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 Show Choir Community    Events    2015 Season    Loveland Showfest (Day Two) 2015
Event Info

February 14th, 2015
Venue Info
Loveland High School
1 Tiger Trail
Loveland, OH 45140
Phone: (513) 683-1920
Event Details
Number of Attending Choirs:
16 Mixed Groups
2 Treble Groups
1 Bass Group
Event Hosts:
Loveland "By Request"
Loveland "Allure"
Event Judges:
Daniel Krueger
Daniel Prior
Brian Rodabaugh
Melissa Stainbrook
Chad Strasser
Jarad Voss (Critique)
Ticket prices unknown.
Loveland Showfest (Day Two) 2015

Event Site
Live Stream

Swingers Unlimited
Marysville High School
Grand Champion
Best Vocals
Best Choreography
Best Band
Best Female Soloist (Micayla Kesterson)

Music Warehouse
Edgewood High School
First Runner Up
Best Male Soloist

Rhapsody In Blue
Hamilton High School
Second Runner Up

Beavercreek High School
3rd Runner Up

Knight Moves
Norwell High School
4th Runner Up
Best Male Soloist (Preston Wright)

Mixed Division - Tier I (Prelims) Show
Mixed Division - Tier II

Knight Moves
Norwell High School
First Place
Best Vocals
Best Choreography
Best Male Soloist (Preston Wright)

Rhythm and Motion
Ross High School
Second Place

Opening Knight
South Dearborn High School
Third Place

St. C Singers
St. Clairsville High School
4th Place
Best Female Soloist

New Edition
Edgewood High School
5th Place

Center Stage
Milton-Union High School
6th Place

Harrison High School
7th Place

Single Clef Division

Knight Stars
Norwell High School
First Place
Best Vocals
Best Choreography

Singers Xtreme
Marion Harding High School
Second Place

Sophisticated Ladies
Edgewood High School
Third Place

Attending Members displaying 6 of 51 members (view all)
39 comments • Sort by

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Jeff. on Feb 15, 2015, 1:54 AM (Edited)
Post #39
Wow. Anybody know the last time Piqua missed finals?
Yeah, you might have heard of it: Fairfield Crystal Classic 2010. Not only a remarkable Crystal Classic that year, but also a beautiful and unforgettable year for Piqua.

Also, your question might fall under the "too soon" category.


SammySC15 on Feb 15, 2015, 1:44 AM
Post #38
Wow. Anybody know the last time Piqua missed finals?

Jeff. on Feb 15, 2015, 1:17 AM
Post #37
Final results posted. Congrats to Marysville!

PrestonTWright on Feb 15, 2015, 12:46 AM
Post #36
Overall Captions

Best Combo: Marysville
Best Crew: Piqua

Large Mixed

Best Male Soloist: Edgewood
Best Female Soloist: Marysville

GC: Marysville
1RU: Edgewood
2RU: Beavercreek
3RU: Hamilton
4RU: Piqua
5RU: Marion Harding
6RU: Lebanon
7RU: Teays Valley
8RU: Middletown

Small Mixed

Best Male Soloist: Norwell (Preston Wright)
Best Female Soloist: St. Clairsville
Best Choreo: Norwell
Best Vocals: Norwell

GC: Norwell
1RU: Ross
2RU: South Dearborn
3RU: St. Clairsville
4RU: Edgewood New Edition
5RU: Milton Union
6RU: Harrison


Best Soloist: Marion Harding
Best Choreo: Norwell
Best Vocals: Norwell

GC: Norwell
1RU: Marion Harding
2RU: Edgewood

Finals (no order)


k.po on Feb 14, 2015, 8:46 PM
Post #35
Overall Captions

Best Combo: Marysville
Best Crew: Piqua

Large Mixed

Best Male Soloist: Edgewood
Best Female Soloist: Marysville

GC: Marysville
1RU: Edgewood
2RU: Beavercreek
3RU: Hamilton
4RU: Piqua
5RU: Marion Harding
6RU: Lebanon
7RU: Teays Valley
8RU: Middletown

Small Mixed

Best Male Soloist: Norwell
Best Female Soloist: St. Clairsville
Best Choreo: Norwell
Best Vocals: Norwell

GC: Norwell
1RU: Ross
2RU: South Dearborn
3RU: St. Clairsville
4RU: Edgewood New Edition
5RU: Milton Union
6RU: Harrison


Best Soloist: Marion Harding
Best Choreo: Norwell
Best Vocals: Norwell

GC: Norwell
1RU: Marion Harding
2RU: Edgewood

Finals (no order)


Kyle-By-Request on Feb 14, 2015, 8:35 PM (Edited)
Post #34
Single Gender
GC- Norwell
1RU- Marion
2RU- Edgewood
Vocals- Norwell
Choreo- Norwell

Small Mixed
GC- Norwell
1RU- Ross
2RU- South Dearborn
3RU- St. Clairsville
4RU- Edgewood New Edition
5RU- Milton Union
6RU- Harrison
Vocals- Norwell
Choreo- Norwell

Overall Captions- all divisions
Combo- Marysville
Crew- Piqua

Large Division
Male Soloist- Edgewood
Female Soloist- Marysville
GC- Marysville Swingers Unlimited
1RU- Edgewood Music Warehouse
2RU- Beavercreek Friends
3RU- Hamilton Rhapsody in Blue
4RU- Piqua The Company
5RU- Marion Harding Singers
6RU- Lebanon Singers

Finalists: Marysville, Edgewood MW, Beavercreek, Hamilton, Norwell

Kyle-By-Request on Feb 14, 2015, 8:26 PM
Post #33
Got to Loveland around 4. Here are some thoughts from the shows I saw at prelims, as we're here waiting for daytime awards.

Ross Rhythm and Motion- Loved the theme. Simple, classic style show. The color of the costumes really popped under the lights. The choral sound was powerful, and the choreography was very clean. Diction was clear and understandable, and dynamic phrasing was great and well-controlled. Nice show!

Beavercreek Friends- The show was sharp, clean, and dramatic. Very theatrical Clue theme.The lead ensemble had a lot of flair, especially Miss Scarlet. The choreography really picked up as far as difficulty as the show progressed. The closer was very high-energy. Every song felt like a novelty number. Accuracy, technicality, and visuals were very strong aspects of the show.

Marysville Swingers Unlimited- The Swingers Unlimited have a terrific, well paced show this year. The show design really flows. The tone quality/resonance was exceptional. The male sound was excellent in the guys' song. The girls had such a quick costume change, and the brightly colored costumes in the 2nd half really added to the fun of the show. The crescendos were gradual and beautiful, and the ballad was flawless. I felt that every single performer was genuine and energetic. Well done Swingers!

Edgewood Music Warehouse- I love the classic Indiana style of the show, with a modern spin, which is something Edgewood has always done a great job with. The energy was consistent throughout the whole show. The choral blend and balance was strong- great power ballad. The show is very entertaining and enjoyable to watch, and the band is flawless. They nailed the WOW factor. Definitely one of my favorite Music Warehouse shows I've seen in a few years.

Lebanon Singers- This show was a lot of fun to watch. The ladies' sound was gorgeous. The show has high energy throughout. Lebanon's program has really grown over the years into a tradition of excellence. Shane Coe's choreography is fresh and exciting. Great job Lebanon!

Can't wait to see what happens in finals!

k.po on Feb 14, 2015, 6:35 PM
Post #32
What time do finals start tonight? It doesn't say on the event website.

Also, are they running on time so far?

Finals are set to begin at 8:20 - currently they are running over half an hour behind, I don't know if they have any plans to remedy that before finals performances. I will let you know if I find out!


drdoom on Feb 14, 2015, 2:43 PM
Post #31
What time do finals start tonight? It doesn't say on the event website.

Also, are they running on time so far?


drumcorpsnut42 on Feb 13, 2015, 11:55 PM
Post #30


GC:Marysville "Swingers Unlimited"
1st RU:Edgewood "Music Warehouse"
2nd RUiqua "The Company"
3rd RU:Lebanon "Singers"
4thRU:Beavercreek "Friends"
Norwell "Knight Moves"
Hamilton "Rhapsody in Blue"


GC:Norwell "Knight Moves"
1st RU:South Dearborn "Opening Knight"
2nd RU:Ross "Rhythm and Motion"
3rd RU:Edgewood "New Edition"
4th RU:St. Clairsville "St. C Singers"
5th RU:Milton-Union "Center Stage"


GC:Norwell "Knight Stars"
1st RU:Edgewood "Sophisticated Ladies"
2nd RU:Marion Harding "Singers Xtreme"

Chad on Feb 12, 2015, 10:57 AM
Post #29
There will only be five groups performing in finals.

King Of Games on Feb 10, 2015, 10:56 PM
Post #28
I loved getting video critiques and live critiques! It was like getting free choreography advise from some of the big names in the buisness!

juliofrommississippi on Feb 10, 2015, 7:10 PM
Post #27
Ugh.... I remember video critiques. SO lame. And SOOOOO early-2000sy Live critiques are (usually) better. The only good thing about video critiques is you actually see where the critiquer is talking about, rather than the awkward "Hey you know that one spot where you guys do something like this, or maybe like this..... Anyway, that wasn't clean". It is nice to be able to watch your performance after you do it. It helps the kids see the strengths and weaknesses right away.

Patrick on Feb 10, 2015, 4:40 PM
Post #26
Edgewood (Indiana) Choirs is bringing 2 Jr. High groups, and 3 High school groups.


Alex. on Feb 10, 2015, 4:26 PM
Post #25
Judges are:

Melissa Stainbrook
Chad Strasser
Bryan Rodabough
Dan Pryor
Dan Krueger
with video critique from Jarad Voss

Follow @ShowfestComp on Twitter because I'm giving away LOTS of prizes

I'm assuming this will be some sort of mobile recording, and then a critique after performance, right? Or at least something of the kind?

Häakon on Feb 10, 2015, 4:22 PM
Post #24
Video critique from Jarad Voss
Does this mean he's going to be commenting on the quality of the DVDs?

PrestonTWright on Feb 10, 2015, 3:56 PM
Post #23
Norwell "Knight Stars" are now performing at 12:25pm!


Gingermen97 on Feb 10, 2015, 1:58 PM
Post #22
It's Edgewood, Indiana's intermediate mixed group "New Edition" that's attending according to their website.

All the Edgewoods.

Edgewood (Indiana) Choirs is bringing 2 Jr. High groups, and 3 High school groups.
~Ben Nichols, member of Edgewood Music a

Chad on Feb 10, 2015, 9:27 AM
Post #21
Judges are:

Melissa Stainbrook
Chad Strasser
Bryan Rodabough
Dan Pryor
Dan Krueger
with video critique from Jarad Voss

Follow @ShowfestComp on Twitter because I'm giving away LOTS of prizes


Patrick on Feb 9, 2015, 9:58 PM
Post #20
Judges are:

Melissa Stainbrook
Chad Strasser
Bryan Rodabough
Dan Pryor
Dan Krueger
with video critique from Jarad Voss

Follow @ShowfestComp on Twitter because I'm giving away LOTS of prizes

Woo! So excited!

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