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 Show Choir Community    Events    2008 Season    Petal Show Choir Invitational 2008
Event Info

March 1st, 2008
Venue Info
Petal High School
1145 MS-42
Petal, MS 39645
Phone: (601) 583-3538
Event Details
Number of Attending Choirs:
15 Mixed Groups
7 Treble Groups
Event Hosts:
Petal "Soundsations"
Petal "Innovations"
Event Judges:
John Baker
Nancy Bocek
Lisa Davis-English
Greg Jasperse
Ticket prices unknown.
Petal Show Choir Invitational 2008

Event Site
Live Stream

Clinton High School
Grand Champion
Best Vocals
Best Choreography
Best Overall Effect (TIE)

Albertville High School
First Runner Up
Best Band
Best Overall Effect (TIE)

South Jones Jr/Sr High School
Second Runner Up

Tupelo High School
3rd Runner Up

The Network
Homewood High School
4th Runner Up

Mixed Division - Tier I (Prelims) Show
Mixed Division - Tier II

Pascagoula High School
First Place

Jackson Academy
Second Place

Gold Horizons
Northeast Jones Jr/Sr High School
Third Place

Horn Lake High School
No Placement

Aggie Accents
Forrest County Agricultural High School
No Placement

Newton County High School
No Placement

Tullahoma High School
No Placement

Treble Division

Tupelo High School
First Place

Les Femmes
Mt. Zion High School
Second Place

Opelika High School
Third Place

Brookwood High School
No Placement

The Legacy
Homewood High School
No Placement

Newton County High School
No Placement

Special Edition
Northeast Jones Jr/Sr High School
No Placement

Attending Members
No members signed up for this event.
250 comments • Sort by

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PrkSngrBari on Jun 25, 2008, 4:07 PM
Post #253
QUOTE(CenterStage_Cherryhoe @ Mar 4 2008, 12:54 AM) 425038
wow so many groups can learn from yalls show...i love it...yall deffinantly need to you tube center grove to see where spain park is comin from...we are all caught up in competition so much that we forget what we are doin...putting on a SHOW...look it up if your confused...its not the best diction or arm angles...its energy, story, much more than wat we do...spain park you are somethin to watch out for....i think i feel a change in show choir world and i really like it....ROCK ON SPAIN the way great solo in the pepsi commercial...i started packin my stuff after i saw yalls show cause i knew yall had it...dont worry, people will catch on to this style of show choir and yall will be leadin

THANKS!!! this means alot.....personally i also think that many people do forget what the purpose of show choir is. It is to ENTERTAIN..just like you put on a show for the audience and no matter how everyone scores as long as you know that your show was everything a show choir is supposed to be then you were successful

DanielWilliams on Mar 26, 2008, 11:45 PM
Post #252
DVDs are already sent out? " border="0" alt="huh.gif" /> I haven't got mine yet. Now I'm super anxious. I ordered the large division DVD so I could watch Spain Park and Mt. Zion over and over again. " border="0" alt="happy.gif" /> I can't wait till it gets here!

ltaylorwilliams on Mar 26, 2008, 10:20 PM (Edited)
Post #251
soo...yeah, i just got my finals dvd monday...i have probably watched it more than is that i have gotten to see everyone who made finals,i have to say, wow! everyone performed amazing!!! what are everyone else's opinions on the video...if you have one? also, the video's sound and visuals are probably the best i have ever seen!

CeNtErStAgEkAtIe09 on Mar 16, 2008, 1:28 AM
Post #250
yay! I'm glad I looked at this thread!!
i'm adding you on myspace now!
hopefully we will get to see each other at a competition next year!!


tidalrave2007 on Mar 14, 2008, 10:46 PM
Post #249
QUOTE(CeNtErStAgEkAtIe09 @ Mar 5 2008, 11:03 PM) 425638
did you possibly meet two girls who randomly sat down in front of you in the cafeteria?
haha. that would be me and my friend meg! (I would be the one acting like an idiot trying to get service on my cell phone?)
it was so nice to meet you!! hopefully we'll get to see each other again!!

yes katie it was you!! :> i was hoping you'd read this. haha. i couldn't remember meg's name and i would've felt bad if she read it and i only remembered your name. ha. we had fun with you guys and i'm glad you sat down in front of us. :> i really hope we'll see each other again! i won't be in show choir next year but i hope we'll run into each other at some competition. if not, my myspace is
just copy paste. lol. i dont know what the short version is.

hope to hear from you!! :>


lguy on Mar 11, 2008, 10:30 PM
Post #248
does anyone know how i can order the competition show from petal still?


semom on Mar 11, 2008, 8:08 PM
Post #247
Tupelo girls group.. I loved your performance! I had told my daughter about it and she hates that she missed it. We can't wait to see ya'll next year...great job and good luck. Actually, good luck to everyone.. I have enjoyed every groups performance this year.

ltaylorwilliams on Mar 11, 2008, 4:38 PM (Edited)
Post #246
QUOTE(ParkSingers @ Mar 11 2008, 03:04 PM) 427284
hey, does anyone have full results from prelims (points optional)?

If what you are talking about is what I'm thinking about, then the standings should be on here, like page 7-10, somewhere in there...(but it's only AA, tho)... " border="0" alt="laugh.gif" />

ParkSingers on Mar 11, 2008, 4:04 PM
Post #245
hey, does anyone have full results from prelims (points optional)?


ahscenterstage_stage on Mar 11, 2008, 3:04 PM
Post #244

ltaylorwilliams on Mar 11, 2008, 12:08 PM (Edited)
Post #243
QUOTE(Jorge @ Mar 11 2008, 02:01 AM) 427196
Boop Boop Boop

Interesting..... " border="0" alt="laugh.gif" />

Jorge on Mar 11, 2008, 3:01 AM
Post #242
Boop Boop Boop


wcshowchoir on Mar 8, 2008, 12:04 AM
Post #241
I want to once again take the time to apologize for all of these comments being made by Tupelo people. I think some of the girls in Soundwave do feel like they are being attacked because of certain comments made but I think since the competition was a week ago we should maybe all just realize that it was just a show choir competition. Although I love show choir we all must accept that things don't always play out the way we want them to and sometimes we must just put these things behind us and accept it as it is. Again, sorry for some behavoir. All of the groups performed really well and I hope that this post will possibly clear up some of the confusing posts that have been in this thread.


Network2005 on Mar 7, 2008, 9:55 PM
Post #240
QUOTE(Cody Mac @ Mar 7 2008, 06:16 PM) 426164
Please, try not to be so upset Tupelo. Many of us have told y'all that you did great, and no one has yet said that you didn't belong in finals. You deserved what you got, as did everyone else.

And please, stop thinking that I'm out to get you, because I'm not. I'm just trying to shed a little light on alot of different perspectives. Nothing but love, here.

We all think Tupelo did a great job and deserved to be there, but as Cody said "just trying to shed a little light on alot of different perspectives". Just because one person doesn't agree with what happened, doesn't mean it shouldn't have, and the end result showed that it was the right choice to make (aka Tupelo Women going to finals and STILL beating Homewood).

Should LSU have been in the BCS championship with 2 losses? Logically, no, but they still won, and proved the nay-sayers wrong, and Tupelo's Women's group did just that.

SCO Transfer on Mar 7, 2008, 8:16 PM (Edited)
Post #239
QUOTE(gracielou @ Mar 7 2008, 03:46 PM) 426138
Tupelo Sound Wave, please realize that no one is trying to attack you. Two seperate finals competitions might just be the solution.

Unfortunately, this thread seems to have taken a turn for the worse because yall are being very defensive. It may not be right, but most people will say... yall were good... for a girls group.

The divisions are just so different that its almost unfair to everyone involved. Just please try to quit being so defensive. It is obvious yall are proud of yourselves, which you should be. We know yall got into finals. Congratulations. Obviously yall did well. But please do not assume that someone commenting on the oddness of a women's group making finals is a personal attack.

That's exactly what I've been trying to say, but apparently I've been going about it the wrong way; it seems none of the Tupelo kids are hearing the positive things I've said, just taking every "women's groups" comment extremely personally.

QUOTE(tupelo10 @ Mar 7 2008, 02:32 PM) 426119
as i recall, i said spain park and mt zion were amazing and that i loved their shows and that albertville was good is that trashing people? and i am praising my two choirs because i know how hard we work. i'm not saying that others are bad. i don't know where you got that from. i was nice my whole post.. your the one trashing us.

The reason I said you indirectly trashed other groups was because you were occusing the 4 other finalists of "making finals because of their name/who their choreographer is." I'm pretty sure you didn't really mean what you were saying, and just said it because you're upset at everyone's reaction to the competition results.

Please, try not to be so upset Tupelo. Many of us have told y'all that you did great, and no one has yet said that you didn't belong in finals. You deserved what you got, as did everyone else.

And please, stop thinking that I'm out to get you, because I'm not. I'm just trying to shed a little light on alot of different perspectives. Nothing but love, here.

CenterStage_Cherryho on Mar 7, 2008, 7:00 PM
Post #238
changing the subject...its my legal...yay


lcjtupelo_08 on Mar 7, 2008, 6:21 PM
Post #237
lets all be happy and move on with our lives shall we? congrats to all groups and everybody works hard and gives their best at a competition or they wouldn't go. regardless of how we think it should have turned out, its over now! lets be happy and love one another! peace.

gracielou on Mar 7, 2008, 5:46 PM
Post #236
Tupelo Sound Wave, please realize that no one is trying to attack you. Two seperate finals competitions might just be the solution.

Unfortunately, this thread seems to have taken a turn for the worse because yall are being very defensive. It may not be right, but most people will say... yall were good... for a girls group.

The divisions are just so different that its almost unfair to everyone involved. Just please try to quit being so defensive. It is obvious yall are proud of yourselves, which you should be. We know yall got into finals. Congratulations. Obviously yall did well. But please do not assume that someone commenting on the oddness of a women's group making finals is a personal attack.

DanielWilliams on Mar 7, 2008, 5:41 PM
Post #235
Love, not war! hug.gif

drewcaves on Mar 7, 2008, 5:38 PM
Post #234
QUOTE(Cody Mac @ Mar 7 2008, 11:02 AM) 426101
Indeed, SoundWave made finals; they had a very entertaining performance, especially when compared to other women's groups I've seen. Y'all are to be commended for making finals twice in the same season, at two pretty tough competitions. It's not that I'm trying to look down on you or your group, or saying that you don't belong in finals. I just don't think that it's fair, that's all.

As I said before, I just think it's too hard to judge groups against one another when there are such obvious differences between them. Often times, you'll see judges try to compensate for that concept by boosting/padding their scores little by little. Not saying this happened with SoundWave, but it's happened before.

It'd be great if a few schools around here started to have men's choirs in addition to women's and mixed. It would create much more complexity and competitiveness in the Single-Gender division. Then, there might be just reason to hold two separate finals competitions.

If there were two separate finals competitions, the layout could be:
*one for Single-Gender (maybe the top two or three Single-Gender groups in their own finals, with their own captions), and
*one for mixed (top four to six groups in their own finals, with their own captions).

Though I know that's far out of the ordinary, it's also becoming increasingly obvious that a change may soon be needed. show choir, at it's core, is about evolution, adaptation, and the ability to change. Each year, you must move with the times, trends, and vocal concepts, or simply be left behind. Maybe we soon will see some changes in the formats of competitions to accomodate something of this stature. Perhaps not to this dramatic of an extent, though.

Hopefully I can try thsi one day, as a director, with my own competition. Who knows.

Actually it is not out of the ordinary... It is done quite often in the Midwest, including at the North Central competition we recently attended...

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