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  Show Choir Community    Events    2005 Season    North Central Metropolitan Interscholastic Conference Choral Competition 2005

   Event Info

March 19th, 2005

Venue Info

North Central High School
1801 E. 86th Street
Indianapolis, IN 46240

Phone: (317)259-5301

Event Details

No. of Attending Choirs:

  8 Mixed Groups
  5 Treble Groups


  North Central "Counterpoints"
  North Central "Descants"

Judges: Unknown


Ticket prices unknown.


North Central Metropolitan Interscholastic Conference Choral Competition 2005

Event Site
Live Stream



Groups in order of placement

 Fairfield Senior High School
Grand Champion 
Best Vocals 

 Ben Davis High School
First Runner Up 
Best Costumes 

 Spotlight Singers & Company
 Brownsburg High School
Second Runner Up 

 Central Sound
 Lawrence Central High School
3rd Runner Up 

 New Dimension
 Lawrence North High School
4th Runner Up 
Best Band 

   Treble Finals


Groups in order of placement

 Hip Street
 Lawrence North High School
First Place 

 Sweet Sensation
 Lawrence Central High School
Second Place 

 Ben Davis High School
Third Place 

   Mixed Division (Prelims)

   Treble Division (Prelims)

   Attending Members

No members signed up for this event.

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user deleted  on Mar 20, 2005, 9:33 PM
Post #108
QUOTE(TenorRules @ Mar 20 2005, 04:50 PM)
You apologized to all the choirs because of the results. What a slap in the face to Fairfield. You can pretend all you want you took the results in a mature manner. You are possibly one of the most ignorant posters I have ever read. As you continue to post I continue to lose respect for you and your program.

can we stop this argueing with each other and putting people down? its makin me really i said before and ill say it again, Where is the love????


hatsheput2 on Mar 20, 2005, 9:25 PM
Post #107
First of, congratulations to alll of the show choirs/concert choirs from yesterday! You all rocked out hardcore!  A special shout out to Brownsburg!! You guys were absolutely phenomenal yesterday with show choir and especially Madrigals. I've never seen you guys perform with so much conviction, in either one. I am so proud of you guys and wish you all the very best!!! I'm so glad I got to come back and see all my show choir buds who I don't get to see often enough!

Speaking of good ol' BBurg...rumor has it that the concert choir got a perfect score going into finals. Is that true? Because if it is all i have to say is WOW. Way to go. Congrats!

user deleted  on Mar 20, 2005, 9:19 PM (Edited)
Post #106
I heard what a great site this was. Imagine my disappointment. I've always loved show choir, and respected the members for the way they supported each other, then I read this thread.

Everyone's talking about a 'controversial decision'. What controversy?

By my understanding, out of five judges, four ranked Fairfield first, and one ranked them second. That sounds rather decisive to me, especially since the closest (1st runner up) received an 11 from the five judges next to Fairfield's 6. That would equate, at best, to a first, two seconds and two thirds.

Of course, I've no doubt the complainers here have much more experience than the judges - heaven forbid, should the phrase 'poor loser' come to one's mind.

The choirs were all oustanding, and I would not have been surprised had the rankings been different.

Excellent job, Fairfield. I certainly hope you come back, if for no other reason as an example of good sportsmanship.

user deleted  on Mar 20, 2005, 9:07 PM
Post #105
can we please avoid generalizations on all fronts? just because one person from LC or NC or BD or BB or FF or LN or XYZ says something that you think is rude or inaccurate doesn't mean we need to blame the whole school.... thats how half of these fights start. someone generalizes a post that one person from one school made, and everyone fires back and starts insulting the entire program. its a nasty cycle that we keep perpetuating with lack of specification.


user deleted  on Mar 20, 2005, 9:04 PM
Post #104
wow tenor rules

user deleted  on Mar 20, 2005, 9:04 PM
Post #103
Who were the judges?


TenorRules on Mar 20, 2005, 8:50 PM
Post #102
QUOTE(smells like gal @ Mar 20 2005, 03:24 PM)
Yes I'd like to say that I didn't say anything rude except to the person who said that we were "tacky." That's rediculous. I complimented Fairfield and I also said why I said sorry for LC. Because I love them. People come on here all the time saying things like, "AWW I LOVE YOU I WISH YOU WOULD HAVE WON." it's just like saying, "AWWWW I WISH JOSH GROBAN WOULD HAVE COME PERFORMED AT THE GRAMMYS!" (for all you show choir lovers who love josh groban ((i'm not one of them))) anyway.... No North Central person has said anything bad to anyone. I say poopface as a joke. Who really says poopface as an insult? Come on now. If you know me in real life, I think you'd be laughing and realize that I'm just joking and being retarded...(LIGHTENING UP THE SITUATION PERHAPS!?!) anyway, I don't think Fairfield should be taken away from their glory. I think what's done is done. Congrats to them and after seeing the tears in their eyes I couldn't help but smile. I'm sure that what they got was well deserved with the day was done. I'm sure everyone kind of thinks it too but doesn't want to admit it because they are biased to other choirs.

I will say also, I didn't see any LC person being mean on here either. Whoever said this I forgot the screen name of the person who posted that LC and NC was being mean, but I beg to differ. If it was anyone it was alumnis from Ben Davis.. and they are allowed to be because they are in college and it doesn't really matter, does it? I'm sure they are just being wild and crazy for their old show choir becuase you have this never ending love for that choir no matter how long you've graduated from it.

Everyone saying for people to be mature and be nice and set a good example for their choir, and when one's mean everyone gets mad at that one particular choir. I'm sorry. You cannot put 50+ human beings and not expect at LEAST ONE RADISH TO COME OUT A LITTLE MORE "SPUNKY" than most. I just think people should think about this and stop blaming the whole entire choir for one person's actions. I'm sure this person may seem "immature" to you, but really, aren't we all kiddish sometimes? And if you're not .. can you at least rememebr the times when you were?

Oh well, people say mean things... it's time to move on. you can't complain about it and be like, "Wow, you showed lack of immaturity. You are a fool." ...Just, get over it. If this person wants to be rude, that's their own fault. Dwelling on it and complaining about someone's rudeness on the internet isn't going to do anyone justice.

Comment your opinions.
Read the opinions
Don't try to change them.


ps. where can i order some of those jumpsuits that fairfield had in their closer? i need 200 suits.... anyone know?

You apologized to all the choirs because of the results. What a slap in the face to Fairfield. You can pretend all you want you took the results in a mature manner. You are possibly one of the most ignorant posters I have ever read. As you continue to post I continue to lose respect for you and your program.

user deleted  on Mar 20, 2005, 8:43 PM
Post #101
I am a new person to and i can understand that some people are very unhappy and i am just as much as everyone else very surpirised but like my Fairfield homies said we did work very hard on doing better in the evening. I would also like to give a big shout out to the North Central people who said some nice things and to the Colerain Show card guys as well.

I would also like to say on a positive note that i though everyone was really awsome. This is my sophomore year and i heard how awsome all the Indiana show choirs are and i was excited to get to see all of them and they were awsome like i was told. MY last thing, is that our hosts were AWSOME. They were so energetic and just made us feel right at home being the only ohio group there.

Thanks for listening to what i had to say

user deleted  on Mar 20, 2005, 8:33 PM
Post #100
First of, congratulations to alll of the show choirs/concert choirs from yesterday! You all rocked out hardcore! A special shout out to Brownsburg!! You guys were absolutely phenomenal yesterday with show choir and especially Madrigals. I've never seen you guys perform with so much conviction, in either one. I am so proud of you guys and wish you all the very best!!! I'm so glad I got to come back and see all my show choir buds who I don't get to see often enough! ;)

Congrats to everyone, you were all amazing

user deleted  on Mar 20, 2005, 8:31 PM
Post #99
QUOTE(smells like gal @ Mar 20 2005, 03:24 PM)
Yes I'd like to say that I didn't say anything rude except to the person who said that we were "tacky." That's rediculous. I complimented Fairfield and I also said why I said sorry for LC. Because I love them. People come on here all the time saying things like, "AWW I LOVE YOU I WISH YOU WOULD HAVE WON." it's just like saying, "AWWWW I WISH JOSH GROBAN WOULD HAVE COME PERFORMED AT THE GRAMMYS!" (for all you show choir lovers who love josh groban ((i'm not one of them))) anyway.... No North Central person has said anything bad to anyone. I say poopface as a joke. Who really says poopface as an insult? Come on now. If you know me in real life, I think you'd be laughing and realize that I'm just joking and being retarded...(LIGHTENING UP THE SITUATION PERHAPS!?!) anyway, I don't think Fairfield should be taken away from their glory. I think what's done is done. Congrats to them and after seeing the tears in their eyes I couldn't help but smile. I'm sure that what they got was well deserved with the day was done. I'm sure everyone kind of thinks it too but doesn't want to admit it because they are biased to other choirs.

I will say also, I didn't see any LC person being mean on here either. Whoever said this I forgot the screen name of the person who posted that LC and NC was being mean, but I beg to differ. If it was anyone it was alumnis from Ben Davis.. and they are allowed to be because they are in college and it doesn't really matter, does it? I'm sure they are just being wild and crazy for their old show choir becuase you have this never ending love for that choir no matter how long you've graduated from it.

Everyone saying for people to be mature and be nice and set a good example for their choir, and when one's mean everyone gets mad at that one particular choir. I'm sorry. You cannot put 50+ human beings and not expect at LEAST ONE RADISH TO COME OUT A LITTLE MORE "SPUNKY" than most. I just think people should think about this and stop blaming the whole entire choir for one person's actions. I'm sure this person may seem "immature" to you, but really, aren't we all kiddish sometimes? And if you're not .. can you at least rememebr the times when you were?

Oh well, people say mean things... it's time to move on. you can't complain about it and be like, "Wow, you showed lack of immaturity. You are a fool." ...Just, get over it. If this person wants to be rude, that's their own fault. Dwelling on it and complaining about someone's rudeness on the internet isn't going to do anyone justice.

Comment your opinions.
Read the opinions
Don't try to change them.


ps. where can i order some of those jumpsuits that fairfield had in their closer? i need 200 suits.... anyone know?

i might be able to help you out there w/ the track suits!!i'm letting you know that getting 60 + of them was a nightmare....but i`ll do my best to get you some info!!k?just PM me!


butifulwallflowr on Mar 20, 2005, 8:14 PM (Edited)
Post #98
I completely agree with Jason. If Mr. B would've been there last night, we would have gotten the "it's how you feel after you leave the stage" speech ... because after those results, there is nothing else we can possibly hold onto.

I am so proud of all of you, CS. You made my senior year. I am going to miss Central Sound in so many ways and I want you all to know how much I love you. We cannot help what happened last night, and I know I will go to bed so many nights wondering what the eff happened ... but what's done is done. We can't change it.

We had the best show of our lives. We all walked off that stage knowing that we were amazing, and that's all that matters.

And... at least we're not the only ones that were confused by our placement.

I love you CS.

*EDIT* Ben Davis, your ballad was beautiful. I didn't see it during finals but I cried while listening to it at prelims.


Valerie on Mar 20, 2005, 8:11 PM
Post #97
QUOTE(showquaah2005 @ Mar 20 2005, 12:54 PM)
There have been individuals from both NC and LC who have said very rude things about the performances and the results.  Would your directors appreciate such animosity, particularly if you're from the host school?  Bad behavior run amok.
To the kids from NC and LC who have commented in a respectful and positive way, congrats on achieving a level of maturity higher than that of some of your peers.


i am just curious as to where you found any lc people posting negative things? i think that most people who know anything would tend to agree that we are a classy group and we are good sports when we lose. and the few times that we have messed up we are readily willing to apologize.

i know everyone that posts in here knows that feeling where you have done your absolute best...better than you even think possible. and when our prelims performance set us in a VERY close 2nd...the final results were surprising. and the enormous gasp and jaw drop of 90% of the audience was a little disheartening, too.
that performance for me, among many others, was my last. and not to be dramatic-- but that was probably my last time being in a performance of that magnitude. i won't ever forget bursting out into tears along with my entire choir because we knew we had done our ABSOLUTE best.

however---CONGRATS fairfield...way to take indiana by storm.

ps...CS i love you guys. so much.


buspainter on Mar 20, 2005, 7:38 PM
Post #96
Brownsburg's hosts were neat. Thanks to Lora for holding on to my sweaty shirt after prelims!!!! That's some dedication.

user deleted  on Mar 20, 2005, 7:34 PM
Post #95
i would just just like to say thanks to everyone at this comp. i came in not thinking that this was goin to be a comp like last years and it wasnt in some ways but the energy was still there and the competition was still very exciting. as for this being my last comp and the other seniors last comp...underclassmen dont be sad for did everything you could do....i am sooo proud of went out there and performed your best and while on that stage and throughout walking off that stage....i felt like i have never felt before....we are chamions in our minds...we did everything that it takes to be champions....that trophy means nothing....the feeling is all we need....i still say i couldnt have had a better last competition!!! i love you all and i am gonna miss you so much....and unlike others i wont be able to come back and see you on spring break...sadness....semper fi


Sugarcane626 on Mar 20, 2005, 7:33 PM
Post #94
QUOTE(madrigalstar22 @ Mar 20 2005, 01:06 PM)
can anyone tell me the name of Brownsburg's hosts??

The hosts of the Brownsburg Spotlight Singers and Madrigals were:
Lora(peach dress)
Anna(green dress)

ummm i believe hosts of Bel Canto were:

host of Starlight Voices:

hosts of THE Blend:



smells like gal on Mar 20, 2005, 7:24 PM
Post #93
Yes I'd like to say that I didn't say anything rude except to the person who said that we were "tacky." That's rediculous. I complimented Fairfield and I also said why I said sorry for LC. Because I love them. People come on here all the time saying things like, "AWW I LOVE YOU I WISH YOU WOULD HAVE WON." it's just like saying, "AWWWW I WISH JOSH GROBAN WOULD HAVE COME PERFORMED AT THE GRAMMYS!" (for all you show choir lovers who love josh groban ((i'm not one of them))) anyway.... No North Central person has said anything bad to anyone. I say poopface as a joke. Who really says poopface as an insult? Come on now. If you know me in real life, I think you'd be laughing and realize that I'm just joking and being retarded...(LIGHTENING UP THE SITUATION PERHAPS!?!) anyway, I don't think Fairfield should be taken away from their glory. I think what's done is done. Congrats to them and after seeing the tears in their eyes I couldn't help but smile. I'm sure that what they got was well deserved with the day was done. I'm sure everyone kind of thinks it too but doesn't want to admit it because they are biased to other choirs.

I will say also, I didn't see any LC person being mean on here either. Whoever said this I forgot the screen name of the person who posted that LC and NC was being mean, but I beg to differ. If it was anyone it was alumnis from Ben Davis.. and they are allowed to be because they are in college and it doesn't really matter, does it? I'm sure they are just being wild and crazy for their old show choir becuase you have this never ending love for that choir no matter how long you've graduated from it.

Everyone saying for people to be mature and be nice and set a good example for their choir, and when one's mean everyone gets mad at that one particular choir. I'm sorry. You cannot put 50+ human beings and not expect at LEAST ONE RADISH TO COME OUT A LITTLE MORE "SPUNKY" than most. I just think people should think about this and stop blaming the whole entire choir for one person's actions. I'm sure this person may seem "immature" to you, but really, aren't we all kiddish sometimes? And if you're not .. can you at least rememebr the times when you were?

Oh well, people say mean things... it's time to move on. you can't complain about it and be like, "Wow, you showed lack of immaturity. You are a fool." ...Just, get over it. If this person wants to be rude, that's their own fault. Dwelling on it and complaining about someone's rudeness on the internet isn't going to do anyone justice.

Comment your opinions.
Read the opinions
Don't try to change them.


ps. where can i order some of those jumpsuits that fairfield had in their closer? i need 200 suits.... anyone know?

user deleted  on Mar 20, 2005, 7:20 PM
Post #92
thanx for all the support and nice comments guys!! Choraliers love ya!!

user deleted  on Mar 20, 2005, 7:14 PM
Post #91
After reading this forum today i have one thing to say:
Where is the love????

Congratulations to EVERYONE(and of course the grandchamps anyone who wins GC deserves congrats!)... You all were amazing... I have never had so much fun hosting... this shout out is to LN New Dimension...You guys made my day yesterday, I hope I get you again next year for hosting... and to everyone, as we say in CP....."Leave it on the Stage" ... what happened happened...we all should know already, the sheer fact that we are in show choir makes us amazing because it is such a special thing to be apart of, never forget that its not always about competitons, its about the group and how much of a family you are, and the fact that with that family you can hold each other in good times and in bad, i love you all, and please take no offence to this post, thanks for coming again, and i hope to see you all next year....


ISingTenor on Mar 20, 2005, 6:59 PM
Post #90
This topic has gotten way insane so I won't comment on any of the comp. precedings but I just want to say a little something to all my CS kids:

I know that you all are disappointed with the results, believe me I was so disappointed(You all know me and when I say disappointed, I mean something a lot more vivid.) when I heard but I'm so proud of you guy's. I know that this year has been a tad difficult with another director change and all that. However, when it comes down to it, you all have dealt with it really well. I've heard you guy's complain, rejoice, etc. but I'm so proud of you guy's. You took your show and performed it so well and you maintained a certain unity that maybe CS 2004 didn't quite have(You all know what I'm talking about.) I appluad you all!!! Above all things; You have maintained the high standard of integrity that was manifested when Mick and Judy Bridgewater came to LC 25 years ago and created The Central Sound. Remember that you all are from a long line of great show choirs and one insane result of a competition cannot tarnish that history. I know the feelings aren't so great and positive now but remember " we are CS and we should conduct ourselves as such." Everyone of the alumi, parents, and whoever else are all proud and totally support you. Seniors: In a nutshell, this result at your last comp. sucks but you all are great performers, and you know that. Don't let this rain on the probably 90% of awesome times you've had while in the group. You all have been nothing but professional on these boards when responding to this topic. Anything negative and what not you've had to say, you have kept between yourselves, alumni, and parents. MAD PROPS!!!! You have every right to be mad, sad, disappointed, bitter, and pissed off. Do not let some of these "nervous" people on SCC tell you any different. Myself and I'm sure many others are proud of the way you have handled this. Have fun at Disney World!!!!


Lcturtle on Mar 20, 2005, 6:46 PM
Post #89
QUOTE(HoLLyC05 @ Mar 20 2005, 09:27 AM)
LC- yalls are tight... don't worry about the judging-  its over, you can't change it now.  we love you SO much, so please come back even though us seniors wont be there, because chances are thats the only time the seniors that do come back will get to see you!  the descants spent all day friday singing kiss and *attempting* to remember the choreo... you've got a great set, great performers, and great sound, and you all look like you're having the time of your lives, which is important!

we've really spent two years wondering if people actually sung our show once we're done thanks for letting us know we're cool LOL.

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