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  Show Choir Community    Events    2015 Season    Andover New England Show Choir Showdown 2015

   Event Info

March 21st, 2015

Venue Info

Andover High School
J. Everett Collins Center for the Performing Arts
80 Shawsheen Rd.
Andover, MA 01810

Phone: (978) 247-5567

Event Details

No. of Attending Choirs:

  15 Mixed Groups
  4 Treble Groups
  1 Bass Groups


  Andover "From Start to Finish"
  Andover "Nothin' But Treble"
  Andover "Back To Bass-ics"


  Felipe Gonzalez (Overall Show)

  Kevin Breazeale (Visual)

  Brandon Dean (Vocal)

  David Haas (Vocal)

  Christopher Landis (Solos)

  Garrett Breeze (Instrumental)


$17 Adults
$10 Children (12 & Under)
$10 Senior Citizens (65 & Older)


Andover New England Show Choir Showdown 2015

Event Site
Live Stream

   Mixed Division - Tier I



 John Burroughs High School
First Place 
Best Vocals 
Best Choreography 
Best Male Soloist (Nick Nikoian) 
Gold Medal 

 Shepherd Hill Regional High School
Second Place 
Best Male Stage Presence (Sean Cove) 
Gold Medal 

 Cosby High School
Third Place 
Best Band 
Gold Medal 

 Daniel Hand High School
4th Place 
Gold Medal 

 Music Unlimited
 Waltham High School
5th Place 
Silver Medal 

   Mixed Division - Tier II



 David Prouty High School
First Place 
Silver Medal 

 Pop Vox
 Everett High School
Second Place 
Best Instrumental Performer 
Most Complicated Repertoire 
Silver Medal 

 Bartlett High School
Third Place 
Silver Medal 

 High Frequency
 Whitman Hanson Regional High School
4th Place 
Judge's Award (Brandon) 

 Measure Up
 Dracut High School
No Placement 
Bronze Medal 

 Joseph Case High School
No Placement 
Bronze Medal 

 Somerset Berkley Regional High School
No Placement 
Bronze Medal 

 Gateway Regional High School
No Placement 
Judge's Award 
Bronze Medal 

 Vocal Motion
 Windsor Locks High School
No Placement 
Bronze Medal 

 Sound Impressions
 Lowell High School
No Placement 
Bronze Medal 

   Single Clef Division



 Sound Sensations
 John Burroughs High School
First Place 
Best Overall Show 
Best Female Stage Presence (Zoe Sparks) 
Gold Medal 

 Cosby High School
Second Place 
Best Female Soloist (Brettan O'Beirne) 
Best Spirit and Character 
Gold Medal 

 Shepherd Hill Regional High School
Third Place 
Silver Medal 

 Shepherd Hill Regional High School
4th Place 
Best Guyography 
Silver Medal 

 Treble Makers
 Mercy High School
5th Place 
Bronze Medal 

   Attending Members displaying 6 of 25 members (view all)  







63 comments • Sort by

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Häakon on Mar 26, 2015, 6:46 PM
Post #63
The link provided for the Powerhouse show is clearly the professional recording that was created by the video company at the event, simply uploaded to YouTube. I cannot and will not support blatant infringement of the work that goes into providing quality video for everyone to enjoy.

Especially as we move from DVD distribution to online downloads, it is all the more important for people to understand that just because something is a digital file that is easy to move around and/or share, it doesn't make it less valuable or "free" for you just to give out to whoever you want. What saddens me most is that adults are the ones doing this and not just the students.

If you appreciate the video quality that the professional services provide, support them by buying your own copy that you can treasure forever. Let your peers know how awesome it is and that it is a version of the show that is worth purchasing. If you don't believe it is worth the cost, then bring your own camera and film it yourself. My guess is that the majority of the time, you'll end up with an inferior result. But purchasing one copy of the professional version and then passing it around to your friends or uploading it for thousands of people to see for free is theft, plain and simple. I don't want to come across as an ass or a buzzkill by restricting this kind of behavior, but I am frankly just really shocked and saddened that people think this is okay and apparently don't even think twice about doing so.


tct0111 on Mar 25, 2015, 11:04 PM
Post #62
[quote name='kalcoh' date='1427302667' post='565691'][color=red]- link removed -[/color]

Here is the HD version of Powerhouse's set from multiple camera angles. Excellent recording.

Sound Sensations will be coming up soon.[/quote]

Careful, Mark Greenburg might come after Powerhouse and use this link against them.

kalcoh on Mar 25, 2015, 12:57 PM (Edited)
Post #61
Haakon is absolutely correct. The link is no longer available for viewing. Go to to purchase a copy at $15 for the HD digital download. It is well worth it.


veruska143 on Mar 23, 2015, 8:11 PM
Post #60
burroughs at andover

dominick. on Mar 23, 2015, 7:46 PM (Edited)
Post #59
And I just wanted to say again how thrilled I am to have competed against Powerhouse and Spotlight for the first time ever. It was literally a dream come true to see all these great show choirs that normally were only on youtube for me... It was like finally seeing your favorite artist in concert.

I'm so impressed by these groups' willingness to come all the way out to New England (Burbank, Franklin Central, Clover Hill, Cosby, John Burroughs) and I hope that next year is the same way. I hope you all had fun and enjoyed the contrast! (Lets try to get Clinton or Waubonsie Valley up here.. life goals) And PS from everyone in the Northeast - Powerhouse should totally accept the "free admission" for next year and come here again Love you all <3



taejasvinarayan on Mar 22, 2015, 8:31 PM
Post #58
[quote name='kalcoh' date='1426993053' post='565490']What do the gold, silver and bronze medals represent?[/quote]

Depending on your score, they make a percentage of what you got out of how many points you could have gotten. Then they rank that, and group higher than a certain percentage (I think 88%) get gold, and lower gets silver and bronze. Groups here try to strive to get gold, especially Andover, because placing is tough given the competition. It gives each choir a realistic goal.

dominick. on Mar 22, 2015, 2:05 PM
Post #57
Tier 1-

3RU- Daniel Hand Vibe - Gold
4RU- Waltham Music Unlimited - Silver

dominick. on Mar 22, 2015, 2:03 PM
Post #56
Single Gender:

GC: Sound Sensations, Best Vocals, Best Choreography -Gold
1RU: Cosby Rapshody, Best Band -Gold
2RU: Shepherd Hill Illusion -Silver
3RU: Shepherd Hill TTones - Best "Guyography" lol -Silver
4RU: Mercy Treble Makers -Bronze

dominick. on Mar 22, 2015, 1:59 PM (Edited)
Post #55
All groups in Tier 1 received Gold accept Waltham who received Silver

Sound Sensations and Rapshody received Gold, Illusion got Silver. Shockwave, Pop Vox, and Bartlett received silver.

AGCT11 on Mar 22, 2015, 12:28 PM
Post #54
Daniel Hand got third Runner Up

dominick. on Mar 22, 2015, 10:21 AM
Post #53
Judges Award: Sean Cove from Fantasy

CRiley27 on Mar 22, 2015, 9:52 AM
Post #52
Best Female Soloist: Brettan O'Beirne (Cosby Rhapsody)

Cam on Mar 22, 2015, 9:23 AM
Post #51
Let me first start of with just saying yesterday was an amazing day and thank you to Andover for hosting one of the best competitions Cosby has ever attended. The hospitality and friendliness is like no other up here! Every group we watched was amazing on and off the stage. It was awesome to finally see shows and groups that have inspired the change into the story show world that Cosby has undertaken in the past 2 years and finally get some unbiased/honest opinions of what we're trying to create. Thank you so much again from all of us from Cosby.
Have a great end to your season!

Jared. on Mar 21, 2015, 11:55 PM
Post #50
Large Mixed Division:
3RU Daniel Hand Vibe
4RU Waltham Music Unlimited

Häakon on Mar 21, 2015, 11:02 PM
Post #49

Caption Awards:

Best "Guyography" - Shepherd Hill "T-Tones"
Best Instrumental Performer - Everett High School guitarist
Best Overall Show - John Burroughs "Sound Sensations"
Most Complicated Repertoire - Everett High School
Judge's Award - Gateway Regional
Judge's Award - Whitman High School, Brandon
Best Female Soloist - Cosby (girls)
Best Male Soloist - Nick Nikoian, John Burroughs "Powerhouse"
Best Female Stage Presence - Zoe Sparks, John Burroughs "Sound Sensations"
Best Male Stage Presence - Sean, Shepherd Hill "Fantasy"
Best Band - Cosby "Spotlight"
Best Spirit and Character - Cosby "Rhapsody"

1st: John Burroughs "Sound Sensations"
2nd: Cosby "Rhapsody"
3rd: Shepherd Hill "Illusion"

Mixed Tier II
1st: David Prouty "Shockwave"
2nd: Everett "Pop Vox"
3rd: Bartlett "Impressions"

Mixed Tier I
1st: John Burroughs "Powerhouse" (BV/BC)
2nd: Shepherd Hill "Fantasy"
3rd: Cosby "Spotlight"

kalcoh on Mar 21, 2015, 10:57 PM
Post #48
What do the gold, silver and bronze medals represent?

kalcoh on Mar 21, 2015, 10:43 PM
Post #47
Caption award: best overall show to Sound Sensations

dominick. on Mar 21, 2015, 9:53 PM
Post #46
[quote name='veruska143' date='1426988393' post='565480']

how did burroyghs do?[/quote]

There are no words to accurately describe how amazing they were. And the kids are so friendly too <3


veruska143 on Mar 21, 2015, 9:39 PM
Post #45
[quote name='D_Mogstad' date='1426988192' post='565479']Haakon I'm so glad you're enjoying it here!! Host groups about to go on.. Awards soon!!! Wicked excited[/quote]

how did burroyghs do?

dominick. on Mar 21, 2015, 9:36 PM
Post #44
Haakon I'm so glad you're enjoying it here!! Host groups about to go on.. Awards soon!!! Wicked excited

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