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  Show Choir Community    Events    2005 Season    North Central Metropolitan Interscholastic Conference Choral Competition 2005

   Event Info

March 19th, 2005

Venue Info

North Central High School
1801 E. 86th Street
Indianapolis, IN 46240

Phone: (317)259-5301

Event Details

No. of Attending Choirs:

  8 Mixed Groups
  5 Treble Groups


  North Central "Counterpoints"
  North Central "Descants"

Judges: Unknown


Ticket prices unknown.


North Central Metropolitan Interscholastic Conference Choral Competition 2005

Event Site
Live Stream



Groups in order of placement

 Fairfield Senior High School
Grand Champion 
Best Vocals 

 Ben Davis High School
First Runner Up 
Best Costumes 

 Spotlight Singers & Company
 Brownsburg High School
Second Runner Up 

 Central Sound
 Lawrence Central High School
3rd Runner Up 

 New Dimension
 Lawrence North High School
4th Runner Up 
Best Band 

   Treble Finals


Groups in order of placement

 Hip Street
 Lawrence North High School
First Place 

 Sweet Sensation
 Lawrence Central High School
Second Place 

 Ben Davis High School
Third Place 

   Mixed Division (Prelims)

   Treble Division (Prelims)

   Attending Members

No members signed up for this event.

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smells like gal on Mar 20, 2005, 1:30 PM (Edited)
Post #48
QUOTE(getdown868 @ Mar 20 2005, 01:17 AM)
I'm sorry to generalize.  I'm sorry to play devil's advocate.
Do you Indiana people even realize how much you whine and complain after EVERY competition?  Judges judge.  All of this blather really seems like a petty attempt to tarnish the deservingly sparkling GC trophy that Fairfield now has in their case.  You don't have that trophy, they do.  That's it.  And, in my eyes, the fact that NC kids are apologizing for results...tacky.  Come on guys.  It's show choir, and everyone kicks the hell out of that stage every time they step on it.  Please name a group that steps onto the stage and says, "Hey, let's do an ok job tonight." 

You can hate me for this post, that's fine.  I'm just bringing a year's worth of my own realizations to head in this thread.

ewwww don't call me tacky you poopface. I am apologizing because EVERYONE KNOWS. EVERYONE!!! knows that the results were.... SURPRISING. I watched Fairfields show in finasl thoguh and really enjoyed them. i thought they had really good dancing. I do feel bad for all the negative comments on here now that I've read a lot of them and realized it isn't very fair to Fairfield because they had nothing to do with this. They just went and did their best and same with LC and BD. but, I just want to say that I don't think Fairfield could compare to LC and BD which is why I was apologizing. Also the fact that I have friends in LC and BD and I love them very much and think they deserved a lot better than what they did.

Now for the ohio people coming on here saying, "Indiana is always so negative." Maybe we're so negative because we are the best of the midwest, and we were trained to pick out the little things. Maybe it's our strive for perfection and dedication that makes us ... not necessarly negative but we speak the truth rather than saying, "OH WELL CONGRATS ANYWAY, YOU GUYS SOOOO DESERVED IT." no, in the real world, you're not going to get that you're going ot get the truth and nothing but the truth. Now, I'm sorry for hte HARSH comments that are quite rude that could be more just, "I think LC should have palced alot higher." rather than MUTHA FUKAAAA EJHRJERHKEHR THIS AND THAT THIS AND THAT!!! that's not very nice, you're right... but i do want to congradulate fairfield on a win. and I'm really really really sorry again for LC. You guys were so muhc better..and we all know you deserved moreeeeee <33 and also, congrats to BD for putting on an amazing finals. we all were like, "dayum"

don't call me tacky or any north central person tacky cause we live in the "citay" and we definitely aren't tacky... are you though??
I love you INDIANA

user deleted  on Mar 20, 2005, 1:27 PM
Post #47
i watched finals starting with hipstreet, then all the way through. I just wanted to say that hipstreet- i heard you in warmups and it was definitely the best sound i've heard from you all year last night. congrats, you've come VERY far and made so many improvements. you were on last night.

ln- totally stepped up over the weeks. and go adam for stepping in last minute to fill in!

LC- yalls are tight... don't worry about the judging- its over, you can't change it now. we love you SO much, so please come back even though us seniors wont be there, because chances are thats the only time the seniors that do come back will get to see you! the descants spent all day friday singing kiss and *attempting* to remember the choreo... you've got a great set, great performers, and great sound, and you all look like you're having the time of your lives, which is important!

brownsburg- OOH MY. I saw you earlier this year, maybe at ben davis? okay well i couldn't tell you. anyhow- NIGHT AND DAY. that was by far the best i've seen you, you all toook it up a couple of notches. i was so excited for you because i could see on your faces that you were all giving it everything you had. Congrats!

Ben Davis- probably the best show i've seen from you energy wise as well! everyone was into it. congrats!

fairfield- i never got to see you last year, but one of my friends was your host last year and said ya'lls were good so i decided to watch. i just gotta say you picked some of my favorite songs to perform-- moon dance... *sighs* anyhow, the dj medley was tight, i like the track suits and i thought the dancing was great. congrats!

honestly this was one of the most entertaining nights of finals ever... all of the groups really performed to potential! normally i get bored during finals (could be because we're waiting for results though) but last night was just fun. Thanks for coming to MIC, everyone, it was a great time!

Oh and shouts to my Cabell kids!! ya'lls are awesome Chad and Megan, you're super cool. hope the drive home wasn't as long as the drive here ;)

user deleted  on Mar 20, 2005, 1:22 PM
Post #46
As my director said, I also don't usually post on these forums, but I thought that being part of the bashed choir that won, I would like to put in my two cents.

We, as the Fairfield Choraliers, were sooooo honored to win last night. It was un-imaginable to all of us. I know we were all saying "Are you freaking serious?!?" the entire night. And I watched all of the other finalists and they were AWESOME. As always, I am extremely impressed by Indiana groups. I think you're the best of the best, really and truly.

This year, we also had a change of directors and have had a rough year in the world of show choir. Now I'm not saying that's why we should've won. I'm just saying that even though these reults may seem fishy and you don't all agree with them, please don't take our win away from us. Especially in such a cheap manner. We work hard, and, trust me, we sing in more than two parts our entire show. I am vocal captain of our group and when I hear other groups, I am so impressed by the blend, volume, and maturity of your sound. We follow groups like you as an example! I'm so hurt by some of the comments that have been made because I was saying all day how nice the Indiana show choirs were because of the support we received while performing, and the support they gave other groups. I certainly hope we can come to Indiana competitions and receieve the great hospitality we had yesterday, and lose or win, and still enjoy ourselves. I hope you all understand that the Choraliers would've been just as happy walking out of there with a 2nd, 3rd, or even 4th place under our belts. And we would've walked out applauding and congratulating the groups that beat us, because as I said, we look up to you guys so much. We were shocked to even make finals and winning GC was surreal. Thanks again to NC....your show was amazing! So much soul and energy! And we loved our oh-so-supportive hosts, especially the energetic Jesse!

I hope all I've said doesn't seem fake, because it's not in any way. Congratulations to all of the groups yesterday and good luck with the rest of the year!


LushBlondeSinger on Mar 20, 2005, 1:09 PM
Post #45
QUOTE(xavier04 @ Mar 19 2005, 11:21 PM)
BY THE WAY: Brownsburg...your concert choir ROCKS!!!!!!!!!

...Thank you. We put our all on stage last may have noticed 90% of us crying during 'Esto Les Digo"...we really appreciate the compliment . Sad that was our last comp though.


LushBlondeSinger on Mar 20, 2005, 1:02 PM
Post #44
QUOTE(xavier04 @ Mar 20 2005, 12:08 AM)
I could have seen Brownsburg getting 1st Run Up also...they had spunk tonite

You were THIS CLOSE to having that as it turns out Brownsburg and Ben Davis were tied...both with 11 ranks points they had to revert to total points, where i'm not exactly positive but i believe BD had 3 or 4 more total points than Bburg. But thanks! CONGRATS TO EVERYONE!


hutch5788 on Mar 20, 2005, 1:00 PM
Post #43


CSisforlovers on Mar 20, 2005, 12:53 PM
Post #42
Good job EVERYONE last night!

Fairfield- I didn't see your show but since you won you obviously did very well! Congratulations on Grand Champions!

Brownsburg- Didn't see your show either but great job with Concert Choir!!! And show choir of course! hehe

LN- I'm proud of all of you. This is your second year competing and you're really stepping it up! I can't wait to see you guys in the coming years! And good job with Concert Choir!

Ben Davis- Didn't see your show either but I've seen it before and I always think your choreography is really clean and your vocals are amazing and also good job with Concert Choir!

LC- I am sooooooo sooooooo proud of all of you! I can't express it. We performed our best show last night and I know it's hard to not be sad about the results. I'm feeling the dissapointment myself. But we did have an awesome show and we had so much fun. All I have to say is........What are you going to do next? I'M GOING TO DISNEYLAND!!!!!!!!

Congrats to all!

user deleted  on Mar 20, 2005, 12:53 PM
Post #41
So i hear that they didnt even use points in finals....i heard from our host that they use a ranking system....the judges rank you from one to five and then they average these out and this is where you fall....well i guess i will find out for sure on tuesday when i go to class. i would just like to say....i did my best....i had a perfect show...the emotion i was able to put into the show was more than i have ever felt....i walked off that stage screaming....we were then in my mind GC!!! we got screwed, everyone knows it, but its not worth fighting over....nothing is gonna change it. this was my last competition......way to go out huh?

MusicWarehouse2006 on Mar 20, 2005, 12:52 PM (Edited)
Post #40
In my opinion. Lets everyone get off our high horse and realize that maybe the JUDGES thought that Fairfield had more talent than Lawrence Central, Ben Davis, Brownsburg and Lawrence North. I call it a realization. But my god, please, don't get all offensive just because a group that nobody thought had a chance, came up and kicked major butt. Good job Fairfield. From what I was told, you guys really did deserve this win. To everyone else, please don't take offense to this. I am just upset that we Wig Out when something doesn't go the way the predictions are tallied.


hutch5788 on Mar 20, 2005, 12:40 PM (Edited)
Post #39
QUOTE(Mmmmhm @ Mar 20 2005, 08:26 AM)
Um I don't know about anyone else, but I thought Farfield was soooooo good! My friend and I thought they would probably get 1RUish. So them winning is so sweet! I loved the closer and the ballad so much. Whoever said they weren't strong and didn't perform well...I'm not sure which show you were watching, but they all were so into what they were doing! The choreography in the closer was so entertaining and they just made everyone enjoy what they were doing.

So regardless of anything, I believe Farfield was so great and deserved what they got.

Ben Davis just wasn't on for me at all. They were having pitch problems, but nonetheless I loved the ballad and closer Great job!

LC is the only unjust placement in my opinion. They should've either won or gotten 1RU.

I enjoyed watching though.


user deleted  on Mar 20, 2005, 12:26 PM
Post #38
Um I don't know about anyone else, but I thought Farfield was soooooo good! My friend and I thought they would probably get 1RUish. So them winning is so sweet! I loved the closer and the ballad so much. Whoever said they weren't strong and didn't perform well...I'm not sure which show you were watching, but they all were so into what they were doing! The choreography in the closer was so entertaining and they just made everyone enjoy what they were doing.

So regardless of anything, I believe Farfield was so great and deserved what they got.

Ben Davis just wasn't on for me at all. They were having pitch problems, but nonetheless I loved the ballad and closer Great job!

LC is the only unjust placement in my opinion. They should've either won or gotten 1RU.

I enjoyed watching though.


hutch5788 on Mar 20, 2005, 12:03 PM (Edited)
Post #37
QUOTE(getdown868 @ Mar 20 2005, 01:17 AM)
I'm sorry to generalize.  I'm sorry to play devil's advocate.
Do you Indiana people even realize how much you whine and complain after EVERY competition?  Judges judge.  All of this blather really seems like a petty attempt to tarnish the deservingly sparkling GC trophy that Fairfield now has in their case.  You don't have that trophy, they do.  That's it.  And, in my eyes, the fact that NC kids are apologizing for results...tacky.  Come on guys.  It's show choir, and everyone kicks the hell out of that stage every time they step on it.  Please name a group that steps onto the stage and says, "Hey, let's do an ok job tonight." 

You can hate me for this post, that's fine.  I'm just bringing a year's worth of my own realizations to head in this thread.

BLAH, Indiana people, why we have to be Indiana people, and whining and things, we are not whining we are just expressing feelings that are well deserved to be heard.


hutch5788 on Mar 20, 2005, 12:00 PM (Edited)
Post #36
all I can say was a well not desereved Grand Champ was taken lol

I dont even think Politics had anything to do with this competition at all lol



schoiralum69 on Mar 20, 2005, 11:47 AM
Post #35
Just an observation as to the difference in post Show Choir Competition comments between Ohio and Indiana show choir members present and past. (based on this season's midwest competitions thus far).

Ohio: Competing and hosting schools offer well-earned congratulations to the winners and constructive/value-added comments and opinions. Judging results are accepted for what they are: "FACT & REALITY". They all seem to share a common sense of "Show Choir Comradery".

Indiana: Very few if any positive comments directed to the winners (especially, if from out of state). Overwhelming number of critical opinions and comments with almost total disregard and acceptance that the results are controlled/determined by the judges - professionally trained & educated with years of experience.

Bottomline: Share and celebrate life's successes because there are far too many disappointments.

user deleted  on Mar 20, 2005, 11:44 AM
Post #34
QUOTE(SingingBoy @ Mar 20 2005, 12:44 AM)
It's a shame their is so much controversy over the matter. Opinions are most certainly expected to be expressed but keep in mind Fairfield didn't have anything to do with the results either, and no one complaining is going to take their trophy away. Congrats to Fairfield, you really showed the judges what they wanted to see!

well first of all dude there is no whining going on, its just the fact that a group came in and SUCK BAD and took a caption that they did not preform what so ever and then took a Grand Champion, HELL LAWRENCE NORTH had better vocals then fairfield and its just a shame to see how choir is going down the drain all because of the results that the judges make. all I can say is SHAME ON FAIRFIELD for takeing that trophy lol j/k you guys did preform well and had intertainment, thats about all. If intertainment was a caption you guys would have taken it that night hands down. Vocals you very well no u didnt deserve as well as Grand Champion.
QUOTE(getdown868 @ Mar 20 2005, 01:17 AM)
I'm sorry to generalize.  I'm sorry to play devil's advocate.
Do you Indiana people even realize how much you whine and complain after EVERY competition?  Judges judge.  All of this blather really seems like a petty attempt to tarnish the deservingly sparkling GC trophy that Fairfield now has in their case.  You don't have that trophy, they do.  That's it.  And, in my eyes, the fact that NC kids are apologizing for results...tacky.  Come on guys.  It's show choir, and everyone kicks the hell out of that stage every time they step on it.  Please name a group that steps onto the stage and says, "Hey, let's do an ok job tonight." 

You can hate me for this post, that's fine.  I'm just bringing a year's worth of my own realizations to head in this thread.


UMMMM from the looks of there preformance it did look like they came out on stage and said lets do oK you guys cause ONLY one girl in the group look like she wanted it and she was FREAKEN AWSOME, the black girl in the front center OMG, but you know it as well as they know it, they wasnt better then alot of the groups there and I feel bad for LC for placing that low to cause thats impossible, LC hasnt placed that low since like the freaken 80s and I don tknow that much. For us to see what the Judges see DUDE come one now. WERE THE JUDGES even in the room while they were preforming or looking on the Moniter.

You can hate me for this post, that's fine. I'm just bringing a year's worth of my own realizations to head in this thread.


user deleted  on Mar 20, 2005, 11:34 AM
Post #33
I don't care if I'm complaining, this judging was RIDICULOUS. I have never seen anything so atrocious in my life.

Ben Davis, you guys were TEN TIMES better than Fairfield. I am so sorry you lost BEST VOCALS (which you or LC CLEARLY deserved) to a group that sings two parts. That's just sad.

Lawrence Central, I am so so sooooooooo sorry. I don't know what the HELL happened in that judge's panel and I honestly think some of them were cracked out. I honestly thought you guys were going to win. When they called your name as 3RU the entire audience was in complete shock. You all rocked that stage tonight, more than I have ever see n before ... congrats on the best show, and I'm sorry the judging was awful.

Fairfield, congrats on getting lucky.

Brownsburg, you guys must feel pretty high after beating a group like LC. Unjustly, maybe, but congrats.

Lawrence North, you guys have come out of no where and stepped it up! I can't wait to see you guys in the coming years. Good luck.

TheOnlyJosh on Mar 20, 2005, 8:05 AM
Post #32
Any word on the rest of the Concert Choir results?


shwchr78 on Mar 20, 2005, 6:13 AM
Post #31
I rarely post on this forum, since I feel it is a place for show choir students to discuss results, ideas, and random thoughts. As we have all learned, this site is for opinion- no holds barred. Often, it's brutal honesty!

The Fairfield Choraliers would like to thank all the NC parents, staff, and students for putting together this contest. Everyone can appreciate the hard work it takes to pull something like this off- and rather than getting accolades, often criticism is the first thing to come out as an end result.

All of the choirs in competition today worked hard to do their best, and feel that each deserves commendation for their achievements. NC Counterpoints had an amazing concluding show, Ben Davis and Lawrence Central (among many others) had stellar performances, and both Mr. and Mrs. Stainbrook (from Pike and Brownsburg, respectively) were in Finals battling it out for their top spots! While the contest did not have the national draw it had last year, every effort was made to keep the MIC a high caliber contest.

As a new director at Fairfield - after last year's microphone-use disqualification, and drawing the first spot to perform this evening, there certainly have been some trying times for our group. The students felt as though they put out their best effort, and just hoped for the best, no expectations. I would suggest those critics to be positive and give those their just due, and not dwell on finding fault!

Thank you,

Jeff Clark
Fairfield Choraliers

user deleted  on Mar 20, 2005, 5:17 AM
Post #30
I'm sorry to generalize. I'm sorry to play devil's advocate.

Do you Indiana people even realize how much you whine and complain after EVERY competition? Judges judge. All of this blather really seems like a petty attempt to tarnish the deservingly sparkling GC trophy that Fairfield now has in their case. You don't have that trophy, they do. That's it. And, in my eyes, the fact that NC kids are apologizing for results...tacky. Come on guys. It's show choir, and everyone kicks the hell out of that stage every time they step on it. Please name a group that steps onto the stage and says, "Hey, let's do an ok job tonight."

You can hate me for this post, that's fine. I'm just bringing a year's worth of my own realizations to head in this thread.


BSUguy07 on Mar 20, 2005, 5:13 AM (Edited)
Post #29
QUOTE(smells like gal @ Mar 20 2005, 03:07 AM)
Yeah, I'm just really sorry and embarassed (even though I had nothing to do with it nor did anyone else from North Central but the judges) but it's just dissapointing that our competitions seem to turn out strange and people get upset by them (except last year because I mean no one should have gotten mad at those results, I thought those were pretty straight on). Anyway, I'm really sorry for the choirs that are dissapointed. Cry and be angry now. It helps, I think. And then move on and maybe ... talk to North Central people again someday? I'm really really sorry.. I hope everyone had fun though!!! :-/

Also, I heard that Ben Davis thinks North Central hates them especially after the results, but we had nothing to do with the results and no one hates you. You're retarded. We love you. Anyway, after finals, I would have put:

GC: Ben Davis
2RU: Brownsburg
3rU: Fairfield

Best vocals: Ben Davis/ LC tie. You guys have totally different sounds but both great
Best Choreo: Ben Davis

Aww, I don't think any BD people think you hate them. And for me personally, I <3 CP and Descants 4 LIFE!!!!!

Seriously, I do!

But Fairfield as GC? Are you serious? I mean COME ON! Everyone knows it's ridiculous, except Fairfield, prolly. heh. (I still wanna see a points spread!)

< /crying and anger >

There we go.

Oh wait!

< begin Ohio people rubbing victory in Indiana's face >

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