Washington High School 2205 Forest Drive SE Cedar Rapids, IA 52403
Number of Attending Choirs:
19 Mixed Groups
8 Middle School Groups
Event Judges:
Nancy Allen (Gym)
Anne Chapman (Audit.)
Allen Chapman (Gym)
Ben Eklund (Gym)
Vicki Jacobsen (Audit.)
Gerald Kreitzer (Gym)
Ryan Riewerts (Audit.)
Cameron Sullenberger (Audit.)
James Thompson (Audit.)
Steve Woodin (Gym)
Adult admission: $12
Student & senior (65+) admission: $7
Children 5 and under: free
Programs: $3
Best Female Soloist: Madeline McKelvey
Best Male Soloist: Jack Parisee
Madalynn McKelvey is from Ottumwa and I think Jack Parisee was from Pella