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 Show Choir Community    Events    2014 Season    Manchester Central Virginia Show Choir Invitational (Day Two) 2014
Event Info

March 8th, 2014
Venue Info
Manchester High School
12601 Bailey Bridge Road
Midlothian, VA 23112
Phone: (804) 739-6275
Event Details
Number of Attending Choirs:
20 Mixed Groups
Event Hosts:
Manchester "Capital Swing"
Manchester "Touch of Swing"
Manchester "Chamber Ensemble"
Event Judges:
John Baker
Casey Edwards
Kraig McBroom
Ticket prices unknown.
Manchester Central Virginia Show Choir Invitational (Day Two) 2014

Event Site
Live Stream
Mixed Division - Tier I

Sound FX
Hanover High School
Grand Champion
Best Vocals
Best Show Design
Best Dressed Director (Jamie Barrack)

Cosby High School
First Runner Up
Best Choreography
Best Crew

Knight Scene
Thomas Dale High School
Second Runner Up

High Impact
Matoaca High School
3rd Runner Up
Best Band

Just For Show
Midlothian High School
No Placement

Current Edition
James River High School
No Placement

Harbor Lights
Kecoughtan High School
No Placement
Edward Cullen Award
#CVSCI Award
People's Choice

Atlee High School
No Placement

Pop Singers
Jefferson High School
No Placement

Good Times
Martinsburg High School
No Placement

Menchville High School
No Placement

Mixed Division - Tier II

Powhatan High School
First Place

Mechanicsville High School
Second Place

Chantilly High School
Third Place

Sudden Image
Lloyd C. Bird High School
No Placement

Red N' Fusion
Culpeper County High School
No Placement

Amherst County High School
No Placement
CVSCI Spirit Award

Patrick Henry High School
No Placement

Colonial Forge High School
No Placement
Best Dressed Band

Eastern View High School
No Placement

Attending Members displaying 6 of 15 members (view all)
10 comments • Sort by

MisterMan on Mar 12, 2014, 9:49 PM
Post #10
Full Awards:
Grand Champion: Hanover "Sound FX"

Division A:
Champion: Hanover "Sound FX"
1st Runner Up: Cosby "Spotlight"
2nd Runner Up: Thomas Dale "Knightscene"
3rd Runner Up: Matoaca "Up Front"

Division B
Champion: Powhatan "Resonance"
1st Runner Up: Lee Davis "Madrijazz"
2nd Runner Up: Chantilly "Showstoppers"

Best Soloist:
Grant Paylor- Lee Davis "Madrijazz"

Vocal Quality: Hanover "Sound FX"
Choreography: Cosby "Spotlight"
Show Design: Hanover "Sound FX"
Best Band: Matoaca "Up Front"
People's Choice: Kecoughtan "Harbor Lights"
Best Dressed Band: Colonial Forge "Encore"
Best Crew: Cosby "Spotlight"
Best Dressed Director: Jamie Barrack- Hanover "Sound FX"
Whos Trending #CVSCI: Kecoughtan High School
CVSCI Spirit Award: Amherst High School
Edward Cullen Sparkle Award: Kecoughtan "Harbor Lights"

Up Front is our girls group, High Impact is mixed.


Ryan Shapiro on Mar 12, 2014, 12:39 PM (Edited)
Post #9
Full Awards:
Grand Champion: Hanover "Sound FX"

Division A:
Champion: Hanover "Sound FX"
1st Runner Up: Cosby "Spotlight"
2nd Runner Up: Thomas Dale "Knightscene"
3rd Runner Up: Matoaca "Up Front"

Division B
Champion: Powhatan "Resonance"
1st Runner Up: Lee Davis "Madrijazz"
2nd Runner Up: Chantilly "Showstoppers"

Best Soloist:
Grant Paylor- Lee Davis "Madrijazz"

Vocal Quality: Hanover "Sound FX"
Choreography: Cosby "Spotlight"
Show Design: Hanover "Sound FX"
Best Band: Matoaca "Up Front"
People's Choice: Kecoughtan "Harbor Lights"
Best Dressed Band: Colonial Forge "Encore"
Best Crew: Cosby "Spotlight"
Best Dressed Director: Jamie Barrack- Hanover "Sound FX"
Whos Trending #CVSCI: Kecoughtan High School
CVSCI Spirit Award: Amherst High School
Edward Cullen Sparkle Award: Kecoughtan "Harbor Lights"

> Added


Ryan Shapiro on Mar 9, 2014, 1:12 AM
Post #8
Awards I can remember....

Best Soloist: Lee Davis (Please fill in the name)
Female Solo Competition Champion: Douglas Freeman
Mixed Solo Competition: Patrick Henry

B Division
Champion: Powhatan
1st Runner Up: Lee Davis
2nd Runner Up: Chantilly

Edward Cullen Award (Most Sparkle): Kecoughtan
#CVSCI Award (Most twitter interaction): Kecoughtan
Peoples Choice: Kecoughtan
Best Dressed Director: Jamie Barrack, Hanover
Best Dressed Band: Lee Davis?
CVSCI Spirit Award: Amherst HS


Ryan Shapiro on Mar 9, 2014, 12:59 AM
Post #7

A WONDERFULLY successful weekend for all involved!
Many thanks to Manchester High School....Choral boosters...staff and administration!


A special thank you to the bands, crew and choir directors for helping everything run so smoothly and working so hard along with Manchester to ensure an event that ran on time both days and was safe for all!

Your hard work is appreciated and respected. Break Legs for the remainder of your season!

ShowOff21 on Mar 9, 2014, 12:28 AM
Post #6
Results for Mixed A:

GC: Hanover
Second Place: Cosby
Third Place: Thomas Dale
Fourth Place: Matoaca (Best Band)

Afraid I can't remember the rest of the captions, placement is accurate though.

Hanover received Best Show Design & Best Vocals
Cosby received Best CHoreography

MisterMan on Mar 9, 2014, 12:23 AM
Post #5
Results for Mixed A:

GC: Hanover
Second Place: Cosby
Third Place: Thomas Dale
Fourth Place: Matoaca (Best Band)

Afraid I can't remember the rest of the captions, placement is accurate though.

barisaxbigcheeks on Mar 6, 2014, 11:31 PM
Post #4
Saturday's Mixed division schedule has been posted above. You can find the Friday Women's division in the Manchester CVSCI (Day One) event!

For any of the Virginians out there, why is it that Clover Hill doesn't typically attend CVSCI?

Clover Hill most likely isn't attending this year because they went to Powhatan's competition, which is another local one for them. for this year, big cheeks has a concert band festival that they have to perform in on friday night, so the band would only be able to perform on saturday and not friday, and mrs thomas most likely doesn't want to not have both new dimensions and iridescence compete. other than that, i am unsure.

Holden on Mar 6, 2014, 8:37 PM
Post #3
This year Clover Hill's band will be in Ireland playing in a St.Patricks day parade , they fly out the weekend of CVSCI.

Jeff. on Mar 6, 2014, 6:40 PM
Post #2
Saturday's Mixed division schedule has been posted above. You can find the Friday Women's division in the Manchester CVSCI (Day One) event!

For any of the Virginians out there, why is it that Clover Hill doesn't typically attend CVSCI?

Jeff. on Mar 6, 2014, 6:36 PM
Post #1
March 8th

Mixed Gender
B Division

8:30- LC. Bird "Sudden Image"
9:00- Culpeper "Red N' Fusion"
9:30- Amherst "Amerechoes"
10:00- Powhatan "Resonance"
10:30- Patrick Henry "Soundsations"
11:00- Lee Davis "Madrijazz"
11:30- Eastern View "Electrified" (Single-Gender B)
12:00- Colonial Forge "Encore"
12:30- Chantilly "Showstoppers"
1:00- Eastern View "Innovations"
A Division
2:30- Midlothian "Just for Show"
3:00 James River "Current Edition"
3:30- Kecoughtan "Harbor Lights"
4:00- Cosby "Spotlight"
4:30- Thomas Dale "Knight Scene"
5:00- Atlee "Illusion"
5:30- Jefferson "Pop Singers"
6:15- Manchester "Chamber Ensemble" (Exhibition)
6:30- Manchester "Touch of Swing" (Exhibition)
7:00- Matoaca "High Impact"
7:30- Hanover "Sound FX"
8:00- Martinsburg "Good Times"
8:30- Menchville "(M)pulse"
9:00- Manchester "Capital Swing" (Exhibition)
9:30- Awards


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