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  Show Choir Community    Events    2007 Season    New London Center Stage Invitational 2007

   Event Info

February 3rd, 2007

Venue Info

New London High School
1700 Klatt Road
New London, WI 54961

Phone: (920) 982-8420

Event Details

No. of Attending Choirs:

  8 Mixed Groups
  3 Treble Groups


  New London "Vision"

Judges: Unknown


Ticket prices unknown.


New London Center Stage Invitational 2007

Event Site
Live Stream




 Cardinal Singers
 Mayville High School
Grand Champion 
Best Band 
Best Female Soloist (Jenny Kruger) 

 Executive Session
 Sauk Prairie High School
First Runner Up 
Best Vocals 

 Craig High School
Second Runner Up 

 Reedsburg Area High School
3rd Runner Up 

 Sauk Prairie High School
4th Runner Up 

 Silver Connection
 Monona Grove High School
5th Runner Up 

   Mixed Division (Prelims)

   Prep Division



 Sauk Prairie High School
First Place 

 Silver Dimension

 Monona Grove High School
No Placement 

 Classy Ladies

 Logan High School
No Placement 

   Attending Members

No members signed up for this event.

54 comments • Sort by

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ChoraliersChic on Feb 6, 2007, 11:06 PM (Edited)
Post #54
I was in eight grade when reedsburg did pipin, and i remember that i didnt understand it but that i always thought our pipin was cute lol. then we looked it up and i got even more confused so i decided just to watch and watch in bewilderment lol

MisterInformative on Feb 6, 2007, 5:24 PM
Post #53
QUOTE(biker945 @ Feb 6 2007, 01:32 PM) [snapback]381036[/snapback]
I know, and i feel kinda stupid seeing how i can't figure out how to do it...

That's because you can't do it yourself. Post in one of the topics for that purpose, either in the Website forums or in Show Choir Discussion, and then one of the Crew will change it.


biker945 on Feb 6, 2007, 3:32 PM
Post #52
QUOTE(cardinalsinger06 @ Feb 5 2007, 12:06 PM) [snapback]380583[/snapback]
Even though I am now an alumni, I'd still like to say thanks! haha.. I'd like to think the alumni still had some part in helping them get to where they now are. Btw, I remember watching you throughout your show, not because you stuck out in a bad way, but that you were so fun to watch and seemed really into it!
Matt, you're usually pretty speechless. hehe p.s. you need to change your status from student to alumni!)

I know, and i feel kinda stupid seeing how i can't figure out how to do it...


Miss_Buddaha on Feb 6, 2007, 1:05 AM
Post #51
QUOTE(ekurutz @ Feb 5 2007, 09:01 PM) [snapback]380942[/snapback]
I completely understand what you are saying. Your show is so complex and innovative, and to truly appreciate the type of show you are doing one must analyze the lyrics and the conception behind the music and dance far beyond its basic meaning. Watching the show multiple times I can honestly say that it is one of my favorite shows I have seen you do, and everytime I see it again I find something new about it that fascinates me. I really appreciate the level of professionalism and thought that goes into each and everyone one of your characters, and your ability to make such a difficult show come to life. I Can't wait to see to see it again live this weekend, and best of luck for the rest of the season.

thank you

ekurutz on Feb 6, 2007, 1:01 AM (Edited)
Post #50
QUOTE(Miss_Buddaha @ Feb 5 2007, 08:53 PM) [snapback]380937[/snapback]
its been an interesting/tough year for us. pippin is definately a hard show. when i first saw reedsburg do it, i laughed and thought "how are they trying to pull this off?". now i completely understand how difficult it is. we've had many ups and downs but we are finally starting to come together as a group. i think audiences are used to seeing our shows like big river, suessical, or godspell and pippin is much deeper and confusing. i hope by us doing this show it teaches audiences things about life and gets them motivated to learn the story of pippin so that they fully understand our show.
congrats mayville on the victory and thank you for commenting.

I completely understand what you are saying. Your show is so complex and innovative, and to truly appreciate the type of show you are doing one must analyze the lyrics and the conception behind the music and dance far beyond its basic meaning. Watching the show multiple times I can honestly say that it is one of my favorite shows I have seen you do, and everytime I see it again I find something new about it that fascinates me. I really appreciate the level of professionalism and thought that goes into each and everyone one of your characters, and your ability to make such a difficult show come to life. I Can't wait to see it again live this weekend, and best of luck for the rest of the season.


Miss_Buddaha on Feb 6, 2007, 12:53 AM
Post #49
QUOTE(cardinalsinger06 @ Feb 4 2007, 04:03 PM) [snapback]380266[/snapback]
WOW! what a competition this turned out to be! I'm so glad that I got to see it all in person!

I saw almost all of the groups yesterday, but I'm just going to comment on the finalists.

Sauk Prairie (YTBN)-Although I did not see your finals performance, I watched you during prelims and I really liked the show! Great facials, good vocals and choreography. You can really tell that you like your show, and if not, you do a wonderful job of acting like it! You have always been a great girls group and this year is no exception! Congrats on the Class A win!

Monona Grove-I had first seen you at your invitational and I think I was expecting more of an improvement than what there was since then. However, I do like your show, it's very entertaining and fun to watch! I love all the superheroes! I think you need to focus on more dynamics in vocals and cleaning your choreography, and it will help you a lot! Also, great job to Lisa, you do wonderful with your solo!

Reedsburg-You guys have a very fun, cute show this year! Charlie Brown, who would have thought!? haha I must say that I don't think you guys really stepped it up during finals though. Overall, you have some great moments vocally and good facials and soloists! (I am curious though as to why you changed the Charlie Brown soloist for finals?) I also loved all of the props, they just add something to the whole show! I hope you do well the rest of your season!

Janesville Craig-You had a good prelim show, but wow! what a great job of improving during finals...vocals, energy, band...everything was better! I was actually nervous for Mayville after seeing your performance! I'm sure that if you can improve that much within a few hours, you will do very well the rest of the season!

Sauk Prairie (Executive Session)-I am not going to lie, I was kind of disappointed by your prelim performance. I hadn't seen your show until yesterday and I was expecting the usual amazing Sauk show, but it just wasn't there for me; I wasn't sure if it was just because I don't know Pippin'. Your vocals were obviously not bad, seeing as you won BV, but they just didn't amaze me like every other year. However, you definately stepped it up during finals! When you started singing during your opener, I was just thinking of how much more Mayville was going to need to step it up too if they wanted a chance at beating you; it sounded like a whole different group to me! Great job overall!

Mayville-well, you know what I think

Once again, congrats to ALL of the groups that competed yesterday, but of course I'd like to give a special shout out to Mayville, I am SO proud of you all! I could feel your energy and how much you wanted to win. Even if you wouldn't have, that was the most amazing performance ever during finals!

(I'm pretty sure this is the longest post ever for me! haha Also, I'm sorry if my comments aren't really much of a help, I just wrote a few main points for each.)

its been an interesting/tough year for us. pippin is definately a hard show. when i first saw reedsburg do it, i laughed and thought "how are they trying to pull this off?". now i completely understand how difficult it is. we've had many ups and downs but we are finally starting to come together as a group. i think audiences are used to seeing our shows like big river, suessical, or godspell and pippin is much deeper and confusing. i hope by us doing this show it teaches audiences things about life and gets them motivated to learn the story of pippin so that they fully understand our show.
congrats mayville on the victory and thank you for commenting.


lalalovlysinger7 on Feb 5, 2007, 11:16 PM
Post #48
QUOTE(thirteenquietfish @ Feb 3 2007, 06:05 PM) [snapback]379729[/snapback]
Day results:

Jr High: Sauk Prairie
Class A: YTBN
Spirit Award:Colby Choir Coalition
Best Vocals: Sauk Prairie Executive Session
Best Band: Mayville
Male Vocalist: Someone from DePere
Female Vocalist: Jenny Kruger from Mayville
..Finalists in order of performance:
1)YTBN-Sauk Prairie
2) Silver Connection-Monona Grove
4)Spotlighters-Janesville Craig
5)Executive Session-Sauk Prairie
6) Cardinal Singers-Mayville
Good job to everyone!

For Best Male Vocalist.. that would be Greg..
This is our 3rd compitetion this year and his 3rd win for that
So i'd just like to say we are all are very proud of him

ChoraliersChic on Feb 5, 2007, 10:38 PM
Post #47
Wow thanks (I think) I really love our show, and i do hope that it shows when were up there

cardinalsinger06 on Feb 5, 2007, 2:06 PM (Edited)
Post #46
QUOTE(ChoraliersChic @ Feb 5 2007, 06:55 AM) [snapback]380526[/snapback]
yeah, no problem
congrats on your win, you guys are AMAZING. we always make a point of it to see your show!

Even though I am now an alumni, I'd still like to say thanks! haha.. I'd like to think the alumni still had some part in helping them get to where they now are. Btw, I remember watching you throughout your show, not because you stuck out in a bad way, but that you were so fun to watch and seemed really into it!

QUOTE(biker945 @ Feb 5 2007, 08:08 AM) [snapback]380549[/snapback]
all i have to say is wow

Matt, you're usually pretty speechless. hehe p.s. you need to change your status from student to alumni!)


biker945 on Feb 5, 2007, 12:08 PM
Post #45
all i have to say is wow

ChoraliersChic on Feb 5, 2007, 10:55 AM
Post #44
yeah, no problem
congrats on your win, you guys are AMAZING. we always make a point of it to see your show!

cardinalsinger06 on Feb 5, 2007, 12:36 AM
Post #43
That's what I was assuming, but thanks for clearing that up!

ChoraliersChic on Feb 5, 2007, 12:00 AM
Post #42
QUOTE(cardinalsinger06 @ Feb 4 2007, 04:03 PM) [snapback]380266[/snapback]
WOW! what a competition this turned out to be! I'm so glad that I got to see it all in person!

I saw almost all of the groups yesterday, but I'm just going to comment on the finalists.

Sauk Prairie (YTBN)-Although I did not see your finals performance, I watched you during prelims and I really liked the show! Great facials, good vocals and choreography. You can really tell that you like your show, and if not, you do a wonderful job of acting like it! You have always been a great girls group and this year is no exception! Congrats on the Class A win!

Monona Grove-I had first seen you at your invitational and I think I was expecting more of an improvement than what there was since then. However, I do like your show, it's very entertaining and fun to watch! I love all the superheroes! I think you need to focus on more dynamics in vocals and cleaning your choreography, and it will help you a lot! Also, great job to Lisa, you do wonderful with your solo!

Reedsburg-You guys have a very fun, cute show this year! Charlie Brown, who would have thought!? haha I must say that I don't think you guys really stepped it up during finals though. Overall, you have some great moments vocally and good facials and soloists! (I am curious though as to why you changed the Charlie Brown soloist for finals?) I also loved all of the props, they just add something to the whole show! I hope you do well the rest of your season!

Janesville Craig-You had a good prelim show, but wow! what a great job of improving during finals...vocals, energy, band...everything was better! I was actually nervous for Mayville after seeing your performance! I'm sure that if you can improve that much within a few hours, you will do very well the rest of the season!

Sauk Prairie (Executive Session)-I am not going to lie, I was kind of disappointed by your prelim performance. I hadn't seen your show until yesterday and I was expecting the usual amazing Sauk show, but it just wasn't there for me; I wasn't sure if it was just because I don't know Pippin'. Your vocals were obviously not bad, seeing as you won BV, but they just didn't amaze me like every other year. However, you definately stepped it up during finals! When you started singing during your opener, I was just thinking of how much more Mayville was going to need to step it up too if they wanted a chance at beating you; it sounded like a whole different group to me! Great job overall!

Mayville-well, you know what I think

Once again, congrats to ALL of the groups that competed yesterday, but of course I'd like to give a special shout out to Mayville, I am SO proud of you all! I could feel your energy and how much you wanted to win. Even if you wouldn't have, that was the most amazing performance ever during finals!

(I'm pretty sure this is the longest post ever for me! haha Also, I'm sorry if my comments aren't really much of a help, I just wrote a few main points for each.)

we changed soloists because during auditions we had a tie, so we just do every other performance.

cardinalsinger06 on Feb 4, 2007, 8:03 PM (Edited)
Post #41
WOW! what a competition this turned out to be! I'm so glad that I got to see it all in person!

I saw almost all of the groups yesterday, but I'm just going to comment on the finalists.

Sauk Prairie (YTBN)-Although I did not see your finals performance, I watched you during prelims and I really liked the show! Great facials, good vocals and choreography. You can really tell that you like your show, and if not, you do a wonderful job of acting like it! You have always been a great girls group and this year is no exception! Congrats on the Class A win!

Monona Grove-I had first seen you at your invitational and I think I was expecting more of an improvement than what there was since then. However, I do like your show, it's very entertaining and fun to watch! I love all the superheroes! I think you need to focus on more dynamics in vocals and cleaning your choreography, and it will help you a lot! Also, great job to Lisa, you do wonderful with your solo!

Reedsburg-You guys have a very fun, cute show this year! Charlie Brown, who would have thought!? haha I must say that I don't think you guys really stepped it up during finals though. Overall, you have some great moments vocally and good facials and soloists! (I am curious though as to why you changed the Charlie Brown soloist for finals?) I also loved all of the props, they just add something to the whole show! I hope you do well the rest of your season!

Janesville Craig-You had a good prelim show, but wow! what a great job of improving during finals...vocals, energy, band...everything was better! I was actually nervous for Mayville after seeing your performance! I'm sure that if you can improve that much within a few hours, you will do very well the rest of the season!

Sauk Prairie (Executive Session)-I am not going to lie, I was kind of disappointed by your prelim performance. I hadn't seen your show until yesterday and I was expecting the usual amazing Sauk show, but it just wasn't there for me; I wasn't sure if it was just because I don't know Pippin'. Your vocals were obviously not bad, seeing as you won BV, but they just didn't amaze me like every other year. However, you definately stepped it up during finals! When you started singing during your opener, I was just thinking of how much more Mayville was going to need to step it up too if they wanted a chance at beating you; it sounded like a whole different group to me! Great job overall!

Mayville-well, you know what I think

Once again, congrats to ALL of the groups that competed yesterday, but of course I'd like to give a special shout out to Mayville, I am SO proud of you all! I could feel your energy and how much you wanted to win. Even if you wouldn't have, that was the most amazing performance ever during finals!

(I'm pretty sure this is the longest post ever for me! haha Also, I'm sorry if my comments aren't really much of a help, I just wrote a few main points for each.)

Stolba on Feb 4, 2007, 4:32 PM
Post #40


esahc6636 on Feb 4, 2007, 12:44 PM (Edited)
Post #39
Hey good job to Mayville for winning Grand Champion. You guys were so awesome! I was so mad when we didn't make finals... we missed out by 17/100ths of a point. Oh well. Everyone rocked.

juliofrommississippi on Feb 4, 2007, 3:46 AM
Post #38
wow crazy results this weekend!!!


benschrank on Feb 4, 2007, 3:18 AM
Post #37
Craig Spots -

I can't even begin to express how proud I am of each and every one of you! You went into this competition hoping to do well, did well in the day, and then blew the roof off at night! Keep pushing and working and see where it takes you... I get chills just thinking about it!



ekurutz on Feb 4, 2007, 2:50 AM
Post #36
It was an amazing moment!! Everyone was so kind and supportive of us throughout the entire day, and your really made the entire fun and exciting! Thanks New London parents and kids for an excellent day!

Jorge on Feb 4, 2007, 2:39 AM
Post #35
QUOTE(sugar__22 @ Feb 4 2007, 12:38 AM) [snapback]379901[/snapback]

GC- Mayville "Cardinal Singers"
1st Runner Up- Sauk Prairie "Executive Session"
2nd Runner Up- Janesville Craig "Spotlighters"
3rd Runner Up- Reedsburg "Choraliers"
4th Runner Up- Sauk Prairie "YTBN"
5th Runner Up- Monona Grove "Silver Connection"

As always.. thanks New London for everything, it was once again a well run and great competition!


Congrats to Mayville! You guys rocks... I can't even imagine what your reaction was like.

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