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 Show Choir Community    Events    2005 Season    Teays Valley Classic 2005
Event Info

February 19th, 2005
Venue Info
Teays Valley High School
3887 State Route 752
Ashville, OH 43103
Phone: (740) 983-5000
Event Details
Number of Attending Choirs:
25 Mixed Groups
1 Treble Group
Event Hosts:
Teays Valley "Prominent Rendition"
Event Judges:
Debbie Andis
Stephen Ausmann
Jason Johnson
David Legg
Ticket prices unknown.
Teays Valley Classic 2005

Event Site
Live Stream

First Edition
Findlay High School
Grand Champion
Best Vocals
Best Choreography
Best Band

Great Expectations
Twinsburg High School
First Runner Up

The Company
Piqua High School
Second Runner Up
Best Female Soloist

Fairfield Senior High School
3rd Runner Up

Encore Entertainment Company
Medina High School
4th Runner Up

Gahanna Lincoln High School
5th Runner Up

Mixed Division - Tier I (Prelims) Show
Mixed Division - Tier II

North High School
First Place
Best Choreography

Olentangy High School
Second Place
Best Vocals
Best Band

Varsity Singers
Ada High School
Third Place

Music 'N Motion
Milton-Union High School
4th Place
Best Female Soloist
Best Male Soloist

Millersport Jr/Sr High School
No Placement

Show Choir
Chillicothe High School
No Placement

New Wave
Lakeland High School
No Placement

Westland High School
No Placement

Treble Division
Warren Central High School
Attending Members
No members signed up for this event.
69 comments • Sort by

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user deleted  on Mar 20, 2005, 4:02 PM
Post #70
Thanx to all of the awesome hosts!! josh i hope you leg is feeling!!!

user deleted  on Mar 20, 2005, 4:01 PM
Post #69
QUOTE(GA*Mom*Joy @ Feb 20 2005, 08:02 PM)
Jess from Fairfield, wish we could have spent a little more time visiting but I know how rushed and busy competitions can be.  Maybe we can see you Saturday at Twinsburg!!  Was it last year that I stopped you in the hallway and introduced myself?  Was it your show that had the wall of fog or was that Piqua? Do you get to sing solos at some of the comps?

Winfield's show choir stayed for the finals performances to support everyone and to give our group a chance to see all the choirs they were unable to see during prelims.  Findlay, I was amazed!  What fantastic talent you have!  Do you have the english interpretation of your ballad? I was on my feet applauding along with everyone else at its completion.  I enjoyed the other choirs as well.

Thanks to Teays Valley for an awesome comp.!!!  You are always so gracious.  Kudos to the dads who were directing traffic going into the gym and coming out.  You had everything under control.  I was one of the mom's helping with Winfield's backdrop transport into the gym.

Hey hey!! yulp you did last year at twinsburg!

dancinfool on Feb 24, 2005, 10:16 PM
Post #67
does anyone have all the choir placement i would like to know where martinsburg placed in the picture


GA*Mom*Joy on Feb 24, 2005, 8:38 PM
Post #66
Hey, Did anyone answer the question about the soloists at this competition? Alison wants to know

Everyone keeps putting the choir final awards and skipping the soloists. " border="0" alt="ermm.gif" />

(Just trying to find out for you GAshorty06).


GAsax27 on Feb 23, 2005, 11:11 PM
Post #65
QUOTE(LeapofFaith @ Feb 22 2005, 08:20 PM)
Hey I have a question, I wanna purchase a DVD from the comp but I am debating wether to get prelims or finals??? Finals is 35$ and Prelims are 25$ But I am thinking that I get more groups in the prelims tape but does the prelims include Teays??????????????? PLEASE HELP I ONLY HAVE LIKE A COUPPLE OF DAYS TO DO THIS!!!!

Teays Valley preformed in prelims and finals, so I'd say either way you'll get PR

user deleted  on Feb 23, 2005, 11:01 PM
Post #64
QUOTE(MattG *The Company* @ Feb 23 2005, 12:20 AM)
GC Findlay
1RU Twinsburg
2RU Piqua
3RU Fairfield
4RU Medina
5RU Gahanna Lincoln

These are the correct results I think the girl above copied from some incorrect results posted earlier


bcreekguy on Feb 23, 2005, 8:51 PM
Post #63
so two people just said two different results again... AHH!

user deleted  on Feb 23, 2005, 12:20 AM
Post #62
Hey I have a question, I wanna purchase a DVD from the comp but I am debating wether to get prelims or finals??? Finals is 35$ and Prelims are 25$ But I am thinking that I get more groups in the prelims tape but does the prelims include Teays??????????????? PLEASE HELP I ONLY HAVE LIKE A COUPPLE OF DAYS TO DO THIS!!!!



MattG *The Company* on Feb 23, 2005, 12:20 AM
Post #61
QUOTE(Excelsiorchick06 @ Feb 23 2005, 12:17 AM)
Grand Champs: Findlay
1strunnerup: Twinsburg
2nd: Farfield
3rd: Medina
4th: Piqua
5th: Gahanna Lincoln

Vocals Findlay

Choreography Findlay

Band Findlay

GC Findlay
1RU Twinsburg
2RU Piqua
3RU Fairfield
4RU Medina
5RU Gahanna Lincoln


Excelsiorchick06 on Feb 23, 2005, 12:17 AM
Post #60
QUOTE(bcreekguy @ Feb 22 2005, 09:45 PM)
so which are the real results? lol im really confused...

btw, congrats to everyone that was there! the comp was amazing, and the cookies were awesome and such a good idea.

Grand Champs: Findlay
1strunnerup: Twinsburg
2nd: Farfield
3rd: Medina
4th: Piqua
5th: Gahanna Lincoln

Vocals Findlay

Choreography Findlay

Band Findlay


bcreekguy on Feb 22, 2005, 10:45 PM
Post #59
so which are the real results? lol im really confused...

btw, congrats to everyone that was there! the comp was amazing, and the cookies were awesome and such a good idea.

user deleted  on Feb 22, 2005, 8:35 PM
Post #58
I got to stay to see everyones final show saturday but i had to leave before the awards. " border="0" alt="unsure.gif" /> I was kinda curious as to how the three solo finalist placed. So if anyone knows and can get me that info it would be very much appreciated



rugbydude0 on Feb 22, 2005, 6:02 PM
Post #57
the oder was after fials
3piqua (my school)
6gahanna lincoln


KrEwGuYcRuMp_05 on Feb 22, 2005, 4:58 PM (Edited)
Post #56
HEY GUYS!!!!! Tis past weekend rocked.... Thnx for such a great contest teays... although picking everything up onto the stage sucked MAJORLY, i still had fun... that and those girls form marysville are HOTT!!!!!!! (Aashley and Grace )


oh yeah.. HI ABBY!!!


crazy_gracie on Feb 21, 2005, 10:43 PM
Post #55
WOW!!! awesome competition! sry this is going to be long but i've never done this before...hehe

Findlay-YAY!!! Congrats!! you guys rock! and your ballad.....omg....b-e-a-utiful!!! i want to listen to it every day!!! it's breath taking...and the guy/girl number...halarious!!! awesome job guys!

Twinsburg- you guys get better and better every time i watch ya!! love the show like usual!! i look up to your group so much! keep up the great work!

Fairfield- wow! you guys can dance! it was a very entertaining show! i am looking foward to your invitational soooooooo much! i can't wait to see you guys perfrom again!

Medina- on the way home my friends and i talked about how cool your show is. my mom was all excited about us talking about you she watched you guys on tape when we got

Piqua- AWESOME JOB!!! that was the best i have ever seen ya! it was absolutely amazing! i love your show and you guys do such an awesome job of keeping ppl on the edge of their seats...your show makes me happy

Gahanna- Im so disappointed....i missed your show!! i arrived right after you performed but i heard soooo many awesome things about you! im very very excited to see you perform....

TEAYS VALLEY!!!- you guys are my heros!!! i love ya to death and you guys are just awesome...great competiton...even though we didn't perform...i still felt like i did!! lol i was so into it! and your show was sooo much fun! i practically lost my voice that night from yelling so hard at y'all....can't wait to see you again!!

thanks to you all who made this so much fun for me even though we didn't perform! it was a blast and you guys are all winners in my heart!!


Excelsiorchick06 on Feb 21, 2005, 10:27 PM
Post #54
QUOTE(Villainessa @ Feb 21 2005, 09:12 PM)
Marion Harding-Loved "Sara Lee", not so fond of the cow chaps at the end.

Hey those chaps won them best costumes at Central's comp!!

QUOTE(Villainessa @ Feb 21 2005, 09:12 PM)
Teays Valley-I love this show & it's the only time I'll see it this year. Mike Crandall still looks like Jared from the Subway commercials, lol.

LOL That is hillarious I always have thought that Crandall looked like him!!!

user deleted  on Feb 21, 2005, 10:25 PM
Post #53
I wanted to say thank you to all of our hosts. Tiffany your dad's drawings were amazing. We had so much fun and really enjoyed hanging out with you. your show is amazing and we had a great time. im glad to see how the night show turned out. all in all even though we didnt make the night show we had a blast. it was a great memory and we did the best we could. thanks again to teays valley. congratulations to findlay and all the other shows on a great day. hope to see some of your shows again.

Villainessa on Feb 21, 2005, 10:12 PM
Post #52
I saw every single daytime performance of the Championship Class because I have no life. I will comment on a few choirs. I didn't stay for finals though because I was having back spasms.

Gahanna Lincoln-Amazing job. The first group I saw that I was really impressed with (no offense to the other groups) Your vocals were dead on & the choreo. was so cleanly done. I know that many of the audience members supporting Winfield were impressed by you only having 20 singer/dancers as well as no backdrops, props, or costume changes. It was refreshing to see just simply a dancing choir. Getting into finals was well-deserved.

Wapakoneta-I just want to say that "Black Cat" was very entertaining. Overall good show.

Warren Central- I felt so bad that the mics didn't work! I almost cried because from what I could hear of the soloist in "Defying Gravity" she was amazing. Loved the green dresses at the beginning esp. since when I was in Winfield GA we had these green dresses that I hated mostly because mine looked like a tent on me.

Martinsburg-I really liked your show & I was sitting near some of your fans & they were so nice! Might I add that because of the number of groups that performed "Ease on Down the Road" that I believe I sang it while sitting in Ruby Tuesday's for dinner without realizing it.

Marion Harding-Loved "Sara Lee", not so fond of the cow chaps at the end.

Beavercreek-Good job. The second song is weird, but good job.

Winfield-Pretty good, I liked the show better at Poca.

Piqua-I really liked "My Perogative"

Northrup-Good show. Male soloist on "O Sole Mio" amazing!

Fairfield-Nice show, but nothing beats the 2002 coffee show for me.

Findlay-AMAZING! All I could say at the end was wow. I have no idea what you were saying in your ballad but it was incredible! I expected you to take GC & you did!

Twinsburg-I love Nancy Slife! And the parents & members of GE! You guys are so nice. Good show, had flashbacks from 2002 of my last year in sc when you did "Baby, I'm A Star". As I said of Fairfield's coffee show nothing beats the 2003 Out of the Blue show as far as I'm concerned for you guys.

Teays Valley-I love this show & it's the only time I'll see it this year. Mike Crandall still looks like Jared from the Subway commercials, lol.

user deleted  on Feb 21, 2005, 2:21 PM
Post #51
First of all CONGRATULATIONS to Findlay-you guys were soooooooooooo amazing and i absolutely loved your guys/girls song-it's the best one i've seen in a long time. Piqua-i am so excited for you and liek Sarah siad, it's weird that i will never compete against you guys agai. Fairfiel-i love your closer so much-is that one guy okay who did the flip-that looked liek it had to have hurt!!! While it was dissapointing not to make finals :-( We did have the best host there!!!!!

Bcat30 on Feb 21, 2005, 10:58 AM
Post #50
The video company is the same one as the pictures.

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