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 Show Choir Community    Events    2015 Season    Muscatine River City Showcase 2015
Event Info

January 17th, 2015
Venue Info
Muscatine Central Middle School
901 Cedar St.
Muscatine, IA 52761
Phone: (563) 263-7784
Event Details
Number of Attending Choirs:
13 Mixed Groups
3 Treble Groups
Event Hosts:
Muscatine "River City Rhythm"
Muscatine "Encore!"
Muscatine "Wild Cat Men"
Event Judges:
Shane Coe (Prelims/Finals)
Omari Dear (Critique/Finals)
Dina Else (Prelims/Finals)
Ellie Jordan (Critique/Finals)
Lynne Rothrock (Solo Competition/Finals)
Elmo Zapp (Prelims/Finals)
Ticket prices unknown.
Muscatine River City Showcase 2015

Event Site
Live Stream

Power Company
Waconia High School
Grand Champion
Best Vocals
Best Choreography
Best Male Soloist (Mitch Taylor)

Buffalo Grove High School
First Runner Up

West Side Delegation
Cedar Rapids Jefferson High School
Second Runner Up
Best Female Soloist

Cedar Rapids Washington High School
3rd Runner Up
Best Band

Mixed Company
Prospect High School
4th Runner Up

Central Singers, Inc.
Davenport Central High School
5th Runner Up
People's Choice

Mixed Division - Tier I (Prelims) Show
Mixed Division - Tier II
Gretna High School
Treble Division

Western Dubuque High School
First Place

Cedar Rapids Jefferson High School
Second Place

Prospect High School
Third Place

Prep Division

The Current
Waconia High School
First Place

Cedar Rapids Washington High School
Second Place

Cedar Rapids Washington High School
Third Place

Blue Vibrations
Davenport Central High School
4th Place

Cedar Rapids Jefferson High School
5th Place

Attending Members displaying 6 of 20 members (view all)
88 comments • Sort by

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juliofrommississippi on Jan 22, 2015, 6:36 PM (Edited)
Post #88
Thanks for everyone's patience... but it wasn't too bad- that dance party was hoppin' when I got to the stage with the results!

You're welcome. It was one of my Vivace kids that started it all, and he asked my permission first. #itakeallcredit

I also miss critiques in forum. I feel like most critiques are done through PM now I can understand though, as someone who tends to offend people with everything I say

Häakon on Jan 22, 2015, 9:47 AM
Post #87
I think it just happens more over Twitter these days.
Where it's here today, gone tomorrow, and then fades into the ether never to be seen again...

Jeff. on Jan 21, 2015, 11:57 PM (Edited)
Post #86
*My posts do not reflect my own thoughts or anyone else's.*
THIS. Ugh. This phrase in signatures. Senseless.

To join the convo, though, some folks still go show-by-show with analyses after competitions. Or at least I notice it in the Ohio topics sometimes. The discussion about shows certainly still happens, I think it just happens more over Twitter these days.

johnsaloser on Jan 21, 2015, 11:12 PM
Post #85

Jorge on Jan 21, 2015, 10:36 PM
Post #84
Maybe you should bring back Jorge's Critiques.

Of course you get paid for that now...

Chris- I will only bring them back once you have your own show choir.

johnsaloser on Jan 21, 2015, 10:31 PM
Post #83
Maybe you should bring back Jorge's Critiques.

Of course you get paid for that now...

Jorge on Jan 21, 2015, 9:11 PM
Post #82

I think we all do... Probably even the people who didn't try to stir **** up all the time.

(Just to clarify, that's supposed to be a yawn.)

*My posts do not reflect my own thoughts or anyone else's.*

johnsaloser on Jan 21, 2015, 8:24 PM
Post #81
Does anyone talk about shows after comps anymore? I miss the good ole days of SCC!

I think we all do... Probably even the people who didn't try to stir **** up all the time.

(Just to clarify, that's supposed to be a yawn.)

*My posts do not reflect my own thoughts or anyone else's.*

Jorge on Jan 21, 2015, 7:17 PM
Post #80
Does anyone talk about shows after comps anymore? I miss the good ole days of SCC!

Also- the reason why final awards took so long was this: Right as the final scores for the last group (Waconia) arrived in the office, the computers all locked. The Muscatine School District was running a district wide update (one we had no prior knowledge of) making it impossible to log into anything. All the ballots had to be pulled and added together using calculators... just like the good ole' days. We wanted to be sure we had the correct results, so we double, triple, and quadruple checked. Thanks for everyone's patience... but it wasn't too bad- that dance party was hoppin' when I got to the stage with the results!

36kap36 on Jan 21, 2015, 4:32 PM
Post #79
+1 for those who were unable to see Buffalo Grove's show

...woah. I, uh, woah. That was great.

The Ethan Price on Jan 21, 2015, 1:32 AM
Post #78
To the two people I caught making out by the overfill viewing room after day awards: I'm sorry for ruining your precious time together. I was serious when I said you could've stayed. I didn't care at all about you two, I just cared about listening to judges comments haha. But I just wanted to publicly apologize for putting you two in an awkward situation. On the other hand, it made my night!!!

Because everyone wants to have a scary ginger near them while having "alone" time.


Tagrag70 on Jan 20, 2015, 10:56 PM
Post #77
+4 for those who were unable to see Buffalo Grove's show
I loved your show I mean THAT CLOSER holy cow i wasn't expecting that at all.

juliofrommississippi on Jan 20, 2015, 7:26 PM
Post #76
To the two people I caught making out by the overfill viewing room after day awards: I'm sorry for ruining your precious time together. I was serious when I said you could've stayed. I didn't care at all about you two, I just cared about listening to judges comments haha. But I just wanted to publicly apologize for putting you two in an awkward situation. On the other hand, it made my night!!!


lyssa32395 on Jan 19, 2015, 2:02 AM
Post #75
+4 for those who were unable to see Buffalo Grove's show

Jorge on Jan 18, 2015, 8:19 PM
Post #74
What an incredible day!

I was blown away by all the shows I saw.

Here were Finals Scores:


Shane Coe:

1st- Buffalo Grove (117)
2nd- Waconia (115)
3rd- CR Washington (108.5)
4th- CR Jefferson (106.5)
5th- Prospect (105)
6th- Davenport Central (100)

Ellie Jordan:

1st- Waconia (120)
2nd- Buffalo Grove (119)
3rd- CR Jefferson (114.5)
4th- CR Washington (114)
5th- Prospect (110.5)
6th- Davenport Central (107)

Omari Dear:

1st- Waconia (121)
2nd- Buffalo Grove (118.5)
3rd- CR Jefferson (114)
4th- CR Washington (112.5)
5th- Prospect (111.5)
6th- Davenport Central (109)


Dina Else:

1st- Waconia (146.5)
2nd- Buffalo Grove (145)
3rd- CR Jefferson (142)
4th- Washington (140)
5th- Prospect (135)
6th- Davenport Central (131.5)

Elmo Zapp:

1st- Waconia (150)
2nd- Buffalo Grove (149.5)
3rd- Prospect (146)
4th- CR Washington (143)
5th- CR Jefferson (142.5)
6th- Davenport Central (138)

Lynne Rothrock:

1st- Waconia (138)
2nd- CR Jefferson (136)
3rd- Buffalo Grove (133)
4th- Prospect (132.5)
5th- CR Washington (131.5)
6th- Davenport Central (130)


DrakeBake on Jan 18, 2015, 1:19 PM
Post #73

Cool thanks!

Anyone know what day round results were?

They are listed! CR Jeff and CR Wash switched ranks after finals


jdgold92 on Jan 18, 2015, 1:07 PM
Post #72

I think Waconia's show is about "soaring" ... at least that's what I interpreted it as. And BG's is michael jackson

Cool thanks!

Anyone know what day round results were?


DrakeBake on Jan 18, 2015, 12:38 PM
Post #71
Wow! Surprised at these results but how awesome! What are Waconia and BG's shows?

Is the live feed archived?

I think Waconia's show is about "soaring" ... at least that's what I interpreted it as. And BG's is michael jackson


jdgold92 on Jan 18, 2015, 12:36 PM
Post #70
Wow! Surprised at these results but how awesome! What are Waconia and BG's shows?

Is the live feed archived?

jillykobilly on Jan 18, 2015, 2:06 AM
Post #69
Congratulations to everyone who performed today! Every single group had fantastic vocals, energy, and passion. It makes me so proud to be part of the show choir world!

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