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 Show Choir Community    Events    2014 Season    Hurricane Red Hot Championship 2014
Event Info

February 8th, 2014
Venue Info
Hurricane High School
3350 Teays Valley Rd.
Hurricane, WV 25526
Phone: (304) 562-3991
Event Details
Number of Attending Choirs:
11 Mixed Groups
Event Hosts:
Hurricane "Red Hot"
Event Judges:
Debbie Andis (Prelims/Finals)
Kimberly Edwards (Prelims/Finals)
Michele Goodson (Best Performer/Finals)
Dustin Ramirez (Prelims/Finals)
$15 for adults
$10 for children
(all day)
Hurricane Red Hot Championship 2014

Event Site
Live Stream

Visual Volume
Poca High School
Grand Champion
Best Vocals
Best Choreography
Best Show Concept

Nitro High School
First Runner Up
Best Band
Best Costumes

The Company
Piqua High School
Second Runner Up
Best Male Soloist (Ty Collier)

Beavercreek High School
3rd Runner Up

Prominent Rendition
Teays Valley High School
4th Runner Up

Rave Revue
Ravenswood High School
5th Runner Up
Best Female Soloist

Mixed Division - Tier I (Prelims) Show
Mixed Division - Tier II (Prelims) Show
Mixed Division - Tier III (Prelims) Show
Attending Members displaying 6 of 15 members (view all)
45 comments • Sort by

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Häakon on Feb 11, 2014, 1:26 AM
Post #45
Self-expression is fine. Opinions and views are always welcome. Nasty, hateful tweets directed at a specific choir are not. These are what develop reputations for certain groups, and I believe that it is pretty naive to think that this doesn't happen.
The irony is that there are STILL directors who "forbid" their students from posting on SCC in great fear that something they may eventually say could be interpreted in a negative way toward their choir, and yet they seemingly have free reign to post whatever they want anywhere else - Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, etc. - where there is absolutely zero management or checks and balances for behavior. At least here we have dialogues with people; often times if there is a point of contention it gets worked out - and if something is REALLY bad, moderators/crew address it before most people will even see it (how much obscene language or outright libelous attacks do you see here? Now compare that to Twitter...)

Trust me, your students need an outlet and they're going to find a place to discuss whether you "forbid" them or not. I fully believe in and support free speech, but at least posts here are tempered and the vast majority of discussion is healthy. Keeping your kids from posting here just means they're going to go somewhere else where you probably won't see it (but a bunch of other students will). Why are we still having to reassure directors of this 12 years later?

I_DID_NAHHT on Feb 10, 2014, 11:21 PM
Post #44
To a degree, though, this is unreasonable. I agree name-calling, jabs, tantrums, etc. are certainly unacceptable and generally done in poor taste. But to say that these young people, teenagers mind you, are "constantly representing the name and reputation of your choir and school" is unfair. Just think about it. That phrase in and of itself is loaded with a ton of pressure. I mean, constantly? They're teenagers. They have plenty of other things to worry about than that unnecessary pressure.

I think there is some naivety and fault for anyone who is judging the reputation of an entire choir or an entire school based on a few tweets or a few people's thoughts. I mean, when did it become okay to make widespread generalizations that one person represents an entire choir or school? That's nonsense. Just as the signature tag lines similar to "My views are solely my own" … of course they're your own. Whose else would they be?

I just think there's a clear difference between expressing yourself and ruining the reputation of your choir/school. Sure the show choir community would be much better is everyone remained positive, but we're human beings and disappointment happens. It's not the end of the world.

With all due respect, I think it was pretty clear what I was aiming my post at.

I even made a distinction with the line: "Disappointment is natural, but calling out schools by name and posting inappropriate jabs at them is unacceptable." This is a line you agreed with and was the bottom line of my post.

Self-expression is fine. Opinions and views are always welcome. Nasty, hateful tweets directed at a specific choir are not. These are what develop reputations for certain groups, and I believe that it is pretty naive to think that this doesn't happen.

The Info Guy on Feb 10, 2014, 10:40 PM
Post #43
To a degree, though, this is unreasonable. I agree name-calling, jabs, tantrums, etc. are certainly unacceptable and generally done in poor taste. But to say that these young people, teenagers mind you, are "constantly representing the name and reputation of your choir and school" is unfair. Just think about it. That phrase in and of itself is loaded with a ton of pressure. I mean, constantly? They're teenagers. They have plenty of other things to worry about than that unnecessary pressure.

I think there is some naivety and fault for anyone who is judging the reputation of an entire choir or an entire school based on a few tweets or a few people's thoughts. I mean, when did it become okay to make widespread generalizations that one person represents an entire choir or school? That's nonsense. Just as the signature tag lines similar to "My views are solely my own" … of course they're your own. Whose else would they be?

I just think there's a clear difference between expressing yourself and ruining the reputation of your choir/school. Sure the show choir community would be much better is everyone remained positive, but we're human beings and disappointment happens. It's not the end of the world.

Look at Jeff getting right on point with this. But really there is a lot of pressure on representing your choir in a positive way.

But honestly just don't be stupid. If you question a post, don't post it. If you do, expect recourse.

Jeff. on Feb 10, 2014, 8:17 PM
Post #42
Just a word of caution to schools out there: keep in mind that in whatever form of social media you choose to use, you are constantly representing the name and reputation of your choir and school. Choose wisely what you post and where you post it, because we are all connected and reputations can get ruined quickly because of sour apples and bad attitudes. Disappointment is natural, but calling out schools by name and posting inappropriate jabs at them is unacceptable.
To a degree, though, this is unreasonable. I agree name-calling, jabs, tantrums, etc. are certainly unacceptable and generally done in poor taste. But to say that these young people, teenagers mind you, are "constantly representing the name and reputation of your choir and school" is unfair. Just think about it. That phrase in and of itself is loaded with a ton of pressure. I mean, constantly? They're teenagers. They have plenty of other things to worry about than that unnecessary pressure.

I think there is some naivety and fault for anyone who is judging the reputation of an entire choir or an entire school based on a few tweets or a few people's thoughts. I mean, when did it become okay to make widespread generalizations that one person represents an entire choir or school? That's nonsense. Just as the signature tag lines similar to "My views are solely my own" … of course they're your own. Whose else would they be?

I just think there's a clear difference between expressing yourself and ruining the reputation of your choir/school. Sure the show choir community would be much better is everyone remained positive, but we're human beings and disappointment happens. It's not the end of the world.

I_DID_NAHHT on Feb 10, 2014, 12:42 PM (Edited)
Post #41
Just a word of caution to schools out there: keep in mind that in whatever form of social media you choose to use, you are constantly representing the name and reputation of your choir and school. Choose wisely what you post and where you post it, because we are all connected and reputations can get ruined quickly because of sour apples and bad attitudes. Disappointment is natural, but calling out schools by name and posting inappropriate jabs at them is unacceptable.


Will19 on Feb 9, 2014, 11:12 PM
Post #40
I am sorry for everything I said bad and negative about my High School Shown Choir(Teays Valley Prominent Rendition). I will not do it again. The Show will get Better and Better. The Kids are Working Hard.

36kap36 on Feb 9, 2014, 12:07 PM
Post #39
I just want to say how extremely proud I am of Piqua. I know they are upset they didn't win yesterday, but every single performance those kids go out there and put on a show that makes them all feel extremely special. And that will always be so much more special than any trophies you can take home.

With that being said, a huge congratulations to Poca! I hope I get to see your show this year, because I'm sure that it is wonderful. I hope everyone had a great time at this stacked competition!

I_DID_NAHHT on Feb 9, 2014, 2:50 AM
Post #38
Couldn't be a happier alumnus tonight. Congrats VV on an awesome win and the 2nd of the year. Let's keep it going!


PHSVV on Feb 9, 2014, 1:54 AM
Post #37
Final caption awards were

Best vocals: Poca
Best Choreography : Poca
Best band: nitro

King Of Games on Feb 9, 2014, 1:35 AM
Post #36
I think a better show choir competition is where groups compete to give it their all and the only competiting is try to best themselves and have the best show of their career and not worry was a bunch of adults with paper and pen have to say. When I was in high school, my favorite feeling was when we walked off the stage and knew we never gave a better performance. Some of my best performances where when we didn't win, and I wouldn't have it any other way

BakerFF on Feb 9, 2014, 1:30 AM (Edited)
Post #35
Not including Garrett's post, the three posts are unacceptable from the 3 members of PR. Where you place isn't important. Are you having fun? Are you making good memories? I can understand the frustration of not placing higher but that's no excuse to be negative towards your show. This competition is finished but you move on and improve from there.

Also congrats Poca on a major victory!

As an edit upon further reading, as an alumnus you should be supportive of your show choir no matter what the outcome is

King Of Games on Feb 9, 2014, 1:27 AM
Post #34
If anybody has scores and what not that would be cool


Will19 on Feb 9, 2014, 1:14 AM
Post #33
Teays Valley's Show this year is boring. That is why we have not won a Competition this Season. They better get it together here soon or they wont win a Competition. I'm not being Negative about my Show Choir. I am being Positive for the Prominent Rendition. Last year when I was in Show Choir for the Teays Valley Prominent Rendition as a Back Stage Crew Member We Won 2 Grand Championships ( 2 1st Places)- At Hurricane Red Hot Show Choir Competition at this High School in West Virginia and at Hamilton and Harrison Double H Showcase Show Choir Competition in Hamilton, Ohio, 2 2nd Places Overall, 2 3rd Places Overall, 1 4th Place Overall, and We Made Finals at Each and Every Show Choir Competition we were at last year for our Zombies Show Last Year Called The End Of The World As We Know It. Fire It UP TV!!
Chess is not a Cool Show Choir Show Theme Name in my Opinion.


Will19 on Feb 9, 2014, 1:12 AM
Post #32
We also need a Cooler Show if we want to win a Show Choir Competition or 2 this year just like our Show last year based on Zombies. Teays Valley Prominent Rendition should do a Show Based on Vampires next year or here in the Future. Fire It UP TV!!


Will19 on Feb 9, 2014, 1:06 AM
Post #31
Teays Valley's Show this year is boring. That is why we have not won a Competition this Season. They better get it together here soon or they wont win a Competition. I'm not being Negative about my Show Choir. I am being Positive for the Prominent Rendition. Last year when I was in Show Choir for the Teays Valley Prominent Rendition as a Back Stage Crew Member We Won 2 Grand Championships ( 2 1st Places)- At Hurricane Red Hot Show Choir Competition at this High School in West Virginia and at Hamilton and Harrison Double H Showcase Show Choir Competition in Hamilton, Ohio, 2 2nd Places Overall, 2 3rd Places Overall, 1 4th Place Overall, and We Made Finals at Each and Every Show Choir Competition we were at last year for our Zombies Show Last Year Called The End Of The World As We Know It. Fire It UP TV!!

Jeff. on Feb 9, 2014, 1:04 AM
Post #30
Results posted. Anyone know the other captions? It seems like this one had a lot. I know Patrick posted some of the previous page. We'll get to them when we can.

Also Patrick said it best:
I'd agree that they're certainly the favorite to win, all things considered. But nothing's a given, and if they don't take GC, stranger things have happened.

Anything can happen. Congrats to all groups.

gary on Feb 9, 2014, 1:03 AM
Post #29
The Knoll family legacy lives on! Congrats Gary!
Thanks Häakon!!

Patrick on Feb 9, 2014, 12:57 AM
Post #28
GC: Poca
2nd: Nitro
3rd: Piqua
4th: Beavercreek
5th: Teays Valley

King Of Games on Feb 9, 2014, 12:54 AM
Post #27
I think that people are entitled to their own thumbs and their OWN opinions

Patrick on Feb 9, 2014, 12:51 AM
Post #26
Can anyone give full results?

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