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 Show Choir Community    Events    2005 Season    Twinsburg Northcoast Invitational 2005
Event Info

February 26th, 2005
Venue Info
Twinsburg High School
10084 Ravenna Road
Twinsburg, OH 44087
Phone: (330) 486-2400
Event Details
Number of Attending Choirs:
18 Mixed Groups
Event Hosts:
Twinsburg "Great Expectations"
Event Judges:
Stephen Ausmann
Jason Johnson
E. Lynn Knoble
Robert Lawrence
Ticket prices unknown.
Twinsburg Northcoast Invitational 2005

Event Site
Live Stream

The Company
Piqua High School
Grand Champion
Best Vocals
Best Choreography
Best Costumes

Encore Entertainment Company
Medina High School
First Runner Up
Best Band
Best Male Soloist
Best Female Soloist

Fairfield Senior High School
Second Runner Up
Best Show Concept

Music in Motion
Solon High School
3rd Runner Up

Swingers Unlimited
Marysville High School
4th Runner Up

Harding Singers
Marion Harding High School
5th Runner Up
Best Crew

Mixed Division - Tier I (Prelims) Show
Mixed Division - Tier II (Prelims) Show
Mixed Division - Tier III (Prelims) Show
Attending Members
No members signed up for this event.
76 comments • Sort by

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musictolast on Mar 8, 2005, 4:00 PM
Post #79


GA*Mom*Joy on Mar 3, 2005, 9:22 PM
Post #78
I think the website for the pictures is probably listed in the program book that was available at the competition. I'll have to look in it and see.

Thanks so much to Ashley and Shannon for being the world's best hostesses!!!! I'll have to send you a copy of the pictures I took of your captions!!!! That was the cutest idea!

Marysville...I too was touched by your ballad. My father passed away 2 years ago. He pastored in several Nazarene churches in West Virginia for many years. I could imagine the song being about him. He was very sick for 3 months before he died, but the night before he left us, he whispered "I love you" to me. It was barely audible, but I heard it and could tell by his face what he was trying to say. He hadn't responded to anyone that whole day until then. Thank you for bringing back precious memories to me.

To learn more about the little boy with the brain tumor that passed away you can visit

Thank you to Twinsburg for once again hosting a spectacular competition. We love you!!!!

user deleted  on Mar 2, 2005, 6:07 PM
Post #77
QUOTE(stace @ Mar 2 2005, 02:32 PM)
does anyone know web address where we can look at the pictures from this past weekend. thanks.

Or, where to buy the video?

user deleted  on Mar 2, 2005, 2:32 PM
Post #76
does anyone know web address where we can look at the pictures from this past weekend. thanks.

user deleted  on Mar 1, 2005, 11:02 PM
Post #75
OMG.. I loved it at Twinsburg! Thank you everyone for your nice comments! We were honestly so incredibly excited about winning.. But we were sweating bullets after seeing everyone Perform ! THANK YOU EVERYONE! Especially our host! Omg you guys were So awesome! Amy, Phil and Dustin! Best Part was you guys coming back to the hotel and partying with us! You guys are soo awesome! and Im really sad that everything is already over! Omg.. Im getting choked up as I talk..
To go in this season knowing no one and leaving knowing so many great people! Omg.. its just sad to know that I most likely wil never talk to these people again! And I just wanted to thank everyone in SHow Choir for making this the best Show Choir Season ever!

TWINSBURG PHIL- Remember when you go to college to call Jade and I so we can still all stay in touch!

Im only a Junior so next year I will be seeing some of you! And I just wish that I could keep our Show CHoir together and not have to give up our 26 seniors! Because there 26 of my best friends.. and 26 of the most wonderful people in the world... " border="0" alt="crying.gif" />

Im looking forward to next year! BUT TO KNOW THAT MY NATORIOUS 3 will next year be at 2.. ( were loosing Sarah Jade! ) Breaks my little heart!

Im so excited to see everyone next year.. HEY T/W LETS GO TO EVERY COMP. NEXT YEAR TO MAKE THE YEAR LONGER! LOL

Sorry.. Im rambling now.. Im done..


rugbydude0 on Mar 1, 2005, 1:23 PM (Edited)
Post #74
sorry everyone i really do love u guys and am sad about what i said i will be careful of what i say in the future

user deleted  on Feb 28, 2005, 10:31 PM
Post #73
Thanks everyone for the comments and Nancy your awesome!!!! And does anyone know the site for pictures?? I loved spending our first GC with T-Burg you guys are awesom!!!!


mim4lifesolon on Feb 28, 2005, 9:54 PM (Edited)
Post #72
Hey everyone, its Josh from Solon.
I just want to thank everyone for supporting us this season. It has been an unbelievable experience. All of the encouraging cheering and comments really made it awesome, and helped make it a really good way to finish up to season.
Much Love,
Until next year,

user deleted  on Feb 28, 2005, 9:28 PM (Edited)
Post #71
good luck to everyone in their other comps. this sc season!

Rian on Feb 28, 2005, 9:15 PM
Post #70
I agree Mike! I didn't get that either.

user deleted  on Feb 28, 2005, 9:10 PM (Edited)
Post #69
thanks for the comment jojo.

piqua you guys were awesome! congrats on the GC, it was a comp. i wont forget and i really liked the opener it had a lot of energy and hott choreo i just didnt really understand the solos in the begining


jojo234 on Feb 28, 2005, 6:29 PM
Post #68
I was at Twinsburg saturday and I was very impressed by many of the choirs. Unfortunately, I was not impressed by the end results, but what are you gonna do?

Marysville- I am always so impressed by you each year. This year you are so good! You all have a great enthusiasim. The show is awesome, keep up the good work. I'm sorry you didn't place higher, I definitely didn't have you in 5th place, but those are the breaks. Good luck at your next competition.

Fairfield- I just want to say congratulations. You guys have a great show and if this is how good you are with a brand new director, I know you'll only get better. I love your opening costumes, they're so classy and beautiful. I have to say my favorite part was your ballad. I thought it was amazing, so different from everyone elses ballads. I know some people don't like that its not all mixed, but I like it. And your dancing in the closer is sharp. Great job, you should've been higher in the standings too.

Piqua- congrats for your gc. I don't know if I would've had you gc, but you have a very good show and you did a great job. I think you totally pumped up the energy for the evening show. You have very good vocals and I really like your pink outfits in the beginning.

Medina- Congrats on your 1st runner up. You guys always manage to do good. I can't say that I'm a big fan of your show, I find it kind of boring, but you do have good vocals and the orange and white outfits are nice looking (though it kinda makes me think of orange sherbert, lol).

Solon- I am so happy for you guys this year. I really enjoy your show! You guys have come so far from past years. You all seem to be a genuinely nice choir and you can see that in your performances. Good luck w/ the rest of your season!

Winfield- I'm sorry you guys didn't make finals. I love your show each and every year, you never fail to impress me w/ your originality. You deserve a ton of credit for being so daring w/ your shows. Major props to your director, he is awesome and I totally respect him.

Overall, it was a good competition. Congrats to all the choirs, you all did a great job!

user deleted  on Feb 28, 2005, 4:25 PM
Post #66
QUOTE(nslife @ Feb 28 2005, 09:10 AM)
There were no penalty points or disqualifications at our competition this year.


I think you will be happy to know that we named our trophy Nancy!
See ya the nest two years,


rugbydude0 on Feb 28, 2005, 3:36 PM (Edited)
Post #64


MiZaNdA MaCk 05 on Feb 28, 2005, 3:23 PM
Post #63

cONgRaTs To AlL ThE ShOw ChOiR YoU AlL DiD An AmAzInG JoB!.....

ThIs WaS My FiRsT YeAr In shOw ChOiR AnD I AbSoLuTlEy LOVED IT! I WoUlD HaVe To SaY ThAt ThIs WaS ThE BeSt CoMpEtTioN....I HaD A BlAsT.....AnD EnDiNg OuR CoMpEtItIoNs (oThEr ThAn FamE NYC) WiTh A Gc ...WOW
BuT AgaIn To AlL ThE ShOw ChOiRs...AMAZING JOB! ;)

osumondo on Feb 28, 2005, 2:33 PM (Edited)
Post #62
Hello to all you show choir junkies out there... I just wanted to say great job to all the groups at Northcoast this weekend and a special thank you to Nancy Slife and everyone from Twinsburg for a well-run competition.

Point spreads were insignificant for the most part, except between Fairfield and Solon, I believe? This was one of the few times I might have actually preferred Olympic-style scoring (particularly in the daytime), just because of the discrepancy between judges, but that's show choir.

*Disclaimer: OFF TOPIC

*But I especially want to thank all of you have have shared with us at Marysville your stories and how our ballad, "Fly Again", has affected you. Sometimes after rehearsing and performing a song over and over again, you forget how hearing or singing it for the first time made you feel and what it meant to you. Sometimes after working all those dynamics and phrasing and diction, you forget that in the end, you're just telling a story -- hoping that you can reach out to just *one* person and convey to them what those words truly mean to you. And it means something different for everyone. For the chaperone from Winfield, it was about that little boy who fought that brain tumor for so long. For the person who I first heard sing this song, it's about losing a dear friend when maybe it wasn't supposed to be their time to go... You hear these stories and you remember that while winning trophies is nice, touching people's lives can be more reward than any grand championship.

I know that he's in a better place
I still dream of the day when I'll see his face
Then we'll embrace and...

We will fly once again!
We will soar with our wings unfolded
Hear the angels applaud
As we ride on the wind to the arms of God
And we will fly

We will fly again... (Click here to download.)


abbie*thecompany on Feb 28, 2005, 2:12 PM
Post #61
Piqua will be losing 26 seniors next year! We have all worked so hard for so long and this GC is the greatest ever for all of us! Thanks to everyone for Saturday...T-burg had to be the best competition of the year! I love all of my fellow seniors at P-town!
Tracie~ I'm so glad I got my own medal finally and you won't have to give one of your many! haha " border="0" alt="laugh.gif" />

user deleted  on Feb 28, 2005, 12:52 PM
Post #60
I was just wondering, but is any one else losing a lot of seniors from this years group next year? I know we are. I feel sooo bad for brush, we got 6RU last year by very few points. but no matter what you guys did put on a great performance!!

Rian on Feb 28, 2005, 9:31 AM
Post #59
oh for some reason I thought someone was DQd whew! Good Thing eh ;)


nslife on Feb 28, 2005, 9:10 AM
Post #58
QUOTE(Soundsationboi @ Feb 28 2005, 03:17 AM)
who got DQ'd?

There were no penalty points or disqualifications at our competition this year.


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