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 Show Choir Community    Events    2014 Season    Twinsburg Northcoast Invitational 2014
Event Info

February 22nd, 2014
Venue Info
Twinsburg High School
10084 Ravenna Road
Twinsburg, OH 44087
Phone: (330) 486-2400
Event Details
Number of Attending Choirs:
10 Mixed Groups
2 Middle School Groups
Event Hosts:
Twinsburg "Great Expectations"
Event Judges:
Mitch Benko
Kevin Butler
Nancy Slife Benko
Ticket prices unknown.
Twinsburg Northcoast Invitational 2014

Event Site
Live Stream

Swingers Unlimited
Marysville High School
Grand Champion
Best Vocals
Best Choreography
Best Female Soloist (Hunter McCallister)
Best Costumes

Music in Motion
Solon High School
First Runner Up
Best Band
Best Show Concept

Music Express
Garfield Heights High School
Second Runner Up
Best Band (with adults)
Judge's Choice

Wapakoneta High School
3rd Runner Up

Varsity Chorale
Euclid High School
4th Runner Up
Best Male Soloist (Kevin Terry)

Jet Setters
Alliance High School
5th Runner Up

Mixed Division - Tier I (Prelims) Show
Mixed Division - Tier II (Prelims) Show
Middle School Division

Mini Swingers
Bunsold Middle School
First Place
Best Vocals
Best Choreography

Guys & Dolls
Coy Middle School
Second Place

Attending Members displaying 6 of 33 members (view all)
71 comments • Sort by

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Alex. on Feb 24, 2014, 6:17 PM
Post #72
I promise another unforgettable and lavish GE show and NoCo next year. Wait for it!
Can't wait!!!


lanoue on Feb 24, 2014, 5:50 PM
Post #71
I promise another unforgettable and lavish GE show and NoCo next year. Wait for it!

Patrick on Feb 24, 2014, 4:17 PM
Post #70

Looking forward to NoCo2015 on February 28th next year! Already planning the decorations and trophies!

Can we look forward to a beach theme for next year? Maybe we'll have a shorter winter next year because obviously GE is the reason for all the snow we're getting


lanoue on Feb 24, 2014, 12:05 PM
Post #69
It was lovely to have all of our guests at NoCo- ho, ho, ho! Hopefully Santa brought everyone what they wanted, and we hope no one regifts the Rudolph and Santa trophies!!! Shout out to our favorite performer, Steven, from Coy Middle School and also the Marysville Middle School spaghetti and syrup eating team for owning spaghetti and syrup like we have never seen before (and hopefully ever again)!

Looking forward to NoCo2015 on February 28th next year! Already planning the decorations and trophies!

Jeff. on Feb 23, 2014, 3:39 PM
Post #68

It was the high school group... The only middle schools there were Marysville and Coy. It should be Euclid Varsity Chorale

That's been updated above. Apologies for the error!

Looks like it was a really fun day at NoCo! Congrats to all groups!


enoch316 on Feb 23, 2014, 3:27 PM
Post #67
Congrats Marysville!

last chaos 7 on Feb 23, 2014, 2:50 PM
Post #66
Is Euclid Central Middle School the group that got 4RU? I feel like it was Euclid High School. Then again, I wasn't there, so it might not be

It was the high school group... The only middle schools there were Marysville and Coy. It should be Euclid Varsity Chorale

King Of Games on Feb 23, 2014, 2:41 PM
Post #65
Is Euclid Central Middle School the group that got 4RU? I feel like it was Euclid High School. Then again, I wasn't there, so it might not be

BakerFF on Feb 23, 2014, 2:26 PM
Post #64
This is the first time I've seen the Swingers AND the Mini Swingers win at the same competition! Congrats SU very proud of your hard work!

b_zop18 on Feb 23, 2014, 12:45 PM
Post #63
I just wanted to give a shout out to the Solon combo! Congrats on your win yesterday and your continued streak of best combo awards! You guys always sound so good and never fail to amaze me every time I watch your show! It's an awesome accomplishment to have such an awesome reputation as a top combo. Congratulations, again!

AlexandraCwk on Feb 23, 2014, 10:51 AM
Post #62
How does Tallmadge beat Wapakoneta in their class but not make it to finals?
We were really confused about that too. But we actually didn't beat them. They won class A, Alliance got 1st RU, and we got 2nd RU.


jamerej on Feb 23, 2014, 9:53 AM
Post #61
This is the first time in history that Marysville has ever won 5 GC's in a single season. Congrats, Marysville!

last chaos 7 on Feb 23, 2014, 2:16 AM
Post #60
Hopefully this post actually goes through... It seems like no one does an actual comparison of groups anymore, so here it goes.

How I thought the competition went (with some input of others around me):

In daytime I thought Solon would have been in the lead. Marysville definitely did not have their best performance and although Solon could have been better as well, I thought it was better that Marysville. A few other alum / watchers thought that after daytime Solon would be ahead in Band and Choreo with Marysville ahead in Vocals.

In finals, Solon definitely improved vocally (had a tough time hearing / understanding them in daytime mainly guys and girls number) and it was a great performance that I really enjoyed. I love the opener and ballad especially. However, Marysville destroyed. Lightyears better than daytime and to me and those around me, it was clear that were going to win. The energy was incredible and the vocals were a lot better (blend and buildup sections mainly) and choreography was definitely more crisp.

For finals awards I thought it would have been

GC: Marysville (BV, BC)
1ru: Solon
2ru: Garfield Heights
3ru: Euclid
4ru: Wapakoneta
5ru: Alliance

So the only thing I had switches was Euclid and Wapakoneta.

Some other notes about groups:

Marysville: Holy crap. One of the best shows and performances I know I have ever seen. I'm so proud to be an alumni yet so jealous at the same time, haha. Shout out to Kaley (my sister) for being awesome.

Solon: The blonde soloist and the girls number, your solo is great, and you are great.
The TV's are still quite distracting I know not just to me. I see what you're trying to do (help tell a story) but it more takes away from the show itself.
Awesome show concept, and the outfits go well with it as well.
You guys have a great show and just because you lose does not mean your show is bad by any means. You should be proud of your performance.

Garfield Heights: I haven't seen you guys until tonight. I must say, I was very impressed. You guys are a joy to watch and have a really cool show! The only thing that bothered me was the fact that you did Irrational Anthem, with almost the exact same choreo that I did in 2012 at Marysville. But it was great nonetheless and I can't wait to see you guys keep improving in the future.

Wapakoneta: You guys were enjoyable to watch as well. You had some cool songs in your show and I especially love the closer "Dog Days are Over" and the soloist for that number was great. There were quite a few parts though in daytime where the intonation was off (ballad especially) that quite a few of those issues were fixed during finals which was great. Good show overall.

Euclid: I had you above Wapakoneta because I thought your vocals were more solid that Wapaks mainly. You guys had a good show and it was awesome getting to see you!

Alliance: It was awesome that you guys got to be in finals. I love it when groups are so happy to make it to finals. It makes me happy. Anyways, you had a solid show, vocals were decent with good blend and tone. Hope to see more from you guys.

King Of Games on Feb 23, 2014, 12:25 AM (Edited)
Post #59
marysville. Marysville. MARYSVILLE. MARYSVILLE!!!!!!!!!!!

salohcin714 on Feb 23, 2014, 12:24 AM
Post #58
GC: Marysville
1RU: Solon
2RU: Garfield Heights
3RU: Wapakoneta
4RU: Euclid
5RU: Alliance

BV: Marysville
BC: Marysville



gocubs on Feb 22, 2014, 9:24 PM
Post #57
I received a text from Wapak's director saying that someone had forgotten to add Wapak. And evidently they actually won their class. That's all the info I have though. Hope that clears things up!

songster721 on Feb 22, 2014, 9:12 PM
Post #56
If I'm not mistaken, I believe at Twinsburg Show is different from Show Concept. I believe Show Concept is just the overall theme will Show is things like Costumes, Transistions, Props, etc. So back to my original question: how is Tallmadge not in finals? Prior commitment?

Orwellian on Feb 22, 2014, 7:56 PM
Post #55

The same reason Marysville is up .5 in show from Solon, yet Solon gets best show

If I'm not mistaken, I believe at Twinsburg Show is different from Show Concept. I believe Show Concept is just the overall theme will Show is things like Costumes, Transistions, Props, etc. So back to my original question: how is Tallmadge not in finals?

Caleb :P on Feb 22, 2014, 7:53 PM
Post #54
How does Tallmadge beat Wapakoneta in their class but not make it to finals?
Confused about this too...

salohcin714 on Feb 22, 2014, 7:50 PM
Post #53
How does Tallmadge beat Wapakoneta in their class but not make it to finals?

The same reason Marysville is up .5 in show from Solon, yet Solon gets best show

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