools) was out of there relatively early.

My own personal favorite was watching Belmont’s little mini musical...very funny and several amazing vocals by their soloists! Congratulations on a great performance! Although their show was quite different, after an entire day of “Show Choir”, seeing them onstage was quite refreshing. It reenergized me for the rest of the evening!

Columbia City was also one of my favorites! I knew you were in good hands when I found out that Rosalie was now directing you...great vocals. I was surprised that you didn’t make finals because you were one that I would have placed there. Great soloists as well!

Norwell Great Job! The ballad was very well done! I like the way you utilized your backdrop. Congratulations on winning both Single-Gender and small mixed as well as your placement in the finals.

New Haven, I was really surprised to see you there...not at being in finals, but I missed the day show and when I heard the drawing for finals, my first thought was...I have GOT to watch this group, they must be pretty amazing to have gotten into the night show! You didn’t disappoint, very impressive show!’s been a long time coming! Almost three years since your last GC and it’s nice to see you put on a great show so early in the season! All that hard work is paying off and starting to show. To be able and sweep the captions as well as get a Grand Champion, is something to take to heart...but remember what it took to win it and keep it up! Congratulations!

I love the Carroll Girls show! How funny - and you do that Barbie set so well. You can’t be far from a grand champion show, the competition was pretty amazing and you should feel proud where you placed against some of the other schools. Work hard and you’ll see the fruit of your attention to your director’s and listen to what the judges say and you’ll do just fine!

Also, Way to go Carroll! Placing both first and third in the soloist competition! Wow! Congratulations to the great instrumentalists’ performance! Two best band awards!!! You guys really deserve it...great sound!

bravegeneration09 on Feb 4, 2007, 9:18 PM
Post #67
I know Bellmont show choirs had a GREAT time at Northrop yesterday.

I love performing our show, and I honestly thought we weren't going to place well at all during the day show . To have made night show was such great fun that we really didn't mind that we were only sixth runner up, we just wanted to be able to perform again and support everyone else.

Northrop- Thanks for being great hosts, as always. Kyle and Andrea were great room hosts. =) Your show is absolutely amazing and you were all great.

Carroll- Your show was absolutely AMAZING! Your show was quite fun and I loved the music. "Pictureshow" was definitely my favorite. =) You guys deserved to sweep. Congratulations.

Ben Davis- We didn't have the chance to catch your show both times. =/ But we heard great comments about it. Congratulations on your placing.

New Haven- We still haven't seen your show. You guys have performed before us and after us and we still haven't had a chance to watch it. =/ I'd really like to though. *nods* Again, we hear a lot of great comments about you. =) So, congratulations.

Bishop Luers- I LOVED your show theme. It's very creative and quite different. =) I loved "Trashing the Camp" and "Two Worlds" from Tarzan. Very awesome. I also loved the song you sing during the "Museum of Natural History." Great job. =)

Norwell- You guys definitely deserved the Grand Champion you won in Small Mixed. I love your ballad- a friend of mine sang it for ISSMA. =) Your choreography was very fun and I loved the white dresses. They're beautiful. =) Congrats.

Thanks to everyone for a great day/night. =) Great job to all.


sweetpassion17 on Feb 4, 2007, 6:14 PM
Post #66
so this goes out to all Northrop people--

i just wanted to say thank you soooo much for being so amazing. i know we all had a blast and sorry it had to end early but we'll see u soon. and to rico and crystal ((heat's room hosts))... LOVE YOU! thank you for the cookies... ur too fantastic. => we loved ur competition and it was a great place to start our year.



hessma on Feb 4, 2007, 4:41 PM
Post #65
I always like to hear what people think of the groups they see at I will give you my thoughts about the Northrop groups. I am no expert and I am a big Carroll fan. That being said, I really enjoyed all of the groups yesterday. You were all so different I thought it must be really difficult for the judges to compair you.

Carroll- Congratulations. I thought you were fantastic! Of course you are the group I have seen the most, but my favorite thing about yesterday (especially the night show) was your enegry. You did really bring your A game. Great job!

Ben Davis- This was such a close competition and I thought your choir was just great! Your choir has a great sound. My favorite thing about your show was your soloists. WOW!! They were amazing! That ballad gave me goose bumps!

Norwell- VERY classy and elegant show. As always, your vocals were beautiful and your costumes were probably my favorite. Congratulations on winning GC in small mixed. I missed seeing the girls group, but heard they were very good. Congrats to them as well.

Bishop Lures- Your show was very unique. You have so much talent in your group, violin, flute, you had it all! My favorite number was the next to the last one (with the trash can lids). Very upbeat!

New Haven- Wow! I really liked your show. I don't want to sound like I am disrespecting any past New Haven choirs, but I think your look has changed quite a bit from years past. You did a great job!

Belmont- Your show was definitly one of the most entertaining shows I have seen. I love Spamalot! You really perfomed it well, and your blond tennor was magnificent!

Thanks to the parents and staff of Northrop HS! Everything ran so smoothly! Northrop- great show! You opener was stuck in my head all night. LOVED the violins!


x8tracksrulex on Feb 4, 2007, 4:00 PM
Post #64
thanks damon...that means a lot! " border="0" alt="laugh.gif" />


marcki_007 on Feb 4, 2007, 1:23 PM
Post #63
wow i thought Nowwell was going to take it all thw way!!! Surprise Surprise!


goinggray on Feb 4, 2007, 2:48 AM
Post #62
WAY TO GO CARROLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's been a long trip back to the winner's circle, but I'm so proud for each of you that made it happen once again. You've improved SOOO much over the past few weeks, and I hope this success will give you even more reason to buckle down and work harder than ever. God Bless, Damon Brown


allismom on Feb 4, 2007, 12:37 AM
Post #61
Carroll also took first & third in the soloist compitition. Norwell came in second. Great job everyone!!!

smitty on Feb 4, 2007, 12:29 AM
Post #60
GC: Carroll
1s RU: Ben Davis
2nd RU: Norwell
3rd RU: Bishop Luers
4th RU: New Haven
5th RU: Belmont

Carroll took all captions

SSMMfan4life on Feb 3, 2007, 8:29 PM (Edited)
Post #59
New predictions based on finalists:
Grand Champion: Norwell (switching them around to spice things up)
2nd: Ben Davis
3rd: Carroll
4th: Bishop Luers
5th: New Haven
6th: Belmont

I'm crossing my fingers for a Norwell sweep.

smitty on Feb 3, 2007, 7:35 PM
Post #58
Finalists in no particular order

Ben Davis
New Haven
Bishop Luers

Girls Results:
GC: Norwell
1st RU: Ben Davis
2nd RU: Columbia City

tulrich125 on Feb 3, 2007, 12:35 PM
Post #57
Are they going to have digital photography of the comp?

bravegeneration09 on Feb 2, 2007, 10:13 PM
Post #56
Just wanted to say that Bellmont's definitely excited for tomorrow. =)

Good luck to all the choirs. " border="0" alt="happy.gif" />


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