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  Show Choir Community    Events    2010 Season    Fairfield Crystal Classic 2010

   Event Info

March 6th, 2010

Venue Info

Fairfield High School
8800 Holden Blvd.
Fairfield, OH 45014

Phone: (513) 942-2999

Event Details

No. of Attending Choirs:

  16 Mixed Groups
  5 Treble Groups
  8 Middle School Groups


  Fairfield "Choraliers"
  Fairfield "Pure Elegance"
  Fairfield "Rhythm Express"


  Kevin Butler (jr. high / womens)

  Myra Crosby (jr. high / womens)

  Jennifer Gulsvig Dunn (tier I / finals)

  E. Lynn Knoble (tier I / finals)

  Melissa Stainbrook (solo judge / finals)

  Stephen Todd (tier I / finals)

  Eric Van Cleave (tier I / finals)

  Pamela Leitzinger (solo judge)

  Ryan Heinrich (jr. high / womens)

  Marty DeMott (critique)

  Randy Sage (critique)


$10 Adults
$8 Seniors and Children

$12 Adults
$10 Seniors and Children

Day Pass:
$18 All-Day


Fairfield Crystal Classic 2010

Event Site
Live Stream




 Clinton High School
Grand Champion 
Best Choreography 
Best Band 
Best Set 
Best Costumes 

 John Burroughs High School
First Runner Up 
Best Vocals 

 Sound System
 Center Grove High School
Second Runner Up 

 Elite Energy
 Eisenhower High School
3rd Runner Up 
Best Male Vocalist (JT Talley) 

 Swingers Unlimited
 Marysville High School
4th Runner Up 

 Central Sound
 Lawrence Central High School
5th Runner Up 

   Mixed Division - Tier I (Prelims)

   Mixed Division - Tier II



 Opening Knight
 South Dearborn High School
First Place 

 Center Stage
 Milton-Union High School
Second Place 

 Surround Sound

 Center Grove High School
No Placement 

 Varsity Singers

 Ada High School
No Placement 


 North Union High School
No Placement 

   Treble Division



 Sound Sensations
 John Burroughs High School
First Place 
Best Vocals 
Best Choreography 
Best Female Vocalist 

 Center Grove High School
Second Place 

 Fascinating Rhythm

 Hamilton High School
No Placement 

 Cardinal Company

 Colerain High School
No Placement 

 Sweet Sensation

 Lawrence Central High School
No Placement 

   Middle School Division



 Mini Warehouse
 Edgewood Junior High School
First Place 
Best Vocals 
Best Choreography 

 North Ridge Middle School
Second Place 
Best Costumes 
Best Male Vocalist 

 Cutting Edge
 Hamilton Middle Schools
Third Place 
Best Female Vocalist 

 Guys & Dolls

 Ferguson Middle School
No Placement 

 Eagle Pride

 Horace Mann Middle School
No Placement 


 Loveland Middle School
No Placement 

 Mini Swingers

 Bunsold Middle School
No Placement 


 Ankeney Middle School
No Placement 

   Attending Members displaying 6 of 118 members (view all)  



LINDS. !@#$




1079 comments • Sort by

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sandrajoan22 on Mar 7, 2010, 12:53 PM
Post #860
[quote name='Flare' date='1267970634' post='494604']The bottom line's just show choir. I guess it is easier for me to say this because I have been an alumni for a few years. But, while it is a wonderful feeling to receive a grand champion award, at the end of the day the simple goal is to entertain. If every group gave their heart and soul to their performance, and left the audience in applause and entertainment, then they did their job. I know I was extremely impressed with all of the groups - so much hard work goes into every show. I had my personal favorites and opinions, but it's not worth crying out over. And of course there are going to be a few people upset with the results, but at the end of the day life goes on.

I'll wait to post more of my thoughts of the groups at a later time.[/quote]

VERY well said. I'm a current performer, and sure- it's nice to win, but when you're walking around after a fierce performance and you hear people singing your songs, or talking about aspects of your show they liked... that's worth more than [b]any[/b] trophy.

I sooo wish I could have watched this live feed! Is there somewhere where I can watch the performances from last night?

Congrats to all the groups!

TonyAtienza on Mar 7, 2010, 12:41 PM
Post #859
[quote name='blipper247' date='1267979202' post='494634']I wasn't there and havent seen either group, that said, it's a widely known fact that Mr Fher manipulated the panel at fame Chicago two years ago and still lost. Similarly he manipulated the panel in California last year, and still lost. This year he manipulated the panel at Fairfield and won, so congratulations Mr Fher on finally getting that "win". Hopefully it feels as good as if you had won it honestly.[/quote]

I don't think so...

Horrible accusation from someone who hasn't even claimed a show choir on here.

We applaud Clinton for being very classy, and we Californians are quite proud of John Burroughs high school!

Sound Sensations and Powerhouse! Great job!!


Hughes96 on Mar 7, 2010, 11:36 AM
Post #858
People get a tad vicious on here. and i thought that the whole competition was amazing and some shows surpassed what people would think of them and other shows just didnt quite live up to thier hype. overall the shows were amzing though. im just disapointed we didnt make fianls...from piqua

Shownerd08 on Mar 7, 2010, 11:28 AM
Post #857
No matter what is said, Congrats Attache, Flawless as usual! Don't let all these negative comments keep you from enjoying your victory. You guys are known for your ammmazzzzzing choreography, and amazing vocals. Your group is my all-time favorite group, and there is not ONE year that goes by that you don't amaze me. No matter what is going to be said...Burroughs and Clinton are COMPLETELY diffferent show choirs. Attache-In-Sync Choreography, Very Classy,Nothing Stupid and freaky and Gorgeous Vocals. Burroughs-Very Theatrical, Loud Vocals, Very Chic and Unique. But nonetheless, it was a overall hard competition, and I had my money on Attache since December. I may be biased, but Clinton Attache is the true definition of show choir, and I hate that so many bitter people are making such crude comments about your victory. It is a completely different world of show choir between the East Coast, and the West Coast...Again I say congrats, and I cannot wait to get my finals dvd.

Bae on Mar 7, 2010, 11:05 AM
Post #856
[quote name='JWill' date='1267973886' post='494610']I think the term that people are actually looking for in describing Burroughs is 'avant-garde'. It is not possible to be too artistic, though it is certainly possible to be too avant-garde.[/quote]

I like it. We'll go with that

JWill on Mar 7, 2010, 10:58 AM
Post #855
I think the term that people are actually looking for in describing Burroughs is 'avant-garde'. It is not possible to be too artistic, though it is certainly possible to be too avant-garde.

EsAreUnimportant on Mar 7, 2010, 10:46 AM
Post #854
[quote name='TaylorB' date='1267972603' post='494608']I never said Burroughs was "too artistic". I said they were TRYING TO BE TOO ARTISTIC. I talked with Jay Burken and he agreed with me that they're trying to do too much. I just personally don't like their show this year. Loved last years' show, disliked this years because of the things they do. I was buying into it majorly with the closer and I thought, "wow this is the incredible Powerhouse that I love", and then completely killed it with that goofy ending. Their vocals in the day (didn't get to see them, Clinton, CG, or EEE at night because I had to work) were def not as good as CG or Clinton and they were also more sloppy than Clinton for sure, maybe CG. I'm also not a huge fan of the costuming this year. I just wish they would have picked a different theme overall.

And keep in mind that this is JUST AN OPINION from an OBSERVER.[/quote]

As another OBSERVER with an OPINION, I agree with Taylor and Jay. I thought there was definitely an argument to be made for Powerhouse '09 to be better than Attache '09. I definitely think Attache '10 is better than Powerhouse '10. Clinton deserved their Vocals caption (although CG gave them a run for it), and no one touched Clinton's level of choreography. A clear victory for Clinton.

Bae on Mar 7, 2010, 10:36 AM
Post #853
I never said Burroughs was "too artistic". I said they were TRYING TO BE TOO ARTISTIC. I talked with Jay Burken and he agreed with me that they're trying to do too much. I just personally don't like their show this year. Loved last years' show, disliked this years because of the things they do. I was buying into it majorly with the closer and I thought, "wow this is the incredible Powerhouse that I love", and then completely killed it with that goofy ending. Their vocals in the day (didn't get to see them, Clinton, CG, or EEE at night because I had to work) were def not as good as CG or Clinton and they were also more sloppy than Clinton for sure, maybe CG. I'm also not a huge fan of the costuming this year. I just wish they would have picked a different theme overall.

And keep in mind that this is JUST AN OPINION from an OBSERVER.

Flare on Mar 7, 2010, 10:27 AM
Post #852
[quote name='pplplezr' date='1267944011' post='494546']I'm not gushing, but the peeps next door are being really loud and I drank a cup o' coffee.

Thanks to Rian, Claire, Haakon, Scott, Adam, Cam, and Nick for being visibly available during the contest. As someone with no previous experience with many of these groups, it was nice to have a road map (Claire).

I want to congratulate Clinton on a very solid finals show. I think that your show tonight/last night was one of, if not THE best show I've seen from y'all.

I'm gonna skip Powerhouse for now, just cause I have a lot of stuff to say about you guys...Good stuff for sure!

Center Grove: Your vocals were my favorite of the day. You have a glorious tone and are the best Andy group I have seen for a LONG time.

Eisenhower: I really enjoyed Black Velvet. The arrangement was killer and your choreography was really well thought out. Your ballad was fantastic as well. Very glad y'all made the five hour drive.

Marysville: Disappointed during the day, but WOW'ed by your finals show. Your vocals were beautiful during your finals performance. I really enjoyed your overall show design and was pleased with your vitality onstage.

Lawrence Central: I've been hearing for YEARS about how good your group sings. Y'all sing very well. I was talking with Adam after your finals performance and he was talking about how difficult your arranger arranges music, and you sang it effortlessly. I hope you guys aren't terribly disappointed by your placing (it's okay to be a little) because this finals class was hot!

I've got more, but I can't remember and don't really want to share. Thanks to everyone who participated at the Crystal Classic. I won't forget this contest for a long time.[/quote]

Glad to be your "road map". Somehow I lost you as we were leaving the arena, though. Though really, I'm glad I could have someone to talk to shows about all day!

Flare on Mar 7, 2010, 10:03 AM
Post #851
The bottom line's just show choir. I guess it is easier for me to say this because I have been an alumni for a few years. But, while it is a wonderful feeling to receive a grand champion award, at the end of the day the simple goal is to entertain. If every group gave their heart and soul to their performance, and left the audience in applause and entertainment, then they did their job. I know I was extremely impressed with all of the groups - so much hard work goes into every show. I had my personal favorites and opinions, but it's not worth crying out over. And of course there are going to be a few people upset with the results, but at the end of the day life goes on.

I'll wait to post more of my thoughts of the groups at a later time.


Mr.HJA on Mar 7, 2010, 7:15 AM
Post #850
[quote name='sunglasses_chic08' date='1267936279' post='494464']You know, I thought Lawrence Central would have placed higher; I really enjoyed their show. But the Top 3 was about what I thought...anyway CONGRATS to ALL OF YOU! I loved your shows!![/quote]
agreed but when one judge constantly murders you thats what happens


davidcarem on Mar 7, 2010, 4:57 AM
Post #849
[quote name='Quikksilver010' date='1267951869' post='494592']
If my Firefox would work, I'd just combine this with my last post, but since its not, I'll say it here. I already sent you a message LoL. I'm fine with just letting it go and enjoying our great art. Sound good?[/quote]

it's a dead issue to me. I do agree with you on one thing, I wanna see how the points turned out!! Lol

I_DID_NAHHT on Mar 7, 2010, 4:51 AM
Post #848
[quote name='davidcarem' date='1267951723' post='494590']If you would like to discuss this any further I'd be happy to do so through private messaging. Let's try to keep this thread about the fantastic job all of the groups did and the excellent job Fairfield did hosting![/quote]

If my Firefox would work, I'd just combine this with my last post, but since its not, I'll say it here. I already sent you a message LoL. I'm fine with just letting it go and enjoying our great art. Sound good?

I_DID_NAHHT on Mar 7, 2010, 4:48 AM
Post #847
Has anyone heard anything about points? It had to be pretty close all acorss the board. Did anyone sit behind Eric Van Cleave in the bleachers? It was really entertaining watching him when he gets excited about something. He'd stand up and clap or he'd swing his arms. Haha it was good.


davidcarem on Mar 7, 2010, 4:48 AM
Post #846
Thanks I appreciate and accept your apology. Show choir is so subjective that we all see a show and have a 1000 totally different opinions. That's not a bad thing it's art! I respect your opinion as you are entitled I just have a different one.

If you would like to discuss this any further I'd be happy to do so through private messaging. Let's try to keep this thread about the fantastic job all of the groups did and the excellent job Fairfield did hosting!

ShowOff21 on Mar 7, 2010, 4:44 AM
Post #845
Yay, congrats Clinton!!!!


kit1129 on Mar 7, 2010, 4:38 AM
Post #844
Well said Jorge, and I don't think "ridiculous" is a proper way to describe a choir that stepped outside the box and performed their hearts out.

I_DID_NAHHT on Mar 7, 2010, 4:35 AM
Post #843
[quote name='davidcarem' date='1267950246' post='494580']
I want them to go against Burbank at SCN because they're 2 of the top 3 Choirs in the nation IMO and what would be more fun then adding them to the mix of an already fierce lineup. I'm pretty sure almost everyone on this board would love for Clinton to be competing there, That'd be fun to watch! You really should stop looking so far into things and creating drama where there isn't any. If you bothered to read other posts you'd see that I congratulated Clinton and also said they were the better choir today and deserved to win.[/quote]

Ok, you're right. I went back and read and I took it out of context and drew conclusions. Fine. I apologize, but I hardly think that I was causing drama. I was simply asking a question.

Just out of curiosity, where is the negativity? In my whole review, I didn't say anything negative, other than some personal criticism. In fact, I was very encouraging to just about everyone, including Powerhouse.

And I stand by my statement about all the comments about us in the Midwest not understanding. It's not negativity. It's fact.

Jorge on Mar 7, 2010, 4:24 AM
Post #842
I posted this earlier today, before this particular competition had started... it applies to this competition and many others that occurred today. It even applies to me and my group, who received 1st Runner Up and Best Vocals at Ft. Madison... just like John Burroughs at Fairfield AND Omaha Westside at Lewis Central-

[i]"Let us all remember in this moment that all of the show choirs that compete here today work extremely hard to put on their respective shows. Each should be applauded tremendously for what they do. That being said, there are some great show choirs going home tonight earlier than others... and five that will advance, yet won't win. A lot of people may not even agree with the winner since its such a tight line up that draws the line of where personal preferences are drawn. But, Whoever DOES win, kudos to them. If anyone is to criticize the outcome and or critique show choirs afterwards- do it in a constructive and positive way that is not to take away from the Grand Championship choir... or any choir's placement for that matter. Saying "I felt that Choir A had stronger vocals than Choir B, so I thought they'd place higher" sounds a lot different than "OH MY GAWD. CHOIR B SUCKED! I CAN'T BELIEVE THEY PLACED HIGHER THAN CHOIR A!!! WTF WERE THE JUDGES THINKING!"

Good luck to all of the wonderful show choirs today."[/i]


davidcarem on Mar 7, 2010, 4:24 AM (Edited)
Post #841
[quote name='Quikksilver010' date='1267948655' post='494577']
I was just thinking that a lot of posts on this thread are all about how "we just don't understand" and how Powerhouse should have won, etc etc. You know, it IS possible that a group was better than Powerhouse on a given day. Just saying guys. No need to get defensive. And wishing Clinton would go against Burbank at SCN to get beat by them? Why? Why would you even say this? Do you have a vendetta against Clinton for some reason?[/quote]

Lol talk about completely adding on and making things up that I never said. Nobody has a vendetta against Clinton! After meeting those kids and Mr. Fehr last year at Los Al it would be impossible! They're some of the Nicest people I've ever meet in the show choir world, True professionals.

Please stop being so negative and getting so defensive and let's focus on what a great day of show choir we just had and what an amazing job all the groups did today!

I want them to go against Burbank at SCN because they're 2 of the top 3 Choirs in the nation IMO and what would be more fun then adding them to the mix of an already fierce lineup. I'm pretty sure almost everyone on this board would love for Clinton to be competing there, That'd be fun to watch! You really should stop looking so far into things and creating drama where there isn't any. If you bothered to read other posts you'd see that I congratulated Clinton and also said they were the better choir today and deserved to win.

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