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 Show Choir Community    Events    2011 Season    Altoona Locopalooza 2011
Event Info

January 29th, 2011
Venue Info
Altoona High School
711 7th Street West
Altoona, WI 54720
Phone: (715) 839-6031
Event Details
Number of Attending Choirs:
11 Mixed Groups
3 Treble Groups
Event Hosts:
Altoona "Locomotion"
Altoona "Enginuity"
Event Judges:
Steven Albaugh (Competition)
Adam Bassak (Instrumental)
Kym Chambers Otto (Competition)
Zach Morton (Critique)
Dan Risgaard (Competition)
Ticket prices unknown.
Altoona Locopalooza 2011

Event Site
Live Stream

Power Company
Waconia High School
Grand Champion
Best Choreography
Best Band
Best Costumes
People's Choice
Best Female Soloist (AnnMarie Powers)

Riverside Company
Hastings High School
First Runner Up
Best Vocals
Spirit Award
Best Male Soloist (Sean Kelly)

Neenah High School
Second Runner Up

The Current
Waconia High School
3rd Runner Up

Old Abe Show Choir
Memorial High School
4th Runner Up

Chi-Hi Harmonics
Chippewa Falls High School
5th Runner Up
Best Stage Crew

Mixed Division (Prelims) Show
Prep Division

The Current
Waconia High School
First Place

Upstage Revolution
Hastings High School
Second Place

Hastings High School
Third Place

Eagle Show Choir
Memorial High School
No Placement

Sound Dimension
Flambeau High School
No Placement

Western Dubuque High School
No Placement

Attending Members displaying 6 of 16 members (view all)
54 comments • Sort by

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Häakon on Feb 10, 2011, 5:49 AM
Post #54
People, please think before you post.

My seventh grade son may read this. Is it really necessary to be so vulgar.

Häakon any way to delete those comments completely.

Post what you want, but display your intelligent opinions by using alternative adjectives.

Aaron Olson
Director Waconia Choirs

Sorry for the delay in responding; I was out of the country for a bit and for some reason the edit system on the events pages isn't working properly so the Crew couldn't take care of it until I returned. Sorry for the disruptions; the individual has been dealt with.

Carry on...


hockeydad on Feb 9, 2011, 7:40 PM
Post #53
People, please think before you post.

My seventh grade son may read this. Is it really necessary to be so vulgar.

Häakon any way to delete those comments completely.

Post what you want, but display your intelligent opinions by using alternative adjectives.

Aaron Olson
Director Waconia Choirs

KaraKruchten on Feb 9, 2011, 5:13 PM
Post #52

yeah, there is a reason the account is suspended now ;) haha. But agreed... super sketch.

haha thanks for suspending that! if you did...idk who did but whoever suspended the account rocks cause it was a fake account if you look at his "name" on there hahah

Stolba on Feb 9, 2011, 4:23 PM
Post #51

well jeez what an ignorant person! their account was created shortly after the competition...sketchy

yeah, there is a reason the account is suspended now ;) haha. But agreed... super sketch.

KaraKruchten on Feb 9, 2011, 3:13 PM
Post #50
they all just haterz

well jeez what an ignorant person! their account was created shortly after the competition...sketchy

Stolba on Feb 9, 2011, 2:40 PM
Post #49
they all just haterz

KaraKruchten on Feb 9, 2011, 2:37 PM
Post #48
< Post Content Removed >

actually, only one judge put HASTINGS in first. Not that it matters, you weren't at this competition. But if waconia was so terrible, they wouldn't have won twice. I feel bad for you...because you are representing your group in such a terrible way. You are not making Hastings or Waconia look are only making yourself look bad. A lack of maturity i dont know...but you shouldn't be on bashing other groups its for fun and discussion not mean comments.

Jorge on Feb 9, 2011, 3:22 AM
Post #47
From Adam: Nevermind. This kid still looks like he's posing


Yeah... I just highly doubt that someone from Westside would actually represent themselves in this manor on SCC.

Bae on Feb 9, 2011, 3:20 AM
Post #46
From Adam: Nevermind. This kid still looks like he's posing

Jorge on Feb 9, 2011, 3:15 AM
Post #45
i'm sorry but unless power company has improved light years from years past (namely last year) there is just no way they'll top riverside. riverside will sweep this competition no doubt. we've competed against them twice already and they're extremely good....or "phenomenal" as previously stated.

There we have it... so you ARE from Omaha Westside.

Bae on Feb 9, 2011, 3:15 AM
Post #44
< Post Content Removed >

Jorge on Feb 9, 2011, 2:57 AM
Post #43
and for the record the only judge that didn't put them in first is a vocal coach for waconia.
guess cheating didn't really get them that far....they didn't even get best vocals! BAHA.

I'm going to guess two things-

You were never in Omaha Westside.
You weren't born in 1999.

I smell a TROLL! But this kind of TROLL makes me miss the sweet and innocent ones like RogerDiaz.

user suspended  on Feb 9, 2011, 2:54 AM
Post #42
and for the record the only judge that didn't put them in first is a vocal coach for waconia.
guess cheating didn't really get them that far....they didn't even get best vocals! BAHA.

Jorge on Feb 9, 2011, 2:51 AM
Post #41
< Post Content Removed >


user suspended  on Feb 9, 2011, 2:47 AM
Post #40
Looks like someone just got owned.

Great job Waconia. You have always been one of my favorites. I know Hastings is fantastic too; you must all be very proud.

obviously none of you cocky bitches saw the score sheets. only one judge didn't put hastings in first. suck on my hard, veiny dick cuz my predictions were right. waconia is bad. end of story.

cecelia. on Jan 31, 2011, 11:51 AM
Post #39
Looks like someone just got owned.

Great job Waconia. You have always been one of my favorites. I know Hastings is fantastic too; you must all be very proud.

just gonna leave this here....
and thank you.

KaraKruchten on Jan 30, 2011, 2:08 PM
Post #38
one more comment...absolutely loved hastings show!!! soooo so fantastic...amazing vocals and so funny to watch! laughed the entire nerdy section and couldnt wait to show my family!

juliofrommississippi on Jan 30, 2011, 12:42 PM
Post #37
Wow. I have to say I never saw this coming. But congrats to everyone! Sounds like a fun day!

KaraKruchten on Jan 30, 2011, 12:07 PM
Post #36
Looks like someone just got owned.

Great job Waconia. You have always been one of my favorites. I know Hastings is fantastic too; you must all be very proud.

Thank you so much! What a great competition, all the groups were amazing. I do have a comment though, before this competition we, or at least myself, as a group have never really gotten to know the Hastings kids and they are some of the friendliest and just plain nicest kids I've met from a show choir! Such fun kids.

Häakon on Jan 30, 2011, 9:51 AM
Post #35
i'm sorry but unless power company has improved light years from years past (namely last year) there is just no way they'll top riverside. riverside will sweep this competition no doubt. we've competed against them twice already and they're extremely good....or "phenomenal" as previously stated.
Looks like someone just got owned.

Great job Waconia. You have always been one of my favorites. I know Hastings is fantastic too; you must all be very proud.

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