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  Show Choir Community    Events    2012 Season    South Jones Invitational (Day Two) 2012

   Event Info

January 28th, 2012

Venue Info

Jones County Junior College
Fine Arts Auditorium
900 S. Court Street
Ellisville, MS 39437

Phone: (601) 477-4000

Event Details

No. of Attending Choirs:

  17 Mixed Groups
  4 Treble Groups


  South Jones "Company"

Judges: Unknown


Ticket prices unknown.


South Jones Invitational (Day Two) 2012

Event Site
Live Stream




 The Network
 Homewood High School
Grand Champion 
Best Vocals 
Best Choreography 
Best Show Design 

 Albertville High School
First Runner Up 

 Jackson Preparatory School
Second Runner Up 

 Petal High School
3rd Runner Up 

 Madison Central High School
4th Runner Up 

   Mixed Division - Tier I (Prelims)

   Mixed Division - Tier II


Groups in order of placement

 Jackson Academy
First Place 

 West Jones High School
Second Place 

 Grenada High School
Third Place 

 Tidal Rave

 Picayune Memorial High School
No Placement 


 Purvis High School
No Placement 

 Tiger Expressions

 Hattiesburg High School
No Placement 


 Sumrall High School
No Placement 

 Central Attraction

 Pearl River Central High School
No Placement 


 Columbia Academy
No Placement 

 Orange Sensations

 Wayne County High School
No Placement 


 Pisgah Jr/Sr High School
No Placement 

   Treble Division


Groups in order of placement

 Oak Mountain High School
First Place 

 The Legacy
 Homewood High School
Second Place 

 Petal High School
Third Place 


 Northwest Rankin High School
No Placement 

   Attending Members displaying 6 of 18 members (view all)  







71 comments • Sort by

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southernboy5033 on Jan 31, 2012, 10:27 PM
Post #71
There is some classy people in this forum its weird how they are al from bama...

jackson2012 on Jan 31, 2012, 12:37 PM
Post #70
[quote name='juliofrommississippi' date='1328009415' post='531793']Wow. What is going on here?

Let's all try to be kind and have class. I know I am nowhere near perfect when it comes to that, but at least we can all try. And there is a Freedom of Speech as guaranteed by the first amendment to the Constitution. If you can't respect each other, at least respect the document that guides our nation.[/quote]

Agreed. Show choir is not about chewing each other out about what they do wrong. It's about supporting each other and if they do something wrong let them know and if they don't accept the constructive criticism forget about it.

juliofrommississippi on Jan 31, 2012, 7:30 AM
Post #69
Wow. What is going on here?

You both are right. Everyone should have the opportunity to express their opinion on this site. Otherwise we say "your opinions are valid, yours are not". And that is how SCC becomes non-existent because people feel uncomfortable being on here. That is not right. It probably wasn't very tactful to say what he did, but it also wasn't tactful to attack him right back. Two wrongs don't make a right.

Let's all try to be kind and have class. I know I am nowhere near perfect when it comes to that, but at least we can all try. And there is a Freedom of Speech as guaranteed by the first amendment to the Constitution. If you can't respect each other, at least respect the document that guides our nation.

RobertYouKnow on Jan 31, 2012, 1:50 AM
Post #68
[quote name='aggieman3' date='1327957717' post='531706']Again, I can say whatever I so choose to. I don't need someone to correct me. Thanks.[/quote]
my vote on this, quit arguing, Scotty is wrong to continue this argument as it is unnecessary, and chris, everything scotty said is right. Though you may have different opinions on things, a twitter post doesn't recall the judges sheet. It was clear who had won that competition after homewood performed. They had the most spectacular performance I have ever seen homewood do. and I really really like homewoods shows, Tho not everyone agrees on captions/ placements doesn't leave a spot for someone to come into a forum acting like this, as scotty said, there is a my choir forum for a reason, although i have had my share of mis doing in the forum i know what is right and wrong. That is why i never give that kind of remark. Though my thoughts for the competition were different, i am not biased towards other groups. My opinions stay based off of recent years and what I have currently seen. I'm sure no one expected Homewood to be so astounding, but By God they were amazing. Congrats to The Network. and congrats to Mr. Scott Thorne, i always enjoy how you put your show together. On another note, I cannot remember who sang "Lights" by Ellie Goulding, but that song is amazing and i love seeing you perform it. And as for now, even though it is early in the season I am ready to see great great competition throughout the south this season, it will be a great season for southern Show Choir. I am ready for this upcoming weekend to see Opelika/Auburn/Vestavia/ and South Jones since i missed there host performance. and once again Congrats to The Network and Mr. Thorne on a very must deserved Grand Championship


KC on Jan 30, 2012, 6:18 PM
Post #67
Congrats to all the groups who competed here! Shout out to Columbia for what I heard were two great shows, and to Jackson Academy for winning small division in middle school and high school!


aggieman3 on Jan 30, 2012, 5:08 PM
Post #66
[quote name='Scotty' date='1327952559' post='531687']You have the right to voice your opinion, but when you want to complain about the group form your home school not winning, please do it in a private place like the "my choir" forum. SCC should be a place where we go to support and show our love and respet for every performing choir, not complain about what the judges thought about the group from your home school.

Also, please base your posts on the judges sheets/tapes not "someones twitter post".[/quote]
Again, I can say whatever I so choose to. I don't need someone to correct me. Thanks.


cannison101 on Jan 30, 2012, 5:00 PM
Post #65
Thank you for the compliments on Madison Central's show this year. We are really looking forward to the rest of this competition season.

Congratulations to SouthJones/JCJC on a job well done this weekend! Madison Central throughly enjoyed the competition. Fantastic job to all who performed!

SCO Transfer on Jan 30, 2012, 4:13 PM
Post #64
[quote name='Scotty' date='1327952559' post='531687']You have the right to voice your opinion, but when you want to complain about the group form your home school not winning, please do it in a private place like the "my choir" forum. SCC should be a place where we go to support and show our love and respet for every performing choir, not complain about what the judges thought about the group from your home school.

Also, please base your posts on the judges sheets/tapes not "someones twitter post".[/quote]
Two thumbs up.

Scotty on Jan 30, 2012, 3:42 PM
Post #63
[quote name='aggieman3' date='1327893547' post='531610']Scotty, I have the right to voice my opinion. This is a forum, you know?[/quote]
You have the right to voice your opinion, but when you want to complain about the group form your home school not winning, please do it in a private place like the "my choir" forum. SCC should be a place where we go to support and show our love and respet for every performing choir, not complain about what the judges thought about the group from your home school.

Also, please base your posts on the judges sheets/tapes not "someones twitter post".


southernboy5033 on Jan 30, 2012, 1:21 PM
Post #62
Finals is when the competition ultimatly began .... prelims was very weak for all groups.
I agree with the outcome of the competition on a point scale !! NOT the rank system!!
ranking system does nothing in my opinion all that matters is points.
Homewood and Jackson Prep were the top two of the night!
I was impressed with Madison Central as well


VDrum08 on Jan 30, 2012, 2:24 AM
Post #61
Im not sure of the group with the violin player as the joker and they did the whole circus theme..Madison Central maybe? But that was awesome. The ballad part when you come on stage was very wicked cool. Homewood was killer too, I didn't get too see their finals show but the pre-lims was mind blowing. I didn't get to see a whole lot of other groups really, I seen a little of Petal and just a small glimpse of Jackson Prep but I heard their show. They do some cool engineering stuff musically. I would agree with the results for the most part. Everyone did step it up in finals for sure from what little I could see/hear/ and what I was told. It's almost like people where just flat in prelims and then finals was a new ballgame. Fun comp, I enjoyed doing it again. Looking forward to seeing some of these groups again


aggieman3 on Jan 29, 2012, 11:19 PM
Post #60
[quote name='Scotty' date='1327849501' post='531503']This is not the place for that.[/quote]
Scotty, I have the right to voice my opinion. This is a forum, you know?


NoahWho? on Jan 29, 2012, 11:05 PM
Post #59
What a great competition! Homewood had the best show I have ever seen them have. It was so different for them but it was AMAZING. My favorite was the closer. I was very pleased about making finals and getting 1RU! Another thing I like about Homewood, is that I have never met a person from there that wasn't an awesome, class-act, person. Props to Scott Thorne for establishing such great passion, talent, and ethics in his kids. I look forward to competing against them again at Opelika and hosting them at the Diamond Classic!
Another thing I want to talk about is Madison Central's show! Personally I would have given them best show design. I absolutely LOVED the opener and the ballad. I would say the opener was my personal favorite that I saw all day! It made my heart happy! I wish they were coming to the Diamond Classic so I could see them again! But again, great competiton and congratulations to everyone who competed!


i_love_show_choir on Jan 29, 2012, 10:45 PM
Post #58
[quote name='scfan2' date='1327887987' post='531579']Somebody please post info on each groups show and list of songs they preformed. Thanks.[/quote]

Here's Albertville's competition set.

DanielWilliams on Jan 29, 2012, 10:19 PM
Post #57
Just made it back to Albertville. My thoughts:

Homewood - I can't remember "The Network" ever being! No one else came close to touching your choreography. Your song choices are phenominal ("Move" was my favorite). Hats off to Mr. Scott Thorne and "The Network" for a truely deserved grand championship show!

Jackson Prep - Fantastic show! The costumes were very nice and tasteful, so props to whomever picked those out. Your finals performance was better than your pre-lim performance (so was everyone else's, but your's more so). So much energy on stage! Great job, "Reveillion"!!!

Madison Central - Congratulations on making it to finals. I thought your choreography was exceptionally clean. I think if your extensions and "pop" moves were accented by symbol crashes it would add a very pleasant aspect to some already tight choreography. Very entertaining show!

andybearden on Jan 29, 2012, 10:10 PM
Post #56
[quote name='scfan2' date='1327887987' post='531579']Somebody please post info on each groups show and list of songs they preformed. Thanks.[/quote]
Albertville normally keeps theirs from being posted until at least halfway through the season. As soon as I get permission from the directors I'll post set list and videos!


scfan2 on Jan 29, 2012, 9:46 PM
Post #55
Somebody please post info on each groups show and list of songs they preformed. Thanks.

Scotty on Jan 29, 2012, 7:29 PM
Post #54
[quote name='sprgz' date='1327868598' post='531536']Sounds like it was an eventful competition. I've got friends in both Albertville and Homewood and I know that they all worked very hard this season. Both shows are fantastic.

All I can say is... It was another great day in southern show choir! At the end of the day, what are you doing show choir for? To win? To have an amazing experience? To share a message? If your priorities are in the right place, it really doesn't matter what the judges have to say or where you place. Winning may be fun but so is the practice and bonds built while learning and performing a show. Music unites. Ultimately that is the goal.

On another note... Anyone know when the event page will go up?[/quote]
I'm still trying to get it worked out, but I'm spending more time trying to fix the upcoming competitions such as Albertville, Opelika, Homewood, Enterprise, etc. It's an incredibly slow process, so pray for me!

spraggy_ on Jan 29, 2012, 4:23 PM
Post #53
Sounds like it was an eventful competition. I've got friends in both Albertville and Homewood and I know that they all worked very hard this season. Both shows are fantastic.

All I can say is... It was another great day in southern show choir! At the end of the day, what are you doing show choir for? To win? To have an amazing experience? To share a message? If your priorities are in the right place, it really doesn't matter what the judges have to say or where you place. Winning may be fun but so is the practice and bonds built while learning and performing a show. Music unites. Ultimately that is the goal.

On another note... Anyone know when the event page will go up?

andybearden on Jan 29, 2012, 4:05 PM
Post #52
I believe that the final results were completely accurate. Homewood was definitely the best group there last night and I congratulate them and everyone else on an awesome competition. However, I HIGHLY disagree(and not a single person that was sitting anywhere near me disagrees because we all voiced our opinions when they announced the winner) with the solo competition winner. No offense to Dani Denley from Grenada. She was great. But she simply did not do better than Lydia Meyers. Lydia was completely breathtaking and deserved that win! I think she got screwed because of her name(her dad is the NEJ director in case you don't know). I talked to a lot of people after awards and everyone was in agreement that Lydia should have won! I would like to know what those judges saw that we didn't.

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