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 Show Choir Community    Events    2014 Season    John Burroughs Music Showcase (Day Two) 2014
Event Info

April 12th, 2014
Venue Info
John Burroughs High School
1920 Clark Ave.
Burbank, CA 91506
Phone: (818) 558-4777
Event Details
Number of Attending Choirs:
16 Mixed Groups
5 Treble Groups
4 Bass Groups
Event Hosts:
John Burroughs "Powerhouse"
John Burroughs "Sound Sensations"
John Burroughs "Men@Work"
John Burroughs "Sound Waves"
John Burroughs "Decibelles"
Event Judges:
Jeremy Alfera
Alex Hall
Adam Peters (Captions)
Mary Rago
Sébastien Vallée
Jarad Voss
John Burroughs Music Showcase (Day Two) 2014

Event Site
Live Stream
Mixed Division - Tier I

In Sync
Burbank High School
First Place
Best Show Design

Sound FX
Los Alamitos High School
Second Place
Best Choreography
Best Acapella
Best Costumes
Best Male Soloist (Mario Arias)

Mixed Division - Tier II

Sound Vibrations
Hart High School
First Place
Best Tech Crew
Best Repertoire

The Music Machine
Bonita Vista High School
Second Place

Monarch Mirage
Mt. Eden High School
Third Place

Main Attraction
Chula Vista High School
4th Place
Best Female Soloist (Airryn Robinson)

Diamond Bar High School
No Placement

Sound Express
Carlsbad High School
No Placement

Vocal Point
Serrano High School
No Placement

Notre Dame Regional Secondary
No Placement

Mixed Division - Tier III

Out Of The Blue
Burbank High School
First Place

Center Stage
Eastlake High School
Second Place

Vista High School
Third Place

Hart 'n Soul
Hart High School
No Placement

Pacifica High School
No Placement

Live Wire
Notre Dame Regional Secondary
No Placement

Treble Division - Tier II

Carlsbad High School
First Place

Los Alamitos High School
Second Place

Esperanza High School
Third Place

Spotlight Ladies
Eastlake High School
4th Place

Serrano High School
No Placement

Bass Division

Sound Dogs
Burbank High School
First Place

Los Alamitos High School
Second Place

Hart High School
No Placement

Who's Yo Daddy?
Mt. Eden High School
No Placement

Attending Members displaying 6 of 18 members (view all)
41 comments • Sort by

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wcpoet on Apr 13, 2014, 11:36 PM (Edited)
Post #41
We still need the Friday RESULTS for Women's Tier 1!!
Advanced Women
2nd Place: Burbank "Impressions"
1st Place: Los Alamitos "Soundtrax"

Best Musicianship: Burbank "Impressions"
Best Showmanship: Los Alamitos "Soundtrax"

And then Middle School Results from the JBHS VMA Facebook Page!

Middle School Girls
1st: Luther Burbank "Spotlight" (Musicianship, Showmanship)
2nd: John Muir "Girls Next Door"
3rd: Jefferson "Songbirds"

Middle School Mixed
1st: David Starr Jordan "Madrigals" (Musicianship, Showmanship)
2nd: Luther Burbank "Starlight"
3rd: John Muir "Guys and Dolls"

And then I was also outside for the Mixed Tier III/Men Divisions Awards Ceremony on Saturday and I heard these results!

1st: Burbank "Sound Dogs" (Musicianship, Showmanship)
2nd: Los Alamitos "Xtreme"
(I don't think any other awards were given out!)

Intermediate Mixed
1st: Burbank "Out Of The Blue" (Musicianship, Showmanship)
2nd: Eastlake "Center Stage"
3rd: Vista "Showcats"

Edit: And then some Awards I've found for the Intermediate Women Tier II Division.

1st: Carlsbad "Encore" (Musicianship, Showmanship)
2nd: Los Alamitos "Xquisite"
3rd: Esperanza "Vivace"


drumcorpsnut42 on Apr 13, 2014, 10:23 PM
Post #40
Thanks for the catch. Apparently Diamond Bar wasn't on the original schedule, so I had to go in and switch some stuff up. It should all be good now, though!

We still need the Friday RESULTS for Women's Tier 1!!

MatthewGerard on Apr 13, 2014, 8:26 PM
Post #39

Why were there no Tier I Women competing??

They competed Friday night


drumcorpsnut42 on Apr 13, 2014, 8:18 PM
Post #38
Results on the remaining tiers?

Why were there no Tier I Women competing??

Jeff. on Apr 13, 2014, 3:56 PM (Edited)
Post #37
That is not a bad thing... the crowd should do that for groups who are new or got a rough start or whatever to get their confidence up!
It's a bad thing when it's phrased, "(name removed): this is one of the moments where you have to cheer for them even if they suck" ... That's a direct quote from the chat room. It's archived online. Peter you might have pure intentions, but not everyone does. There's no point in beating a dead horse, though. I'm glad several other folks in the chat room recognized it as well and spoke up.

Results on the remaining tiers?
I only started watching at the advanced level. I think some of the other awards were announced outside the performing arts center, so either someone attending or the Burroughs website needs to be updated in order to know results.

Scott and a few others on the chat mentioned the Mens Division was: 1st: Burbank (Music/Show) 2nd: Los Al, but I don't know if they awarded 3rd/4th, so I can't post the full results yet.

abe.martinez on Apr 13, 2014, 3:24 PM
Post #36
Results on the remaining tiers?


peter.mski on Apr 13, 2014, 1:12 PM
Post #35
Those weren't the only comments, though. There were various comments saying it feels like "Dynamo" has been on stage forever and wanting the show to just be over, coupled with comments about how the crowd should take pity on them and clap, yell, go wild, etc... There were plenty of other ones as well. Folks in the chatroom were making fun of the show. Plain and simple. I could probably go back and directly cite the comments, but I think it was blatantly obvious that fellow show choir fans, students, etc. were being hypercritical of a newer show choir, from a different region, with a different style. Truthfully, I expect more civility and sportsmanship from the show choir community. We should be a positive, supportive, encouraging community. "Honest comments" about pitch are fine as they're somewhat (not really) constructive criticism, but most of the comments were not. So you're either choosing to look at the comments through rose-colored glasses or you missed them.
Response to you saying "coupled with comments about how the crowd should take pity on them and clap, yell, go wild, etc..." That is not a bad thing... the crowd should do that for groups who are new or got a rough start or whatever to get their confidence up!

kalcoh on Apr 13, 2014, 11:49 AM
Post #34
Anyone know the scoring between Los Al and Burbank? It had to have been very close.

Jeff. on Apr 13, 2014, 4:50 AM (Edited)
Post #33

No one was bullying. Just giving honest comments about the show. They had lots of pitch problems.

Those weren't the only comments, though. There were various comments saying it feels like "Dynamo" has been on stage forever and wanting the show to just be over, coupled with comments about how the crowd should take pity on them and clap, yell, go wild, etc... There were plenty of other ones as well. Folks in the chatroom were making fun of the show. Plain and simple. I could probably go back and directly cite the comments, but I think it was blatantly obvious that fellow show choir fans, students, etc. were being hypercritical of a newer show choir, from a different region, with a different style. Truthfully, I expect more civility and sportsmanship from the show choir community. We should be a positive, supportive, encouraging community. "Honest comments" about pitch are fine as they're somewhat (not really) constructive criticism, but most of the comments were not. So you're either choosing to look at the comments through rose-colored glasses or you missed them.

Jeff. on Apr 13, 2014, 4:26 AM
Post #32
I'm not sure happened but it should say Bonita Vista "The Music Machine" for 2nd place in Mixed Tier II.
Thanks for the catch. Apparently Diamond Bar wasn't on the original schedule, so I had to go in and switch some stuff up. It should all be good now, though!

wcpoet on Apr 13, 2014, 4:14 AM
Post #31
I'm not sure happened but it should say Bonita Vista "The Music Machine" for 2nd place in Mixed Tier II.


tscott on Apr 13, 2014, 4:08 AM
Post #30
I thought it was a cute performance. And I actually enjoy "Wings." It's a great song. But with the Notre Dame performance, the comments on the livestream were appalling. It showed a complete lack of understanding of the context of Canadian show choir and non-acceptance of different styles. Considering Mt. Eden had just performed a beautiful set against bullying, it was disheartening seeing cyerbulling in the chat conversation. Especially since several of them are members on here.

No one was bullying. Just giving honest comments about the show. They had lots of pitch problems.

Caleb :P on Apr 13, 2014, 3:51 AM
Post #29
So I'll make Tier 1 predictions:

GC: Burbank (musicianship, show design, choreography)
1RU: Los Al (showmanship, costumes, acapella)

Some of the best shows I've seen all year.

I was off by one caption! Best predictions I've made all year lol

Thanks Häakon for the live feed--it was great joining in the excitement from 1,840 miles away!

Jeff. on Apr 13, 2014, 3:47 AM (Edited)
Post #28
Advanced results posted. Anyone have the Chula BFS name or the other divisions?

Caleb :P on Apr 13, 2014, 2:35 AM
Post #27
So I'll make Tier 1 predictions:

GC: Burbank (musicianship, show design, choreography)
1RU: Los Al (showmanship, costumes, acapella)

Some of the best shows I've seen all year.

kalcoh on Apr 13, 2014, 2:17 AM
Post #26
So is Powerhouse doing exhibition tonight?


Caleb :P on Apr 13, 2014, 1:09 AM (Edited)
Post #25
Why hasn't Bonita Vista moved up to Tier I?
Based on that show, I'd say it's time. They were sharp!

spencerkarr on Apr 13, 2014, 12:46 AM
Post #24
So is Powerhouse doing exhibition tonight?

Caleb :P on Apr 13, 2014, 12:27 AM
Post #23
I didn't see the comments, but personally I thought they did a decent job. Acapella first song was kinda unexpected (I was like "are they doing a whole show acapella?"). They had opener, closer, ballad, guys/girls numbers. All basic show choir elements. And for their first time competing in the US probably, definitely impressive. I think they could hang with some of the tier 2 choirs I know.

Jeff. on Apr 13, 2014, 12:16 AM
Post #22
Canada group--I was like "okay cool they're doing a girls number." But it was Wings... And I was like :|
I thought it was a cute performance. And I actually enjoy "Wings." It's a great song. But with the Notre Dame performance, the comments on the livestream were appalling. It showed a complete lack of understanding of the context of Canadian show choir and non-acceptance of different styles. Considering Mt. Eden had just performed a beautiful set against bullying, it was disheartening seeing cyerbulling in the chat conversation. Especially since several of them are members on here.

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