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  Show Choir Community    Events    2005 Season    North Central Metropolitan Interscholastic Conference Choral Competition 2005

   Event Info

March 19th, 2005

Venue Info

North Central High School
1801 E. 86th Street
Indianapolis, IN 46240

Phone: (317)259-5301

Event Details

No. of Attending Choirs:

  8 Mixed Groups
  5 Treble Groups


  North Central "Counterpoints"
  North Central "Descants"

Judges: Unknown


Ticket prices unknown.


North Central Metropolitan Interscholastic Conference Choral Competition 2005

Event Site
Live Stream



Groups in order of placement

 Fairfield Senior High School
Grand Champion 
Best Vocals 

 Ben Davis High School
First Runner Up 
Best Costumes 

 Spotlight Singers & Company
 Brownsburg High School
Second Runner Up 

 Central Sound
 Lawrence Central High School
3rd Runner Up 

 New Dimension
 Lawrence North High School
4th Runner Up 
Best Band 

   Treble Finals


Groups in order of placement

 Hip Street
 Lawrence North High School
First Place 

 Sweet Sensation
 Lawrence Central High School
Second Place 

 Ben Davis High School
Third Place 

   Mixed Division (Prelims)

   Treble Division (Prelims)

   Attending Members

No members signed up for this event.

188 comments • Sort by

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user deleted  on Mar 20, 2005, 3:46 PM
Post #68
well hello hello everyone, its Jess( singinblondie) and i am back!

first off, i can't imagine getting on a board and ripping a group apart the way some of you have,it's just disrespectful! learn to see that all the bashing in the world isn't going to change any of the outcome, and that it reflects badly on you. and no its not just b/c i am in the choraliers, but b/c its the truth!we're all in this b/c we love to perform, so show some friendliness to your fellow performers!

on another note, i just want to say that DREW from LC is the hottest show choir husband ever!it was awesome getting to see and talk to you yesterday!!

thanx to jesse,deborah, and the other one( haha) for a GREAT time! you guys were awesome hosts!you guys have gotta come visit fairfield!

congrats to all the groups who performed!! you were great!

MusicWarehouse2006 on Mar 20, 2005, 3:40 PM
Post #67
QUOTE(show choirbandnerd @ Mar 20 2005, 12:22 PM)
As my director said, I also don't usually post on these forums, but I thought that being part of the bashed choir that won, I would like to put in my two cents. 

We, as the Fairfield Choraliers, were sooooo honored to win last night.  It was un-imaginable to all of us.  I know we were all saying "Are you freaking serious?!?" the entire night.  And I watched all of the other finalists and they were AWESOME.  As always, I am extremely impressed by Indiana groups.  I think you're the best of the best, really and truly. 

This year, we also had a change of directors and have had a rough year in the world of show choir.  Now I'm not saying that's why we should've won.  I'm just saying that even though these reults may seem fishy and you don't all agree with them, please don't take our win away from us.  Especially in such a cheap manner.  We work hard, and, trust me, we sing in more than two parts our entire show.  I am vocal captain of our group and when I hear other groups, I am so impressed by the blend, volume, and maturity of your sound.  We follow groups like you as an example!  I'm so hurt by some of the comments that have been made because I was saying all day how nice the Indiana show choirs were because of the support we received while performing, and the support they gave other groups.  I certainly hope we can come to Indiana competitions and receieve the great hospitality we had yesterday, and lose or win, and still enjoy ourselves.  I hope you all understand that the Choraliers would've been just as happy walking out of there with a 2nd, 3rd, or even 4th place under our belts.  And we would've walked out applauding and congratulating the groups that beat us, because as I said, we look up to you guys so much.  We were shocked to even make finals and winning GC was surreal.  Thanks again to NC....your show was amazing!  So much soul and energy!  And we loved our oh-so-supportive hosts, especially the energetic Jesse!

I hope all I've said doesn't seem fake, because it's not in any way.  Congratulations to all of the groups yesterday and good luck with the rest of the year!

i believe we can all learn from this. Being from Indiana, i do believe that we do blame too much on the judges and politics. But what do i know? I believe that what this person just said, is truely the best response to the competition yet.


pwags2006 on Mar 20, 2005, 3:39 PM
Post #66
QUOTE(strongmad @ Mar 20 2005, 11:12 AM)
Even though the results are disappointing., I just wanna compliment LC on their professionalism in this situation. They were, in my opinion, the only group that got the shaft. They are definately handled the situation as mature adults rather than complaining about it. Major Props to LC for their maturity and great show last night. I also want to express my disbelief in the way people are acting about this. Fairfield put on a great show and I definately saw them placing anywhere in the top 3. I am very disturbed by the way Ben Davis people were acting yesterday and on the boards today. I had the pleasure (or should I call it Hell) by sitting behind Ben Davis girls who continuesly talked through everyone's show. Their lack of respect for the other choirs was enough to make me feel ill. And today, ben davis alums getting on here and complaining about their position. I have to say, your lucky you got what position you did. I would take it and be thankful for you definately got the benefit from this judging system. Finally, another disturbing factor is those from the host school, even contributing to the madness, by putting down one of the groups that participated at their competition. I am in awe about how many of you are acting and putting down other choirs. I mean, I have disagreed with some results, but I don't believe that I have ever been this downright rude to another choir. I would reconsider what you are posting on here before you make yourself look like a fool and make your school look horrible. All I have to say is Ben Davis, before you want to b consider a class act, act like one.


I cannot speak for alumni, and I will not speak for alumni.
Consider yourself extremely unprofessional for posting something like what you did on an open forum like this. If you truly had a problem with Ben Davis, you would have handled it at the competition, instead of posting on here-the professional way to handle a problem.
I won't apologize for anything that happened. We hold ourselves to a high standard as we are representatives of our school, and a reflection of our directors and parents, as they have taught us the correct, and professional way to handle ourselves at competitions, especially when people like you are the antithesis of what being a class act is.
Don't ever talk about Ben Davis until you look at yourself.

From a class act student.


123tewh on Mar 20, 2005, 3:36 PM
Post #65
I would love to hear about the points spread..and exactly who scored what from what judges.

I don't know which judges scored for whom, but the rankings from each judge went:

Judge 1:

Judge 2:

Judge 3:

Judge 4:
(this may not be exactly right)

The reason why LC got fourth was because two of the judes didn't like Brownsburg but loved Ben Davis, and he other two didn't like Ben Davis but loved Brownsburg. So even though LC got a third ranking form every judge, the first place votes Brownsbrug and BD got lifted them ahead of LC making them fourth.

user deleted  on Mar 20, 2005, 3:24 PM
Post #64
Congrats to Brownsburg!...i am now your new fan/roadie! haha you guys have so much talent in your Choral Program its amazing. You ended your competition season with a bang and you all should be extremely proud of yourselves!! You are amongst the best of Indiana, I wish you the best in the future.


showchoirwhatwhat on Mar 20, 2005, 3:21 PM (Edited)
Post #63
QUOTE(strongmad @ Mar 20 2005, 11:12 AM)
Even though the results are disappointing., I just wanna compliment LC on their professionalism in this situation. They were, in my opinion, the only group that got the shaft. They are definately handled the situation as mature adults rather than complaining about it. Major Props to LC for their maturity and great show last night. I also want to express my disbelief in the way people are acting about this. Fairfield put on a great show and I definately saw them placing anywhere in the top 3. I am very disturbed by the way Ben Davis people were acting yesterday and on the boards today. I had the pleasure (or should I call it Hell) by sitting behind Ben Davis girls who continuesly talked through everyone's show. Their lack of respect for the other choirs was enough to make me feel ill. And today, ben davis alums getting on here and complaining about their position. I have to say, your lucky you got what position you did. I would take it and be thankful for you definately got the benefit from this judging system. Finally, another disturbing factor is those from the host school, even contributing to the madness, by putting down one of the groups that participated at their competition. I am in awe about how many of you are acting and putting down other choirs. I mean, I have disagreed with some results, but I don't believe that I have ever been this downright rude to another choir. I would reconsider what you are posting on here before you make yourself look like a fool and make your school look horrible. All I have to say is Ben Davis, before you want to be consider a class act, act like one.

edit: gramatical errors


i agree with this 100 percent. i am disgusted.



strongmad on Mar 20, 2005, 3:12 PM (Edited)
Post #62
Even though the results are disappointing., I just wanna compliment LC on their professionalism in this situation. They were, in my opinion, the only group that got the shaft. They are definately handled the situation as mature adults rather than complaining about it. Major Props to LC for their maturity and great show last night. I also want to express my disbelief in the way people are acting about this. Fairfield put on a great show and I definately saw them placing anywhere in the top 3. I am very disturbed by the way Ben Davis people were acting yesterday and on the boards today. I had the pleasure (or should I call it Hell) by sitting behind Ben Davis girls who continuesly talked through everyone's show. Their lack of respect for the other choirs was enough to make me feel ill. And today, ben davis alums getting on here and complaining about their position. I have to say, your lucky you got what position you did. I would take it and be thankful for you definately got the benefit from this judging system. Finally, another disturbing factor is those from the host school, even contributing to the madness, by putting down one of the groups that participated at their competition. I am in awe about how many of you are acting and putting down other choirs. I mean, I have disagreed with some results, but I don't believe that I have ever been this downright rude to another choir. I would reconsider what you are posting on here before you make yourself look like a fool and make your school look horrible. All I have to say is Ben Davis, before you want to be consider a class act, act like one.

edit: gramatical errors


LushBlondeSinger on Mar 20, 2005, 3:01 PM (Edited)
Post #61
QUOTE(Cookie @ Mar 20 2005, 10:44 AM)

COOK learn to spell the name of your own choir right man. how sad is that? come on. we are the MADRIGAL SINGERS...with a G...ya big crazy " border="0" alt="huh.gif" />


Choralier DJ Jazzy J on Mar 20, 2005, 3:00 PM (Edited)
Post #60
Edit: A few minor spelling mistakes ^.^; Edit 2 and 3: Found more Edit4: I obviously cannot spell S-H-O-W-C-H-O-I-R right...

I have been watching this topic for sometime, and now I will finally take time to reply.

First off I truly want to congratulate all finalist choirs; I only got to see LN however, but I loved their show, it was truely awsome.

Now, for all of the people that are kind of sour of our victory; our director took comments the judges had made and told us what they were, we then realized we should fix those aspects in which the judges had commented on, and we did. After all, why else would you get score-sheets and judge's tapes after the daytime performances? We did what we needed to do to gain back the lost ground from the daytime performance. (Even though yes, I know the night-time performance is completely seperate from the daytime.) Doesn't that distinguish some sort of knowledge that is crucial to the betterment of show choir in general?

For all of the people that think all we do in Ohio is just congratulate everyone, even if they did suck; you are mistaken, at least in my case. I know that if I did not like a group, I'd tell them, and naturally expect for them to either ask why or just blow it off. However, along with telling a group how they did, if there were places I thought that they'd need improvement in, I'd give them the benefit of constructive criticism, so I ask the same courtesy from other groups. Unless of course that's too much to ask?

Anyway, I was glad to have performed yesterday; not because we won, but because everytime I step on a stage to perform, I always know that I'm always making someone happy. If not anyone in the audience, or my group, then myself. That is truely what I think acting, singing, dancing, or even just performing all about; making people happy.

Good job to all choirs that performed, even the ones that didn't make finals, and the other venues as well, oh and the soloists too. ^.^ We all know the hard work, time, numbers, and discipline that it takes to prepare a show, soloist selection, or even a concert chior show; and for that I'd like to congratulate you all once again, even if I didn't get to see your performance.

I'd like to finish by thanking all of the parents, students, judicators, directors, volunteers, and even the groups that came for making my first Northcental MIC competition an overall good experience.

user deleted  on Mar 20, 2005, 2:44 PM (Edited)
Post #59


MVshowchoir on Mar 20, 2005, 2:25 PM
Post #58
QUOTE(Finebiboi @ Mar 20 2005, 01:24 PM)
Is Fairfield the fairfield from Ohio or from Indiana???



Finebiboi on Mar 20, 2005, 2:24 PM
Post #57
Is Fairfield the fairfield from Ohio or from Indiana???


LushBlondeSinger on Mar 20, 2005, 2:18 PM (Edited)
Post #56
QUOTE(JFreak213 @ Mar 20 2005, 10:01 AM)
Does anyone know the complete Concert Choir results?

Grand Champion - Brownsburg
1st Runner up- Lawerance North
2nd RU - Ben Davis
3rd RU- Pike


showchoirwhatwhat on Mar 20, 2005, 2:17 PM (Edited)
Post #55
QUOTE(hutch5788 @ Mar 20 2005, 08:40 AM)



TheOnlyJosh on Mar 20, 2005, 2:13 PM
Post #54
QUOTE(pwags2006 @ Mar 20 2005, 01:04 PM)
In the night show:
GC: Brownsburg
1st RU: LN
2nd RU: Ben Davis Purple Aires
3rd RU: Pike



pwags2006 on Mar 20, 2005, 2:04 PM (Edited)
Post #53
QUOTE(JFreak213 @ Mar 20 2005, 10:01 AM)
Does anyone know the complete Concert Choir results?

In the night show:
GC: Brownsburg
1st RU: LN
2nd RU: Ben Davis Purple Aires
3rd RU: Pike

sorry if its wrong, i stopped paying attention after BD got announced

ps: congrats to robbie for winning GC in the soloist competition- glad to see one BD win yesterday

TheOnlyJosh on Mar 20, 2005, 2:01 PM
Post #52
Does anyone know the complete Concert Choir results?


buspainter on Mar 20, 2005, 1:58 PM
Post #51
One more thing....If NC would have been competing with the rest of us, I doubt there would be very little debating on here.


smells like gal on Mar 20, 2005, 1:49 PM
Post #50


buspainter on Mar 20, 2005, 1:46 PM (Edited)
Post #49
It must suck to be used to winning. It must suck to be used to having people think your group is amazing. It must suck to be disappointed because you didn't win. It must suck to face the real world and not have something go your way.

What a crappy life certain people here must lead.

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