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 Show Choir Community    Events    2012 Season    Eau Claire Memorial Winterfest 2012
Event Info

February 4th, 2012
Venue Info
Eau Claire Memorial High School
2220 Fairfax Street
Eau Claire, WI 54701
Phone: (715) 852-6300
Event Details
Number of Attending Choirs:
12 Mixed Groups
5 Treble Groups
2 Middle School Groups
Event Judges:
Jeni Donahue (Crititque)
Robert Jones
Gary Schwartzhoff
Heath Weber
Ticket prices unknown.
Eau Claire Memorial Winterfest 2012

Event Site
Live Stream

Power Company
Waconia High School
Grand Champion
Best Vocals
Best Choreography

Company of Singers
Totino-Grace High School
First Runner Up
Best Female Solo (Sarah Andrasik)

Bemidji High School
Second Runner Up
Best Crew
Spirit Award

Jefferson Connection
Bloomington Jefferson High School
3rd Runner Up
Best Band

The Class Act
Logan High School
4th Runner Up

Bloomington Jefferson High School
5th Runner Up

Mixed Division (Prelims) Show
Prep Division

Bloomington Jefferson High School
First Place

La Voce Ballo
Bemidji High School
Second Place

East Side Swingers
Bloomington Kennedy High School
Third Place

Hastings High School
5th Place

Altoona High School
No Placement
Best Door Decorations

Fire and Ice
Washburn High School
No Placement

Encore Singers
Totino-Grace High School
No Placement

Upstage Revolution
Hastings High School
No Placement

Middle School Division
Groups in order of performance
South View Middle School
Exhibition Only
Waconia Middle School
Exhibition Only
Attending Members displaying 6 of 52 members (view all)
131 comments • Sort by

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TGShowchoirFan on Feb 5, 2012, 3:10 PM
Post #111
First of all I want to thank the Eau Claire group for hosting such a wonderfully run competition. Yes, there was a blip with the finals announcements but it was handled with apologies and finesse. The directors were involved in the final decision and I was able to watch yet another amazing performance by a great group!

I attended yesterday’s competition because it was the only opportunity I have this season to watch my 3 favorite MN teams compete – Waconia, Bemidji and TG. None of these groups or the others disappointed! Finals was the best hours spent all day as each group, including the host group left it all on stage. I was so impressed I bought a finals DVD before I left and as a parent of a show choir alumni that doesn’t happen very often.

Unfortunately, there was an incident or two that marred the day and has bothered me so much I feel compelled to write:

PARENTS: why do you still believe that if you are in a crowded facility with background noise this gives you the freedom to speak negatively about other groups? I was amazed at the comments I heard throughout the day from parents as they watched one group tear down and another set up. And when it got noisier, they sat forward in their seats to better hear each other so they were speaking directly into the back of my head! And they did not stop during the performance. I came to watch the shows and enjoy the hard work of the group on stage NOT listen to your personal critique what you believe is a “horrible” group onstage. Even worse, I moved 3 different times throughout the day and this happened each time with parents representing the same group.

I understand you love your group, your student and you think your show is the best. You wouldn’t show that kind of passion, drive so far and give all the sacrifices you have if you didn’t believe that. I admire and encourage that in all parents. But tearing down other groups is not acceptable. Even worse, I heard one parent that must have attended practices all over the state as she stated “Well I heard …(fill in the blank)” about EVERY group on stage! And the half-truths and rumors were about the group, the director, the cost of (you name it), the look and color of the spirit wear etc. WHY do you think this is acceptable behavior? Would you want other groups talking about YOUR student’s hard work or your director this way? Must you debase others to feel good about your group??

PLEASE discover tact and proper etiquette or do not attend these competitions. If you must attend, save it for the ride home or if you can’t help yourself, buy a DVD invite all your friends over and tear apart whomever you wish in the privacy of your own home. PLEASE stop doing this at competitions and ruining the day for everyone.

Parents –remember you represent your students, school, town AND community. So if you speak and act this way it reflects negatively on all. It also debases the placing your group receives at the competition and leaves a bad impression of your overall fan base. The last thing I want to do after leaving yesterday is to travel to this group’s competition and spend money to support their program.

Thanks to all the groups who worked so hard and once again congratulations to the finalists and winners of yesterday’s competition. I can’t wait to get my DVD and watch it all over again!


ShowChoirCritic8 on Feb 5, 2012, 11:57 AM
Post #110
I am sick of the unprofessional mistakes that Eau Claire makes every year. Dont be sorry about the mistake, fix it so it does not happen again next year. Eau Claire has made major mistakes in their competition every single year for the past 4 years. Get it together.


adancinmomma on Feb 5, 2012, 6:12 AM
Post #109
I want to write a quick reply to straighten some questions and some misinformtion. As the the Eau Claire choreographer and a judge for the competition (critique for day/judging finals). There was NOT a scoring error. It was a simple error in the fact that Waconia was accidentally written on 2 of the 6 slips to be drawn for random order for finals. The mistake was caught immediately in the judges room by the volunteer staff to make sure it was addressed before announcements were over and everyone was released and no one was excused without being called to perform. Directors talked and its was Waconia's decision as to how they wanted to move forward. It was our mistake and they were, of course, given the option to compete fully. Waconia decided to perform but be considered for exhibiton only. While we completely understand that it is an unfortunate we can't control that it happened. We would hope that everyone would understand that this was a simple error and our apologies go to those it affected.

Tucker on Feb 5, 2012, 5:27 AM (Edited)
Post #108
I know all 3 top groups had really solid finals shows. Wish I could have been there.

Congratulations to everyone! (Especially Sarah Andresick!!)

Maxwell on Feb 5, 2012, 4:43 AM
Post #107
Wow. That was one intense competition. I'm incredibly glad that I chose Winterfest as one of my few competitions to attend.

All of the groups I was able to watch were fantastic. I can't believe the level of excellence Midwest show choir has reached this season! That being said, I'd like to say a few words about several groups.

RIG - I was incredibly impressed with your show!! I had heard some hype about Kennedy, and you really lived up to it. I loved how entertaining the show was, especially the fourth number. The female soloist for that song is quite the actress! Also, having the dancers on the boxes for the closer was very visually appealing. RIG's absence from finals really came as a surprise for me, and I can only attribute that to the stiff competition in prelims.

Connection - Holy amazing soloists! I remember Jessica from last year's ballad, and man can she sing! Not to mention the twins' duet. All of the soloists were fantastic. Oh, and AnnMarie's cousin, (I can't for the life of me recall her name), does amazing musical talent just run in the family?? Seriously, you were great!

Bemidji - As soon as your opener started, I couldn't help but turn to my friends and yell "Woah. They sound amazing." I had high hopes for your show after watching your youtube video, and you surpassed them by far. I quite honestly had you in first after prelims. I can't say enough about your choreography. The visual effects, the slick slow motion style movement, and the technical tutting-based hand choreography were all astounding. Paradigm Shift is easily one of my favorite Bemidji shows.

Totino - I know that I've been extremely critical of your show, especially considering the only thing I had seen before tonight was a video feed. From what I could tell from your Milton performances, you have improved lightyears in the past few weeks. I was extremely impressed with your show, vocals especially. You have a lovely choral sound that seems to be really based in a classical style. Fantastic job, way to prove me wrong!

The Current/Bloomington Jefferson - The mix-ups are getting to be quite comical at this point. I don't know if there's some sort of curse linking Bloomington Jefferson groups with The Current, but you all handled the situation very maturely for the third time in a row. Congratulations to both Jefferson groups and The Current for your wonderful finals performances! A special congrats to Connection's band for winning best band!

Old Abes - Wonderful job hosting and performing tonight! I love the dark show, it's quite the difference from your usual fun and upbeat song selections. The dream theme is very creative, and I loved how the show ended. Fantastic work tonight!

Power Company - If I may speak on behalf of all of the PoCo alumni who attended tonight's competition, you made us so proud! After prelims, we were all amazed! We thought you were absolutely stunning. When we heard from the PoCo staff that they were disappointed in your performance because you were nowhere near your full potential, I was in shock. Apparently, I couldn't even comprehend the level of potential PoCo has this year. You proved this to me, and the rest of the crowd, in finals. Your finals performance was overwhelmingly powerful. The combination of your cleanliness, vocal power and contrast, and expressive facials, all backed by none other than Megawatt, made for an unforgettable victory. Know that the groups you competed against today were among the best that I have ever seen. Winning against these show choirs is a HUGE accomplishment, and you should all be very proud. Your hard work is paying off, but don't let it stop here. After seeing a glimpse of your potential tonight, I understand that there is no limit to what Power Company can do.

Congratulations to everyone who competed, and thank you Eau Claire for hosting another thrilling competition!

cecelia. on Feb 5, 2012, 4:18 AM
Post #106
ew why did someone dislike this.

Oh and Cece, I would totally be your stylist if you're looking!!

you can be my stylist for LAX? ;)

i'll write a nice note tomorrow after i get some rest, but congratulations to everyone who performed today. you all were great.

jessica. on Feb 5, 2012, 3:57 AM
Post #105
Congratulations, Power Company! You definitely deserved your win and you all looked like you had so much fun onstage today!

I loved Vocalmotive's closer outfits and was a little sad that RIG performed right before us because I was so excited to see their set!!

OLD ABES: You have such a KILLER set, I cannot wait to see you again at Waconia!!!It was so fun watching a darker side of you and as always, I loved this competition!! Scoring errors and all

Maxwell on Feb 5, 2012, 3:52 AM
Post #104
how come the Current didnt place
Due to the mix up, they were allowed the option to perform in finals as an exhibition or to choose not to. I don't believe they were scored in finals.

devonte123 on Feb 5, 2012, 1:32 AM
Post #103
how come the Current didnt place


ajm41827 on Feb 5, 2012, 1:28 AM
Post #102
GC: Waconia (BV, BC)
1RU: Totino
2RU: Bemidji
3RU: Bloomington Jefferson
4RU: Logan
5RU: Jefferson Jive


Jessi Carlson on Feb 5, 2012, 1:25 AM
Post #101
Waconia swept...

devonte123 on Feb 5, 2012, 1:10 AM
Post #100
Grand Champs: Waconia Riverside Company
1st RU: Totino Grace Company of Singers

its power company


COSkid16 on Feb 5, 2012, 1:05 AM (Edited)
Post #99
Grand Champs: Waconia Power Company
1st RU: Totino Grace Company of Singers


hockeysis on Feb 5, 2012, 12:39 AM
Post #98
My daughter is on the Current, and she still has not been told exactly what happened, if they are being scored, if they can even place. Sadly, scoring errors/mistakes happen to follow this group. Regardless, competing at Varsity level as a prep group, and rocking the house, they should be so proud of their accomplishment!

devonte123 on Feb 5, 2012, 12:24 AM
Post #97


rices90 on Feb 5, 2012, 12:16 AM
Post #96
Who are the judges?
Gary Schwartzhoff
Robert Jones
Heath Weber
Jeni Donahue (critique)

BaileyJ823 on Feb 4, 2012, 11:19 PM
Post #95
Somebody better post the results as soon as they are announced! After all the victory screaming and such I mean. I'm dying to know!
Btw, Waconia was phenomenal today. Their opener blew me away


Jessi Carlson on Feb 4, 2012, 10:30 PM
Post #94
Who are the judges?

devonte123 on Feb 4, 2012, 10:26 PM
Post #93
I dont know compeitions always mess up.

devonte123 on Feb 4, 2012, 10:18 PM
Post #92
Somehow the current's name was added to the bowl by mistake. Not necessarily scoring issues. I don't know what caused it.

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