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 Show Choir Community    Events    2010 Season    Medina Midwest Showcase 2010
Event Info

February 13th, 2010
Venue Info
Medina High School
Performing Arts Center
851 Weymouth Road
Medina, OH 44256
Phone: (330) 636-3200
Event Details
Number of Attending Choirs:
15 Mixed Groups
Event Hosts:
Medina "Encore Entertainment Company"
Event Judges:
Mike Crandall
Kimberly Edwards
David Legg
Nancy Slife Benko
Prelims Only - $10
Finals Only - $10
All Day - $15
Medina Midwest Showcase 2010

Event Site
Live Stream

The Company
Piqua High School
Grand Champion
Best Choreography
Best Band
Best Costumes
Best Show Design
Judge's Choice

First Edition
Findlay High School
First Runner Up
Best Vocals
Best Crew
Best Male Soloist (Brady Miller)

Voices In Perfection
Capital High School
Second Runner Up
Best Female Soloist (Sarah Pauley)

Olentangy High School
3rd Runner Up

Beavercreek High School
4th Runner Up
People's Choice

Cory-Rawson High School
5th Runner Up

Mixed Division - Tier I (Prelims) Show
Mixed Division - Tier II (Prelims) Show
Mixed Division - Tier III (Prelims) Show
Attending Members displaying 6 of 27 members (view all)
77 comments • Sort by

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Shownerd08 on Feb 14, 2010, 12:18 PM
Post #57

I have to agree with you...I am hoping that Capital will at least pull 2nd runner up! That would be great! They have a great show this year!

Wow, I am always right!

stagecrew2 on Feb 14, 2010, 12:36 AM
Post #56
Congrats Piqua!
Can't wait to see you all at Fairfield!

Get_Ready0203 on Feb 14, 2010, 12:34 AM
Post #55
Final awards

Grand Champs- Piqua
1ru- Findlay
2nd- Capital
3ru- Olentangy
4ru- Beavercreek
5ru- Cory Rawson


TheNewf on Feb 14, 2010, 12:22 AM
Post #54
Sarah Pauley was the girl from Capital who won Best Female Soloist.


showmom05 on Feb 14, 2010, 12:08 AM
Post #53
What was the name of the female soloist from Capital?

tj on Feb 13, 2010, 7:38 PM
Post #52
Aww beat me to the results!
Its been so much fun so far, and good luck to all of the finalists!!
Everyone was absolutely AMAZING!

Get_Ready0203 on Feb 13, 2010, 7:23 PM
Post #51
Other prelim awards

Class a champion- Findlay
Class A 1ru- Capital
Class A 2ndru- Beavercreek

Class B Champion- Piqua
Class B 1ru- Olentangy
Class B 2ru- Garfield Heights

Class C Champion- Cory Rawson
Class C 1ru- Van Buren
Class C 2ru- Rocky River

Judge's choice- Piqua "Freak Flag" song
People's choice- Beavercreek
Best Combo- Piqua
Best Vocals- Findlay
Best Choreography- Piqua
Best Costumes- Piqua
Best Creew- Find?ay
Best Show Design- Piqua
Best Female soloist- Capital
Best Male soloist- Findlay

Get_Ready0203 on Feb 13, 2010, 7:14 PM
Post #50
Finalists (not iin performing order)

Cory rawson

Shownerd08 on Feb 13, 2010, 4:22 PM
Post #49
Quick prediction before tonight-

GC- Findlay (bv/bc)
1st- Piqua
2nd- Beavercreek
3rd- Olentangy
4th- Capital
5th -Garfield

Findlay will no doubt have a tap number that will stun and amaze everyone, and if there vocals are anything like they were last year, then I think they've got this.
however Piqua will be SUPER close behind them.

I have to agree with you...I am hoping that Capital will at least pull 2nd runner up! That would be great! They have a great show this year!


r.y.a.n. on Feb 13, 2010, 12:43 PM
Post #48
Quick prediction before tonight-

GC- Findlay (bv/bc)
1st- Piqua
2nd- Beavercreek
3rd- Olentangy
4th- Capital
5th -Garfield

Findlay will no doubt have a tap number that will stun and amaze everyone, and if there vocals are anything like they were last year, then I think they've got this.
however Piqua will be SUPER close behind them.


vibratoman on Feb 13, 2010, 12:35 PM
Post #47

Shownerd08 on Feb 13, 2010, 9:22 AM
Post #46
Let's Go Vip's ! The only out of state school. Show them what West Virginia is all about.


Mason.Friends.Mason on Feb 13, 2010, 8:26 AM
Post #45
I Hope everyone has an amazing show and lets do it!!!!!!! Work your butts off

NickAngiocchi on Feb 13, 2010, 7:19 AM
Post #44
I wish the best of luck to all performing groups today! This is going to be one hell of a competition being hosted by the Medina Encore Entertainment Company!! Have a great day and I'll see you all there!!

With Respect,
~ Nick Angiocchi ~

SteffahnMaclin on Feb 13, 2010, 1:15 AM
Post #43

Shownerd08 on Feb 12, 2010, 4:06 PM
Post #42
GC : Piqua BC BB
1r: Findlay BV
2r: Olentangy
3r: Beavercreek
4r: Capital
5r: Garfield Heights

I don't know if I would have Garfield on the finals list...They are good, but I don't know what happened this year. They have alot of energy...I just don't know.

Shownerd08 on Feb 12, 2010, 4:04 PM
Post #41
As much as I LOOOOOOVVVEEE Piqua, I'm going to go out on a limb and say that Findlay is going to take this one...Any feedback. I have not seen either groups. But they are both Fannnntastic!

LINDS. !@#$ on Feb 12, 2010, 1:54 PM
Post #40
Good luck to all! Can't wait to see everyone's shows. Brush is really excited to be attending this competition.


Jwo1 on Feb 9, 2010, 12:36 PM
Post #39
GC : Piqua BC BB
1r: Findlay BV
2r: Olentangy
3r: Beavercreek
4r: Capital
5r: Garfield Heights

Shownerd08 on Feb 9, 2010, 11:13 AM
Post #38
Go Capital VIP's ! Great time slot ")

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