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 Show Choir Community    Events    2015 Season    Colby Central Wisconsin Show Choir Spectacular 2015
Event Info

January 10th, 2015
Venue Info
Colby High School
705 North 2nd Street
Colby, WI 54421
Phone: (715) 223-2338
Event Details
Number of Attending Choirs:
18 Mixed Groups
1 Treble Group
Event Hosts:
Colby "The Coalition"
Colby "Hornettes"
Event Judges:
Ticket prices unknown.
Colby Central Wisconsin Show Choir Spectacular 2015

Event Site
Live Stream

Executive Session
Sauk Prairie High School
Grand Champion
Best Male Soloist (Sam Ness)

Onalaska High School
First Runner Up
Best Vocals (Prelims)
Best Choreography (Prelims)
Best Band (Prelims)
Best Crew

South High Street Singers
Fort Atkinson High School
Second Runner Up

Neenah High School
3rd Runner Up
Spirit Award

Center Stage
Preble High School
4th Runner Up
Best Female Soloist (Sarah Servais)

Chi-Hi Harmonics
Chippewa Falls High School
5th Runner Up
Brain Freeze Award (Tie)
Best Costumes

Onalaska High School
6th Runner Up

Mixed Division (Prelims) Show
Open Division

Onalaska High School
First Place

Fire and Ice
Washburn High School
Second Place

Special Effect
Lodi High School
Third Place

City Rhythm
Sturgeon Bay High School
No Placement

Rhapsody in Red
Green Bay East High School
No Placement
Brain Freeze Award (Tie)

Northern Fire
Peshtigo Middle/High School
No Placement

Lake Effect
Ashland High School
No Placement

Sound Dimension
Flambeau High School
No Placement

Preble High School
No Placement

Parkview High School
No Placement

Attending Members displaying 6 of 31 members (view all)
24 comments • Sort by

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Jeff. on Jan 11, 2015, 12:07 PM
Post #24
How did ona win vocals and choreography and get second very interesting
It's not actually all that surprising. As you can tell, the BV and BC captions were awarded for their preliminary performances. Final results are awarded after the finals performances. Logic would say that Sauk Prairie had a better performance during Finals and perhaps scored higher than Onalaska in either vocals, choreography, or even both.

This is why I think it's silly to award BV/BC after daytime performances. It's misleading and just causes headaches.

CS_AnnaZ on Jan 11, 2015, 2:43 AM
Post #23
Sarah Servais from Preble won best female soloist!

CS_AnnaZ on Jan 11, 2015, 2:42 AM
Post #22
Onalaska (prep)
Sauk Prairie
Fort Atkinson

Best male soloist: Sam ness (Sauk prairie)
Best female soloist: Sarah survey? (Preble)
Best choreography: Onalaska
Best vocals: Onalaska
Spirit award: Neenah
Best show band: Onalaska
Brain Freeze Award: Green Bay east and Chi-Hi
Best stage crew: Onalaska
Best dressed: Chi-Hi Harmonics

Class A:
GC- Onalaska "Express"
1RU- Washburn "Fire and Ice"
2RU - Lodi "Special Effect"


mn_choreoguy on Jan 11, 2015, 2:04 AM
Post #21
Prelims rankings for Finalists:

1st- Onalaska
2nd- Sauk Prairie
3rd- Fort Atkinson
4th- Neenah
5th- Preble
6th- Chi-Hi

After seeing results from the daytime and then finals I think this competition was definitely full of surprises. Congrats to Sauk Prairie for beating out some great groups! This was only the first competition of the season! After one competition under their belts, all of these choirs are probably gonna be hittin' rehearsals hard to improve their shows for the upcoming competition season.

Good luck to all!


Ben Lubinski on Jan 11, 2015, 1:03 AM
Post #20
How did ona win vocals and choreography and get second very interesting

abe.martinez on Jan 11, 2015, 12:36 AM
Post #19
GC - Sauk Prairie
1RU - Onalaska
2RU - Fort Atkinson
3RU - Neenah
4RU - Preble
5RU- Chippewa
6RU - Onalaska Prep


mn_choreoguy on Jan 11, 2015, 12:30 AM (Edited)
Post #18

GC: Sauk Prairie
1RU: Onalaska
2RU: Fort Atkinson
3RU: Neenah
4RU: Preble
5RU: Chi-Hi
6RU: Onalaska prep

Heard the competition was a lot of fun. I am impressed by Sauk Prairie! Way to go!

abe.martinez on Jan 10, 2015, 7:49 PM (Edited)
Post #17
Onalaska (prep)
Sauk Prairie
Fort Atkinson

Best male soloist: Sam ness (Sauk prairie)
Best female soloist: Sarah survey? (Preble)
Best choreography: Onalaska
Best vocals: Onalaska
Spirit award: Neenah
Best show band: Onalaska
Brain Freeze Award: Green Bay east and Chi-Hi
Best stage crew: Onalaska
Best dressed: Chi-Hi Harmonics

Class A:
GC- Onalaska "Express"
1RU- Washburn "Fire and Ice"
2RU - Lodi "Special Effect"

abe.martinez on Jan 10, 2015, 6:32 PM
Post #16
Preble just performed and I think everyone underestimated them with their predictions. Up next is onalaska!


director67 on Jan 10, 2015, 6:19 PM
Post #15
How did the Mixed groups do? Any thoughts?

daaaatKyle4 on Jan 9, 2015, 8:13 PM
Post #14

GC: Onalaska (sweep)
1RU: Sauk Prairie
2RU: Neenah
3RU: Chippewa Falls
4RU: Preble
5RU: Fort/Altoona

Really excited to go to Colby! This will be the first competition since 2011 that I haven't performed in. I've seen preview performances from Altoona, Chippewa, Onalaska, and Colby, all of which were in November. Personally, I was really impressed with Chippewa's show, so check them out!


SWill17 on Jan 9, 2015, 5:43 PM
Post #13

GC- Sauk Prairie (BV, BB)
1st RU- Onalaska (BC)
2nd RU- Neenah
3rd RU- Altoona
4th RU- Fort Atkinson
5th RU- Preble


drumcorpsnut42 on Jan 9, 2015, 5:42 PM
Post #12
GC: Onalaska (sweep)
1RU: Sauk Prairie
2RU: Neenah
3RU: Fort Atkinson
4RU: Preble
5RU: Chippewa Falls
Good luck everyone!


GCnalaska "Hilltoppers"
1st RU:Sauk Prairie "Executive Session"
2nd RU:Green Bay Preble "Center Stage"
3rd RU:Neenah "Vintage"
4th RU:Chippewa Falls "Chi-Hi Harmonics"
5th RU:Fort Atkinson "South High Street Singers"
Altoona "Locomotion"

showchoirpredictor on Jan 8, 2015, 11:43 PM (Edited)
Post #11
Blind Predictions
GC - Onalaska (sweep)
1RU - Neenah
2RU - Fort Atkinson
3RU - Sauk Prairie
4RU - Preble
5RU - Chippewa Falls
6RU - Express or Altoona
(I know the event takes seven finalists but I am unsure if the last finalist is from the winner of the preps or from mixed)

watchaa on Jan 8, 2015, 3:24 PM
Post #10
I'm seriously so excited.


Bestvocals4 on Jan 8, 2015, 3:04 PM
Post #9
Grand Champion: Onalaska (BV,BC)
1st Runner Up: Sauk Prairie (BB)
2nd Runner Up: Fort Atkinson
3rd Runner Up: Preble
4th Runner Up: Neenah
5th Runner Up: Altoona

stevesing85 on Jan 6, 2015, 1:44 AM
Post #8
who are the judges at this competition?


baseballgod16 on Jan 5, 2015, 2:25 PM
Post #7
GC: Onalaska (sweep)
1RU: Sauk Prairie
2RU: Neenah
3RU: Fort Atkinson
4RU: Preble
5RU: Chippewa Falls
Good luck everyone!

BblueJean23 on Jan 3, 2015, 3:21 AM
Post #6
GC: Neenah (BC)
1RU: Onalaska (BV,BB)
2RU: Sauk Prairie
3RU: Preble
4RU: Fort Atkinson
5RU: Chippewa Falls

showchoirpredictor on Dec 20, 2014, 11:22 PM
Post #5
Solid competition! I can't wait!

I know it is very early in the season, but does anyone have predictions?

This competition is the first for all who are competing. It's really anyones game but just for fun I will make some remarks on the groups participating.

Executive Session - Sauk is well known for their vocals. It would be no surprise for them to hold this reputation. Their shows are typically based on a musical. This year I believe they're basing their show around "Aida". The musical has some INSANE vocals but I'm curious to see what the group does choreographically. They could take it all.

South High Street Singers - Fort caught the eye of the wisconsin show choir community last year. I remember seeing posts about them in the competition forums for onalaska and monona grove. I wouldn't be surprised to see the group gaining more attention. The group could potentially be a threat. They could take it all.

Vintage - Neenah typically does really well in the beginning of their season. The group typically has outstanding stage presence, something groups lack at the beginning of their seasons. They could take it all.

SouthSide Sensation - I don't know much about this group. They haven't placed in finals for awhile but that could mean their hungry for a win. They could take it all.

Jam Session - I've seen this group perform a few times. They have a similar situation to SouthSide, hungry for a win. They could take it all.

Locomotion - Altoona has been on the rocks the past couple of years. I remember loving their 2012 show and if they can recreate what they did back then, then I see them seeing good results this season. They could take it all.

Chi-Hi Harmonics - I honestly believe this group had an off season last year. Typically this group performs well. Maybe this year the group will place better than last year. They could take it all.

Center Stage - Preble's shows are always so much fun. They tend to be different compared to everyone else, which could work to their advantage this early in the season. They could take it all.

Hilltoppers - I feel as though Onalaska is the only group who is really well known at this competition. They were an absolute POWERHOUSE last year and they typically have great seasons. I would be surprised if they didn't make finals. They could take it all.

With all this said here's what I think finals will look like:
Fort Atkinson
Sauk Prairie
Chippewa Falls

However, ANYTHING COULD HAPPEN. This is a new year with new groups. Neenah, Sauk, and Fort consistently go head to head and there is never a group out of the three who consistently do better than the rest. I wouldn't count out Altoona for finals though.

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