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  Show Choir Community    Events    2005 Season    North Central Metropolitan Interscholastic Conference Choral Competition 2005

   Event Info

March 19th, 2005

Venue Info

North Central High School
1801 E. 86th Street
Indianapolis, IN 46240

Phone: (317)259-5301

Event Details

No. of Attending Choirs:

  8 Mixed Groups
  5 Treble Groups


  North Central "Counterpoints"
  North Central "Descants"

Judges: Unknown


Ticket prices unknown.


North Central Metropolitan Interscholastic Conference Choral Competition 2005

Event Site
Live Stream



Groups in order of placement

 Fairfield Senior High School
Grand Champion 
Best Vocals 

 Ben Davis High School
First Runner Up 
Best Costumes 

 Spotlight Singers & Company
 Brownsburg High School
Second Runner Up 

 Central Sound
 Lawrence Central High School
3rd Runner Up 

 New Dimension
 Lawrence North High School
4th Runner Up 
Best Band 

   Treble Finals


Groups in order of placement

 Hip Street
 Lawrence North High School
First Place 

 Sweet Sensation
 Lawrence Central High School
Second Place 

 Ben Davis High School
Third Place 

   Mixed Division (Prelims)

   Treble Division (Prelims)

   Attending Members

No members signed up for this event.

188 comments • Sort by

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user deleted  on Mar 21, 2005, 6:42 PM
Post #148
QUOTE(encorerusty05 @ Mar 21 2005, 12:59 PM)
ya i thought about that for a second... and i didn't know what to say.

there was this time at state when a couple of your guys played ultimate frisbee w/us, and (sry i forget your name, dude!) he was like, "stainbrook is gonna be mad at me for playing outside," and i was like, "your stainbrook or mine?" Of course BigStain(thats what pike calls him) was playing right along w/us. lol

your directors are married?? thats so cute! awww! hooray for bb and pike!

user deleted  on Mar 21, 2005, 4:59 PM
Post #147
ya i thought about that for a second... and i didn't know what to say.

there was this time at state when a couple of your guys played ultimate frisbee w/us, and (sry i forget your name, dude!) he was like, "stainbrook is gonna be mad at me for playing outside," and i was like, "your stainbrook or mine?" Of course BigStain(thats what pike calls him) was playing right along w/us. lol


LushBlondeSinger on Mar 21, 2005, 4:57 PM
Post #146
AMEN to state being a bloodbath. PS to Pike - it's almost like BB and Pike are know since our directors ARE married to one another and all! Congrats on an excellent year and a hilarious show! (the kid who does the 'winging' at the end of...i dont know...the second number maybe? He me up EVERY single time, without fail. Gotta love you guys! ...we're like cousins, or siblings...or something


Sugarcane626 on Mar 21, 2005, 4:55 PM
Post #145
QUOTE(LushBlondeSinger @ Mar 21 2005, 12:29 PM)
I just wanted to thank BB SS's host Anna TONS for helping me with that whole bloody nose situation i had right before we were about to go on stage! You saved me!!! XO!  

Anytime was my pleasure! At least it finally stopped....HAHAHA


Sugarcane626 on Mar 21, 2005, 4:53 PM
Post #144
QUOTE(Kutie1987 @ Mar 21 2005, 11:47 AM)
Our hosts were so much fun!!! I was the rep for concert choir, and I had a ton of fun talking to and hanging out with our hosts!! I only know one of the girl's names...Anna, I believe it was...but you girls were so much fun! 

Aww...thanks, u guys were awsome to host! i hope everything at MIC lived up to your expectations. I have never met a group as respectful and gracious as BB. Thanks for all you hard work this year! See you at ISSMA Concert Choir State!

user deleted  on Mar 21, 2005, 4:47 PM
Post #143
no they didn't. state was a bloodbath.

user deleted  on Mar 21, 2005, 4:47 PM
Post #142
YAY this forum is finally back to happy!!!!!!!
way to all pull it back to the way this website was meant to be!!!
i love you all...and thanks for coming to NC on sat...............can't wait to see you next year!!!! ;)

user deleted  on Mar 21, 2005, 4:46 PM
Post #141
Man everyone gets so offensive on here...hey BB did you even make finals at state???


LushBlondeSinger on Mar 21, 2005, 4:29 PM
Post #140
I just wanted to thank BB SS's host Anna TONS for helping me with that whole bloody nose situation i had right before we were about to go on stage! You saved me!!! XO!


LushBlondeSinger on Mar 21, 2005, 4:26 PM
Post #139
QUOTE(hatsheput2 @ Mar 20 2005, 05:25 PM)
Speaking of good ol' BBurg...rumor has it that the concert choir got a perfect score going into finals. Is that true? Because if it is all i have to say is WOW. Way to go. Congrats!

That rumor is correct


LushBlondeSinger on Mar 21, 2005, 4:24 PM (Edited)
Post #138
*edit...see below*


Lcturtle on Mar 21, 2005, 4:18 PM
Post #137
QUOTE(Kutie1987 @ Mar 21 2005, 09:29 AM)
Actually, yes, we do feel very honored for having beat LC this past weekend. I personally - and I know a lot of my friends agree - thought that LC did amazing at finals, so it was a huge honor to have placed higher than them. Congrats LC, you guys still rock no matter what one judge thinks!!

<--- made by an LC member

Oh well, you win some, you lose some, GET OVER IT!! Just because YOU thought you guys got screwed doesn't mean the rest of the world thinks so. Personally, I thought everyone did amazing, so congrats to everyone....I feel sorry for the judges because I'm sure it was a tough decision to make.

<--in reference to the Concert Choir awards, made by a BD member

Way to be close-minded or bitter, or whatever the crap you are. Whatever happened to being supportive of other people's choirs??


WE were GC in OUR mind due to the fact that going into finals "point" wise we were only half a point behind Ben Davis and tied with best vocals who wouldnt have thought highly.......

And the Ben Davis member was most likely celebrating with their group due the placement. HE shouldnt need to pay attention to other groups jsut be happy about what his group did

user deleted  on Mar 21, 2005, 3:47 PM
Post #136
Our hosts were so much fun!!! I was the rep for concert choir, and I had a ton of fun talking to and hanging out with our hosts!! I only know one of the girl's names...Anna, I believe it was...but you girls were so much fun!


fmfroggy3 on Mar 21, 2005, 2:53 PM
Post #135
well i know theres not a thing on this board that hasnt been said ... the board tells all.

pretty much everyone was disapointed with the judging besides the choirs that placed unusually high. but that doesnt mean that you didnt deserve it. lets just face it , the midwest as a whole kicks ass at show choir and we should all(indiana and ohio) be sooper proud. so next lets go to the south and get them shall we ?j/k. anyways i am always impressed with the north central comp... theyve got organization and great hosts. whats not to like?so i guess my post thats going no where is saying that we should stick together...

p.s. although as a senior i am glad to graduate bc the biased judging this year sucks...sure theyve all got degrees but not every director or choreographer is great so im sure the judges arent perfect either. im jst glad i got to go to state where the judges were from far away and werent blinded by reputations or money. pinch.gif

just a quick reminder - state finals placement
GC- north central
1ru- dekalb
2ru- Lawrence Central
3ru- ben davis

congrats to those who got lucky... peace out


ShowChoirBarbie07 on Mar 21, 2005, 1:52 PM
Post #134
I just wanted to say congrats to everyone. I'm not gonna lie We all are a little upset... but not at fairfield...I (personally) am not upset at the fact that so and so placed higher than us. It was surprising to us considering we had one of our bet prelims and ABSOLUTE BEST FINALS performance... that we placed so low. I'm not mad at Fairfield or BD or BB... Obviously everyone in finals was amazing. It has nothing to do with anyone else... It only has to do with us knowing we did our best and feeling so good about it...and then getting 4th. Hell I would have been happy with 2nd... 4th was just a shocker...that's the lowest we've placed this year..and even in the past few years!!! I'm not trying to be rude.. just explaining the feelings I have about the competition... I have much love towards Fairfield for winning, and BD and BB...!!!

**Fairfield-- I saw that one of you said you've had a hard year with a new director... we know how that feels.. we've had a diffrent one each year for the past three years.. and this year we also got a new choreographer along with a new director... so good job on pullin thro that!!!

**BD-- we've been so close in all our competitions all year.. you guys are awesome!!! don't be sad about what you got !!!! you guys got 2nd that's great!!!! ..haha atleast it's better than 4th.. lol!! (just trying to laugh at our situation ...since all this arguing and sadness bout it is getting me depressed!)

**BB-- AMAZING JOB ON CONCERT CHOIR!!!!!!!!!!!! I heard y'all were awesome!!! (obvously)

user deleted  on Mar 21, 2005, 1:29 PM
Post #133
Brownsburg, you guys must feel pretty high after beating a group like LC. Unjustly, maybe, but congrats.
Actually, yes, we do feel very honored for having beat LC this past weekend. I personally - and I know a lot of my friends agree - thought that LC did amazing at finals, so it was a huge honor to have placed higher than them. Congrats LC, you guys still rock no matter what one judge thinks!!

we were then in my mind GC!!! we got screwed, everyone knows it, but its not worth fighting over....nothing is gonna change it. this was my last competition......way to go out huh?
<--- made by an LC member

Oh well, you win some, you lose some, GET OVER IT!! Just because YOU thought you guys got screwed doesn't mean the rest of the world thinks so. Personally, I thought everyone did amazing, so congrats to everyone....I feel sorry for the judges because I'm sure it was a tough decision to make.

sorry if its wrong, i stopped paying attention after BD got announced
<--in reference to the Concert Choir awards, made by a BD member

Way to be close-minded or bitter, or whatever the crap you are. Whatever happened to being supportive of other people's choirs??

Well anyway, I would just like to say congrats to everyone who performed Saturday night...I know everyone gave it their all. And also, congrats to Bburg Spotlight Singers and Madrigals. I am so proud of us!!! Too bad we're all done! I'm going to miss competing, but we had an outstanding year, so I'm really glad we got to end the year on such a high note. hehe

user deleted  on Mar 21, 2005, 12:25 PM
Post #132
I was there at MIC on Saturday. It was a really organized competition. I got to see all the finals compete and they all did well.

LN- Stepped it up so much since I last saw them
LC- I don't understand why your score was so low, but I congradulate you for performing well and knowing that you did your best
Brownsburg- Great job. You guys have really stepped it up
Ben Davis- Wonderful! I definitely had you first after finals. Thanks so much for giving me something to dance in my seat for.
Fairfield- Congrats on the Grand champion.
North Central- You're awesome AS ALWAYS!!! You're so hot on stage too and have amazing energy. Your vocals are CRAZY AMAZING this year. I wish I had the oppurtunity to be in a show choir with such dedication as you guys.

As to everyone who's been negative to all the North Central folks, I have read all the posts and none of them were negative. The girl that a few of you (smells like gal) have been mad at I don't see how she was being rude? I think you guys are just picking fights and being bitter. I think she's actually just crazy. I met her on Saturday cause I went up to her after their performance and she was one of the nicest girls. I think everyone is just being rude on here because it's so frustrating. It isn't fair to judge a few posts on their personality because they're angry or annoyed by ONE thing out of a million things. The ones that are calling LC, NC, and BD immature for their actions on here is kind of lame when the way you say it, is just flat out rude and the way you're individually attacking kids. Just grow up a little.

I go to Roosevelt University (graduate of Tech High School in Indiana) you all should be so lucky you have a show choir and great ones at that. Everyone should quit their bickering and stop judging people on this website because it's pointless. You take every word that is said on here the wrong way and switch it to something so much bigger than what it really is. I'm sure the pepole like ITENOR or whatever your screen name is has blown everything up to be more crazy than it really was. The thigns he said that were mean that other people said...weren't even thta mean?:-/

Anyway, I really liked MIC last year. North Central you do show a great deal of class. i loved meeting some of you guys. Thanks for making a great competition and being so kind.


user deleted  on Mar 21, 2005, 12:38 AM
Post #131
QUOTE(hatsheput2 @ Mar 20 2005, 08:30 PM)
Yes, i enjoyed the dance off a lot. It was great. I think it was..Chad and Chris? You guys are awesome. Major props. And your director is tight. I've never seen a director get in the middle of a circle of rapping teenagers and dance. Being around you guys was awesome. And as i said before, YOUR SHOW IS TIGHT!

LN was tight, i was one of their REAL LOL (i love you farrell) hosts, and we had dancing parties in the room and those were fun, god what a great group of people, if any of you LN people read this, reply and i would totally love to have some new screen names so we can keep in contact........lets gooo if you want it you can get it let me know....(that was so tight!!!!! i loved the band!!!) ;)

user deleted  on Mar 21, 2005, 12:34 AM
Post #130
QUOTE(hatsheput2 @ Mar 20 2005, 08:30 PM)
Yes, i enjoyed the dance off a lot. It was great. I think it was..Chad and Chris? You guys are awesome. Major props. And your director is tight. I've never seen a director get in the middle of a circle of rapping teenagers and dance. Being around you guys was awesome. And as i said before, YOUR SHOW IS TIGHT!

LOL did you see Wiehe swaying with the band during CP's "where is the love?"???? AH I cried i was laughing so hard. She's awesome like that. But I'd love to see her do what LN's director did. Actually, she said something totally out of character in class one day (like "tight" or "holler") and we all cried. She just looked at us like we were nuts, or like it was totally normal to say whatever she said (probably because it was something all of us regularly say). I love it when directors are "cool" with their choirs and can have fun on that kind of level.


hatsheput2 on Mar 21, 2005, 12:30 AM
Post #129
yep anderson did "coffee in a cardboard cup".. reminded me a little of the FC cookie song. but i could relate to it more because it was coffee... and we know i have starbucks problems.
speaking of, did anyone try the coffee at MIC? i heard it was amazing. the guy donated it and in turn asked for free advertising. my parents were all about it lol.

hey anyone in fairfield- random question. your riser set up was insane... is it harder to learn choreo on that then on a standard set up? which do you like better? it looks awesome from stage when you're dancing, but kind of like a death trap when they're empty. lol super intimidating  . so yeah, PM me and tell me how that goes cuz i'm curious.
oh and by the way, LN, your "honorary host" tells me your dance off in warmups was super cool. i wish we had dance offs. oh well maybe next time?

oh MIC. *sigh* that was fun.

Yes, i enjoyed the dance off a lot. It was great. I think it was..Chad and Chris? You guys are awesome. Major props. And your director is tight. I've never seen a director get in the middle of a circle of rapping teenagers and dance. Being around you guys was awesome. And as i said before, YOUR SHOW IS TIGHT!

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