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 Show Choir Community    Events    2014 Season    Cedar Rapids Washington Mo Show 2014
Event Info

March 15th, 2014
Venue Info
Washington High School
2205 Forest Drive SE
Cedar Rapids, IA 52403
Phone: (319) 558-2161
Event Details
Number of Attending Choirs:
19 Mixed Groups
8 Middle School Groups
Event Hosts:
Cedar Rapids Washington "Momentum"
Cedar Rapids Washington "Celebration"
Cedar Rapids Washington "Vivacé"
Event Judges:
Nancy Allen (Gym)
Anne Chapman (Audit.)
Allen Chapman (Gym)
Ben Eklund (Gym)
Vicki Jacobsen (Audit.)
Gerald Kreitzer (Gym)
Ryan Riewerts (Audit.)
Cameron Sullenberger (Audit.)
James Thompson (Audit.)
Steve Woodin (Gym)
Adult admission: $12
Student & senior (65+) admission: $7
Children 5 and under: free
Programs: $3
Cedar Rapids Washington Mo Show 2014

Event Site
Live Stream

10th Street Edition
Linn-Mar High School
Grand Champion
Best Vocals
Best Choreography
Best Band
Best Costumes

Happiness, Inc.
Cedar Rapids Kennedy High School
First Runner Up

West Side Delegation
Cedar Rapids Jefferson High School
Second Runner Up
Best Props

WD Forté
West Delaware High School
3rd Runner Up
Best Energy

Sudden Impact
Ottumwa High School
4th Runner Up
Best Ballad
People's Choice

Celebration Co.
Benton Community High School
5th Runner Up
Best Female Soloist (Aspen Aulda)

Mixed Division - Tier I (Prelims) Show
Mixed Division - Tier II

Celebration Co.
Benton Community High School
First Place
Best Choreography
Best Band

Sound Attraction
Williamsburg Jr/Sr High School
Second Place

Union Station
Union High School
Third Place

Mixed Division - Tier III

Sumner-Fredericksburg High School
First Place
People's Choice

Brooklyn-Guernsey-Malcom Jr/Sr High School
Second Place

HLV Jr/Sr High School
Third Place

Keota High School
4th Place

Prep Division

Cedar Rapids Kennedy High School
First Place
Best Vocals
Best Male Soloist (Bryant Jasper)

Cedar Rapids Jefferson High School
Second Place

Jubilation, Inc.
Benton Community High School
Third Place

Cedar Rapids Kennedy High School
4th Place

West Delaware High School
5th Place

Middle School Division

Classic Edition
McKinley Middle School
First Place
Best Costumes

Classic Innovation
Harding Middle School
Second Place
Best Energy
Best Props

Franklin Middle School
Third Place
Best Staging

Central Lutheran School
No Placement
Most Inspiring Song

West Delaware Middle School
No Placement
Best Ballad

Classic Evolution
Harding Middle School
No Placement

Benton Community Middle School
No Placement
Best Opener

Miller Middle School
No Placement
Best Closer

Attending Members displaying 6 of 7 members (view all)
37 comments • Sort by

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dvasconez on Mar 17, 2014, 2:21 PM
Post #37
Does anyone know where these were from?? (gym open class)
Best Female Soloist: Madeline McKelvey
Best Male Soloist: Jack Parisee

Madalynn McKelvey is from Ottumwa and I think Jack Parisee was from Pella

juliofrommississippi on Mar 16, 2014, 8:17 PM
Post #36
Day round captions:


Best Band: Linn-Mar "10th Street Edition"
Best Ballad: Ottumwa “Sudden Impact”
Most Effective Closer: Marshalltown “South Side Transit”
Most Effective Costuming: Linn-Mar “10th Street Edition”
High Energy Award: West Delaware “WD Forte”
Most Effective Props: Jefferson “West Side Delegation”
Best Stage Crew: Pella “AcaPella”
People’s Choice: Ottumwa “Sudden Impact”

Does anyone know where these were from?? (gym open class)
Best Female Soloist: Madeline McKelvey
Best Male Soloist: Jack Parisee


Best Female Soloist: Aspen Auld, Benton Community "Celebration Company"
Best Male Soloist: Bryant Jasper, Cedar Rapids Kennedy "Protege"
People’s Choice: Sumner-Fredericksburg “Sensations”
Best Vocals: Cedar Rapids Kennedy “Protege”
Best Choreography: Benton Community “Celebration Company”
Best Band: Benton Community “Celebration Company”

Middle School Awards:

Grand Champion: McKinley “Classic Edition”
1st runner-up: Harding “Classic Innovation”
2nd runner-up: Franklin “Illumination”

Most Original Staging: Franklin “Illumination”
Most Effective Costuming: McKinley “Classic Edition”
Most Effective Props: Harding “Classic Innovation”
Highest Energy: Harding “Classic Innovation”
Best Opener: Benton “Illusions”
Most Effective Closer: Miller “Pizzazz”
Best Ballad: West Delaware “Sforzando”
Most Inspiring Song: Central Lutheran “Jubilation Ignited”

juliofrommississippi on Mar 16, 2014, 7:24 PM (Edited)
Post #35
Thanks to everyone who came to MoShow yesterday! I had a blast the entire day, and enjoyed every single choir that I got to see (19 total!!). Shout out to Scott Muters, who should really become my personal assistant, as he surprisingly helped me out a lot emceeing Everyone just BROUGHT IT in finals! Special shout-outs

Ovation- You were fantastic. Everyone brought so much energy to the stage. The ballad was SO musical and lovely. "looking" had the PERFECT amount of stress emphasis and diction every single time it was sung. The maturity of the tone quality is very impressive for a prep group. Your costumes were hot. GREAT show and you should be so proud of your performance!

Williamsburg- Your show design was fantastic. I was LITERALLY dancing in the wing to your opener. LOVED it. You guys always have shows that are songs that I love. The auditorium was so close in scoring and the Top 4 especially were really fantastic, so to be in the running for finals is something you should be incredibly proud of!

Protege- Wow. Amazing as always. Just gets better and better. You guys were so outstanding. If not for competition rules, you would've been in the running for finals, for sure. Such an entertaining show, with many different styles, which is so commendable. That closer is SO good. Flawless. What a fantastic season you have had, and I hope you enjoyed every minute! Happiness is going to be stacked for awhile...

Benton- Your show is so fantastic. The set and risers really add a lot, in my opinion. But you perform like a 4A/Open Class varsity group. The visual effects you have are outstanding- beating Protege in choreography is TOUGH. Both of your bands were just so so fantastic. Congrats on two outstanding shows today!!

West Delaware- As I told your directors after your show, I. LOVE. TAP. I miss tap. Show Choir should have more tap, at least here in Iowa. You guys did your tap outstandingly! The male dancer was so on- WOW. Loved the closer so so much!!! The choreography in the show was well-executed. The ballad was also a highlight of finals, especially the hushed section. Congrats on your long and extremely successful weekend!!!

Jefferson- I saw you guys at Fab Five, and to be honest, I wasn't impressed. I loved the opener and ballad, but the rest of the show didn't do it for me. THEN I saw you in finals yesterday. WOW. What a transformation the show has made! The vocals were so powerful and well-balanced. Tone quality was great. The show kept going. Everyone bought in. The girls number was sassy, and FANTASTIC. Rifle work was 300% better than Fab Five. The closer was a closer. It was a show. You should be so proud of the obvious hard work you have put in. You always had the basics, but something has clicked, and take that with you forever. What a fantastic performance.

Kennedy- I've probably seen your show 4 or 5 times already, and hopefully I'll get to see it another 2 more! You guys are just so good. The opener touches you. The ballad is so musical, and SO well-sung. The sound in all your other songs is so powerful, so it was a great contrast! You were bringing it in finals, you wanted ALL the captions. I could tell. Your band killed the 2nd half of the show. I have to say I miss the flags but I understand the absence. That's just my add a bunch of stuff style You were so great, and I will be watching out for you at Nashville It will be great to have our CR buddies down with us!! (Note: I've never been to a national competition without seeing a fellow CR school at some point on the trip. Weird.)

Linn-Mar. I have seen you at Fab Five, day round at Kennedy, and finals at MoShow. The improvement on your show has been vastly noticeable every time I have seen it. The show gets cleaner every time. The energy in your show gets higher and higher. That closer was just.... WHAM!!!! IN YOUR FACE! SO good. The ballad is a really interesting concept that I finally got last night. I hear this is the first time 10th Street has won 3 competition in a row! What an accomplishment!!! There are some really fantastic shows in the past to beat out for that honor!!! Congrats on your fantastic season!

I hope everyone enjoyed the day as much as I did, and I hope you'll come back and join us next year!


baseballgod16 on Mar 16, 2014, 1:02 AM
Post #34
Finals results:
Grand Champion: Linn-Mar “10th Street Edition”
1st Runner-up: Kennedy “Happiness Inc”
2nd Runner-up: Jefferson “West Side Delegation”
3rd Runner-up: West Delaware “WD Forte”
4th Runner-up: Ottumwa “Sudden Impact”
5th Runner-up: Benton “Celebration Co.”
Best choreography: Linn-Mar “10th Street Edition”
Best vocals: Linn-Mar “10th Street Edition”

UOSCF on Mar 15, 2014, 10:38 PM
Post #33
Anyone know day time rankings?

From the Mo Show website:

West Delaware

tantan27 on Mar 15, 2014, 8:41 PM
Post #32
Anyone know day time rankings?

njoswald on Mar 15, 2014, 8:26 PM
Post #31
5th WD
4th Chanteurs
3rd Benton
2nd Jeff
1st Protege

4th Keota
3rd HLV
2nd BGM
1st Sumner

3rd: Union
2nd: Williamsburg
1st: Benton

FINALISTS (performance order):
CR Jeff
CR Kennedy
Linn Mar
West Delaware

tantan27 on Mar 15, 2014, 8:05 AM (Edited)
Post #30
I am really looking forward to today! Get to see some group I haven't seen all year and I get to see two of my favorite shows... Linn mar & Kennedy... To all the seniors performing their last competition today... Make it count , you don't know how much you'll miss it till you're done.. I remember last year mo-show, I looked at one of my best friends in the group during the ballad and just started crying.. Take it all in and enjoy every minute and don't perform to just to win a trophy.. Perform because you love what you're doing (but trophies are nice too )


goinggray on Mar 15, 2014, 1:33 AM
Post #29


DutchMC on Mar 14, 2014, 10:35 AM
Post #28
This is our last competition of the season, and AcaPella is looking forward to our first time at Mo Show. It's going to be a lot of fun. Whenever our day ends, we head to Florida and then on a cruise to the Bahamas, so no matter what, it's going to be a great day!

Good luck to everyone!


baseballgod16 on Mar 14, 2014, 9:33 AM
Post #27
GC: Linn-Mar
1RU: Kennedy
2RU: Jefferson
3RU: Ottumwa
4RU: West Delaware
5RU: Benton

Captions: I don't see it possible for Linn-Mar to not win best band, and while they are strong vocally they are not strong choreography wise.
Vocals: Linn-Mar
Choreography: Kennedy
Band: Linn-Mar

juliofrommississippi on Mar 14, 2014, 3:45 AM
Post #26
Again... so there is not confusion. The prep winner does NOT compete in finals. It is an exhibition performance only. As well, the top 1A/2A/3A choir WILL compete in finals in the first time slot. The Top 5 scoring Open Class groups will round out finals!

Good luck to everyone!!! I'll be in the auditorium all day so come say hi to me!!!


Jeffdabitz on Mar 10, 2014, 12:51 PM
Post #25
GC-Linn-Mar (BB,BV,BC)
3ru-WD Forte
idk about the rest
GC- McKinley
1ru-Harding Classic Innovation

tantan27 on Mar 3, 2014, 3:00 PM
Post #24
Dont forget about Ovation in the Prep competition! They've only lost once this season

I was actually going to post this! ovation has a great show as well!

but my opinion for prep is
1- Kennedy Protege
2- Jefferson Ovation
3- Kennedy Chanteurs

I just think protégé show has grown so much since Prairie and it has turned out to be one of the best protégé shows! but I also have not seen ovation since prairie and I am sure they have done the same thing! ahhh gotta love show choir

savaun96 on Mar 3, 2014, 1:36 PM
Post #23
Dont forget about Ovation in the Prep competition! They've only lost once this season

FindYourStage on Mar 3, 2014, 12:57 PM
Post #22

UOSCF on Mar 3, 2014, 3:44 AM
Post #21
I believe the Prep winners perform in exhibition during finals.

FindYourStage on Mar 3, 2014, 3:09 AM
Post #20
We could potentially see Protege in finals here. I would be excited for that! love them this year

FindYourStage on Mar 3, 2014, 3:08 AM
Post #19
I think this is gonna be a 10th street vs Happiness showdown for first place! After RTR yesterday, I realized that anything can happen on any given day and I can't wait to see what happens!

Linn-Mar is going to be jacked for this. You have no idea. Happiness better bring something that they haven't brought with them to their performances this year or they may end up....unhappy ;)

tantan27 on Mar 3, 2014, 12:38 AM
Post #18
I think this is gonna be a 10th street vs Happiness showdown for first place! After RTR yesterday, I realized that anything can happen on any given day and I can't wait to see what happens!

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