1st smith cotton new score
2nd Jefferson City j city riot
3rd Neosho choraleers
4th oak park oak street singers
5th warrens burg sound wave
6th Atchison adrenaline
Caption awards
Best band-Atchison
Best ballad-Atchison
Best vocals- j city riot
Best choreography- Neosho choraleers
Best performer- nwanyinna Ihenacho from j city riot
Best female soloist - Blake goodman j city riot
Best male soloist- Steven weeks smith cotton
(Obviously I do not know their names)
Best opener - Neosho choraleers
Best closer- j city riot
Best diction - smith cotton
Best show design - Neosho choraleers
1st place j city riot
2nd Neosho choraleers
3rd smith cotton new score
4a warrens burg sound wave
1st Atchison adrenaline
2nd Carrollton 9th street singers
1st smith cotton cabaret
2nd Neosho sugar and spice
3rd oak park treble effects
Warrensburg - "Prism" B 8:15
Smith Cotton - "Broadway Velocity" B 8:40
Green Ridge - "Mystique" B 9:05
Sherwood - "Starlets" B 9:30
Neosho - "Sugar and Spice" B 10:20
St. Joe Central - "Encore" 5A 10:45
Warrensburg - "Soundwave" 4A 11:10
Green Ridge - "Harmony" 1A-3A 11:35
Ray-Pec - "Rush" 5A 12:00
Smith Cotton - "Cabaret" B 1:15
Oak Park - "Treble Effects" B 1:40
Archie - "Sound of Thunder" 1A-3A 2:05
Carrollton - "Touch of Crimson" B 2:30
Jefferson City - "J-City Riot" 5A 2:55
Neosho - "Choraleers" 5A 3:20
Atchison - "Adrenaline" 1A-3A 3:45
Carrollton - "9th Street Singers" 1A-3A 4:10
Smith Cotton - "Newscore" 5A 4:35
Oak Park - "Oak Street Singers" 5A 5:00
Warrensburg "Prism" 8:15 B
Smith-Cotton "Broadway Velocity" 8:40 B
Green Ridge "Mystique" 9:05 B
Sherwood "Starlets" 9:30 B
Archie "Sound of Thunder" 9:55 1A-3A
Neosho "Sugar and Spice" 10:20 B
St. Joe Central "Encore" 10:45 5A
Warrensburg "Soundwave" 11:10 4A
Green Ridge "Harmony" 11:35 1A-3A
Ray-Pec "Rush" 12:00 5A
Smith-Cotton "Cabaret" 1:15 B
Oak Park "Trable FX" 1:40 B
Archie "Sound of Thunder" 2:05 1A-3A (This choir is listed twice, not sure why)
Carrollton "Touch of Crimson" 2:30 B
Jefferson City "J-City Riot" 2:55 5A
Neosho "Choraleers" 3:20 5A
Atchison "Adrenaline" 3:45 1A-3A
Carrollton "9th Street Singers" 4:10 1A-3A
Smith-Cotton "New Score Singers" 4:35 5A
Oak Park "Oak Street Singers" 5:00 5A
All performances are in the Performing Arts Center
I've gotten word that this competition has been rescheduled for Feb. 22nd due to terrible weather conditions. I will change the date on the page, but assume that the schedule is probably up in the air for now.
Thanks for the update, Mr. Dollins. It's been updated above. There are now 39 competing choirs! It looks like a few choirs swapped divisions between 5A and 4A. It's also interesting that Troy MS is attending, but competing on their own as the only middle school. At least they get more performance experience out of it I guess! Let us know if anything else changes!
Oak Park "Treble Effects" - 8:15 - B
Harrisonville "Forefront" - 8:40 - B
Smitth Cotton "Broadway Velocity" - 9:05- B
Green Ridge " Mystique" - 9:30 - B
Cole Camp "Impressions" 9:55 - B
Troy Middle School "Tonali-T" 10:20 - MS
Neosho " Sugar and Spice" 10:45 - B
Joplin "Touch of Class" - 11:10 - B
Nevada "Treble Effects" - 11:35 - B
Carrolton "Touch of Crimson" - 12:00 - B
Smith Cotton "Cabaret" - 1:15 - B
Warrensburg "Prism" - 1:40 - B
Archie "Sounds of Thunder" 2:05 - 1A-3A
Cole Camp Encore 2:30 - 1A-3A
Green Ridge Harmony 2:55 - 1A-3A
Carrolton 9th Street Singers 3:20 - 1A-3A
Maryville Spectrum 3:45 - 1A-3A
Atchison Adrenaline 4:10 - 1A-3A
Cassville NBA No Boys Allowed 4:35 B
Rock Bridge Satin 'N Lace 5:00 B
Joplin "Sound Dimension" 8:50 - 4A
Warrensburg "Soundwave" 9:15 - 4A
Ray Pec"Rush" 9:40 - 5A
St. Joseph Central "Encore" 10:05 5A
Jefferson City "J City Riot" 10:30 - 5A
Rock Bridge "City Lights" 10:55 - 4A
Cassville "Centerstage" 11:20 - 5A
Troy "TBHS Soundwave" 12:45 - 4A
Oak Park "Oak Street Singers 1:10 - 4A
Parkway Central "Pizzazz" 1:35 - 5A
Nevada "Soundsational Singers 2:00 - 4A
East Newton "the Patriot Singers 2:25 - 5A
Grand Island Ultimate Image 2:50 - 4A
Neosho Choraleers 3:15 - 5A
Smith Cotton New Score 3:40 -5A
Troy "TBHS Express" - 4:05 - 5A
Mehlville Adrenaline 4:30 - 5A
Marquette Center Stage 4:55 - 5A
Harrisonville "Music Makers" 5:20 - 5A
1st Runner Up: Jefferson City 'JCity Riot'
2nd Runner Up: Neosho 'Choraleers'
3rd Runner Up: Oak Park 'Oak Street Singers'
4th Runner Up: Warrensburg 'Soundwave'
5th Runner Up: Atchison 'Adrenaline'