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 Show Choir Community    Events    2012 Season    Cedar Rapids Washington Mo Show 2012
Event Info

March 10th, 2012
Venue Info
Washington High School
2205 Forest Drive SE
Cedar Rapids, IA 52403
Phone: (319) 558-2161
Event Details
Number of Attending Choirs:
16 Mixed Groups
1 Treble Group
Event Hosts:
Cedar Rapids Washington "Momentum"
Cedar Rapids Washington "Celebration"
Cedar Rapids Washington "Vivacé"
Event Judges:
Nancy Allen (Gym Critique)
Emily Begnaud (Gym Critique)
Kevin Chase (Gym AM Critique)
Vicki Jacobsen (Audit.)
Greg Jasperse (Audit. Critique)
Andrew Last (Audit.)
Laurel Masse (Audit.)
Jarad Voss (Gym)
Heath Weber (Gym)
Steve Woodin (Gym)
Ticket prices unknown.
Cedar Rapids Washington Mo Show 2012

Event Site
Live Stream

10th Street Edition
Linn-Mar High School
Grand Champion
Best Vocals
Best Choreography

Craig High School
First Runner Up

Milton High School
Second Runner Up

Side One
Indianola High School
3rd Runner Up

Sound Attraction
Williamsburg Jr/Sr High School
4th Runner Up

Sudden Impact
Ottumwa High School
5th Runner Up

Mixed Division - Tier I (Prelims) Show
Mixed Division - Tier II

Sound Attraction
Williamsburg Jr/Sr High School
First Place
Best Choreography
Best Band

Summit Street Singers
Center Point-Urbana High School
Second Place
Best Vocals

Union Station
Union High School
Third Place

Marion High School
4th Place

Harding Street Singers
South Tama County High School
5th Place

Mixed Division - Tier III
Sumner-Fredericksburg High School
Prep Division

In Step
Linn-Mar High School
First Place

Rising Stars
Milton High School
Second Place

Center Point-Urbana High School
Third Place

Valley High School
4th Place

9th Grade Division
Linn-Mar High School
Attending Members displaying 6 of 16 members (view all)
22 comments • Sort by

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juliofrommississippi on Mar 14, 2012, 7:47 PM
Post #22
McKinley Middle School just received a standing ovation during their ballad from not only the entire gymnasium but the entire judging panel was freaking out...I have never seen anything like it!

All I can say is it was an incredible performance. They deserved all the praise they got, because I STILL cannot believe that was a middle school show choir. They could've easily beaten varsity groups on Saturday. And yes, the judges were super freaking out hahaha.


quincy on Mar 13, 2012, 6:14 AM
Post #21
Way to go LM! I'm glad to see you are doing so well! Good things happen to good people. I have been a huge fan of 10th Street especially after Great River 2011. This group will have a special place in my heart, congrats on the GC.

FindYourStage on Mar 11, 2012, 2:44 AM
Post #20
Gc: LM sweep
1ru: Craig
2ru: Milton
3ru: Indianola
4ru: Williamsburg
5ru: Ottumwa

JWill on Mar 11, 2012, 2:01 AM
Post #19
Best Female Soloist(auditorium)-Lindsey Powell Union La Porte City
Best Male Soloist (auditorium)-Casey Tecklenburg Union La Porte City

The had a glitch in the announcement of the placements of the auditorium. They announced South Tama in Second and they were actually 6th. Seems to happen more and more at competitions.

It's preparation for thr general election.


uhsvocal on Mar 11, 2012, 12:46 AM
Post #18
Best Female Soloist(auditorium)-Lindsey Powell Union La Porte City
Best Male Soloist (auditorium)-Casey Tecklenburg Union La Porte City

The had a glitch in the announcement of the placements of the auditorium. They announced South Tama in Second and they were actually 6th. Seems to happen more and more at competitions.


write4voices on Mar 10, 2012, 10:42 PM
Post #17

Class 3A
1st Place - Williamsburg - Sound Attraction
2nd Place - Center Point-Urbana - Summit Street Singers
3rd Place - Union - Union Station
4th Place - Marion - Evolution
5th Place - South Tama - Harding Street Singers

Class 2A
1st Place - Sumner-Fredericksburg - Sensations

Best Vocals - Center Point-Urbana - Summit Street Singers
Best Band - Williamsburg - Sound Attraction
Best Choreography - Williamsburg - Sound Attraction


Prep Class
1st Place - Linn-Mar - In Step
2nd Place - Milton - Rising Stars
3rd Place - Center Point-Urbana - Illumination
4th Place - West Des Moines Valley - Ignition

9th Class
1st Place - Linn-Mar - Hi-Style

Torey_13 on Mar 10, 2012, 9:43 PM
Post #16
Finalist Performance Order...

Linn-Mar "In Step" prep winner (exhibition)
Williamsburg (Aud Winner)

Linn-Mar ahead by quite a bit.


MC_Jewsum on Mar 10, 2012, 9:13 PM
Post #15
Any news??? I really want to know whats going on...

Stolba on Mar 10, 2012, 5:22 PM
Post #14

Any idea what high school McKinley feeds into?

the one and only Cedar Rapids Washington ;)

Torey_13 on Mar 10, 2012, 5:20 PM
Post #13

Shawndell is quite amazing. I really hope someone gets a video of them and puts in on youtube...

Any idea what high school McKinley feeds into?

Stolba on Mar 10, 2012, 4:29 PM
Post #12
McKinley Middle School just received a standing ovation during their ballad from not only the entire gymnasium but the entire judging panel was freaking out...I have never seen anything like it!

Shawndell is quite amazing. I really hope someone gets a video of them and puts in on youtube...

Torey_13 on Mar 10, 2012, 4:22 PM
Post #11
McKinley Middle School just received a standing ovation during their ballad from not only the entire gymnasium but the entire judging panel was freaking out...I have never seen anything like it!


scoobydrew13 on Mar 6, 2012, 10:22 PM
Post #10
I am sooooo excited fo this!! this was my favorite competition last year! also can this be made into a normal competition page please?

juliofrommississippi on Feb 28, 2012, 8:04 PM
Post #9
^ I assume all of them will be scoring finals also. Mo-Show usually has 10 judges and then they drop the high and low scores for every group.

juliofrommississippi on Feb 28, 2012, 8:03 PM
Post #8


Jarad Voss
Heath Weber
Steve Woodin
Nancy Allen- critique
Emily Begnaud- critique
Kevin Chase- AM critique


Andrew Last
Vicki Jacobsen
Laurel Masse
Kevin Chase- critique
Greg Jasperse- critique


MIDWESTSCFREAK on Feb 20, 2012, 10:49 PM
Post #7
Linn Mar(sweep) nuff said

juliofrommississippi on Feb 20, 2012, 1:30 PM
Post #6
I know in 2010 they did not have preps in the auditorium so maybe that was the first year? I didn't make it to Mo-Show during the day in 08 or 09

Torey_13 on Feb 20, 2012, 1:23 PM
Post #5
When did they start having prep in the gym?....I haven't been to Mo Show in like 3 years.

juliofrommississippi on Feb 20, 2012, 12:39 PM
Post #4
Change in the schedule. It looks like Sumner-Fredericksburg is now competing in the auditorium and CR Washington "Celebration" will be performing their exhibition in their gym time slot. The gym schedule is unchanged, except Cele taking that spot, and not performing after finals). I'll post the new auditorium schedule since there are changes:

Vocal Jazz:

10:30 Center Point-Urbana II
11:00 Valley Southwoods "Syncopation"
11:30 Marion "Clash"


1:00 Indianola
1:30 Center Point-Urbana "Chorazz"

Show Choirs (2A and 3A):

2:25 Marion "Evolution"
2:50 Union-LaPorte City "Union Station"
3:15 Williamsburg "Sound Attraction"
3:40 Center Point-Urbana "Summit Street Singers"
4:05 South Tama "Harding Street Singers"
4:30 Sumner-Fredericksburg "Sensations"

4:55 CR Washington "Vivace" (exhibition)
5:20 CR Washington "A Slice of Jazz" (exhibition)

Awards to follow.


write4voices on Feb 15, 2012, 11:12 PM
Post #3
Auditorium Schedule (Class 3A)

Marion - Evolution - 2:00pm
South Tama - Harding Street Singers - 2:25pm
La Porte City Union - Union Station - 2:50pm
Williamsburg - Sound Attraction - 3:15pm
Center Point-Urbana - Summit Street Singers - 3:40pm

Cedar Rapids Washington - Vivace (Exhibition) - 4:05pm
Cedar Rapids Washington - A Slice of Jazz - 4:30pm

Awards - 4:45pm

(Top scoring group performs in the Finals)

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