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  Show Choir Community    Events    2012 Season    Albertville Diamond Classic (Day Two) 2012

   Event Info

February 4th, 2012

Venue Info

Albertville High School
402 East McCord Avenue
Albertville, AL 35950

Phone: (256) 878-6580

Event Details

No. of Attending Choirs:  Unknown

Judges: Unknown


Ticket prices unknown.


Albertville Diamond Classic (Day Two) 2012

Event Site
Live Stream




 The Network
 Homewood High School
Grand Champion 
Best Vocals 
Best Choreography 

 Melodic Impact
 Beech High School
First Runner Up 

 Con Brio
 Oak Mountain High School
Second Runner Up 

 Varsity Singers
 Auburn High School
3rd Runner Up 

 Donelson Christian Academy
4th Runner Up 

 Opelika High School
5th Runner Up 

   Attending Members displaying 6 of 7 members (view all)  







51 comments • Sort by

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Scotty on Feb 11, 2012, 12:14 PM
Post #51
[quote name='Demkeyz' date='1328920557' post='533017']The reason the song is placed there is because we start off with a beautiful day , then we go into AM to Pm. After that we go to enter sandman ( because mr sandman puts you to sleep) then our ballad was a choral piece called sleep. Then we have a nightmare, and then a beautiful nightmare ( beyonce) and then we go to the song wake up everybody where we wake up and end with awake and alive :D[/quote]
that ballad was absolutely beautiful!!!!

Häakon on Feb 11, 2012, 10:42 AM
Post #50
[quote name='Demkeyz' date='1328920557' post='533017']The reason the song is placed there is because we start off with a beautiful day , then we go into AM to Pm. After that we go to enter sandman ( because mr sandman puts you to sleep) then our ballad was a choral piece called sleep. Then we have a nightmare, and then a beautiful nightmare ( beyonce) and then we go to the song wake up everybody where we wake up and end with awake and alive :D[/quote]
Show choir in 2012 is just chock full of purpose and meaning and direction - I love it!


Demkeyz on Feb 10, 2012, 8:35 PM
Post #49
[quote name='HighBreezyyy' date='1328423240' post='532348']Guess i can be first to give my conclusions of the night.

Auburn: What do I say, I was surprised by your show and honestly do not know how to take it. I will start with this, I feel like the costumes for the end could be different. You come out and are singing on a beautiful day in those fabulous polo sweaters and the girls in those jeans and beautiful tops, and the second song was fabulous, those were the besst parts of your show. Then when you go into enter sandman, I lost a little interest...only because the placement for the song was a little off. Then you finish singing Metallica/Avenged Sevenfold (sorry if that is incorrect, i figured with the nightmare thing it sounded like avenged sevefold) but those suits and dresses were awesome...But, when you get to the end of your show and transistion from metallica.avenged sevenfold into beyonce....kinda strange. but this is what got me, you have a closer of skillet-Awake and Alive, fantastic song, but you are singing this song in bright colors, yes I see the concept, but This band is known for their dark complexion and their dark, almost gothic, stage presence, it doesn't seem right ot sing this song in bright colors. But, other than this your show was awesome. I saw the enitre concept. and it was very well thought out, and I don't know the choreo scores, but yours was awesome and I had you in the running winning choreo. good Job[/quote]
The reason the song is placed there is because we start off with a beautiful day , then we go into AM to Pm. After that we go to enter sandman ( because mr sandman puts you to sleep) then our ballad was a choral piece called sleep. Then we have a nightmare, and then a beautiful nightmare ( beyonce) and then we go to the song wake up everybody where we wake up and end with awake and alive :D


CenterStage12 on Feb 9, 2012, 9:56 PM
Post #48
[quote name='sprgz' date='1328644282' post='532678']Yeah, I'm absolutely positive Clinton isn't going to Opelika. Ahem, <--- that's where I'm from. I was talking about Enterprise and Homewood. I never know what Clinton has up their sleeve. I've heard this years show is amazing, but practically every choir I've seen this year has been amazing. Everyone has really stepped up their game this year! It's gonna be a bloodbath.[/quote]
Ohh okay. Sorry about that! Yeah, I really hope so. I cannot wait!!!

spraggy_ on Feb 7, 2012, 3:51 PM
Post #47
[quote name='jackson2012' date='1328633674' post='532668']Pretty sure he meant at some point in the future. He said he was just excited to see these groups compete at Opelika and Homewood. We will compete against Clinton at Enterprise.[/quote]
Yeah, I'm absolutely positive Clinton isn't going to Opelika. Ahem, <--- that's where I'm from. I was talking about Enterprise and Homewood. I never know what Clinton has up their sleeve. I've heard this years show is amazing, but practically every choir I've seen this year has been amazing. Everyone has really stepped up their game this year! It's gonna be a bloodbath.

jackson2012 on Feb 7, 2012, 12:54 PM
Post #46
[quote name='CenterStage12' date='1328621792' post='532650']I'm pretty sure Clinton won't be at Opelika this weekend[/quote]
Pretty sure he meant at some point in the future. He said he was just excited to see these groups compete at Opelika and Homewood. We will compete against Clinton at Enterprise.


CenterStage12 on Feb 7, 2012, 9:36 AM
Post #45
[quote name='sprgz' date='1328567572' post='532574']Really excited to see these groups again at Opelika and Homewood. I want to see how Albertville, Homewood, and Auburn place against Clinton. It will be interesting. I think Clinton may have some serious competition on their hands. [i]Watch out Dave Fehr![/i] Ha![/quote]
I'm pretty sure Clinton won't be at Opelika this weekend

spraggy_ on Feb 6, 2012, 6:32 PM
Post #44
Really excited to see these groups again at Opelika and Homewood. I want to see how Albertville, Homewood, and Auburn place against Clinton. It will be interesting. I think Clinton may have some serious competition on their hands. [i]Watch out Dave Fehr![/i] Ha!

johnsaloser on Feb 6, 2012, 3:20 PM
Post #43
[b]Beech[/b] - Regardless of the fact that I didn't quite get some of the finer points of the concept/show design, the singing and dancing was nonetheless amazing (ESPECIALLY for a small group), and I think that your awareness of and your commitment to the "message" of your show was by far the strongest of any of the competing groups. Congratulations on a very, very well-deserved 2nd place, and I really hope that you guys can figure out how to start coming to more competitions.

[b]Auburn[/b] - Great as usual, and I'm really excited to see what a week does to your show. SOOO many props for doing a real piece of choral literature.

[b]Albertville[/b] - One of the best show choir performances I have ever experienced as an audience member. Why? Because you all performed the show FOR the audience, not the score sheet (granted, I realize that it was an exhibition performance), but that relationship between the audience and the performers and the mutual creation of an experience between the audience/performers is what I think it's all about; however, those are also the parts that so often and so easily get overshadowed (or even completely ignored) by the spirit of competition. If you all can keep that connection with the audience (and with that same "meaning") next week, I'm sold. Diction was incredible, and I [u]never[/u] say that.

[b]Opelika[/b] - Personally, I thought it was fantastic. Different that in recent years? Yes, obviously. Regardless, you all just need to [u]own[/u] it and feel confident that you are working with [u]very good[/u], albeit different, material. My three favorite songs of the entire day were all from your show (opener, 2nd number, guys number).

[b]Homewood[/b] - ...

jackson2012 on Feb 6, 2012, 12:43 PM
Post #42
There was so much talent this weekend! I loved watching all the groups! Congrats to all the winners, and congrats to all the other groups for doing such a fantastic job! I made some great friends this weekend and that is what show choir is all about. Making friends and memories, while sharing a passion for music!


JessicaLeigh on Feb 5, 2012, 11:13 PM
Post #41
I'll reword. It wasn't inappropriate. Any other group would have most likely done the same thing. Especially if you were a small mixed having just outscored very seasoned choirs.

spraggy_ on Feb 5, 2012, 10:02 PM
Post #40
never said it was rude.


JessicaLeigh on Feb 5, 2012, 9:34 PM
Post #39
I didn't find it rude at all. They deserved the spot they got. And being a small mixed group, it is a huge deal that they came out ahead of typically dominant large groups, including Auburn AND Opelika, not to mention a very strong Oak Mountain group. Let them celebrate, it really doesn't hurt anyone.

spraggy_ on Feb 5, 2012, 6:10 PM
Post #38
This was truly the most shocking competition I have been to. The final results ... I can't even. I was so surprised. I guess I didn't expect Beech to be second because I didn't quite understand the overall concept. I wish I could see a composite sheet from prelims and finals.

Homewood really brought the fire though. I whole-heartedly agreed that they were the winner based on the prelims performance alone. A friend of mine even said that they would argue that they have the hottest show in the south right now. I'm so glad they won. They are so sweet and humble about it.

One thing that made me a little upset was after the awards were over, a large crowd of Beech students and their supporters stood right outside the doors to the auditorium, almost bringing the crowd of other people who were trying to leave to a stop, while they cheered and chanted. I understand you are excited to place 2nd in a competition but you don't do it where other groups and parents are forced to see and hear it, especially when they wanted to win just as much as you did. It is perfectly fine to celebrate, I just didn't find it appropriate for the time or location.

Scotty on Feb 5, 2012, 1:27 PM
Post #37
Congratulations to every group who performed this weekend! I had the blessing to work backstage all weekend and see what every group had to offer. I saw choirs that I have seen in the past, choirs that I had heard of but had never personally seen, and I saw choirs that I didn't even know existed and absolutely loved every single one!!! Throughout the weekend, I watched so many choirs do so many songs that be dinner break, the shows had melded together into a giant blur. One group really left me standing in awe. That group was Beech High School "Melodic Impact". But this show didn't stand out to me so much because of the reasons that you might expect. It wasn't the amazing set and props or the fantastic band, I wasn't the perfectly balanced vocals or sharp choreography, and no, It wasn't the Theatre style either. As I looked out onto the stage, I didn't see high school kids playing characters, I saw a group of people that truly lived in this "wasteland" that was onstage. I remember in particular one girl standing there in one of the softer parts of the show pouring her heart out with a single tear rolling down her cheek. I scanned the group trying to find someone that wasn't dedicated to what was happening around them. I couldn't find a single person out of character. The fact that they really, truly understood what they were singing about left me speechless.

To the Directors, parents, crew, band, and members of Melodic Impact, thank you for showing us the heart and soul of these characters yesterday.


leighsings on Feb 5, 2012, 3:50 AM
Post #36
Just got in from the Diamond Classic. So grateful to our visitors for a great weekend.
Congratulations to the following middle school division winners:
GC: Lake Forest, "Revolution"
2nd: Bumpus, "Cadence"
3rd: Enterprise, "Expressions"
4th: Tift Co., "One Voice"
5th-Simmons Middle, "Chorale"

Best Choreography and Vocals-Revolution
Best Overall Effect: Cadence

andybearden on Feb 5, 2012, 2:39 AM
Post #35
[quote name='HighBreezyyy' date='1328423327' post='532349']If I am right, Lake Forest Revolution Won GC[/quote]
This is correct. I contacted Mrs. Tidmore and all she could remember off the top of her head was that Revolution won and R.F. Bumpus got second. Hopefully she'll post the rest later! If not, I contact her again and get the rest cause she has it written down!

RobertYouKnow on Feb 5, 2012, 2:28 AM
Post #34
[quote name='andybearden' date='1328422402' post='532345']I was there, but unfortunately didn't write it down. I'll contact the middle school director and have her post them as she post on here often. Her username is leighsings[/quote]
If I am right, Lake Forest Revolution Won GC

RobertYouKnow on Feb 5, 2012, 2:27 AM
Post #33
Guess i can be first to give my conclusions of the night.

Homewood: Do I really need to say anything? You were spectacular, Again!!!! I love seeing your show more and more every time. Keep up the good work!!

Beech: Great concept, and appropriate for the time. I feel the song choices were maybe a little off and could have been darker, BUT I COMPLETELY UNDERSTAND YOUR CONCEPT AND SUPPORT IT COMPLETELY!!!! This being said, congrats on the 2nd place finish!!! you did wonderful, and have some amazing talent.

Oak Mountain: Here is my thing on how I think you dropped in rankings. I feel like Beech wanted it more, They came out destroying the stage, as I felt like you all were a tad bit tired, or lacking the energy for the show. But after seeing the show for the first time in prelims, I really enjoyed the show, espcially the first half. The opener and production song were amazing in my opinion. Choreo could have been a little cleaner, not that it was bad, I just saw hand placement in sdifferent positions, arm extensions angled differently, etc.

Auburn: What do I say, I was surprised by your show and honestly do not know how to take it. I will start with this, I feel like the costumes for the end could be different. You come out and are singing on a beautiful day in those fabulous polo sweaters and the girls in those jeans and beautiful tops, and the second song was fabulous, those were the besst parts of your show. Then when you go into enter sandman, I lost a little interest...only because the placement for the song was a little off. Then you finish singing Metallica/Avenged Sevenfold (sorry if that is incorrect, i figured with the nightmare thing it sounded like avenged sevefold) but those suits and dresses were awesome...But, when you get to the end of your show and transistion from metallica.avenged sevenfold into beyonce....kinda strange. but this is what got me, you have a closer of skillet-Awake and Alive, fantastic song, but you are singing this song in bright colors, yes I see the concept, but This band is known for their dark complexion and their dark, almost gothic, stage presence, it doesn't seem right ot sing this song in bright colors. But, other than this your show was awesome. I saw the enitre concept. and it was very well thought out, and I don't know the choreo scores, but yours was awesome and I had you in the running winning choreo. good Job

Donalson: Congrats on the first finals and first placement!!!! I am extremely proud of you fantastic guys and girls. Yall had a great show, I must say I was impressed, and Braydon....fantastic solo, that was awesome bro!!! I really dont have any critique for yall, your show is alot on having fun, that is how it works, and you all certainly did and you succeeded!!!

Opelika:I am proud to see Albertville Alumni Mr. McDonald there as director, and I can see the chances already. I saw Mike Weaver choreo from the start, and I realize this first year can be shaky but dont let that get in the way being a great group. you all have great potential, and I loved the closer bt dubs, it was awesome

andybearden on Feb 5, 2012, 2:13 AM
Post #32
[quote name='buddy' date='1328413667' post='532303']Could someone please post the winners of the middle school groups thanks[/quote]
I was there, but unfortunately didn't write it down. I'll contact the middle school director and have her post them as she post on here often. Her username is leighsings

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