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  Show Choir Community    Events    2005 Season    Lakeview Great Lakes Show Choir Invitational 2005

   Event Info

February 5th, 2005

Venue Info

Lakeview High School
300 S. 28th Street
Battle Creek, MI 49015

Phone: (269) 565-3700

Event Details

No. of Attending Choirs:

  5 Mixed Groups
  1 Treble Groups


  Lakeview "Spartanaires"

Judges: Unknown


Ticket prices unknown.


Lakeview Great Lakes Show Choir Invitational 2005

Event Site
Live Stream



Groups in order of placement

 The All Americans
 ETC School of Musical Arts
Grand Champion 
Best Choreography 
Best Band 
Best Show Concept 

 City Lights
 Columbia City High School
First Runner Up 
Best Vocals 

 City Heat
 Columbia City High School
Second Runner Up 

 Bishop Luers High School
3rd Runner Up 

 Wapakoneta High School
4th Runner Up 

   Open Division (Prelims)

   Attending Members

No members signed up for this event.

54 comments • Sort by

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StarUnlimited on Feb 7, 2005, 9:25 PM
Post #34
QUOTE(Tsuchi @ Feb 7 2005, 07:58 PM)
Here is a site where you can order pics
Best Ever Media
I'm still checking to see where you can order Videos

...That is SO cool!!!


Tsuchi on Feb 7, 2005, 8:58 PM
Post #33
QUOTE(tap07 @ Feb 6 2005, 01:02 PM)
Yesterday was a lot of fun!  Thanks for putting on another great competition Lakeview!  The only other competing group i got to see though was "City Lights" who were great but i wish i could've seen more groups.  Guess that didn't work out.  I don't know how close the results were in the finals because our director only got the individual score sheets from every judge, not the overall standings.  If you have any comments on ETC's show please post them.  Thanks.  Also is there anywhere to view pictures or order a video, I didn't have time yesterday.

Here is a site where you can order pics
Best Ever Media
I'm still checking to see where you can order Videos


tap07 on Feb 7, 2005, 5:53 PM
Post #32
don't be jealous lol besides its all over. you can't dwell on things...move on. obviously we were good enough to win. also one of the judges was a choreographer for wapa and they still didn't place that well. i think it was more than the "judges are affiliated with ETC". we fixed things between daytime and nighttime and thats what scored us a lot of points. one of the judges added 10 points to our vocal category after the second performance. also its not just choreo and vocals we have a great band that scores us a lot of points. i think we went into finals winning by 2 and ended up winning by 7. k im done.


somthin_else on Feb 7, 2005, 5:08 PM (Edited)
Post #31
QUOTE(HeirDirector @ Feb 7 2005, 10:16 AM)
Ok So I usually make it a policy not to post in the open forums but I have to comment on a few of these posts.

First to Bishop Luers' Royce.
     I think you have you daytime results are a little backwards.  The real daytime standings were:         
          ETC (Choreo)
          City Lights (Vocals)
          City Heat

Please keep in mind that this is two years in a row that they have beat you in vocals.  Both City Heat and Lights were at the top vocally.  I think that those results should not be overlooked.


I posted what I was told Saturday after daytime awards. KK must have read them to me wrong, or maybe I am just not remembering right. Oh well, it's not like the daytime really matters, although what you posted was the same as finals. Not that I'm saying you're wrong, because it's not too uncommon for there to be no changes from day to night.

And for once, we actually agree. I saw ETC at night, and I wasn't really impressed, especially from a vocal standpoint. The male-female balance was poor (and I know the numbers situation, but you can still make up for that), the tone didn't really impress me, and the ballad was in three part, or at least that's all I heard. The Weaver choreography was nothing special, as usual. I really have to wonder what would have happened if two of the three judges had not been affiliated with Weaver, and if two of the three judges had not been choreographers.

user deleted  on Feb 7, 2005, 2:27 PM
Post #30
Thanks we love our Mc as well. He's one of my favorite Spartanaire parents, well besides my own of course! Bishop Luers Rock my soks off!


StarUnlimited on Feb 7, 2005, 1:53 PM
Post #29
You guys are so awesome!! I didn*t really get to see many groups and I really wish I could have. I*m sure we*ll see some of you at other competitions, though. Best of luck to all of you for the rest of the season!


HeirDirector on Feb 7, 2005, 11:16 AM
Post #28
Ok So I usually make it a policy not to post in the open forums but I have to comment on a few of these posts.

First to Bishop Luers' Royce.
I think you have you daytime results are a little backwards. The real daytime standings were:
ETC (Choreo)
City Lights (Vocals)
City Heat

Second - to the ETC student who said "Heat was nothing special":
Please keep in mind that this is two years in a row that they have beat you in vocals. Both City Heat and Lights were at the top vocally. I think that those results should not be overlooked.

To everyone else - thanks for all of the support and good luck in the rest of your seasons! Congratulations to ETC and all of the finalist!

Hersel Cremeans
Director Columbia City

user deleted  on Feb 6, 2005, 8:05 PM
Post #27
AWESOME JOB! That competition was the highlight of my year!! WOO!

ETC rocked, i didn't get a chance to see you in person and i only saw one song on video. Im so sad, but i was too busy hosting your junior high! I think i might have saw Robert, and someone named HAley! woot!


Tsuchi on Feb 6, 2005, 7:24 PM
Post #26
QUOTE(BwayTheatre11 @ Feb 6 2005, 12:53 PM)
If it is the same tape as the one we watched after our performance (well, similar), the sound is awful! Please do not judge us on that tape...vocally.

Great job, Lakeview...I enjoyed your performance. Thanks for hosting an amazing competition. Everything is so organized and you have the best MC around.

Yeah we deffinitely did not have the same
and video
companies as last year
so I'll be sure to not judge it by the tape

Thanks though...we've been working hard and a LOT of work goes into our Comp. I'm REALLY glad you enjoyed it

QUOTE(runningchick @ Feb 6 2005, 01:00 PM)
Hey, now that you have seen City Heat and City Lights may I ask what you think of them  now? 

I dunno if that question was for me but I loved them last year
this year was ten times better for both groups
Man I LOOVE Columbia City

user deleted  on Feb 6, 2005, 5:03 PM
Post #25
For an all girl group...City Lights was amazing!

City Heat was good, but nothing too special.


tap07 on Feb 6, 2005, 5:02 PM
Post #24
Yesterday was a lot of fun! Thanks for putting on another great competition Lakeview! The only other competing group i got to see though was "City Lights" who were great but i wish i could've seen more groups. Guess that didn't work out. I don't know how close the results were in the finals because our director only got the individual score sheets from every judge, not the overall standings. If you have any comments on ETC's show please post them. Thanks. Also is there anywhere to view pictures or order a video, I didn't have time yesterday.


runningchick on Feb 6, 2005, 5:00 PM
Post #23
Hey, now that you have seen City Heat and City Lights may I ask what you think of them now?

QUOTE(Tsuchi @ Feb 6 2005, 12:33 PM)
I so should've posted my topic in here
oh well

All I have to say is everyone did AWESOME
City Heat and City lights were my personal favorites
and City was sooo awesome hosting you 
Oh..and I have called City Heat for Hosting next year
so all of my fellow Spartanaires...BACK OFF 


runningchick on Feb 6, 2005, 5:00 PM
Post #22
Hey, now that you have seen City Heat and City Lights may I ask what you think of them now?

QUOTE(Tsuchi @ Feb 6 2005, 12:33 PM)
I so should've posted my topic in here
oh well

All I have to say is everyone did AWESOME
City Heat and City lights were my personal favorites
and City was sooo awesome hosting you 
Oh..and I have called City Heat for Hosting next year
so all of my fellow Spartanaires...BACK OFF 

Get_Ready0203 on Feb 6, 2005, 4:56 PM
Post #21
Hey great job everyone yesterday at lakview!!!!! Thanks to lakeview for another fun and great competition and i love your MC. Also i want to say great job to City Lights, i got to see your show in finals and you guys are an amazing group!! You have really awesome vocals and i loved your closer. Great job everyone

user deleted  on Feb 6, 2005, 4:53 PM
Post #20
If it is the same tape as the one we watched after our performance (well, similar), the sound is awful! Please do not judge us on that tape...vocally.

Great job, Lakeview...I enjoyed your performance. Thanks for hosting an amazing competition. Everything is so organized and you have the best MC around.


Tsuchi on Feb 6, 2005, 4:50 PM
Post #19
I was sad I didn't get to see ETC this year
but my parents ordered the finals video so I'll atleast get a taste of it
even if it isn't live

user deleted  on Feb 6, 2005, 4:37 PM
Post #18
Great job, everyone! Yesterday was a lot of fun. We just got home about an hour ago.

What did you guys think of ETC? Better than expected or not really?


Tsuchi on Feb 6, 2005, 4:33 PM
Post #17
I so should've posted my topic in here
oh well

All I have to say is everyone did AWESOME
City Heat and City lights were my personal favorites
and City was sooo awesome hosting you
Oh..and I have called City Heat for Hosting next year
so all of my fellow Spartanaires...BACK OFF


somthin_else on Feb 6, 2005, 4:18 PM
Post #16
Daytime Standings:


Rian on Feb 6, 2005, 3:47 PM
Post #15

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