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  Show Choir Community    Events    2010 Season    Fairfield Crystal Classic 2010

   Event Info

March 6th, 2010

Venue Info

Fairfield High School
8800 Holden Blvd.
Fairfield, OH 45014

Phone: (513) 942-2999

Event Details

No. of Attending Choirs:

  16 Mixed Groups
  5 Treble Groups
  8 Middle School Groups


  Fairfield "Choraliers"
  Fairfield "Pure Elegance"
  Fairfield "Rhythm Express"


  Kevin Butler (jr. high / womens)

  Myra Crosby (jr. high / womens)

  Jennifer Gulsvig Dunn (tier I / finals)

  E. Lynn Knoble (tier I / finals)

  Melissa Stainbrook (solo judge / finals)

  Stephen Todd (tier I / finals)

  Eric Van Cleave (tier I / finals)

  Pamela Leitzinger (solo judge)

  Ryan Heinrich (jr. high / womens)

  Marty DeMott (critique)

  Randy Sage (critique)


$10 Adults
$8 Seniors and Children

$12 Adults
$10 Seniors and Children

Day Pass:
$18 All-Day


Fairfield Crystal Classic 2010

Event Site
Live Stream




 Clinton High School
Grand Champion 
Best Choreography 
Best Band 
Best Set 
Best Costumes 

 John Burroughs High School
First Runner Up 
Best Vocals 

 Sound System
 Center Grove High School
Second Runner Up 

 Elite Energy
 Eisenhower High School
3rd Runner Up 
Best Male Vocalist (JT Talley) 

 Swingers Unlimited
 Marysville High School
4th Runner Up 

 Central Sound
 Lawrence Central High School
5th Runner Up 

   Mixed Division - Tier I (Prelims)

   Mixed Division - Tier II



 Opening Knight
 South Dearborn High School
First Place 

 Center Stage
 Milton-Union High School
Second Place 

 Surround Sound

 Center Grove High School
No Placement 

 Varsity Singers

 Ada High School
No Placement 


 North Union High School
No Placement 

   Treble Division



 Sound Sensations
 John Burroughs High School
First Place 
Best Vocals 
Best Choreography 
Best Female Vocalist 

 Center Grove High School
Second Place 

 Fascinating Rhythm

 Hamilton High School
No Placement 

 Cardinal Company

 Colerain High School
No Placement 

 Sweet Sensation

 Lawrence Central High School
No Placement 

   Middle School Division



 Mini Warehouse
 Edgewood Junior High School
First Place 
Best Vocals 
Best Choreography 

 North Ridge Middle School
Second Place 
Best Costumes 
Best Male Vocalist 

 Cutting Edge
 Hamilton Middle Schools
Third Place 
Best Female Vocalist 

 Guys & Dolls

 Ferguson Middle School
No Placement 

 Eagle Pride

 Horace Mann Middle School
No Placement 


 Loveland Middle School
No Placement 

 Mini Swingers

 Bunsold Middle School
No Placement 


 Ankeney Middle School
No Placement 

   Attending Members displaying 6 of 118 members (view all)  







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I_DID_NAHHT on Mar 7, 2010, 3:57 AM
Post #840
[quote name='Foghorn2005' date='1267948241' post='494574']

Also you guys kind of come across as snooty about your "artistic" differences not being accepted mainstream. Settle down, its not "out of our comfort zone." It's not too "out there" to be understood. Everyone in show choir is a creative person. Thats the territory. Different tastes for directors, students, parents, judges. It's great to see differences in styles. [/quote]

I was just thinking that a lot of posts on this thread are all about how "we just don't understand" and how Powerhouse should have won, etc etc. You know, it IS possible that a group was better than Powerhouse on a given day. Just saying guys. No need to get defensive. And wishing Clinton would go against Burbank at SCN to get beat by them? Why? Why would you even say this? Do you have a vendetta against Clinton for some reason?

Foghorn on Mar 7, 2010, 3:50 AM
Post #839
[quote name='..AnimeKiti4Christ..' date='1267945040' post='494557']I find it kind of funny that people think powerhouse is being "too artistic", mainly because isn't that in a sense what show choir is about? Show choir is definitely an art, (in my opinion), so what's wrong with being artistic? Shouldn't stepping out of the box of what people typically do be considered a good thing? I think if everyone stays to the same kinds of things and not explore what's out there, then everything will stay generally constant and not be as interesting. So why turn down something different from the norm?[/quote]

There is a fine line between "artistic" and "ridiculous" animekiti4christ (?). This is a line that gets tested all of the time in show choir. It's really not that big of a deal. I think everybody is kind of over the whole burroughs being more artistic than anyone else thing. Have you heard of Sauk Prairie? Can you imagine an entire set of JUST Fiddler on the Roof, costumes, dancing with a beer on their head guys et all? Everybody has a style. People from the midwest kind of hate on Burroughs, I understand. First of all we don't like to see Clinton lose. They're just not supposed to. (Which is why they won today) Also you guys kind of come across as snooty about your "artistic" differences not being accepted mainstream. Settle down, its not "out of our comfort zone." It's not too "out there" to be understood. Everyone in show choir is a creative person. Thats the territory. Different tastes for directors, students, parents, judges. It's great to see differences in styles. It's what makes competitions like Fairfield so amazing. A huge majority of styles were showcased. It was such an awesome set up with the streaming live website deally. Way to go Haakon. I sat extremely patiently through the technical difficulties because i was just in awe of how far show choir has come.

susieshowchoir on Mar 7, 2010, 3:45 AM
Post #838
[quote name='Quikksilver010' date='1267947089' post='494568']Just a quick question for all that watched the live feed. Was the sound quality off of the feed good? Were vocals louder than they were in the arena? Because they were kinda hard to hear sometimes in there.[/quote]
i had to turn the volume up as high as i could, but it was quality sound.
But then when they turned on the music between groups I had to turn it way back down.

I_DID_NAHHT on Mar 7, 2010, 3:31 AM
Post #837
Just a quick question for all that watched the live feed. Was the sound quality off of the feed good? Were vocals louder than they were in the arena? Because they were kinda hard to hear sometimes in there.


kit1129 on Mar 7, 2010, 3:26 AM
Post #836
Thank you Haakon for letting us all be a part of the experience. You rock, sir! Wishing you a safe trip home!

wetzelpretzel on Mar 7, 2010, 3:16 AM
Post #835
I watched the show through the live feed, and it was such a fun experience to watch groups performing in "real-time" halfway across the country, and being able to enjoy their whole set without the hassle of switching videos (if it were youtube or some other video-hosting website). I can understand the technical difficulties involved with it too, because it was a live feed and nothing could really be done immediately after the problem occurred, like with the sound not working and such, so that didn't bother me very much.
Anyway, I saw a few of the groups and I was entertained by every one of them. I honestly can't remember which ones they were, because their names escape me, but I do remember seeing Clinton and Burroughs. Both did outstanding as always, and congratulations to the GC & best choreo to Clinton and 1RU & best vocals to Burroughs. (I only know of those thanks to the cool new event info section at the top of the forum, which displays who won what. haha)

My mom turned on the live feed pretty late in the day, and a group I wasn't familiar with was onstage. I thought to myself, "Wow, they're actually really good..." and I wasn't critiquing them at all (like I normally do when watching other choirs perform, haha) and actually enjoyed their show, and costumes, and vocals all at the same time! It turns out, the group I was watching was the host group themselves, the Choraliers. I was ecstatic that they could do that well, at that late at night, and not even be performing to win. I could really tell that they were performing because they enjoyed it, and they had such a relaxed and friendly approach that I enjoyed every second of their set. If they perform that way all the time, I don't see why they shouldn't win more often. The Fairfield Choraliers are now one of my favorite non-California show choir groups.

lily_castle on Mar 7, 2010, 2:57 AM
Post #834
I find it kind of funny that people think powerhouse is being "too artistic", mainly because isn't that in a sense what show choir is about? Show choir is definitely an art, (in my opinion), so what's wrong with being artistic? Shouldn't stepping out of the box of what people typically do be considered a good thing? I think if everyone stays to the same kinds of things and not explore what's out there, then everything will stay generally constant and not be as interesting. So why turn down something different from the norm?

EsweeneyE on Mar 7, 2010, 2:53 AM
Post #833
Soooooo how long until the entire finals DVD is on Youtube!

I_DID_NAHHT on Mar 7, 2010, 2:46 AM
Post #832
Oh, and it was awesome to meet Haakon. Sadly, he was the only SCC person I saw today. I was wearing camo shorts and a black t-shirt with a brown and blue California hat. Did anyone at least see me walking around? LoL


drmt on Mar 7, 2010, 2:44 AM
Post #831
[quote name='kit1129' date='1267941754' post='494535']I think it's funny when people say that Burroughs is "too artistic" when I see so many dance moves and costume choices from many choirs that look eerily familiar to things Burroughs have done in years past that were also deemed "too artistic".[/quote]
Yes, I do recall seeing a circus themed set with tutus and all and how about that tall puffy PH hair from '09? That has appeared this year too!

I_DID_NAHHT on Mar 7, 2010, 2:42 AM
Post #830
Ok, so now for my review. This might be a little long, so bear with me. If you aren't interested, move along, move along like I know ya do!

First of all, thank you to EVERYONE associated with Fairfield for putting on this great competition. It is (for my money) the premiere show choir competition in the state of Ohio.

Loveland: Much better than what I remember from Fairfield in 2007. You guys have a good look and some good vocals. Huge improvement over the past couple of years. Keep pushing yourselves harder and work even harder and you'll get even better. I forsee a bright future for the Loveland program.

Piqua: I thought you guys did great. This was my favorite show that you guys have ever done, and I can see why you have been so successful this year. Seriously, don't let what happened today make you feel any less proud of your season. You guys did fantastic this year, as well as today. I just can't express to you how much I enjoyed your show. Plus, you made the whole marching band on stage thing not tacky like it has been EVERY other time I saw it. Really enjoyed your backdrops as well. Sorry for how things turned out, but you guys still had a great season, so don't hang your heads on it.

Lebanon: You guys are the ONLY group that I didn't get to see today

Colerain: Like Piqua, this was my favorite show that I've seen you guys put on. To be honest, you were completely different than the Colerain that I remember. Much more dancing and much more energy. Congrats on your performance. Also, to the girl on the left side of the stage in the front row that lost her shoe today during the performance (yet it still hung on to her foot for dear life), good job in handling that. Good showmanship from you. Way to go Show Cards. You put on a finals-worthy show for sure, it was just a really tough competition.

Hamilton: I have to admit, I was impressed. I remember you guys from just a few years back. MUCH improved from those times. Couple times the vocals got almost completely lost, but I think that was on the hanging mics more than anything. Good job though. Plus, I met some pretty awesome Hamilton people today, so that was enjoyable too!

Eisenhower: You guys were the first group of the day to REALLY reach out and grab me. The energy was great and you guys were the first group that I actually got a good listen to the vocals on. I saw you all back in 2007 and I think this show was 100% better than that one. I LOVED the second number (Black Velvet) and the soloist for the ballad was awesome too. I really enjoyed you guys (CONTINUED IN FINALS REVIEW SECTION)

Clinton: Man, I love Clinton. Perfect choreography. Even moreso than years past. Whoever did the bulk of it this year was spot on, so awesome job on that. That being said, your vocals in prelims I thought were a little down. But, again, I think that had something to do with the hanging mics. Energy in prelims was good, but it could have used some work. At the end of the day, you are still Attache! (CONTINUED IN FINALS REVIEW SECTION)

John Burroughs: Ok, ok. So I have had some trouble believing all the hype in the past. But today you guys proved me wrong...somewhat. First off, the opener was great, but it went downhill for me from there until the next to last song, then it was great until the end. Vocals were great, but I still don't see the choreography in your guys show that lives up to some other groups. Before I get jumped on, what was actually dancing was very well done. The lifts (of various types) were synchronized and very well executed. BUT, I saw too much moving around from spot to spot for my taste. Sorry, but it's my opinion. HOWEVER, after prelims, I had you in 1st because of your vocals! (CONTINUED)

Center Grove: I was thoroughly impressed with Sound System. It was my first time seeing you live, and it was truly a treat. It's clear to me why you guys are (nearly) undefeated this year. I loved all but (I think) one of your songs, and it wasn't because it wasn't well done. It was just because classic Broadway show choir isn't really my cup of tea. (CONTINUED)

Lawrence Central: I enjoyed it. I don't really have much else to say other than that. Vocals weren't the greatest, choreo wasn't the greatest, but you guys performed it well. (CONTINUED)

Marysville: I saw your guys show on YouTube this year and I honestly thought that you didn't stand a chance today. That just goes to show that YouTube and actually being there are different. Now, that said, you were really low energy during prelims, but you executed well enough to get into finals, so congrats on that. The show was interesting and fun, really, up until the closer. I wasn't really a huge fan of the Jimi Hendrix closer. (CONTINUED)

That's my prelims thoughts. After prelims I had the order:

1st: Burroughs
2nd: Clinton
3rd: Center Grove
4th: Lawrence Central
5th: Eisenhower
6th: Marysville
7th: Piqua
8th: Colerain
9th: Hamilton
10th: Loveland

I was a TAD shocked that Burroughs didn't get best costumes, and that Clinton didn't get best crew (only because I don't really remember Piqua's crew really doing anything). Best male soloist went to the right person IMO, but best female I was sure was going to the last female soloist in Powerhouse's show.

So now on to finals:

Clinton: Not much else can be said other than you did what you do. Choreography was perfectly flawless, I could actually hear the vocals really well, and the band (as always) was perfect. I don't know how you do it, Attache, but you are simply the best. I'm pretty sure that after the performance, it was a done deal. Nothing much could really touch you guys at that point. I had you guys winning it all!

John Burroughs: I thought you guys did a much better job in finals in the sense of performing with conviction. Your performance was much more heartfelt in my eyes. I really enjoyed your finals performance and the lighting effects were definately a boost. PS. Very professional of you guys during prelims when the lights hadn't gone down completely to hold your positions. In finals, your show held my attention better. I really have gotten to the point where I like this show, so congrats on making a believer out of me (just not in the choreography department this year). I had you in 2nd or 3rd (either one) after finals.

Center Grove: Woah! You guys really stepped it up in finals. I was thinking that you guys would maybe get 2nd place after your performance honestly. Vocals were great and choreography was great. That's all.

Eisenhower: Great show in finals. Like CG, you guys really stepped it up in finals too. I was impressed. Congrats. I had you in 4th.

Marysville: It was better, but not really by much. I had you guys in last place, actually. This is only because I didn't get NEARLY the same feeling during the show that I did cduring the four groups right before you.

Lawrence Central: I don't really understand what it was, but I didn't like the finals performance. It was a slower show, and it was getting really late, so I'm sure that didn't really help. But man those two guys with the dancing solos can DANCE! Good job guys!

Fairfield: This was my favorite show from you guys ever. The last number is amazing and the show in general was really fun to watch. The backdrop is really creepy too, which is great for the show that you performed.

So, these are my completely critical opinions, but they are my opinions nonetheless. But don't take them as offensive. I thought finals and even prelims were ultra intense and amazing. This is the best competition that I have ever been to and it was such and honor getting to see Burroughs, Center Grove, and Lawrence Central live for the first time. Thanks guys!


pplplezr on Mar 7, 2010, 2:40 AM
Post #829
I'm not gushing, but the peeps next door are being really loud and I drank a cup o' coffee.

Thanks to Rian, Claire, Haakon, Scott, Adam, Cam, and Nick for being visibly available during the contest. As someone with no previous experience with many of these groups, it was nice to have a road map (Claire).

I want to congratulate Clinton on a very solid finals show. I think that your show tonight/last night was one of, if not THE best show I've seen from y'all.

I'm gonna skip Powerhouse for now, just cause I have a lot of stuff to say about you guys...Good stuff for sure!

Center Grove: Your vocals were my favorite of the day. You have a glorious tone and are the best Andy group I have seen for a LONG time.

Eisenhower: I really enjoyed Black Velvet. The arrangement was killer and your choreography was really well thought out. Your ballad was fantastic as well. Very glad y'all made the five hour drive.

Marysville: Disappointed during the day, but WOW'ed by your finals show. Your vocals were beautiful during your finals performance. I really enjoyed your overall show design and was pleased with your vitality onstage.

Lawrence Central: I've been hearing for YEARS about how good your group sings. Y'all sing very well. I was talking with Adam after your finals performance and he was talking about how difficult your arranger arranges music, and you sang it effortlessly. I hope you guys aren't terribly disappointed by your placing (it's okay to be a little) because this finals class was hot!

I've got more, but I can't remember and don't really want to share. Thanks to everyone who participated at the Crystal Classic. I won't forget this contest for a long time.


davidcarem on Mar 7, 2010, 2:25 AM
Post #828
[quote name='kit1129' date='1267941754' post='494535']I think it's funny when people say that Burroughs is "too artistic" when I see so many dance moves and costume choices from many choirs that look eerily familiar to things Burroughs have done in years past that were also deemed "too artistic".[/quote]

haha I know right. I remember so many people saying the same things about 07,08, and even the flawless 09 show. I guess that just comes with the territory when you're not doing what everyone is used to seeing. It takes people out of their comfort zone I guess. That's what makes Burroughs, BURROUGHS!


kit1129 on Mar 7, 2010, 2:07 AM
Post #827
By the way, congratulations to Attache', you were awesome and very clean!


kit1129 on Mar 7, 2010, 2:02 AM (Edited)
Post #826
I think it's funny when people say that Burroughs is "too artistic" when I see so many dance moves and costume choices from many choirs that look eerily familiar to things Burroughs have done in years past that were also deemed "too artistic".

EsAreUnimportant on Mar 7, 2010, 2:00 AM (Edited)
Post #825
From what I saw today... (only on the live feed)

I don't believe I've seen a more impressive show than what Attache put on stage during finals. I was in awe. With so many fantastic groups there, I saw 1RU-5RU being in a lot of different orders, but GC wasn't really in question after their finals performance. Major props to Attache and a special shoutout to the Crisler brothers for keeping me posted from Ohio!

justinberrys on Mar 7, 2010, 1:57 AM
Post #824
I would say burroughs just needs to clean up the choreography, they've gotten best vocals at the last two comps and gotten second with the winner getting showmanship/choreography. I personally think they deserved the win today.

I_DID_NAHHT on Mar 7, 2010, 1:42 AM
Post #823
[quote name='I_Got_Rhythm' date='1267940012' post='494505']I was at the competition today.

Burroughs was quite impressive. The judges faces afterwards were insane. I saw one judge try to stand up, fall back get back up and cover his mouth in shock at how incredible it was.

Clinton was okay during the day. Not incredible. At night, however. It was a brand new show choir. They were polished and great.

Center Grove was my favorite all day. I would not have been surprised to see them win the competition.[/quote]

Am I the only one who thought the groups up until Burroughs were extremely quiet? I'm not calling shenanigans (sp?) or anything, I'm just asking if anyone else made this observation.


ajm41827 on Mar 7, 2010, 1:39 AM
Post #822
[quote name='davidcarem' date='1267940236' post='494510']
I think you have it wrong. I don't think the judge was in awe of how incredible it was. I think he was upset that the show was just a tad bit too artistic! Lololol[/quote]

Not ironically, he was the one judge who had them in first place after the day round .

It was a "holy crap" moment.


davidcarem on Mar 7, 2010, 1:37 AM
Post #821
[quote name='I_Got_Rhythm' date='1267940012' post='494505']I was at the competition today.

Burroughs was quite impressive. The judges faces afterwards were insane. I saw one judge try to stand up, fall back get back up and cover his mouth in shock at how incredible it was.

Clinton was okay during the day. Not incredible. At night, however. It was a brand new show choir. They were polished and great.

Center Grove was my favorite all day. I would not have been surprised to see them win the competition.[/quote]

I think you have it wrong. I don't think the judge was in awe of how incredible it was. I think he was upset that the show was just a tad bit too artistic! Lololol

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