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 Show Choir Community    Events    2013 Season    Manchester Central Virginia Show Choir Invitational (Day Two) 2013
Event Info

March 2nd, 2013
Venue Info
Manchester High School
12601 Bailey Bridge Road
Midlothian, VA 23112
Phone: (804) 739-6275
Event Details
Number of Attending Choirs:
14 Mixed Groups
Event Hosts:
Manchester "Capital Swing"
Event Judges:
Ron Hellems
Annette Layman
Chris Pratt
Ticket prices unknown.
Manchester Central Virginia Show Choir Invitational (Day Two) 2013

Event Site
Live Stream
Mixed Division - Tier I

Sound System
Center Grove High School
Grand Champion
Best Vocals
Best Choreography

Cosby High School
First Runner Up
Best Band

Good Times
Martinsburg High School
Second Runner Up

Chantilly High School
No Placement

Sudden Image
Lloyd C. Bird High School
No Placement

Knight Scene
Thomas Dale High School
No Placement

Just For Show
Midlothian High School
No Placement

Menchville High School
No Placement

Current Edition
James River High School
No Placement

Sound FX
Hanover High School
No Placement

High Impact
Matoaca High School
No Placement

Mixed Division - Tier II
Groups in order of performance

Amherst County High School
Placement Unknown

Patrick Henry High School
Placement Unknown

Harbor Lights
Kecoughtan High School
Placement Unknown

Attending Members displaying 6 of 15 members (view all)
25 comments • Sort by

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jesjarq40 on Mar 4, 2013, 12:33 PM
Post #25
Regardless of the division mix-up with LC Bird, does anyone know how they beat out Kecoughtan HS.

ShowOff21 on Mar 3, 2013, 9:50 PM
Post #24
Yes. If you look back at my post, I specifically bolded that part of your quote and that was primarily what I was responding to. I'm very intentional with my posts. As for the other stuff I said, I still stand by what I said about being proportionally positive and negative. It's simply more flattering and productive.

Not if theres nothing coming from her to be postitive about. Confirmed with more directors also. She should not be judging and hopefully will not be in the future. Of course this has been brought up about her every year and nothing has changed, but now I think everyone will react.

I hope Chris Pratt comes back though, just dont bring Grosse Pointe lol (Or bring Grosse Pointe and don't judge, i remember them back in the day and LOVED them. Andy Haines at his finest!)

Jeff. on Mar 3, 2013, 8:23 PM
Post #23

Im WRONG cause theres one?

Yes. If you look back at my post, I specifically bolded that part of your quote and that was primarily what I was responding to. I'm very intentional with my posts. As for the other stuff I said, I still stand by what I said about being proportionally positive and negative. It's simply more flattering and productive.

ShowOff21 on Mar 3, 2013, 5:49 PM
Post #22
PS. I understand what you did not like about my comment about her being from north carolina and it not having show choir. I dont necessarily like it either and I get its inaccuracy. But that was not the point being made.

ShowOff21 on Mar 3, 2013, 5:44 PM
Post #21
You sir are wrong. There is show choir in North Carolina and one might be competing at FAME Chicago. And in general, there probably has been a competition of some sort that has just flown under the radar. For example, Georgia has had show choir competitions, but we don't always get the information thus it isn't always posted on the site. Another example, Arizona is a pretty isolated show choir state, but there are just a few groups in the state, one of which just qualified for FAME Nationals. Being biased against states isn't really fair. And being from a "show choir state" should be no indicator of how good or qualified a person would be at judging.

Even if there was a different judging panel, I would expect Center Grove to win Grand Champion, because they really are that good. In addition, you used over 50 words being critical and negative towards the judging panel and only 4 words praising a judge. Perhaps you should consider making it more proportional in the future.

And in terms of not being able to edit, I'm not a tech person at all, but I know that Internet Explorer usually doesn't allow it, but Firefox and Chrome are fine from my experiences. If you have continued problems, you can post about it in the feedback section or something.

Im WRONG cause theres one? My friend in Southern Pines NC started a show choir, but they arent anywhere near capable of even competing yet, Im actually going there to choreograph soon, so oooOOOooo you knew of one, well theres two if not more. And they arent isolated, sure VA and NC are big states, but its not that far of a drive, I use to go down there all the time, Ill be in NC all of April and May for a show.

I did expand but even with Firefox the edit didnt work. Her OPINIONs are ridiculous. Ive sat and listened and looked at her scores of multiple groups and they are crazy, year after year. I'm not sure what she scored Center Grove, nor do I care, It's her comments and score sheets not lining up at all. Say a choirs Intonation is amazing and choreography is sloppy. She gives low scores throughout. If you don't like a show, you don't like a show, take it out on the ten points that say Song Selections/Varitations of Styles. But again.... if the show has variating styles should it be destroyed just cause you dont like a song?

And yes, Center Grove may have won regardless, but the undeniably talented Chris Pratt shouldnt have been judging (And I liked alot of the comments I'm hearing from him btw). It just looks bad, they knew when doing it that it looked bad. The director at Manchester (Robyn) knows I love her and shes a family friend, but people were not happy about the descision.

Jeff. on Mar 3, 2013, 5:06 PM
Post #20

Chris Pratt - Director at Center Grove until he just recently let and took the job at Grosse Pointe South. Whos opinion I respect, but in this case frown at because he simply should not have been judging this year. I'll vocalize it hear for everyone who can not.


Ron Hellums - Great Guy, from Rivars.

You sir are wrong. There is show choir in North Carolina and one might be competing at FAME Chicago. And in general, there probably has been a competition of some sort that has just flown under the radar. For example, Georgia has had show choir competitions, but we don't always get the information thus it isn't always posted on the site. Another example, Arizona is a pretty isolated show choir state, but there are just a few groups in the state, one of which just qualified for FAME Nationals. Being biased against states isn't really fair. And being from a "show choir state" should be no indicator of how good or qualified a person would be at judging.

Even if there was a different judging panel, I would expect Center Grove to win Grand Champion, because they really are that good. In addition, you used over 50 words being critical and negative towards the judging panel and only 4 words praising a judge. Perhaps you should consider making it more proportional in the future.

And in terms of not being able to edit, I'm not a tech person at all, but I know that Internet Explorer usually doesn't allow it, but Firefox and Chrome are fine from my experiences. If you have continued problems, you can post about it in the feedback section or something.

ShowOff21 on Mar 3, 2013, 4:11 PM
Post #19
Some reason I cannot edit, so obviously I meant left* and here*.

ShowOff21 on Mar 3, 2013, 4:02 PM
Post #18
Can't confirm awards but here are the judges:

Chris Pratt

Annette Layman

Ron Hellums

Chris Pratt - Director at Center Grove until he just recently let and took the job at Grosse Pointe South. Whos opinion I respect, but in this case frown at because he simply should not have been judging this year. I'll vocalize it hear for everyone who can not.


Ron Hellums - Great Guy, from Rivars.


JPChoreo on Mar 3, 2013, 9:54 AM
Post #17
Can't confirm awards but here are the judges:

Chris Pratt

Annette Layman

Ron Hellums

Jeff. on Mar 3, 2013, 2:26 AM
Post #16
B Division:

Champion: Amherst County
1st Runner Up: Patrick Henry
2nd Runner Up: LC Bird

According to the schedule, LC Bird was in the "A" division for both mixed and women's. Was 2RU Kecoughtan?

Can confirmed Day One/Day Two results be posted? There seems to be a bit of confusion. Captions will be added later as well.

ShowOff21 on Mar 3, 2013, 12:11 AM
Post #15
lol.. just as i called it with that judging panel.


Ryan Shapiro on Mar 3, 2013, 12:06 AM
Post #14
First glance at Day Two results: Will confirm day one and day two awards as soon as possible

Best Dressed Director: Menchville
Best Dressed Band: ?
Edward Cullen/ Most Sparkle: Center Grove
Mark Zuckerberg/ Social Media: Cosby
Best Crew: James River
Lancer Spirit Award: Matoaca

B Division:

Champion: Amherst County
1st Runner Up: Patrick Henry
2nd Runner Up: LC Bird

A Division

Champion: Center Grove (Best Show Design, Best Soloist, Choreography, Vocals and Grand Champion)
1st Runner Up: Cosby (Best Band)
2nd Runner Up: Martinsburg

Solo Champion: Gabriel _______: Martinsburg

ShowOff21 on Mar 2, 2013, 11:34 PM
Post #13
I love that theres dislikes on the Hanover comment lol. I work with Hanover, the band is in Black, not even really dressed up, thats why its weird and funny.They all laughed too.

Jeff. on Mar 2, 2013, 4:01 PM
Post #12
Whenever the Day One results can be completely confirmed as accurate, they will be posted on the Day One event. And really? An Edward Cullen Award?


benschrank on Mar 2, 2013, 9:11 AM
Post #11
"Day One" Single Gender Results

Specialty Awards
Edward Cullen Award- Most Sparkle: Lee Davis
Mark Zuckerberg- Most facebook and twitter: ?
Best Dressed Band: ?
Best Dressed Director: Midlothian
Lancer Spirit Award: LC Bird
Was there another one?

B Division
Champion: Douglas Freeman
1st Runner up: Colonial Forge
2nd Runner up: Patrick Henry

A Division
Champion: Center Grove (Best Vocals, Choreography and Show Design, Grand Champion)
1st Runner up: Cosby (Best Band)
2nd Runner up: Hanover
3rd Runner up: ?

I'm fairly positive that 1RU in ladies B Division was Amherst. Maybe these are different results though?

ShowOff21 on Mar 2, 2013, 3:36 AM
Post #10
strangely they gave best dressed band to Hanover lol


TheMusicMan on Mar 2, 2013, 2:52 AM
Post #9
A Division : 4th Place - Lee-Davis?


Ryan Shapiro on Mar 2, 2013, 12:48 AM
Post #8
"Day One" Single Gender Results

Specialty Awards
Edward Cullen Award- Most Sparkle: Lee Davis
Mark Zuckerberg- Most facebook and twitter: ?
Best Dressed Band: ?
Best Dressed Director: Midlothian
Lancer Spirit Award: LC Bird
Was there another one?

B Division
Champion: Douglas Freeman
1st Runner up: Colonial Forge
2nd Runner up: Patrick Henry

A Division
Champion: Center Grove (Best Vocals, Choreography and Show Design, Grand Champion)
1st Runner up: Cosby (Best Band)
2nd Runner up: Hanover
3rd Runner up: ?

Sir. Darrian Hewlett on Feb 28, 2013, 11:44 PM
Post #7
I'm looking forward to seeing all the people and
All the great shows the choirs put on!
& I wanna wish everyone the best of luck!
Rock it out!!

Cam on Feb 28, 2013, 6:57 PM
Post #6
James River is now at 430 pm
Cosby Spotlight - 5pm
CG Sound System - 630pm
Matoaca High Impact - 7pm
Martinsburg Good Times - 730pm
Hanover Sound FX - 8pm

I believe this is correct but I'm not 100%

Thanks Bri

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