Hey Guys, just wanted to say that I had a GREAT time at Fullerton as well! Eventhough I missed the awards, and had to find out the results via-cell phone message I was still very pleased! Can't wait to see everyone at So Cal! Later! :D
LOL. I found out the results through a cell phone as well. Just wanted to say congrats to A Capella for competing in their very first competition. We loved watching you! And congrats to my fellow Enchiladas for "kicking back" and performing the best show I've seen us perform in a while.
Hey Guys, just wanted to say that I had a GREAT time at Fullerton as well! Eventhough I missed the awards, and had to find out the results via-cell phone message I was still very pleased! Can't wait to see everyone at So Cal! Later!
Hey guys!! Wow congrats to all the Db groups. Fullerton was so much fun. I had a blast even though for Solitaire the stage was so small. It is something I will never forget lol. Yea I want to give a shout out to all the cool Hart Peeps we met, you guys are the bestest and should have placed higher than 4th u girls rock gosh the judging is always somewhat strange at fullerton. And to the mixed group what the heck u guys should have placed i love your show especially Haylee's solo ohh ohh ohh you can't stop today!! NOOO lol k well Congrats to everyone who did place!! I thought all the choirs I saw yesterday did an amazing job woo go show choir! To everyone else i met you guys are so fun. I love making new show choir friends. Woo fun times!! bye guys xoxo *muah*
Is Esperanza going to Las Vegas Next Week for the Heritage Festival?
Im not sure which group was going but Esperanza rang a bell. If not them could someone please tell me who is?
Can't wait to see you to Laura! It was soooooo good seeing you! Did you hear someone yell your name a numerieous times! That was me!!!!! Go Laura.. I can't wait to see you again at Burroughs and your show! By the way, I wish CV was going at Burroughs!
I had such an incredible time, despite my injury in my very first round of Full-Contact (by the way, I think I sprained my thumb, haha). Shoutouts to Anne(Los Al), Mike(Burbank), and RAY!(DB) for being really awesome to me. I can't wait for Burroughs. See ya there!
are you serious? wow ...